Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



7,708 posts

139 months

The infighting starts. Swinney support for expenses cheat blamed for loss of Falkirk. Who knew? using your power as FM to try and protect your friends from justice loses votes.


7,708 posts

139 months

sherman said:
Livers at the ready. drink
It sounds like the SNP are not winning the last outstanding constituency.
Do tell. I can't see anything in the news.


2,285 posts

36 months

Thought the counting was not restarting until tomorrow?


3,278 posts

148 months

I've been soaking this up all's wonderful, this evening some nice cold liquid refreshment to top it all off.

I can't wait for the next FM questions...the Tories are gone, Westminster is empty, will we see the first attack on the new incoming Labour government, someone has to get the blame for the SNP's catastrophic election result.

While on the subject of loosers has anyone heard anything from our old mate Dumza...was he sidelined for the election.

And let's finish up with a bit of entertainment "Its not my fault" -


7,708 posts

139 months

There is this. Libdem officials think they have won. Keeping the Scot Nasties to single figures would be outstanding.


7,708 posts

139 months

Klippie said:
I've been soaking this up all's wonderful, this evening some nice cold liquid refreshment to top it all off.

I can't wait for the next FM questions...the Tories are gone, Westminster is empty, will we see the first attack on the new incoming Labour government, someone has to get the blame for the SNP's catastrophic election result.

While on the subject of loosers has anyone heard anything from our old mate Dumza...was he sidelined for the election.

And let's finish up with a bit of entertainment "Its not my fault" -
She just can't remember making any mistakes.

Master Of Puppets

3,333 posts

65 months

irc said:
Klippie said:
I've been soaking this up all's wonderful, this evening some nice cold liquid refreshment to top it all off.

I can't wait for the next FM questions...the Tories are gone, Westminster is empty, will we see the first attack on the new incoming Labour government, someone has to get the blame for the SNP's catastrophic election result.

While on the subject of loosers has anyone heard anything from our old mate Dumza...was he sidelined for the election.

And let's finish up with a bit of entertainment "Its not my fault" -
She just can't remember making any mistakes.
I think she actually believes every word that comes out of her mouth.

NPD Maybe?

Roderick Spode

3,245 posts

52 months

Perusing some of the Twitter echo chambers is always good sport. Apparently the loss of 38/39 MPs actually strengthens the cause of independence, despite there being zero swing to Alba or ISP, and if the Yoons disagree then they simply march & take Holyrood by force laugh


3,164 posts

80 months

irc said:
Klippie said:
I've been soaking this up all's wonderful, this evening some nice cold liquid refreshment to top it all off.

I can't wait for the next FM questions...the Tories are gone, Westminster is empty, will we see the first attack on the new incoming Labour government, someone has to get the blame for the SNP's catastrophic election result.

While on the subject of loosers has anyone heard anything from our old mate Dumza...was he sidelined for the election.

And let's finish up with a bit of entertainment "Its not my fault" -
She just can't remember making any mistakes.
It shows the exact problem

The SNP now will totally fall apart as panic sets in about the Scottish election and the possibilities that will bring of them being out of power and off the gravy train.

Every argument the SNP brings up now about Westminster and UK policy can be countered by Labour easily because of this result and the SNP will no know where to go what to do or who to take them there...

Vanden Saab

14,447 posts

77 months

Klippie said:
I've been soaking this up all's wonderful, this evening some nice cold liquid refreshment to top it all off.

I can't wait for the next FM questions...the Tories are gone, Westminster is empty, will we see the first attack on the new incoming Labour government, someone has to get the blame for the SNP's catastrophic election result.

While on the subject of loosers has anyone heard anything from our old mate Dumza...was he sidelined for the election.

And let's finish up with a bit of entertainment "Its not my fault" -
More importantly where will they sit with over 400 Labour MPs?


13,536 posts

218 months

I almost expect the SNP to splinter into several different factions.


8,181 posts

29 months

rider73 said:
It shows the exact problem

The SNP now will totally fall apart as panic sets in about the Scottish election and the possibilities that will bring of them being out of power and off the gravy train.

Every argument the SNP brings up now about Westminster and UK policy can be countered by Labour easily because of this result and the SNP will no know where to go what to do or who to take them there...
Now that Labour are 'those gits at Westminster', the SNP can rebuild as the only alternative?

The SNP may have self destructed, but whining-jock special-case-ism is alive and well and looking for an outlet.


3,355 posts

163 months

Master Of Puppets said:
irc said:
Klippie said:
I've been soaking this up all's wonderful, this evening some nice cold liquid refreshment to top it all off.

I can't wait for the next FM questions...the Tories are gone, Westminster is empty, will we see the first attack on the new incoming Labour government, someone has to get the blame for the SNP's catastrophic election result.

While on the subject of loosers has anyone heard anything from our old mate Dumza...was he sidelined for the election.

And let's finish up with a bit of entertainment "Its not my fault" -
She just can't remember making any mistakes.
I think she actually believes every word that comes out of her mouth.

NPD Maybe?
That was a trully wonderful interview with Cherry, and as always Nippy failed to pick up on the real reasons Independence is floundering, yet again blaming it on Westminster. She really is a disgrace, and why ITV thought it appropriate to have her on the show in the first place is questionable at best.


1,727 posts

150 months

Too early to raise a toast to Charlie Kennedy?


6,156 posts

67 months

s2kjock said:
Too early to raise a toast to Charlie Kennedy?
It'll come.

SNP are now on the slippery slope with little hope of recovery. The loss of short money is devastating to their day-to-day operations and the evisceration of the power of the National Executive Committee and the imposition of a set of nutball DEI rules for the selection of Holyrood candidate by the outgoing Nicola Sturgeon is going to spark internecine war between the useless hingers-oan and the unseated former SNP MPs in the run up to Holyrood 2025.

The SNP is now in the same mode as the Conservatives of the last two years - a decline of their own making.

An interview with Joanna Cherry by ITV was very telling. The party has been nursing a split since Bloatfud was ousted as the SNP commons leader and had been effectively operating as two separate parties in Holyrood and Westminster. The Westminster gang are now heading north and they ain't happy...

Edited by Evercross on Friday 5th July 20:54


Original Poster:

22,444 posts

161 months

CambsBill said:
Silverbullet767 said:
If the SNP get less than 10. I can see me streaking in the street, tie around my head glugging a bottle of whisky.
Can't let this post get forgotten amongst all the good news now can we whistle
BBC reporting that the SNP have conceded the last seat. Seems SNP have ended up with less than 10 seats.


6,156 posts

67 months

Scrump said:
BBC reporting that the SNP have conceded the last seat.whistle
Told you it would come. wink


5,028 posts

181 months

Jasey_ said:
One more for the throbbers to only have 9 seats.
Happy days biggrin


1,741 posts

167 months

ninepoint2 said:
That was a trully wonderful interview with Cherry, and as always Nippy failed to pick up on the real reasons Independence is floundering, yet again blaming it on Westminster. She really is a disgrace, and why ITV thought it appropriate to have her on the show in the first place is questionable at best.
I totally agree. Totally shell shocked that that wee niaf was sitting in that studio. An astoundingly bad call by ITV.


6,156 posts

67 months

SilverBullet - get yer kit aff and yer tie oan...