Brown sycophants - you'll love this!

Brown sycophants - you'll love this!



Original Poster:

16,484 posts

247 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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I love this:

Arse Kissing Sycophant said:
Defence Secretary John Hutton told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that, if Iran continued with its nuclear weapons programme, it "would be very destabilising for the region and the world. The consequences of that are too frightening to think about".

Mr Brown's speech would be a "restatement of what our policy is" and was "absolutely the kind of speech Barack Obama could make".
From this article:

Comparing "Winky Mcfknut" to Obama is a bit like comparing Wayne (romancer of the elderly) Rooney to Casanova.


57 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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I saw Obama's 'pre budget' speech recently and was mightily impressed. His chrismatic delivery is worlds apart from Brown's gasping monotonous droning.


18,209 posts

269 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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el stovey said:
I saw Obama's 'pre budget' speech recently and was mightily impressed. His chrismatic delivery is worlds apart from Brown's gasping monotonous droning.
Yep, Obama is every bit as good as Tony Blair.


26,396 posts

212 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Where did 'Winky Mcfknut' start? I see Brown's referred to as this in more than one location...! hehe


28,377 posts

287 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Personally I find comparing Gordo to Barack Obama not particularly complimentary about our PM. There again he probably deserves it.


...and I am loving Winky McF**knut. Just perfect.

Simpo Two

86,003 posts

268 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Yertis said:
el stovey said:
I saw Obama's 'pre budget' speech recently and was mightily impressed. His chrismatic delivery is worlds apart from Brown's gasping monotonous droning.
Yep, Obama is every bit as good as Tony Blair.
I was thinking that. Brilliant orator, but not sure how he'll manage in real life.

What's certain is that you could give exactly the same speech to Obama and Brown. Obama would look like he meant every word, but Brown would look a bumbling idiot with an ulterior motive.


1,084 posts

226 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Funk said:
Where did 'Winky Mcfknut' start? I see Brown's referred to as this in more than one location...! hehe
Possibly here;


26,396 posts

212 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
quotequote all
trimbo said:
Funk said:
Where did 'Winky Mcfknut' start? I see Brown's referred to as this in more than one location...! hehe
Possibly here;
Aha! I love the Daily Mash even more now. biggrin


1,351 posts

192 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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anonymous said:


Original Poster:

16,484 posts

247 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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benoli said:
anonymous said:
It's all over the web - and growing...

Just google it.