Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution

Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution



9,249 posts

260 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Basic map of the world's primary opium/heroin producers.

Shocking how the majority of locations aren't in "Islamic" regions isn't it? Gosh does that mean the ignorant thugs who were arrested were wrong?



3,234 posts

243 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
Then I would feel regret for the actions of people who shared the same faith. And understand why western people will not accept it.

I would leave Islam or leave the West,
So what would you do if you were a Protestant or a Catholic? Seems the Catholics are getting a bit out of hand in the North these days.


9,335 posts

210 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Mannginger said:
Basic map of the world's primary opium/heroin producers.

Shocking how the majority of locations aren't in "Islamic" regions isn't it? Gosh does that mean the ignorant thugs who were arrested were wrong?

No, it means you are wrong and are trying to peddle a meaningless map. 92% of the worlds supply comes from Afghanistan.


2,344 posts

202 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
I think that the only answer is a sophisticated, anti muslim, UK terrorism organization. It will happen soon. Then this will cause them to attack us. Then the government will get involved. Then it is time to colonize a eradicate.
I think you will find that this final solution approach has been taken before.

Prof Beard's point about BNP activists may well be right.


610 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Classic deductively fallacious argument from the far right (and most thickos for that matter): "All dogs bark. This animal barks. Therefore it is a dog."

From the brainiacs who also brought you:
"This is a country for hard-working white, except for all those Polish - nah, don't like them...yeah, they fought for us against the Nazis, but they're stealing all our jobs. Nah, I don't work - can't be arsed."


2,344 posts

202 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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thehawk said:
92% of the worlds supply comes from Afghanistan.
But why is that?

Is it because of the Islamic nature of the country?

Evidence would suggest otherwise:

Interpol said:
Afghan heroin production increased during the same timeframe, with a notable decrease in 2001 purportedly as a result of the Taliban’s fatwa (religious ban) against heroin production. Afghanistan now produces over 90 percent of the world’s opium.

The Taliban crack down so production decreases dramatically, we oust the Taliban and production increases dramatically.

During this same period production across Southeast Asia and Latin America drops considerably, suggesting that the international funds behind the Opium trade have simply seized an opportunity created by the invasion of Afghanistan. Couple that with several poor growing seasons across Southeast Asia and this reasoning becomes even more apparent.

Edited by Clammy on Saturday 14th March 08:03

Edited by Clammy on Saturday 14th March 08:04


9,614 posts

229 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
I'm a Scottish Atheist.

Do you think there may have been some English Athiests who have commited terrible acts in the past? Does that give me the right to treat you as if you were one of them?
We are talking about the present. Not the past.

I think MI5 said there is something like 2000 terrorist cells in the UK. 2-0-0-0!!!!!!

Most doing fk all all day, living on benefits, planning how to do us over - much like Mr Chaudhury.

This is NOW and very real.

Perhaps this will be looked back as history one day but it is the future for now.
This is clearly nonsense, I'm more afraid of "propoganda" like this from our own gubberment that any nasty 'orrible terrorists.

Lets face it, it you wanted to go and blow some people up, it would be an utter piece of piss. An hour of googling and a trip to B&Q and you're sorted.

ETA Example here

If there were 2000 terrorists cells in the UK there would be carnage day after day (think Israel).

They tell us this ste either intentionally or because they are misinformed by people with thier own agenda, (think head of MI5 looking for a budget increase next year??) so they can get away with ID cards, CCTV, Anti Terror Laws etc...

Edited by davido140 on Saturday 14th March 08:39


8,783 posts

232 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Mannginger said:
Basic map of the world's primary opium/heroin producers.

Shocking how the majority of locations aren't in "Islamic" regions isn't it? Gosh does that mean the ignorant thugs who were arrested were wrong?

It's geographical coincidence, a bit like most cocaine comes from south america...

Not sure who's side to take on this, the statement "most heroin comes from muslims" is slightly wrong, as it implies all muslims are involved, when it's really only a small fraction, it is an intentionally divisive statement.


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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DBRacingGod said:
Classic deductively fallacious argument from the far right (and most thickos for that matter):
Perhaps you are right. But the majority of ''thickos'' may turn into more educated followers.

This may then cause the major parties to certain adopt popular right wing views.

Muslims currently make up less than 3%. If parties want to get elected then it makes sense to target the 97%, or whatever % it is by then.


694 posts

214 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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TomE said:
Is it just me or does every second thread in P&P now revolve around immigrants and Muslims?
I believe all these type of threads are alluding to the same emotion, which is that there are a significant number of people in Britain who are want rid of the Muslim population and immigration stopped.


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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GPSS said:
TomE said:
Is it just me or does every second thread in P&P now revolve around immigrants and Muslims?
I believe all these type of threads are alluding to the same emotion, which is that there are a significant number of people in Britain who are want rid of the Muslim population and immigration stopped.
Only alluding to people surrounded by people who hold back their views.

Edited by plasticpusher on Saturday 14th March 19:24


848 posts

201 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
I think that the only answer is a sophisticated, anti muslim, UK terrorism organization. It will happen soon. Then this will cause them to attack us. Then the government will get involved. Then it is time to colonize a eradicate.
Forget the BNP. Combat 18 is more up your street.


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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ln1234 said:
plasticpusher said:
I think that the only answer is a sophisticated, anti muslim, UK terrorism organization. It will happen soon. Then this will cause them to attack us. Then the government will get involved. Then it is time to colonize a eradicate.
Forget the BNP. Combat 18 is more up your street.
Im not saying I want to do it.

Just that it going to happen on a large scale.


302 posts

186 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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If the leaflets claimed that Muslims are responsible for the heroin trade, why have the men been arrested for stirring up racial hatred?

Islam is a religion, not a race.