Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister



3,863 posts

28 months

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pingu393 said:
Mr Penguin said:
The Times view of Rishi Sunak - seems like a fair summary
It fits with my understanding of the situation.

It would be beyond anyone, not just him. There is no way he could sort it in two years, and there's no way that the public would give the Tories any more time. The analogy of the builders and the never-finished kitchen is spot on. It doesn't matter if the latest guy is Michaelangelo, too much damage had already been done.
Fortunately it seems we are about to employ Bob the Builder to sort out the Sistine Chapel so we can all sleep well tomorrow night.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

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Unreal said:
Fortunately it seems we are about to employ Bob the Builder to sort out the Sistine Chapel so we can all sleep well tomorrow night.
Definitely enjoying the stream of hand wringing dire predictions. Very interested in the minds that ignore billions spunked on tasty contracts for mates, peerages sprayed about like confetti, endless failure in service delivery, the north shafted time & again, free wallpaper, partying through lockdown, lying to parliament, lying to the Queen, a conveyor belt of PM's, the highest taxes since the war & still finds the time to weep about the future.

You all seem very normal.


26,636 posts

197 months

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President Merkin said:
Unreal said:
Fortunately it seems we are about to employ Bob the Builder to sort out the Sistine Chapel so we can all sleep well tomorrow night.
Definitely enjoying the stream of hand wringing dire predictions. Very interested in the minds that ignore billions spunked on tasty contracts for mates, peerages sprayed about like confetti, endless failure in service delivery, the north shafted time & again, free wallpaper, partying through lockdown, lying to parliament, lying to the Queen, a conveyor belt of PM's, the highest taxes since the war & still finds the time to weep about the future.

You all seem very normal.
You can both view the Tory's record and think they're st, as well as also think Labour are going to be utterly useless and pretty much solely make things worse.

The D:Ream catchphrase is snappy, but not actually true.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

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How far we have fallen when the right depend on delirious predictions of the future to express how much they would rather stick with wholesale corruption & looting. This place is packed with unrepresentative one eyed right wngers lacking in perspective, which will make Friday all the more enjoyable. The annhiliation is coming for the Tories & it's nothing more than they deserve for the past fourteen years of calamituous mismanagement.


Original Poster:

7,949 posts

76 months

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blueg33 said:
The BJ effect ? There are still quite a few buffoon lovers for some insane reason. Then there are some that swallow the fear mongering which the Tories have ramped up this week.
Can't see Sunak welcoming Johnson's intervention last night. It will just add fuel to the fire of those wanting the Tories out....!


14,075 posts

99 months

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President Merkin said:
How far we have fallen when the right depend on delirious predictions of the future...
Is this your first election?

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

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768 said:
President Merkin said:
How far we have fallen when the right depend on delirious predictions of the future...
Is this your first election?
Are you about to make some novel point about previous governments?

Funny how when you look at that from the reverse perspective, very few of you original thinkers were issuing urgent warnings about Cameron based on Major's limping stshow. And yet, here you all are now.


7,459 posts

39 months

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Yeah can’t wait for Starmer to reverse all the monumental fks the Tories and Labour have caused over the last few governments.

Very refreshing.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

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Then his failure will comfort at least you and your fellow deep thinking travellers. Bit of a theme in there about the country but that sort of thing has never troubled the likes of you, has it now?


104,915 posts

263 months

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President Merkin said:
768 said:
President Merkin said:
How far we have fallen when the right depend on delirious predictions of the future...
Is this your first election?
Are you about to make some novel point about previous governments?

Funny how when you look at that from the reverse perspective, very few of you original thinkers were issuing urgent warnings about Cameron based on Major's limping stshow. And yet, here you all are now.
Anyone would think the Left are immune from delirious predictions.

Then there's the almost obligatory 'all are' generalisation, good form.

Starmer is about to enter the stshow and he hardly moves at the best of times, a limp would get him more airtime so he could pip Farage in the voter recognition stakes (F88/S87) rather than vice versa.



Edited by turbobloke on Wednesday 3rd July 09:28

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

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But about to enter he is. smile



104,915 posts

263 months

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President Merkin said:
But about to enter he is. smile



6,218 posts

51 months

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Rishi showing incisively in just one picture how the polls are moving in his favour and his optimism at getting a majority.


6,449 posts

24 months

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President Merkin said:
Definitely enjoying the stream of hand wringing dire predictions. Very interested in the minds that ignore billions spunked on tasty contracts for mates, peerages sprayed about like confetti, endless failure in service delivery, the north shafted time & again, free wallpaper, partying through lockdown, lying to parliament, lying to the Queen, a conveyor belt of PM's, the highest taxes since the war & still finds the time to weep about the future.

You all seem very normal.

Because Labour have never been involved in peerage scandals, plundering pensions, committing acts of war and trashing employment and taxes whilst in office.


President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

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turbobloke said:
President Merkin said:
But about to enter he is. smile

Always here for you if it all gets a bit overwhelming.


36,738 posts

227 months

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carlo996 said:
President Merkin said:
Definitely enjoying the stream of hand wringing dire predictions. Very interested in the minds that ignore billions spunked on tasty contracts for mates, peerages sprayed about like confetti, endless failure in service delivery, the north shafted time & again, free wallpaper, partying through lockdown, lying to parliament, lying to the Queen, a conveyor belt of PM's, the highest taxes since the war & still finds the time to weep about the future.

You all seem very normal.

Because Labour have never been involved in peerage scandals, plundering pensions, committing acts of war and trashing employment and taxes whilst in office.

Recent behaviour is probably a better indicator than behaviour 20 years ago. How has the recent government behaved?


10,682 posts

163 months

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carlo996 said:
President Merkin said:
Definitely enjoying the stream of hand wringing dire predictions. Very interested in the minds that ignore billions spunked on tasty contracts for mates, peerages sprayed about like confetti, endless failure in service delivery, the north shafted time & again, free wallpaper, partying through lockdown, lying to parliament, lying to the Queen, a conveyor belt of PM's, the highest taxes since the war & still finds the time to weep about the future.

You all seem very normal.

Because Labour have never been involved in peerage scandals, plundering pensions, committing acts of war and trashing employment and taxes whilst in office.

Because more of the same is the way to go?

With FPTP, it’s a choice between Tories and labour. That’s it. So do you want a continuation of the stshow we’ve been living through for the past 14 years or a chance of something new?


6,449 posts

24 months

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blueg33 said:
Recent behaviour is probably a better indicator than behaviour 20 years ago. How has the recent government behaved?
You mean like the selection scandal, the 200K paid to the Welsh Labour leader...not bad for an opposition party who have had to deliver nothing. You do understand the difference between the timeline of Labour scandals...and Labour being in power. If you use those maths you learnt at school you might just find the answer you seek wink

The point being Labour as a rancid as the current lot, and have the hidden loons ready and waiting to topple Starmer. That's if they haven't bankrupted us by the end of the first month.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

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Carlo is the genesis troll. The sourdough starter from which all other trolls are grown. Giving him the attention he craves is an error. And like all trolls, he's permanently unreasoned.

President Merkin said:
Are you about to make some novel point about previous governments?

Funny how when you look at that from the reverse perspective, very few of you original thinkers were issuing urgent warnings about Cameron based on Major's limping stshow. And yet, here you all are now.


14,075 posts

99 months

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valiant said:
Because more of the same is the way to go?

With FPTP, it’s a choice between Tories and labour. That’s it. So do you want a continuation of the stshow we’ve been living through for the past 14 years or a chance of something new?
FPTP doesn't stop voting for an alternative, it just denies it power until there's sufficient support. If people view that delayed transfer of power until after sufficient votes have accrued as a reason not to switch their votes, then there will never be any real chance of something new.