Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



7,940 posts

146 months

Well, while you, my fellow Scots are celebrating the demise of the Nasty Party, please have some sympathy for this exile in W Yorkshire.

Labour are the party of the moment in the majority of locations. Here, our last MP was Labour as has been the case for many years. So a Labour victory is a given you might think. The Asian population is around 38-40% of the area, Dewsbury and Batley.

Here are my results:

So a 41% vote for an Independent who has come from nowhere. Labour vote drops by 36%. The rest of the votes seem to mirror most other constituencies. Just a little curious given the national result and the last local elections were tainted by missing postal votes and voter fraud plus the same in parliamentary elections, which has existed here for a long time.

Plus the leader of our council had to resign for lying and a Labour councillor was sent to prison:

"Clr Pandor's resignation comes just a week after his judgment was called into question at a full meeting of the council. It was alleged he “wilfully misled” the council over the suspension of Batley East Labour councillor Fazila Loonat, who was jailed this month for lying over a speeding ticket.27 Jul 2023"

Enjoy your 'freedum' up there as I fear more of the same ste down here. beer


2,795 posts

70 months

dxg said:
I think it's quite revealing - and says a lot about our electoral system (for GEs, anyway) - that this scope of change was brought about with an increase in voter share for Labour of just 1.6% and a fall of just 1.3% for the SNP.

It might not take much to reverse it. We can't be complacent.
Those figures are based on national vote share, yes? That represents nearly a third drop for the SNP, in other words all the soft-Yes and strategic anti-Brexit voters making other choices. I'm not sure the soft-Yesers will be coming back anytime soon.

I've said for a decade that the SNP need to accept the result of the referendum; I've realised it's time for the electorate to accept the result of the referendum and that the question can only be revisited after a long period of competent governance.


7,708 posts

139 months

Viper201 - Celebrate your diversity.


17,007 posts

231 months

jet_noise said:
My constituency (Inverness, Skye & West Ross-shire) won't be available till tomorrow due to "statistical discrepancies".
Beeb news link
I expect midges have bitten into the abaci.

Edited by jet_noise on Friday 5th July 13:02
Probably the counters are too tired to think straight.


15,022 posts

217 months

XCP said:
jet_noise said:
My constituency (Inverness, Skye & West Ross-shire) won't be available till tomorrow due to "statistical discrepancies".
Beeb news link
I expect midges have bitten into the abaci.

Edited by jet_noise on Friday 5th July 13:02
Probably the counters are too tired to think straight.
The actual reason is the count was done by some of the same people who did the SNP accounts.


1,964 posts

181 months

Silverbullet767 said:
If the SNP get less than 10. I can see me streaking in the street, tie around my head glugging a bottle of whisky.
Can't let this post get forgotten amongst all the good news now can we whistle


26,004 posts

196 months

is-uk said:
If the SNP were to suddenly find a more charismatic leader with great communication skills in the next 12 months it would be difficult to not rule out a resurgence in support for them sadly. Five years ago pundits were saying Labour were out of power for at least the next two election cycles yet look at todays results. They have won with a huge parliamentary majority that is built on 1 million votes less than Corbyn achieved. They have been aided by the failure of both the Conservatives and SNP as opposed to any real appetite for them as a government with over 2/3rds of the electorate voting for other parties. It is hardly a resounding mandate yet it is enough to let them do what they want.
Fortunately there's no danger of that; John "safe hands" Swinney will steer a steady path onto the same rocks Sturgeon and Humza steered themselves onto with more of the same failed policies but done with less hair. The old guard that made a passable fist of running Scotland 07-14 aren't there anymore.


8,510 posts

103 months

Viper201 said:
Well, while you, my fellow Scots are celebrating the demise of the Nasty Party, please have some sympathy for this exile in W Yorkshire.

Labour are the party of the moment in the majority of locations. Here, our last MP was Labour as has been the case for many years. So a Labour victory is a given you might think. The Asian population is around 38-40% of the area, Dewsbury and Batley.
On your new MPs website it has his key focuses. Number 1 being...

Iqbal said:
Ceasefire and Peace Agreement in Gaza: Fighting for a ceasefire and a two-state peace agreement.
Yup, that's really his biggest focus as when we've got Russia knocking on the door of NATO and a fooked NHS.

He says politics is an act of worship too... If there's one thing more ridiculous than 21st century politics, it's 21st century people talking sincerely about sky fairies.

Of course, maybe he's just being as cynical as any other MP candidate and knows that in his area, "Grrr Palestine, I'm doing an act of worship, here are lots of pictures of bearded Asian men" will get him a nice £91k + expenses + pied a terre job, just as "Grrr foreigners. Here's some pictures of happy white people during rationing" gets the same in Reform constituencies biglaugh


1,338 posts

155 months

Don’t know if it’s been said but I find it ironical that the SNP all but fizzled out on Independance day.


2,284 posts

36 months

Very good, made me smile smile having trouble reading eyes watering with laughter


10,679 posts

143 months

is-uk said:
It is immensely satisfying to see the SNP being punished.

However, at the risk of sounding like a killjoy, Labour will have the same problem in Government at Westminster with regard to Scotland and making a tangible difference to those voters who want and expect to see an immediate improvement as the Conservatives had. The last Labour government gave away all of the levers they now need to achieve that sort of demonstrable change to the Scottish Parliament. As a consequence they can make little headway in terms of improving services in health, education, transport or policing that voters would see. That will result in two years of disappointment for Scottish voters if they do not realise and accept that the next Holyrood election is the one that will have the greatest impact upon their daily lives. Will those voters stay the course and continue to support Labour.... or simply revert to normal and punish them for their apparent inaction between now and then? It's not a great look for Labour to have to admit there is little they can do for 2 years due to a constitutional change they enacted 25 years ago.

It's the same problem that bedevils local government elections. Many voters simply do not know/cannot see/can't be bothered to understand which level of government has control over policy in the areas that affect their daily lives and so simply use their vote as a punishment tool without considering the ramifications to themselves.

If the SNP were to suddenly find a more charismatic leader with great communication skills in the next 12 months it would be difficult to not rule out a resurgence in support for them sadly. Five years ago pundits were saying Labour were out of power for at least the next two election cycles yet look at todays results. They have won with a huge parliamentary majority that is built on 1 million votes less than Corbyn achieved. They have been aided by the failure of both the Conservatives and SNP as opposed to any real appetite for them as a government with over 2/3rds of the electorate voting for other parties. It is hardly a resounding mandate yet it is enough to let them do what they want.
And how has that worked out for us since the inception of the diddy parliament ? Don't you worry is-uk (independent scotland-uk ? edinburger ? or one of the mental indy loons that is too embarrassed to come on here using their original user name anymore) the next campaign we will see up here will be to get rid of that diddy parliament for good.

Given the tough times we live in there has to be a reduction in troughers, sorry representatives, as mentioned above how many people do we need doing their best to not represent us ?


2,284 posts

36 months

+1 glorified talking shop, P45 the lot, sell off the furniture to the painted ones and flatten the building, build affordable housing on site.

Ugly, impractical, boat shaped floor pan? Too expensive to maintain.

Then have a cost reduction exercise on the local Councillors too, far too many, too expensive.

Then have a cull of the House of Lords, far too many, compulsory retirement at 70. In future make it honorary with no expenses for the majority, they can be Lord in name only with no voting rights, save a fortune but then again MP’s will not vote it in cos they want on the gravy train


1,493 posts

219 months

wc98 said:
And how has that worked out for us since the inception of the diddy parliament ? Don't you worry is-uk (independent scotland-uk ? edinburger ? or one of the mental indy loons that is too embarrassed to come on here using their original user name anymore) the next campaign we will see up here will be to get rid of that diddy parliament for good.

Given the tough times we live in there has to be a reduction in troughers, sorry representatives, as mentioned above how many people do we need doing their best to not represent us ?
I think you have misinterpreted my post by a country mile as you'd see from any posts I've made on the subject on the many chapters of this thread.

I've been totally against independence since the first devolution vote in the 70's and my user name was from another international forum hence the uk part. I sincerely hope the SNP are done and stay out of power for the next couple of decades. I'd rather not have seen Holyrood opened in the first place. It was of much more use to the people of Scotland when it housed the Scottish & Newcastle brewery. I am merely playing Devil's advocate as the support for the SNP remains stubbornly strong. I am no fan of Labour either as they have stirred grievance politics in Scotland in the central belt for as long as I can remember.


12,516 posts

182 months

For sale huge capacity can fit all SNP MPs


2,284 posts

36 months

Roderick Spode

3,245 posts

52 months

Only awake a couple of hours, bit of a fuzzy head... my policy of one SNP loss = one nip had to be abandoned after the first dozen or so, in the interests of my health and wellbeing.

Anyway, a further synopsis of the SNP financial strife... can't wait. Hope they are utterly bankrupted.

The most welcome list of the day for me - all the useless nodding donkeys who will no longer be hoovering up expenses and wages from the public purse. A few notable highlights but all very pleasing.


7,708 posts

139 months

A party so hard up that despite their Short money and big salaries and big indy supporters on public payroll they are reduced to crowdfunding to pay to get leaflets printed.


2,284 posts

36 months

What do you expect financially inept with Scotlands money, why would they be better with their own money?


3,735 posts

181 months

Viper201 said:
Well, while you, my fellow Scots are celebrating the demise of the Nasty Party, please have some sympathy for this exile in W Yorkshire.

Labour are the party of the moment in the majority of locations. Here, our last MP was Labour as has been the case for many years. So a Labour victory is a given you might think. The Asian population is around 38-40% of the area, Dewsbury and Batley.

Here are my results:

So a 41% vote for an Independent who has come from nowhere. Labour vote drops by 36%. The rest of the votes seem to mirror most other constituencies. Just a little curious given the national result and the last local elections were tainted by missing postal votes and voter fraud plus the same in parliamentary elections, which has existed here for a long time.

Plus the leader of our council had to resign for lying and a Labour councillor was sent to prison:

"Clr Pandor's resignation comes just a week after his judgment was called into question at a full meeting of the council. It was alleged he “wilfully misled” the council over the suspension of Batley East Labour councillor Fazila Loonat, who was jailed this month for lying over a speeding ticket.27 Jul 2023"

Enjoy your 'freedum' up there as I fear more of the same ste down here. beer
Given how a similar independent almost won is Jess Phillips seat going by the same anti gaza war shtick, then when didn't win, her followers loudly good and chanted stopping jess Phillips winning speech.

I winder if the likes of GCHQ will keep an eye on these candidates and that new MP.


13,535 posts

218 months

Livers at the ready. drink
It sounds like the SNP are not winning the last outstanding constituency.