Irish PM reads Obama's speech at White House :-)

Irish PM reads Obama's speech at White House :-)


Martial Arts Man

Original Poster:

6,615 posts

189 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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You know what they say about stereotypes usually being based upon fact?

Truly brilliant; could only have been an Irishman!


P.S. Before the cries of "racist" let me assure you that my bloodline is 75% Irish (I use the other 25% to make it through each day though!)


18,231 posts

243 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Obama and the continual use of the tele prompter is starting to annoy more than a few in the US at the moment. The guy seems unable to give a speech without it. Even the Clinton News Network is getting a little tired of having the prompter in every single shot of Obama.


7,520 posts

246 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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I'd love to see the video of that if there is one.
