Noticed that the enviroment isnt mentioned anymore recently?

Noticed that the enviroment isnt mentioned anymore recently?


Ron Burgundy

Original Poster:

3,296 posts

189 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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You know since some "banks" decided to go tits up and drag everyone and everything down with it, No-one has been shouting about saving the planet?

Not that im complaining or anything...


70,127 posts

232 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Well, people are rather more worried about their jobs etc..

I think there are a couple of loons still bleating on about it in the news but there is no doubt that it has taken a back seat (though I suppose as I don't watch the news on the BBC anymore it may be somewhat more prevalent on there).

Bing o

15,184 posts

222 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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They are still bleating on about how their predictions were wrong and it's even worse than we thought....

Ironically, you'd expect CO2 levels to fall in the recession/depression/end of society as we know it.

snowy slopes

39,122 posts

190 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Oh i dont know, i see that crappy advert this stupid government has trotted out, y'know, the one about WE are producing too much co2 for the planet to cope with!!! Oh really? Then try getting the chinese to stop building coal; fired power stations then, but i suppose as our great leader, and his predecessor have said that WE have to do our bit!


3,205 posts

222 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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What you need is a fiscal stimulus invested in green technologies. biggrin

Negative Creep

25,055 posts

230 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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I still hear it all the time. Heard something on radio 5 the other night about a film with Pete Pothleswait (sp?) which is about how we're all going to die of climate change. During the interview he was asked why he compared those who don't believe in climate change to holocaust deniers. Never has my respect for someone vanished so quickly


17,170 posts

212 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Negative Creep said:
During the interview he was asked why he compared those who don't believe in climate change to holocaust deniers. Never has my respect for someone vanished so quickly
fk me, that's a pretty aggresive argument!! rolleyes


607 posts

199 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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I work in the construction / development industry and I'd say that despite the big slowdown it really hasn't gone away.

black sabbath2

154 posts

201 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Negative Creep said:
I still hear it all the time. Heard something on radio 5 the other night about a film with Pete Pothleswait (sp?) which is about how we're all going to die of climate change. During the interview he was asked why he compared those who don't believe in climate change to holocaust deniers. Never has my respect for someone vanished so quickly
I thought his interview was very weak tbh,he didn't sound convinced by his own answers,then rounded on the interviewer.As has been said already people are just ever so slightly worried about putting food on their tables so the green issues will sit on the backburner for now at least (no pun intended)