46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



24,458 posts

116 months

mko9 said:
Outside of mean tweets, there really wasn't much of a down side
Have you ever visited the planet Earth?


6,345 posts

58 months

mko9 said:
Umm, a better economy and tax policy. Plus standing up to China, forcing the rest of NATO to start paying their way, border security, progress on peace in the Middle East, etc. Outside of mean tweets, there really wasn't much of a down side
Trumps trade wars are bad for the economy. Business briefings for the past year have been flagging this up. Ironically, the chips act and bidens infrastructure bill recipients would benefit greatly from that. Which is conversely bad for the gop.
He's not "forcing the rest of nato to pay their way", he's moaning about them being propped up by the US, so thevUS wouldn't support them. There was a hullabaloo about his threats to ignore nato security obligations the last time.
He's a simp for China and the Saudis at the moment. So not sure where his improvements in foreign relations will come from



2,123 posts

168 months

Bidens keep quietly revising jobs numbers down after the fact, 4 times in the last 5 months. - https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/payrolls-rise-20...

Zerohedge not the best source for the news, but the data is there.


6,345 posts

58 months

For practical purposes, it's at the right level. Too low, and it increases inflation.



2,123 posts

168 months

TonyToniTone said:
Embattled Biden makes latest gaffe saying he’s the ‘first Black woman to serve with a Black president’


Jetlag biggrin
"I remember, as a Catholic kid growing up up in an area where we didn't like, Catholics didn't get -- I'm the first president to be elected statewide in the state of Delaware when I was a kid. Well, you know, I was, I looked at John Kennedy and said, 'Well, he got elected. Why can't I get elected?"

Never read the transcripts, it's confusing.


2,123 posts

168 months

Starts to complain about Trump, trails off then shouts. - https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/18089901570...


2,123 posts

168 months

"Ho, Ho, Ho! Happy Independence Day! - https://twitter.com/WesternLensman/status/18090255...


6,345 posts

58 months

Not a partisan link, no?




2,123 posts

168 months

Something about traffic and closing roads - https://x.com/catturd2/status/1809030756880298481


2,123 posts

168 months

Mortarboard said:
Not a partisan link, no?


Oh absolutely, but the videos and data referenced seem fine to me.


2,493 posts

215 months

LF5335 said:
Standing up to China rofl

He did nothing about NATO, other than say what Putin told him to when out of office.

Don’t even get me started on the other stuff
I'm sure President Putin was telling President Trump to make sure NATO funding went up a lot. rolleyes When Trump came into office, the NATO members meeting the 2% requirement were basically the US, the UK, and Greece. In 2024 we are up to around 22 of 32 meeting that obligation. And we can still barely support Ukraine. Imagine how pathetic NATO support would be if funding was at the levels of 10 years ago. That conversation was started and driven by President Trump, whether you want to admit it or not.

Next you can tell us all how the Abraham Accords had nothing to do with President Trump, or somehow succeeded despite him being in office. The fact is that the Trump Administration made more progress towards Middle East peace than had been made in probably 20-30 years.

Or you could tell us how the booming economy and record low unemployment was also not due to Trump, and the higher prices and high inflation during the Biden Administration were really Trumps fault.


6,345 posts

58 months

Putin is quoted as saying the he "agrees with trumps solution for ukraine"

Aka "trump sold Ukraine to me"



6,345 posts

58 months

mko9 said:
Or you could tell us how the booming economy and record low unemployment was also not due to Trump, and the higher prices and high inflation during the Biden Administration were really Trumps fault.
Did biden put up prices and inflation in the uk too?




24,458 posts

116 months

mko9 said:
Can you explain why presidential historians say trump is among the worst presidents in the country's history?


Obviously you will never read any of these, and they don't link to them on Newsmax and Fox.

ETA They rate three presidents as worse!


Edited by paulguitar on Friday 5th July 15:52


2,123 posts

168 months

Mortarboard said:
mko9 said:
Or you could tell us how the booming economy and record low unemployment was also not due to Trump, and the higher prices and high inflation during the Biden Administration were really Trumps fault.
Did biden put up prices and inflation in the uk too?


Read this - https://www.vox.com/23036340/biden-american-rescue...

Quite a damning report, no?


6,345 posts

58 months

article said:
Some economists with lower-end estimates still argue that it’s a mistake to put too much blame on the American Rescue Plan, which in their view was just a minor contributor to inflation.


6,218 posts

187 months

Some reports today they are readying Kamala to take over.



12,435 posts

240 months

InformationSuperHighway said:
Some reports today they are readying Kamala to take over.

I have been reliably informed on this thread that this is a conspiracy theory.


22,459 posts

204 months

dvs_dave said:
NRS said:
dvs_dave said:
That’s what I thought. You don’t even have the stones to admit it, even hypothetically. Pathetic.

Fortunately my say in this whole situation isn’t hypothetical, and as it stands today, Biden in a body bag is still the smartest choice.
The irony is this sort of attitude if applied to people who can vote in the US is a negative thing. The swing voters who will decide the election by their nature will not be for Biden or Trump. Yet we see some on here attack this sort of person and lump them as a cowardly Trump supporter frequently because they don’t say that Biden is a better candidate in some (or all) ways. That’s a stupid thing to do, it’s the sort of thing that will push people to Trump. Instead you should accept they might disagree but it’s better to vote for Trump because of xyz - and agree to disagree on some issues.

I’m not even a swing person as I’m 100% behind Biden’s team if it’s only those two but have been called it. Probably because I don’t feel the need to post loads of stuff agreeing with everyone most of the time, and there is very few real Trump supporters on here to call out. So I just call out the odd post I think it either not treating issues equally (you need to be a doctor to diagnose Biden but not for Trump etc) which I think is negative for getting people to vote against Trump. Aggressive attacks and selective facts and ‘truths’ is what he does, I don’t want to see it used by people against him.
I’m a swing voter. And in an election between someone who probably shouldn’t be president, and someone who absolutely must not be president, the choice is crystal clear. I lament the demise of the GOP and the wretched hive of scum and villainy it has become.

Talking of which, how’s the similar dilemma you’re all facing tonight going? hehe
Then you’re not a swing voter that either party need to appeal to this time. I completely agree with your view of the choice to be made. But I think the focus should be on trying to persuade anyone who hasn’t made up their mind/might not vote in a positive way, rather than slating them and saying they’re a Trump supporter. I also see it as stupid as always saying people are idiots for thinking Trump was anything other than the worst president ever and Biden was amazing. By not recognizing the complexity of some issues which people will decide on it just stops them listening to anything said.

One example is the attitude to China. For example Trump did the tariffs against China. That’s argued as bad. But Biden continued a lot of the anti-Chinese stuff, keeping tariffs and trying to onshore jobs and chips etc. Biden did a great job? Or do they both have a policy to counter China and try and get jobs back to the US?


12,411 posts

206 months

InformationSuperHighway said:
Some reports today they are readying Kamala to take over.

CNN really going after Biden now... here they are giving a platform to a doctor suggesting he might have some kind of 'underlying movement disorder'..... I wonder if they know pneumothorax.....
