45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



3,182 posts

211 months

Byker28i said:
Actress Taraji Henson attacked trumps Project 2025

They are now ramping up, preparing to individually "name and shame" civil servants they believe won't be loyal to trump. They plan to make life miserable for government workers who will likely face threats of violence as accusations fly with their names attached.

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 1st July 06:30
They need to hammer this home...

Trump = dictatorship


62,202 posts

220 months

Bergum still tries to be VP by whitewashign trump

Burgum dismisses Trump's incessant lying: "Everything that he said on Thursday night he's been saying before. So this is not news."

Claimed that trump at the end of his term had a smooth transition
WELKER: January 6 wasn't exactly a smooth transition.


62,202 posts

220 months


2,009 posts

168 months

Byker28i said:
Mark Hamill
If you're not familiar with Project 2025, now is the time to understand what's in store for this country if the #GOP wins in November. You can be justifiably afraid or much more motivated to VOTE. This thread helps explain why:

Project 2025 broken down
Mark Hamill once again proving he will say anything for a dollar, Project 2025 is nothing to do with, and is not endorsed by Trump.

Scary stuff, but just some think tank fantasy as you’ve been told many many times.


1,438 posts

135 months

Byker28i said:
Actress Taraji Henson attacked trumps Project 2025

They are now ramping up, preparing to individually "name and shame" civil servants they believe won't be loyal to trump. They plan to make life miserable for government workers who will likely face threats of violence as accusations fly with their names attached.

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 1st July 06:30
Oh it’s you!

The ghost of the Trump thread I see you’re still haunting the placelaugh

You sound worried.


12,582 posts

98 months

Superflow said:
Oh it’s you!

The ghost of the Trump thread I see you’re still haunting the placelaugh

You sound worried.
You should be worried.

Have you tried reading what he writes instead of just attacking him?

You might find out.just how bad the person you're defending is.

Nah, that would just be sensible and "not" Trump supporters don'ts do sensible.


62,202 posts

220 months

thatsprettyshady said:
Byker28i said:
Mark Hamill
If you're not familiar with Project 2025, now is the time to understand what's in store for this country if the #GOP wins in November. You can be justifiably afraid or much more motivated to VOTE. This thread helps explain why:

Project 2025 broken down
Mark Hamill once again proving he will say anything for a dollar, Project 2025 is nothing to do with, and is not endorsed by Trump.

Scary stuff, but just some think tank fantasy as you’ve been told many many times.
And yet it's not, as you've been told many times and trying to do a trump and just claim something false many times, doesn't make it true.

In fact the Heritage Foundation claimed credit for a a large number of trump policy proposals in his first term, based on the group’s 2017 version of the Mandate for Leadership. The group calculated that 64% of its policy recommendations were implemented or proposed by trump in some way during his first year in office.

and he's tried it before. Near the end of his last term trump issued an executive order making it possible for him to fire tens of thousands of civil servants, that he felt were disloyal and replace them with lackeys, Schedule F.

and he's even been admitting it

Besides running to kill prosecutions against him, or run out the clock, he's also several times said he will use the full force of the govt, weaponise it again, against those he perceives as his enemies

I could keep going as he says it every rally for two years

What is it about the ultimate conman, thief, rapist, multiple sexual assaulter, convicted felon, multiple bankrupt - both financially and morally etc that you admire so much?

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 1st July 09:21


6,349 posts

46 months

captain_cynic said:
You should be worried.

Have you tried reading what he writes instead of just attacking him?

You might find out.just how bad the person you're defending is.

Nah, that would just be sensible and "not" Trump supporters don'ts do sensible.
I’ve got a theory on what’s happening with all the stposting. The right wingers who are also, very tough and super patriots are about to see their beloved party wiped out in the UK, so are desperately posting on here to compensate and show they’re still well ‘are and that they can pick a winner to stick it to the libtards, or some other derogatory childish phrase. It’s important for them to be seen to be considerably more right wing than yow.


62,202 posts

220 months

Opinion piece

Let's face it: Our presidential choice is between a racist, sexist, lying, fascist amoeba, or a stuttering old man who nevertheless supports policies to protect women's health, the environment and public education; a warrior against corporate collusion to raise prices, drive down wages and slash regulations that protect the safety of everything from the drugs we depend on to the food we eat.

Is that really a choice?

But for many Americans, it’s so much easier to support the liar who feeds the myth that he alone can fix the nation’s problems — of course, what Trump claims he is going to fix, he never fixes, and ironically, the reason so much is broke, is because he broke it.


2,009 posts

168 months

Byker28i said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Byker28i said:
Mark Hamill
If you're not familiar with Project 2025, now is the time to understand what's in store for this country if the #GOP wins in November. You can be justifiably afraid or much more motivated to VOTE. This thread helps explain why:

Project 2025 broken down
Mark Hamill once again proving he will say anything for a dollar, Project 2025 is nothing to do with, and is not endorsed by Trump.

Scary stuff, but just some think tank fantasy as you’ve been told many many times.
And yet it's not, as you've been told many times and trying to do a trump and just claim something false many times, doesn't make it true.

In fact the Heritage Foundation claimed credit for a a large number of trump policy proposals in his first term, based on the group’s 2017 version of the Mandate for Leadership. The group calculated that 64% of its policy recommendations were implemented or proposed by trump in some way during his first year in office.

and he's tried it before. Near the end of his last term trump issued an executive order making it possible for him to fire tens of thousands of civil servants, that he felt were disloyal and replace them with lackeys, Schedule F.

and he's even been admitting it

Besides running to kill prosecutions against him, or run out the clock, he's also several times said he will use the full force of the govt, weaponise it again, against those he perceives as his enemies

I could keep going as he says it every rally for two years

What is it about the ultimate conman, thief, rapist, multiple sexual assaulter, convicted felon, multiple bankrupt - both financially and morally etc that you admire so much?

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 1st July 09:21
Adopting a few similar (pretty generic) policies to a conservative think tank isn’t the same as endorsing or supporting it outright, the way Project 2025 has been framed by certain people (mostly celebrities) is that it’s some sort of Trump manifesto which it is clearly not. Can you find me a single piece of evidence that Trump (or his campaign) has actively endorsed Project 2025? Remember, having a few policies that are similar doesn’t count.


7,933 posts

220 months

Byker28i said:
Opinion piece

Let's face it: Our presidential choice is between a racist, sexist, lying, fascist amoeba, or a stuttering old man who nevertheless supports policies to protect women's health, the environment and public education; a warrior against corporate collusion to raise prices, drive down wages and slash regulations that protect the safety of everything from the drugs we depend on to the food we eat.

Is that really a choice?

But for many Americans, it’s so much easier to support the liar who feeds the myth that he alone can fix the nation’s problems — of course, what Trump claims he is going to fix, he never fixes, and ironically, the reason so much is broke, is because he broke it.
And therein lies the one of the many paradoxes of Trump. Despite everything that's bad about him, somehow he seems to have connected with people on a more personal level than Biden.

Double Fault

1,254 posts

266 months

RustyMX5 said:
somehow he seems to have connected with people on a more personal level than Biden.
Indeed....and how depressing is that.


17,419 posts

258 months

Bloody hell! We have actresses and Luke Skywalker himself as voices of authority.

It's really getting a bit pathetic some of the sources cited in here.


17,100 posts

243 months

RustyMX5 said:
And therein lies the one of the many paradoxes of Trump. Despite everything that's bad about him, somehow he seems to have connected with people on a more personal level than Biden.
The problem with “the American dream” is that so many now believe it is their birthright, not an aspiration to justify hard work. Trump is telling them their birthright has been stolen, that he can return it. Just like Farage’s pitch, or Le Pen’s.


3,654 posts

272 months

g4ry13 said:
Bloody hell! We have actresses and Luke Skywalker himself as voices of authority.

It's really getting a bit pathetic some of the sources cited in here.
Oh ok. Are Anthony Scaramucci and Katty Kay suitably well credentialled? Here's their take on Project 2025. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6rrhRjEViFQilAWmK...


6,349 posts

46 months

thatsprettyshady said:
Adopting a few similar (pretty generic) policies to a conservative think tank isn’t the same as endorsing or supporting it outright, the way Project 2025 has been framed by certain people (mostly celebrities) is that it’s some sort of Trump manifesto which it is clearly not. Can you find me a single piece of evidence that Trump (or his campaign) has actively endorsed Project 2025? Remember, having a few policies that are similar doesn’t count.
Schedule F is the start of it. He introduced that in October 2020 via Exec Order, but Biden rightly killed it. Trump has stated explicitly that he will reinstate Schedule F on Day one of any new Presidency.

Agenda 47 is Project 2025 and Project 2025 is Agenda 47. He isn’t returning anything to the American people, he is removing any and all potential blockers to his creation of a dictatorship.



2,009 posts

168 months

LF5335 said:
Schedule F is the start of it. He introduced that in October 2020 via Exec Order, but Biden rightly killed it. Trump has stated explicitly that he will reinstate Schedule F on Day one of any new Presidency.

Agenda 47 is Project 2025 and Project 2025 is Agenda 47. He isn’t returning anything to the American people, he is removing any and all potential blockers to his creation of a dictatorship.

-Stopping officials from taking jobs at the companies they oversee
- move more federal agencies out of Washington
- term limits on congressmen
- independent agency to make sure federal agencies are not spying or running disinformation campaigns against citizens
- let the president fire terrible employees

Stop! Stop! I can’t take anymore of these ruthless actions of a dictator!

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Monday 1st July 11:26


6,349 posts

46 months

thatsprettyshady said:
-Stopping officials from taking jobs at the companies they oversee
- move more federal agencies out of Washington
- term limits on congressmen
- independent agency to make sure federal agencies are not spying or running disinformation campaigns against citizens
- let the president fire terrible employees

Stop! Stop! I can’t take anymore of these ruthless actions of a dictator!
Ah right, pick the ones that suit and claim they’re at face value. There were 10 points in Agenda 47, not just the 4 you’ve (poorly) cherry picked

Term limits, so change the constitution the way he wants it. Then remove term limits elsewhere with another change to the Constitution.

Independent agency. In other words. Set up his own Truth and Reconciliation agency to ensure nobody is saying anything bad about him. He even has a little rant about the “anti-Trump narrative”

Schedule F is not about firing terrible employees. It is about removing people in jobs that require expertise and are non-political and replacing them with his lackeys.

Of course, none of that matters to you. It’s all about sticking it to the wokerati or libtards or some other childish comment.


1,438 posts

135 months

captain_cynic said:
Superflow said:
Oh it’s you!

The ghost of the Trump thread I see you’re still haunting the placelaugh

You sound worried.
You should be worried.

Have you tried reading what he writes instead of just attacking him?

You might find out.just how bad the person you're defending is.

Nah, that would just be sensible and "not" Trump supporters don'ts do sensible.
Not attacking him.

Just poking fun that he’s still here raging years later!


2,009 posts

168 months

LF5335 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
-Stopping officials from taking jobs at the companies they oversee
- move more federal agencies out of Washington
- term limits on congressmen
- independent agency to make sure federal agencies are not spying or running disinformation campaigns against citizens
- let the president fire terrible employees

Stop! Stop! I can’t take anymore of these ruthless actions of a dictator!
Ah right, pick the ones that suit and claim they’re at face value. There were 10 points in Agenda 47, not just the 4 you’ve (poorly) cherry picked

Term limits, so change the constitution the way he wants it. Then remove term limits elsewhere with another change to the Constitution.

Independent agency. In other words. Set up his own Truth and Reconciliation agency to ensure nobody is saying anything bad about him. He even has a little rant about the “anti-Trump narrative”

Schedule F is not about firing terrible employees. It is about removing people in jobs that require expertise and are non-political and replacing them with his lackeys.

Of course, none of that matters to you. It’s all about sticking it to the wokerati or libtards or some other childish comment.
Okay so you’ve taken his actual policies and extrapolated out a doomsday scenario based on nothing at all, just seemingly feelings.

Where have I once talked about “libtards” or “wokerati”?

Why are you so keen to make things personal, I’ve not done that to you? I’d rather we kept things about the subject rather than resorting to ad homs.