46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



2,072 posts

168 months

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One in three democrats think that Joe should quit the race - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-three-democra...


24,434 posts

116 months

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thatsprettyshady said:
One in three democrats think that Joe should quit the race - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-three-democra...
So a significant majority think he should stay, and, per the linked article, no prominent elected Democrat does any better than Biden in a hypothetical matchup against trump.

It will be interesting to see how the Dems play this. I suspect a significant amount of votes for Biden are, quite understandably, votes to prevent his rival from getting back in, and the shocking recent behaviour of the SCOTUS will have further focussed minds.

I think if either party were to change candidate at this point for a young, articulate middle-of-the-road adult, they'd walk it.


5,296 posts

232 months

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Should old Joe get forced out gracefully step down they'd surely have to pass on to VP Cackling Harris, can you imagine the fallout if they didn't? Many are calling for it.


14,342 posts

200 months

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paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
One in three democrats think that Joe should quit the race - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-three-democra...
So a significant majority think he should stay, and, per the linked article, no prominent elected Democrat does any better than Biden in a hypothetical matchup against trump.

It will be interesting to see how the Dems play this. I suspect a significant amount of votes for Biden are, quite understandably, votes to prevent his rival from getting back in, and the shocking recent behaviour of the SCOTUS will have further focussed minds.

I think if either party were to change candidate at this point for a young, articulate middle-of-the-road adult, they'd walk it.
I think this. Romney, McCain, Kerry or Gore would be gifted this election.

I'm not sure what's worse (well I am, but even so), the GOP turning into a cult of personality around a guy with none, or the Dems for the second time in three elections assuming they'll win and putting up a candidate seemingly just based on whose turn it is.


12,389 posts

206 months

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paulguitar said:
So a significant majority think he should stay, and, per the linked article, no prominent elected Democrat does any better than Biden in a hypothetical matchup against trump.
Whether or not the majority of Democrats are too stubborn to change their mind, it's already too late for Biden. More and more influential Democrats are saying he is gone. The latest is Eric Feigl-Ding (Democrat member, Trump hater, and covid scaremonger) who is now saying it's over. The question now is the date when it will be announced and the process for finding the next candidate.



19,018 posts

171 months

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EddieSteadyGo said:
Whether or not the majority of Democrats are too stubborn to change their mind, it's already too late for Biden. More and more influential Democrats are saying he is gone. The latest is Eric Feigl-Ding (Democrat member, Trump hater, and covid scaremonger) who is now saying it's over. The question now is the date when it will be announced and the process for finding the next candidate.

If FieglDing says it’s over, tbh given his past predictions that surely means Biden is a dead cert to be the Democrat nominee still….. scratchchin


12,389 posts

206 months

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isaldiri said:
If FieglDing says it’s over, tbh given his past predictions that surely means Biden is a dead cert to be the Democrat nominee still….. scratchchin


24,434 posts

116 months

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EddieSteadyGo said:
paulguitar said:
So a significant majority think he should stay, and, per the linked article, no prominent elected Democrat does any better than Biden in a hypothetical matchup against trump.
Whether or not the majority of Democrats are too stubborn to change their mind, it's already too late for Biden. More and more influential Democrats are saying he is gone. The latest is Eric Feigl-Ding (Democrat member, Trump hater, and covid scaremonger) who is now saying it's over. The question now is the date when it will be announced and the process for finding the next candidate.

If he's gone, fine. They need to make a decision and get on with it. It's vital for the country that the alternative does not happen, especially so given what happened yesterday with the Scotus.


12,354 posts

171 months

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paulguitar said:
EddieSteadyGo said:
paulguitar said:
So a significant majority think he should stay, and, per the linked article, no prominent elected Democrat does any better than Biden in a hypothetical matchup against trump.
Whether or not the majority of Democrats are too stubborn to change their mind, it's already too late for Biden. More and more influential Democrats are saying he is gone. The latest is Eric Feigl-Ding (Democrat member, Trump hater, and covid scaremonger) who is now saying it's over. The question now is the date when it will be announced and the process for finding the next candidate.

If he's gone, fine. They need to make a decision and get on with it. It's vital for the country that the alternative does not happen, especially so given what happened yesterday with the Scotus.
But what if "the country" chooses to vote him in, by a majority in a democratic vote?


6,391 posts

46 months

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Durzel said:
But what if "the country" chooses to vote him in, by a majority in a democratic vote?
If you’re on about Trump, the majority didn’t vote him in when he won in 2016.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

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LF5335 said:
Durzel said:
But what if "the country" chooses to vote him in, by a majority in a democratic vote?
If you’re on about Trump, the majority didn’t vote him in when he won in 2016.
Trump got a majority, just not of voters.


24,434 posts

116 months

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Durzel said:
paulguitar said:
EddieSteadyGo said:
paulguitar said:
So a significant majority think he should stay, and, per the linked article, no prominent elected Democrat does any better than Biden in a hypothetical matchup against trump.
Whether or not the majority of Democrats are too stubborn to change their mind, it's already too late for Biden. More and more influential Democrats are saying he is gone. The latest is Eric Feigl-Ding (Democrat member, Trump hater, and covid scaremonger) who is now saying it's over. The question now is the date when it will be announced and the process for finding the next candidate.

If he's gone, fine. They need to make a decision and get on with it. It's vital for the country that the alternative does not happen, especially so given what happened yesterday with the Scotus.
But what if "the country" chooses to vote him in, by a majority in a democratic vote?
Then they will have to deal with what follows.

(It won't be a majority, whatever happens).


25,950 posts

196 months

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mko9 said:
hidetheelephants said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Convicted felon Hunter Biden now sitting in on White House meetings, listening in to phone calls with top aides and now closely advising his father.

Rather a hysterical way of putting it; the president has his son with him for moral support at a time when he's facing calls to step down as the democratic candidate, justified or not stepping down would be unprecedented.
I dunna think that word means what you think it means.

President Johnson stepped down in 1968, rather than run for reelection.
He did it in March, because of his health and because he could see he would lose the election, it was still chaos at the party convention despite(or perhaps because of?) him intervening to pick his successor. It's July and Joe is still the candidate. This is unprecedented.

Roderick Spode

3,239 posts

52 months

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paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
One in three democrats think that Joe should quit the race - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-three-democra...
So a significant majority think he should stay, and, per the linked article, no prominent elected Democrat does any better than Biden in a hypothetical matchup against trump.
If a third of any other political entity didn't support their incumbent being the nominee, their position would be untenable. Try to stop pretending otherwise laugh

Old Joe's goose is cooked. His bum's oot the windae. Time to retire gracefully to his ranch, and enjoy his dotage.


12,389 posts

206 months

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paulguitar said:
If he's gone, fine. They need to make a decision and get on with it. It's vital for the country that the alternative does not happen, especially so given what happened yesterday with the Scotus.
I certainly think all the signs are that he is gone. Betting odds are now also moving .... Biden slipping to 7:1 whereas Kamala Harris is now at 6:1 (and of course she isn't even the candidate!)

Some Democrats on Twitter are seeming to prefer Harris because they won't have to return the donations and because they feel it is 'her turn'. I think that is electoral suicide - imo many view Harris as a vacuous lightweight.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

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EddieSteadyGo said:
paulguitar said:
If he's gone, fine. They need to make a decision and get on with it. It's vital for the country that the alternative does not happen, especially so given what happened yesterday with the Scotus.
I certainly think all the signs are that he is gone. Betting odds are now also moving .... Biden slipping to 7:1 whereas Kamala Harris is now at 6:1 (and of course she isn't even the candidate!)

Some Democrats on Twitter are seeming to prefer Harris because they won't have to return the donations and because they feel it is 'her turn'. I think that is electoral suicide - imo many view Harris as a vacuous lightweight.
If you're going to do a Hail Mary pass (as I think they should), then make sure the Receiver isn't going to fumble it. Harris wouldn't be my choice, based on her stats over the last 3 1/2 years


12,354 posts

171 months

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Bonefish Blues said:
LF5335 said:
Durzel said:
But what if "the country" chooses to vote him in, by a majority in a democratic vote?
If you’re on about Trump, the majority didn’t vote him in when he won in 2016.
Trump got a majority, just not of voters.
Yes, I'm aware of the electoral colleges system. FPTP is just as flawed.

I'm no fan of Trump, but if a greater majority of X goes in his favour, then surely it is a case of people having to accept the outcome? (on both sides)

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

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Durzel said:
Bonefish Blues said:
LF5335 said:
Durzel said:
But what if "the country" chooses to vote him in, by a majority in a democratic vote?
If you’re on about Trump, the majority didn’t vote him in when he won in 2016.
Trump got a majority, just not of voters.
Yes, I'm aware of the electoral colleges system. FPTP is just as flawed.

I'm no fan of Trump, but if a greater majority of X goes in his favour, then surely it is a case of people having to accept the outcome? (on both sides)
Yes, as they dd last time.


12,354 posts

171 months

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My point about people saying "tis vital for the country that X doesn't happen" seem to be trying to impose their will on the people. If the US votes Trump back in, then that's on them, and the fallout will be what it is.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

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Durzel said:
My point about people saying "tis vital for the country that X doesn't happen" seem to be trying to impose their will on the people. If the US votes Trump back in, then that's on them, and the fallout will be what it is.
I want to see Trump beaten fair and square, as in 2020, as do all democrats[sic] but I fear Joe isn't the guy to do it.