46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden


Beati Dogu

8,989 posts

142 months

It’s too late to swap him out in 16 states apparently. The deadline for that has passed.

Even if they use the 25th amendment to force him out. I don’t think he wants to step away and clearly his wife doesn’t either. They’ve also painted themselves into a diversity corner with Kamala Harris.

The Dems are kinda stuck with them both.


7,641 posts

139 months

The Democrats only have themselves to blame. It has been clear for a long time his mental abilities were in decline and he obviously was not fit for another term.



17,100 posts

243 months

Beati Dogu said:
It’s too late to swap him out in 16 states apparently. The deadline for that has passed.

Even if they use the 25th amendment to force him out. I don’t think he wants to step away and clearly his wife doesn’t either. They’ve also painted themselves into a diversity corner with Kamala Harris.

The Dems are kinda stuck with them both.
How can it be too late to swap him, since the Convention isn’t until August? Until then surely he’s only the presumptive nominee?

When this question was raised during Covid (what would happen if one of them died), Richard Pildes, a constitutional law professor at the New York University School of Law, was reported as saying that even under normal circumstances, Democratic delegates are technically free “on the first ballot to vote their conscience.”

So there is no Democratic nominee until after the Convention.

How then can Biden be locked in for 16 states at this early stage?

This of course makes sense. Trump hasn’t declared a running mate yet, so there can’t surely be a lock-in on the ticket yet?

Now according to this https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline_to_run_for_presid... independent candidates must meet a series of state deadlines, many of which are in July.

So the only question is whether states have enacted laws (stupidly) that preclude delegates to a major party’s convention from voting for a candidate other than the one that won that state’s primary? Again, the discussion during Covid appeared to suggest that this wasn’t the case, and that the conventions could still pick alternate candidates.

Do you have a canonical answer to this question?


6,288 posts

58 months

I believevthecsuprene court had a little ruling about states precluding names from being on ballots.....


Baroque attacks

4,624 posts

189 months

Just a little one


5,294 posts

232 months

if the big guy steps down then all funds raised by the Biden campaign, cannot be transferred to another, even the VP - and would have to be returned.


4,168 posts

161 months

I would still vote for Biden over Trump. He is the least worst candidate.

But then I am not a US citizen smile


12,342 posts

171 months

EddieSteadyGo said:
vaud said:
Is their precedent for switching candidates this far into the process?
Honestly I'm not sure. But I would be pretty certain the reason they pulled forward the date for the first debate into June was to ensure they had time if this scenario happened prior to the DNC in August.
I've heard it said that the reason for the early debate would be so that they would have additional time to recover if it didn't go to plan. That sounds more likely to me than Biden being on a knife edge as the candidate going into the debate.


12,342 posts

171 months

The big issue with Biden at this point I think is that it is self-evident that if he got in again that he would not be calling the shots.

Even if that isn't the case with the President anyway - he/she isn't making the actual decisions - the perception of the office is that he/she is. Since Biden can't competently make these decisions in the state he's in, it naturally follows that in a 2nd Biden presidency it would be "special interests" calling the shots. Given Trump's platform has been all about "draining the swamp", "the little guy finally gets someone in their corner" (even if it's all bullst) Biden being incompetent plays into that. Trump can just say that it'll be Pelosi and co making decisions for themselves and donors, etc behind the scenes.

I don't think Trump will win, simply because when it comes to the actual vote people will consider the character of Biden as compared to Trump. I think it will be close though, closer than 2020.


7,343 posts

196 months

Point of constitutional order: what happens if Biden dies before the election? As in, a week before the election? Does it get delayed?


7,869 posts

83 months

Tankrizzo said:
Point of constitutional order: what happens if Biden dies before the election? As in, a week before the election? Does it get delayed?
Depends when it happens, but either way the vote goes ahead. If its before the convention then the delegates vote for someone else from the floor. If its after then each party has different rules but the person can be replaced one way or another.


6,288 posts

58 months

sugerbear said:
I would still vote for Biden over Trump. He is the least worst candidate.

But then I am not a US citizen smile
Agreed. It's whats my vote will be doing. And voting early too, gawd bless misery!



1,491 posts

26 months

Watched Fox news reporting just now they seem highly impartial !
They made a point I was thinking today that Biden's wife, son and two other young women have decided he should continue for him .
This was whilst doing a magazine photo shoot this weekend where they were all together.

It is hard to see him as credible sometimes standalone . In comparison to the other bloke less hard of course.


2,009 posts

168 months



25,849 posts

196 months

The idea that he would not sign such a bill set before him by congress is for the birds.


2,009 posts

168 months

It's only been around 20 minutes and the Biden fans are already fantasizing about doing drone strikes on the Supreme Court and Trump.


Edited for speeling

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Monday 1st July 18:19


24,372 posts

116 months

thatsprettyshady said:
It's only been around 20 minutes and the Biden fans are already fantisiting about doing drone strikes on the Supreme Court and Trump.

It's not difficult to find extremist nutters on Twitter.


1,337 posts

33 months

paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
It's only been around 20 minutes and the Biden fans are already fantisiting about doing drone strikes on the Supreme Court and Trump.

It's not difficult to find extremist nutters on Twitter.
Tbf, they are posting pics of Biden instructing a SEAL team on the 45th POTUS thread on here...


1,206 posts

264 months

thatsprettyshady said:
It's only been around 20 minutes and the Biden fans are already fantasizing about doing drone strikes on the Supreme Court and Trump.


Edited for speeling

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Monday 1st July 18:19
You and the person who published that tweet have trouble understanding written text, apparently:


2,009 posts

168 months

raftom said:
thatsprettyshady said:
It's only been around 20 minutes and the Biden fans are already fantasizing about doing drone strikes on the Supreme Court and Trump.


Edited for speeling

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Monday 1st July 18:19
You and the person who published that tweet have trouble understanding written text, apparently:

this one is on the DNC payroll...
