Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



7,502 posts

39 months

President Merkin said:
119 said:
I don't.

Many here do.
I doubt that. No one can know 4 million people. But we can observe multiple racist incidents involving Reform candidates & activists, sustained over months and disproportionately involving them too. We also see the mealy mouthed excuses, the bullst about crisis actors & never seen him before in my life, guv nonsense. We also see the Reform fans out of the traps like greyhounds whenever it comes up in here.

It's fine lads, you love your party & its backwards politics, we'll keep making rational, evidence based judgments about it.
I never voted for Reform.

Although please do keep it up, as it provides great entertainment for everyone.


38,099 posts

259 months

Countdown said:
You can choose to infer what you like. Reform have made immigration a central plank of their manifesto, much more than other parties. IF you were a racist then why would you vote for any of the others?
In case you missed it, so did the Tories and Labour


9,097 posts

155 months

President Merkin said:
The Tories lost 250 seats. 166 of those, Reform came ahead of them in votes, if you add those 166 back in to the Tories, you get to 287, not a majority & in any case an assumption that every Reform vote would have gone Tory which is ridiculous. If you say 25% go back then you only get 47 seats back which is roughly 1997 levels.

Also in lots of those, Reform came 2nd, so it's far from clear Reform would be beneficiaries AND in 84 of those seats, winning every Reform vote wouldn't have kept them in Tory hands - the LD's being big winners there.

Ergo, no doubt Farage cost the Tories dozens of seats but that is far from the whole picture. The Tories collapsed among voter trust.

I think Reform have made big in roads into the leave Tory seats, the big issue is whether they can build from here. The Nazi party had only a few seats in the 1928 Reichstag, things had changed by 1930 and again by 1933, watch this space.


3,063 posts

36 months

Blue62 said:
President Merkin said:
The Tories lost 250 seats. 166 of those, Reform came ahead of them in votes, if you add those 166 back in to the Tories, you get to 287, not a majority & in any case an assumption that every Reform vote would have gone Tory which is ridiculous. If you say 25% go back then you only get 47 seats back which is roughly 1997 levels.

Also in lots of those, Reform came 2nd, so it's far from clear Reform would be beneficiaries AND in 84 of those seats, winning every Reform vote wouldn't have kept them in Tory hands - the LD's being big winners there.

Ergo, no doubt Farage cost the Tories dozens of seats but that is far from the whole picture. The Tories collapsed among voter trust.

I think Reform have made big in roads into the leave Tory seats, the big issue is whether they can build from here. The Nazi party had only a few seats in the 1928 Reichstag, things had changed by 1930 and again by 1933, watch this space.
Nice Godwin!


38,099 posts

259 months

bhstewie said:
Which bit of what he said is incorrect?

Let's face it most of you couldn't rustle up a spine between you when it comes to calling out the st their candidates have come out with.
Here he goes, full on White Knight today.

Does the same apply to Labour with anti-semitism?

Tories with any anti-Palestinian shtick?

Things is BS, most people aren't as emotionally invested in the state of it skriking as you. Take a chill pill. It's a car forum. Maybe talk about cars for a bit instead.


1,471 posts

18 months

Oh hello.....have we've moved on from racist and back to nazis now?'s an old geezer like me supposed to keep up with the quick thinking of you young guns?


16,709 posts

108 months

Blue62 said:
I think Reform have made big in roads into the leave Tory seats, the big issue is whether they can build from here. The Nazi party had only a few seats in the 1928 Reichstag, things had changed by 1930 and again by 1933, watch this space.
I think much may have changed in 90+ years.....


9,097 posts

155 months

PurplePenguin said:
Nice Godwin!


13,020 posts

220 months

Bit salty in here today, though you'd all be out at the Reform victory parade?


17,502 posts

282 months

smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
You seem to be forgetting antisemites. I’ve a fair idea who they voted for.
Reform presumably, given Farage's previous pronouncements?
So any critic of Soros is antisemitic?



52,720 posts

213 months

Murph7355 said:
Here he goes, full on White Knight today.

Does the same apply to Labour with anti-semitism?

Tories with any anti-Palestinian shtick?

Things is BS, most people aren't as emotionally invested in the state of it skriking as you. Take a chill pill. It's a car forum. Maybe talk about cars for a bit instead.
Look at my posts and you'll find I've been very consistent about anti-semitism in Labour because yes the same applies.

Corbyn was a stain and whilst it isn't perfect by a long way Starmer has made massive strides and that isn't me saying it's people like Luciana Berger saying it.

If you think highlighting people who were very vocal about anti-semitism in Labour not having the balls to call it out when it's Farage's lot doing it is me going "full on White Knight today" I'm absolutely fine with that.

Beats being a spineless coward and ignoring it.


1,471 posts

18 months

smn159 said:
Bit salty in here today, though you'd all be out at the Reform victory parade?
Watching a big event in Stuttgart.


13,020 posts

220 months

swisstoni said:
smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
You seem to be forgetting antisemites. I’ve a fair idea who they voted for.
Reform presumably, given Farage's previous pronouncements?
So any critic of Soros is antisemitic?

Dog whistle far right conspiracy / anti jewish tropes and dog whistles according to Jewish groups and cross party MPs.

Still, if you're OK with it that's fine I suppose.

Grrr Labour


12,622 posts

98 months

smn159 said:
Bit salty in here today, though you'd all be out at the Reform victory parade?
I'm pretty much convinced they don't want to be happy... They just want someone to tell them it's OK to be sad, angry people.

Mr Penguin

2,067 posts

42 months

Spectator say that 145 Conservatives would have kept their seats if all Reform voters had voted Conservative. Obviously not all would but I think the vast majority would and it's a good starting point until we get proper polling and analyses. 145+121=266, 8 more than Labour in 2010 from very similar numbers in the previous election.

For the Reform voters who prefer Conservative to Labour: food for thought?


2,363 posts

157 months

Well reform outperformed UKIP.

Love him or loathe him, Farage along with Sturgeon have been the most effective and successful political operators this century. It will be interesting to see how Farage goes in our parliament and how Starmer works against him. Will he be more effective than the conservative leader, that is the big question for the Tory Mps?

That ex Labour and then Tory now Reform, ironically is re elected. Dear lord...

Vanden Saab

14,446 posts

77 months

And another one by 98 votes. Up to 5 now.


1,471 posts

18 months

Vanden Saab said:
And another one by 98 votes. Up to 5 now.
Gone from the Fab 4 to the Famouse 5 then?


3,063 posts

36 months

LimmerickLad said:
Vanden Saab said:
And another one by 98 votes. Up to 5 now.
Gone from the Fab 4 to the Famouse 5 then?
Famous Five have a wonderful time or Famous Five get into a fix?


17,502 posts

282 months

smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
You seem to be forgetting antisemites. I’ve a fair idea who they voted for.
Reform presumably, given Farage's previous pronouncements?
So any critic of Soros is antisemitic?

Dog whistle far right conspiracy / anti jewish tropes and dog whistles according to Jewish groups and cross party MPs.

Still, if you're OK with it that's fine I suppose.

Grrr Labour
If you’re ok with dredging up a 40watt Guardian article from 4 years ago then yes.