Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



4,476 posts

81 months

Vanden Saab said:
How exactly, I did not vote for Labour but enough other people did. If nobody had voted for Labour they would have lost. Stop trying to blame us for the utter clusterfk Labour are going to be.
You split the right wing vote to let Labour in. Vote Reform, get Labour. Thank you.

Mr Penguin

2,072 posts

42 months

Vanden Saab said:
How exactly, I did not vote for Labour but enough other people did. If nobody had voted for Labour they would have lost. Stop trying to blame us for the utter clusterfk Labour are going to be.
This is why some element of tactical voting is a good idea.


5,723 posts

109 months

xeny said:
Vanden Saab said:
How exactly, I did not vote for Labour but enough other people did. If nobody had voted for Labour they would have lost. Stop trying to blame us for the utter clusterfk Labour are going to be.
You split the right wing vote to let Labour in. Vote Reform, get Labour. Thank you.
What a dude. Kudos


26,080 posts

170 months

captain_cynic said:
Skeptisk said:
Rory Stewart saying the obvious

That Farage gets so much mileage by pointing out problems but never has to actually deliver anything (well with Brexit he promised it would be a great success and easy to get a win win position with the EU when in fact he and his chums in the Conservative Party had no clue how to achieve it - but of course, like everything else it is not his fault!).

Opportunistic chancer and snake oil salesman.
Starmer should make him Brexit secretary.

I mean he broke it, he should fix it. He has all the answers after all.
I’d pay to see this.

Would actually be brilliant to put him on the spot.

Randy Winkman

16,637 posts

192 months

xeny said:
Vanden Saab said:
How exactly, I did not vote for Labour but enough other people did. If nobody had voted for Labour they would have lost. Stop trying to blame us for the utter clusterfk Labour are going to be.
You split the right wing vote to let Labour in. Vote Reform, get Labour. Thank you.
And ironically there's now a red wall around most of the Kent coast where there used to be a blue one. Including at Dover. Though I do appreciate that the blue wall wasn't much use.


14,092 posts

99 months

That's not a wall, it's a carpet.


8,181 posts

29 months

xeny said:
You split the right wing vote to let Labour in. Vote Reform, get Labour. Thank you.
The alternative (if one was hypothetically a little to the right of centre) was vote conservative and get labour's tax'n'spend policies as per the last 14 years.

The erstwhile tory vote stayed at home in large numbers.

Corbyn's Labour got 10,269,051 votes in 2019, Starmer's 9,712,011

Maybe we're near the end of the 'two party system' era?

Vanden Saab

14,447 posts

77 months

xeny said:
Vanden Saab said:
How exactly, I did not vote for Labour but enough other people did. If nobody had voted for Labour they would have lost. Stop trying to blame us for the utter clusterfk Labour are going to be.
You split the right wing vote to let Labour in. Vote Reform, get Labour. Thank you.
Did I? If more tory voters had voted Reform then Reform would have won. Anyway I am delighted that Labour won as they will be next after the Tories. Looking at the likes of Starmer, Lammy and Millipede at the top of government I doubt they will last more than one term.
As for PR no thank you. Who wants a system where the same people get in every time and two small parties can stop the one with the most votes from ever being in power. I much prefer our system.


26,080 posts

170 months

768 said:
That's not a wall, it's a carpet.
I don’t agree with the content of the point made, but bravo clap


4,971 posts

223 months

Elysium said:
Castrol for a knave said:
Wills2 said:
It's clear that Reform set fire to the Tories election chances and have handed Labour a massive victory, I don't know how I'd feel if I was a reform voter but it's clear many of them just like breaking things, nothing more than political arsonists.
Smash up a bus shelter at 11pm on a Saturday night, then find yourself waiting in the rain for the No73 on Monday.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
Breaking the eggs before you have any idea how to make an omelette, or even what an omelette looks like, is a bit thick no matter how you spin it.


5,723 posts

109 months

Dave200 said:
Elysium said:
Castrol for a knave said:
Wills2 said:
It's clear that Reform set fire to the Tories election chances and have handed Labour a massive victory, I don't know how I'd feel if I was a reform voter but it's clear many of them just like breaking things, nothing more than political arsonists.
Smash up a bus shelter at 11pm on a Saturday night, then find yourself waiting in the rain for the No73 on Monday.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
Breaking the eggs before you have any idea how to make an omelette, or even what an omelette looks like, is a bit thick no matter how you spin it.
Very good

Nomme de Plum

4,886 posts

19 months

Vanden Saab said:
Did I? If more tory voters had voted Reform then Reform would have won. Anyway I am delighted that Labour won as they will be next after the Tories. Looking at the likes of Starmer, Lammy and Millipede at the top of government I doubt they will last more than one term.
As for PR no thank you. Who wants a system where the same people get in every time and two small parties can stop the one with the most votes from ever being in power. I much prefer our system.
Which way will 16 and 17 year olds vote? I suspect at least for the first election there may be a good turn out of that cohort.

Timothy Bucktu

15,400 posts

203 months

Lefty types need to understand...we WANTED to destroy the Conservatives. It's the only way to drag them back to the centre-right which is where we all need them. Whether this actually happens remains to be seen...I have my doubts if I'm honest.
Lefties have got what they wanted, yet you're still here telling us our vote helped you...WE KNOW. That was the plan. Now we just have to see how they do in power with a broken economy and no freebies to hand out. The honeymoon will be a short one I think!

Vanden Saab

14,447 posts

77 months

Nomme de Plum said:
Vanden Saab said:
Did I? If more tory voters had voted Reform then Reform would have won. Anyway I am delighted that Labour won as they will be next after the Tories. Looking at the likes of Starmer, Lammy and Millipede at the top of government I doubt they will last more than one term.
As for PR no thank you. Who wants a system where the same people get in every time and two small parties can stop the one with the most votes from ever being in power. I much prefer our system.
Which way will 16 and 17 year olds vote? I suspect at least for the first election there may be a good turn out of that cohort.
According to what I have read many younger voters will embrace the concept of a party which is calling for change. Especially after seeing 5 years of Labour being just like the Tories. Those are also the ones most likely to vote.


12,392 posts

191 months

Timothy Bucktu said:
Lefty types need to understand...we WANTED to destroy the Conservatives. It's the only way to drag them back to the centre-right which is where we all need them. Whether this actually happens remains to be seen...I have my doubts if I'm honest.
Lefties have got what they wanted, yet you're still here telling us our vote helped you...WE KNOW. That was the plan. Now we just have to see how they do in power with a broken economy and no freebies to hand out. The honeymoon will be a short one I think!
You think the outgoing Tory government was far right?

Mr Penguin

2,072 posts

42 months

Timothy Bucktu said:
Lefty types need to understand...we WANTED to destroy the Conservatives. It's the only way to drag them back to the centre-right which is where we all need them. Whether this actually happens remains to be seen...I have my doubts if I'm honest.
Lefties have got what they wanted, yet you're still here telling us our vote helped you...WE KNOW. That was the plan. Now we just have to see how they do in power with a broken economy and no freebies to hand out. The honeymoon will be a short one I think!
Which policies would you like them to drop and which would you like them to adopt?

Castrol for a knave

4,924 posts

94 months

Dave200 said:
Elysium said:
Castrol for a knave said:
Wills2 said:
It's clear that Reform set fire to the Tories election chances and have handed Labour a massive victory, I don't know how I'd feel if I was a reform voter but it's clear many of them just like breaking things, nothing more than political arsonists.
Smash up a bus shelter at 11pm on a Saturday night, then find yourself waiting in the rain for the No73 on Monday.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
Breaking the eggs before you have any idea how to make an omelette, or even what an omelette looks like, is a bit thick no matter how you spin it.
More a case of chucking your eggs at the wall, then wondering what to have for tea.

Timothy Bucktu

15,400 posts

203 months

Legacywr said:
Timothy Bucktu said:
Lefty types need to understand...we WANTED to destroy the Conservatives. It's the only way to drag them back to the centre-right which is where we all need them. Whether this actually happens remains to be seen...I have my doubts if I'm honest.
Lefties have got what they wanted, yet you're still here telling us our vote helped you...WE KNOW. That was the plan. Now we just have to see how they do in power with a broken economy and no freebies to hand out. The honeymoon will be a short one I think!
You think the outgoing Tory government was far right?
What? No, not at all.


1,902 posts

123 months

Legacywr said:
Timothy Bucktu said:
Lefty types need to understand...we WANTED to destroy the Conservatives. It's the only way to drag them back to the centre-right which is where we all need them.
You think the outgoing Tory government was far right?
He thinks they are too far Left for what should be a "conservative" party with "traditional" values and he'd be correct. The swing to Reform is, for a lot of people but not all, the overcorrection by those who see a "conservative" party which is too far to the Left of where they should be.


12,392 posts

191 months

IanH755 said:
Legacywr said:
Timothy Bucktu said:
Lefty types need to understand...we WANTED to destroy the Conservatives. It's the only way to drag them back to the centre-right which is where we all need them.
You think the outgoing Tory government was far right?
He thinks they are too far Left for what should be a "conservative" party with "traditional" values and he'd be correct. The swing to Reform is, for a lot of people but not all, the overcorrection by those who see a "conservative" party which is too far to the Left of where they should be.
Sorry, I get it smile