45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



62,886 posts

220 months

Monday 8th July
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Biden called into Morning Joe as well, saying he's running and will beat trump


3,097 posts

36 months

Monday 8th July
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Byker28i said:
Biden called into Morning Joe as well, saying he's running and will beat trump
Good news for Trump?


2,498 posts

168 months

Monday 8th July
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Byker28i said:
thatsprettyshady said:
The absolute best thing for trump right now if for Biden to run, as he’s cooked and it’s eating the Dems from inside out - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/...
Unlike your deity who's actually a convicted felon... seems you're also needing to project trumps problems

Still since you posted that, Bidens reply to that is

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 8th July 15:19
I wonder if that will be good enough to silence the Dem critics, or if it becomes open warfare between them just 4 months before an election.


62,886 posts

220 months

Monday 8th July
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thatsprettyshady said:
I wonder if that will be good enough to silence the Dem critics, or if it becomes open warfare between them just 4 months before an election.
Not many dem critics now... and of course you want him to drop out - he beat trump before biggrin

But then Biden wasn't repeatedly in Epsteins flight logs that were recently released, isn't a convicted felon, hasn't been found liable for sexual abuse, rape... isn't facing multiple cases that are being stalled for him...

There's 5 Dems calling for Biden to quit. The House has 435 members & 100 in the Senate Five put of 535? Do we even know who these are?

So no hardly anything now like you claim.

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 8th July 15:43


2,498 posts

168 months

Monday 8th July
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Byker28i said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I wonder if that will be good enough to silence the Dem critics, or if it becomes open warfare between them just 4 months before an election.
Not many dem critics now... and of course you want him to drop out - he beat trump before biggrin

But then Biden wasn't repeatedly in Epsteins flight logs that were recently released, isn't a convicted felon, hasn't been found liable for sexual abuse, rape... isn't facing multiple cases that are being stalled for him...

There's 5 Dems calling for Biden to quit. The House has 435 members & 100 in the Senate Five put of 535? Do we even know who these are?

So no hardly anything now like you claim.

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 8th July 15:43
Of course, more cheap fakes and nothing to see here.

Even Stephen king (I know this thread likes to use celebrity sources) has dumped him - https://x.com/stephenking/status/18102766843455737...


2,498 posts

168 months

Monday 8th July
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Maybe if you want to do Biden stuff, we could use the 47th thread?


11,038 posts

184 months

Monday 8th July
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Byker28i said:
Not many dem critics now... and of course you want him to drop out - he beat trump before biggrin

But then Biden wasn't repeatedly in Epsteins flight logs that were recently released, isn't a convicted felon, hasn't been found liable for sexual abuse, rape... isn't facing multiple cases that are being stalled for him...

There's 5 Dems calling for Biden to quit. The House has 435 members & 100 in the Senate Five put of 535? Do we even know who these are?

So no hardly anything now like you claim.

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 8th July 15:43
You're kidding your self if you don't think Biden is a huge liability IMO. Trump has successfully done what he did in 2016 to Hillary and failed to do against Biden in 2020 (maybe he didn't think he needed to) - struck gold on an issue which resonates with voters and has enough truth to it that he can claim pretty much what ever he likes.

Biden is sleep walking into giving this election away, I feel like I have been ringing this bell for months with a few other people (Motarboard and I have had this conversation a few times).


9,922 posts

211 months

Monday 8th July
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Byker28i said:
Here we go with Birthism for Kamala Harris
It’s not like Trump’s family go back far in U.S. history, his paternal grandparents were immigrants, and so was his mother. Perhaps they get a free pass as they were the right sort of immigrant.


2,498 posts

168 months

Monday 8th July
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gazza285 said:
Byker28i said:
Here we go with Birthism for Kamala Harris
It’s not like Trump’s family go back far in U.S. history, his paternal grandparents were immigrants, and so was his mother. Perhaps they get a free pass as they were the right sort of immigrant.
I find all this birther nonsense ridiculous, there’s plenty of reasons to go after Kamala but her heritage shouldn’t be one of them.


3,743 posts

181 months

Monday 8th July
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gregs656 said:
You're kidding your self if you don't think Biden is a huge liability IMO. Trump has successfully done what he did in 2016 to Hillary and failed to do against Biden in 2020 (maybe he didn't think he needed to) - struck gold on an issue which resonates with voters and has enough truth to it that he can claim pretty much what ever he likes.

Biden is sleep walking into giving this election away, I feel like I have been ringing this bell for months with a few other people (Motarboard and I have had this conversation a few times).
This. I know a few americans online, both sides of this, and the dem voting crew are worried, they know that debate went very poorly on the optics. The democratic party should have been managing his stepping down for a different candidate 2 years ago, as a half decent democrat who the public was familiar with would beat trump given his issues coming to a head, but against biden and the worries about him, Trump holds more sway.


6,558 posts

46 months

Monday 8th July
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Just out of interest how many Republicans are calling for Trump to go / explicitly stating that they won’t support him / vote for him.


7,990 posts

220 months

Monday 8th July
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LF5335 said:
Just out of interest how many Republicans are calling for Trump to go / explicitly stating that they won’t support him / vote for him.
About a dozen (according to wikipedia)



12,686 posts

98 months

Monday 8th July
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LF5335 said:
Just out of interest how many Republicans are calling for Trump to go / explicitly stating that they won’t support him / vote for him.
And how many ex-Republicans?


6,269 posts

51 months

Monday 8th July
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thatsprettyshady said:
Maybe if you want to do Biden stuff, we could use the 47th thread?
As regards Biden he is a great asset.................. for Trump

Edited by anonymoususer on Monday 8th July 17:33

Strangely Brown

10,359 posts

234 months

Monday 8th July
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gazza285 said:
Byker28i said:
Here we go with Birthism for Kamala Harris
It’s not like Trump’s family go back far in U.S. history, his paternal grandparents were immigrants, and so was his mother. Perhaps they get a free pass as they were the right sort of immigrant.
Let's not forget so are two of his wives and the mothers of four of his children. Maybe they're the right kind of immigrants too.


14,616 posts

251 months

Monday 8th July
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Weird that all the chat in the Trump thread is about Biden? (not weird)

With the far right being wiped out in France and the UK, all the focus now is on maintaining the idea that that particular ideology has any traction in the modern world.

Hint: it doesn't


17,679 posts

258 months

Monday 8th July
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dobbo_ said:
Weird that all the chat in the Trump thread is about Biden? (not weird)

With the far right being wiped out in France and the UK, all the focus now is on maintaining the idea that that particular ideology has any traction in the modern world.

Hint: it doesn't
Back in my day things like The National Front and C18 were considered 'far right'. Everything now shifted to the left and the "right" isn't really right at all. Let alone "far right". The Conservatives were meant to be centre-right, but their politics has probably been more left than Tony Blair's Labour government!

In any case, in respect of the UK - the Reform party won 14% of the vote which indicates a sizeable amount of support and can't be ignored by the mainstream parties. I don't think they were under any illusion of winning the election and forming a government.

Le Pen obviously did not get as many seats as she'd hoped but still got quite a sizeable amount by the looks of things.

'Far right' just seems to be a sound bite employed to try scare people.

Quite whether this has anything to do with the #45 thread I would question.


14,616 posts

251 months

Monday 8th July
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I can't take your post seriously when you say Conservatives are more left than Blair. Particularly as the Tory manifesto for the last 5+ years has been more right wing than the BNP.

Rwanda. Detention Barges. Stop the boats. VIP lane. Unlawful Prorogation of Parliament. Cronyism. Windrush. SO many things.

Regardless you are correct not for this thread - except to say the USA will almost certainly follow suit with UK/France. And with good reason.

Edited by dobbo_ on Monday 8th July 20:28


14,616 posts

251 months

Monday 8th July
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g4ry13 said:
Back in my day things like The National Front and C18 were considered 'far right'. Everything now shifted to the left and the "right" isn't really right at all.

Look familiar? Or not really right at all?


11,038 posts

184 months

Monday 8th July
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dobbo_ said:
Weird that all the chat in the Trump thread is about Biden? (not weird)

With the far right being wiped out in France and the UK, all the focus now is on maintaining the idea that that particular ideology has any traction in the modern world.

Hint: it doesn't
Trump got 74m votes 4 years a go against a much stronger candidate than he faces today.

Are you unconcerned about people not showing up for Biden?