Cyclists injured on Motorway


Rusty Old-Banger

4,357 posts

216 months

Solocle said:
Oh, and yes. That's a Pedestrian Crossing on the motorway.
That's a tiny bit disingenuous. It's an uncontrolled ped crossing at a roundabout - crossing the entry slip to a Motorway. That is entirely permissible within any design regulations and does not promote or suggest walking on the motorway is acceptable, permissible, or otherwise legal. But then you knew that with the careful choice of photo wink


3,418 posts

87 months

Rusty Old-Banger said:
That's a tiny bit disingenuous. It's an uncontrolled ped crossing at a roundabout - crossing the entry slip to a Motorway. That is entirely permissible within any design regulations and does not promote or suggest walking on the motorway is acceptable, permissible, or otherwise legal. But then you knew that with the careful choice of photo wink
Well, pedantically speaking the pedestrian crossing is set back from the start of motorway regulations sign, and thus the section of road being crossed is under motorway regulations! silly

It is actually an issue, as if you approached from the right, you could turn right and walk onto the motorway without ever seeing a prohibitive sign.

I've actually used a similar crossing myself, so legally speaking, I have set foot on the M25.

Edited by Solocle on Monday 1st July 13:55

Pan Pan Pan

10,020 posts

114 months

Yesterday (10:47)
quotequote all
EmailAddress said:
Diderot said:
Either way, whoever it is, cyclists are not permitted to ride their bike on motorways. Everyone knows this. It’s very simple. The big blue signs denote, MOTORWAY. These absolute muppets are absolute muppets shocker.
Yeah, and kids shouldn't run across the road so fk them right?
If I stand on a railway track, I know there is a fair chance of being hit by a train.
If I climb into a lions cage, I suspect there is fair chance of being attacked by a lion.
If I jump into shark infested seas, I know there is a fair chance of being attacked by a shark.
Can you see where this line of thought is quite likely to go?

Edited by Pan Pan Pan on Thursday 4th July 11:42