General Election July 2024



Original Poster:

4,562 posts

162 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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This could either be the shortest thread ever, or possibly not, but with cabinet ministers cancelling travelling plans today it does look like Sunak will announce an election later this evening.

Here we go….


9,980 posts

160 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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No way not without rate and or tax cuts first

Hants PHer

5,892 posts

114 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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LBC seem convinced that Sunak will announce a July 4th election date this afternoon. Shelagh Fogarty's show is discussing it right now; she keeps saying that "Our usual Number Ten sources have not denied it...." but I suppose we'll know soon enough.


Original Poster:

4,562 posts

162 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Cabinet meeting at 4.15pm, with ministers told to cut short travel plans to attend. The fact they are not denying the prospect of a July election is only fuelling speculation. I’m going for a 6 or 7pm announcement outside Downing St.

Derek Smith

45,951 posts

251 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Sunak will probably have a rate cut at the next meeting. A GE a few days after that might be seen as optimum.

Colonel Cupcake

1,112 posts

48 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Derek Smith said:
Sunak will probably have a rate cut at the next meeting. A GE a few days after that might be seen as optimum.
Sunak doesn't get a say on rate cuts, does he?


4,064 posts

52 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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About bloody time. This government has no answers to any of the UK's real problems and has been treading water for what feels like years now. An election can't come soon enough.

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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tim0409 said:
Cabinet meeting at 4.15pm, with ministers told to cut short travel plans to attend. The fact they are not denying the prospect of a July election is only fuelling speculation. I’m going for a 6 or 7pm announcement outside Downing St.

Kick the bds out.


6,244 posts

58 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Reuters reporting on "rumours", and sunak saying "general election in the second half of 2024"


Derek Smith

45,951 posts

251 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Colonel Cupcake said:
Derek Smith said:
Sunak will probably have a rate cut at the next meeting. A GE a few days after that might be seen as optimum.
Sunak doesn't get a say on rate cuts, does he?
It's politics.

It would appear the next rate cut is on the cards, and a little bit of pressure from the government might/will/must swing it to an extent. There was a fair bit of criticism at the last non rate cut. It was for a reason.

They are all in bed together, one way or another.


4,151 posts

161 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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My hopes are the haunted pencil is thrown out along with all the other brexit dimwits. Can't come soon enough.

Chris Type R

8,092 posts

252 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I wouldn't expect the first rate cut to be significant - 25bps I'd guess. Not sigificant enough to be something to swing voters.


10,625 posts

163 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Emily Maitles reports hearing from numerous reliable sources that it's 4th July.


7,342 posts

196 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I think it will happen, people can't keep their mouths shut in Westminster so when there's a buzz like this, it's usually right.

Timothy Bucktu

15,375 posts

203 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Rufus Stone said:

Kick the bds out.
Yes...a change of bds can't come soon enough.


1,926 posts

72 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Seems to be true, July 4th


10,661 posts

194 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Sounds like they've thrown their chips in. I think the, better, but not good enough, Inflation figures was the last nail. Maybe if they could have had a BOE rate cut they might have waited a little longer.


4,934 posts

221 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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That's the weekend of the British GP, so I'll have to vote first thing Thursday morning. No staying awake all night watching Tory names do the walk of shame, as I'll need my beauty sleep for Friday...

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Timothy Bucktu said:
Yes...a change of bds can't come soon enough.
A bit premature. The current Labour Party is different to the one last in power. Let's give them a chance first huh?

Baroque attacks

4,619 posts

189 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Relative who was an MP - they’re pretty certain from what they’ve heard.

They’ve not always right though!