What is the Conservative legacy?

What is the Conservative legacy?



15,892 posts

132 months

Monday 12th February
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Wombat3 said:
President Merkin said:
Human rights are universal. This really does need to compute with the leave the ECHR crowd. You say you trust us to make sensible decisions when two or three posts above, I listed a bunch of irrational, illegal decisions made by the current government, I don't know how much more I could put the evidence under your nose but you ought to accept that the protections the ECHR confers on you and your beloved family are gone forever if we left.

It's the myopia that kills me in this. The idea that junking a set of high minded protections we were instrumental in creating in order to deal with a trivial issue won't ever have serious repercussions for us is madness, pure vandalism. Incredible that I get accused of student union politics in the context of this beyond shallow thinking.

Either way it's never happening, so may as well forget the whole thing.
Opinions may vary (and that's OK).

We are, inherently, a high-minded, fair, lawful, reasonable and relatively incorrupt nation. Unfortunately, that cannot be said for all and as such people (and countries) will take the piss.

We need to be able to protect ourselves from that & I see no reason to need to entrust that to others.
Tell that to the families of the Hillsborough disaster or the other countless times the ECHR has helped people in this country.

To leave just because they may have helped some vulnerable people who you dislike not be herded onto a plane is just stupidity.

Randy Winkman

16,663 posts

192 months

Monday 12th February
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valiant said:
oyster said:
What’s free market about adding more controls to immigration?
Not that sort of free market obvs...
It is an irony isn't it?


24,441 posts

223 months

Monday 12th February
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Wombat3 said:
biggbn said:
Wombat3 said:
President Merkin said:
Wombat3 said:
I say the ECHR is a EU body. We are not in the EU.
Well you say wrong, That isn't opinion, it's a fact. Nothing after that matters, You've dropped an unbelievable clanger in your very first sentence. Is there a Tory round here anywhere with even a passing acquaintance with the real world?
I'm going to have to concede that one. The point, nonetheless, is that its an institution that has the ability to overrule British law.

Given recent meddling with who we can and can't deport from the UK, it can go.
Thanks for your honesty. It cuts both ways though. Wouldn't you rather be part of an organisation that ensures the welfare of those it oversees and therefore help ensure our fellow human beings are afforded the same opportunities across the countries involved?
It depends, I trust us to make reasonable decisions as we always have.

Others? Not so sure.

In the case of the recent issue with immigration the EHCR have been pontificating on whether we can or can't deport people who originate from countries over which in fact they have no jurisdiction.

Their decisions have not been in the UK' s interests and therefore not in the people of the UK's interests. What about their "rights"?
Well if you don't trust others to make the right decisions aren't we better being in a position where we can influence them?


24,441 posts

223 months

Monday 12th February
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Wombat3 said:
President Merkin said:
Human rights are universal. This really does need to compute with the leave the ECHR crowd. You say you trust us to make sensible decisions when two or three posts above, I listed a bunch of irrational, illegal decisions made by the current government, I don't know how much more I could put the evidence under your nose but you ought to accept that the protections the ECHR confers on you and your beloved family are gone forever if we left.

It's the myopia that kills me in this. The idea that junking a set of high minded protections we were instrumental in creating in order to deal with a trivial issue won't ever have serious repercussions for us is madness, pure vandalism. Incredible that I get accused of student union politics in the context of this beyond shallow thinking.

Either way it's never happening, so may as well forget the whole thing.
Opinions may vary (and that's OK).

We are, inherently, a high-minded, fair, lawful, reasonable and relatively incorrupt nation. Unfortunately, that cannot be said for all and as such people (and countries) will take the piss.

We need to be able to protect ourselves from that & I see no reason to need to entrust that to others.
But we are not entrusting it to others, we are part of those who decide. As for your first part, yes in the main, but we are certainly much further away from the ideals you suggest than we have been in a long time.


52,843 posts

213 months

Monday 12th February
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Whilst we're not Russia or North Korea I'm amazed people are so trusting of a Government that's repeatedly shown utter contempt for the rule of law.


1,228 posts

126 months

Monday 12th February
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‘Crime does pay’ ?


12,442 posts

209 months

Monday 12th February
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bhstewie said:
Whilst we're not Russia or North Korea I'm amazed people are so trusting of a Government that's repeatedly shown utter contempt for the rule of law.
I'm not aware of any situation where the Government has not ultimately had to comply with British law.
Anyone that has tried to ride roughshod over it has been pulled up and reigned in. The British legal system works just fine.


5,727 posts

109 months

Tuesday 13th February
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James6112 said:
Gave away Uk residents right to settle in EU
Self serving, cash for their friends
Split up the Uk

Quite a legacy wink

Soon to be consigned to history
Pretty much this tbh. Also ran down our armed forces to bare bones/sub-standard.

shed driver

Original Poster:

2,250 posts

163 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I'm going to bump this thread as it's likely to be the last full day before a change of government. During the campaign I have seen very little of the conservatives stating what they are proud of achieving in the last 14 years.

Is this a first? Every previous election I recall, the incumbent party was stating how they would build on their achievements.



12,442 posts

209 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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shed driver said:
I'm going to bump this thread as it's likely to be the last full day before a change of government. During the campaign I have seen very little of the conservatives stating what they are proud of achieving in the last 14 years.

Is this a first? Every previous election I recall, the incumbent party was stating how they would build on their achievements.

Not much. They've basically spent 14 years fighting fires
Some of which they managed to start themselves.rolleyes

Though probably their greatest sin is that they will deliver us a Labour Government !

B'stard Child

28,782 posts

249 months

Thursday 4th July
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shed driver said:
After being in power for over half a generation what has the Conservative government measurably improved since 2010?

Kinda made me think of the Monty Python sketch on what have the Romans done for us

Except the answer would be nothing biggrin

Only highlight of the last 14 years would be "eat out to help out" jesus you fked the economy by locking it down and paying people to sit at home and when the cork was about to be shot out of the bottle you thought it would be a good idea to subsidise the recovery when people would have done it anyway - Rishi you fking stupid b'stard


57,276 posts

207 months

Thursday 4th July
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Self immolation.


4,054 posts

217 months

Thursday 4th July
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votes.will be remembered for making mistakes with covid by all those with second sight.
They will be remembered for breaking covid rules, when in reality every bugger and his dog broke the rulrs.
They will be remembered for somehow being responsible for the cost of living crisis, and not putin after all.
They will be remembered for brexit , though it was not actually them that voted for it.

They will be remembered for letting an otherwise unelectable labour party into power.
Though again, thEy are not casting the votes.


4,054 posts

217 months

Thursday 4th July
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B'stard Child said:
Kinda made me think of the Monty Python sketch on what have the Romans done for us

Except the answer would be nothing biggrin

Only highlight of the last 14 years would be "eat out to help out" jesus you fked the economy by locking it down and paying people to sit at home and when the cork was about to be shot out of the bottle you thought it would be a good idea to subsidise the recovery when people would have done it anyway - Rishi you fking stupid b'stard
Great to have hindsight.
Of course we all knew covid wouldn't be far worse.
And anywAy feck the elderly and vulnerable ... they're going to die anyway.

What if covid had been far worse and the government hadn't locked down?
You'd be ok with that now?


52,843 posts

213 months

Thursday 4th July
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Crooked behaviour normalised.

Managed decline.

A fall in living standards for the first time in most people’s living memory.

B'stard Child

28,782 posts

249 months

Thursday 4th July
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philv said:
B'stard Child said:
Kinda made me think of the Monty Python sketch on what have the Romans done for us

Except the answer would be nothing biggrin

Only highlight of the last 14 years would be "eat out to help out" jesus you fked the economy by locking it down and paying people to sit at home and when the cork was about to be shot out of the bottle you thought it would be a good idea to subsidise the recovery when people would have done it anyway - Rishi you fking stupid b'stard
Great to have hindsight.
Of course we all knew covid wouldn't be far worse.
And anywAy feck the elderly and vulnerable ... they're going to die anyway.

What if covid had been far worse and the government hadn't locked down?
You'd be ok with that now?
There is a covid thread somewhere but anyway

It’s not hindsight - I said it at the time

All the clues on how harmful covid was going to be were known right at the start

Everybody dies - no one is immortal - fact

The first lock down I can almost understand rest of the actions taken not at all


12,732 posts

251 months

Thursday 4th July
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B'stard Child said:
philv said:
B'stard Child said:
Only highlight of the last 14 years would be "eat out to help out" jesus you fked the economy by locking it down and paying people to sit at home and when the cork was about to be shot out of the bottle you thought it would be a good idea to subsidise the recovery when people would have done it anyway - Rishi you fking stupid b'stard
Great to have hindsight.
Of course we all knew covid wouldn't be far worse.
And anywAy feck the elderly and vulnerable ... they're going to die anyway.

What if covid had been far worse and the government hadn't locked down?
You'd be ok with that now?
There is a covid thread somewhere but anyway

It’s not hindsight - I said it at the time

All the clues on how harmful covid was going to be were known right at the start

Everybody dies - no one is immortal - fact

The first lock down I can almost understand rest of the actions taken not at all

Their behaviour around Covid just matched the rest of their behaviour over the last 14 years.
Punish workers and young, optimistic people and reward the old and angry.


3,339 posts

83 months

Thursday 4th July
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bhstewie said:
Crooked behaviour normalised.

Managed decline.

A fall in living standards for the first time in most people’s living memory.
I usually avoid the Guardian like the weeks-old liberal dishwater that it is, but they have put out two good articles surveying the Conservative legacy in the past few days:


And especially this one:


Gloss over the editorialising and standard-issue handwringing. Focus on the factual stats and the timeline.

Especially, in the second link, focus on the comparison between Cameron's rhetoric before and immediately after 2010 and the tangible results we're sitting with in 2024.

It's arrestingly dire. And I say that as someone who voted Tory in 2010. The complete moral abrogation of the coalition government, how policy was so divorced from their rhetoric and how a 'Conservative' government almost wholly dismantled Britain's civic institutions and social fabric (and, as if that wasn't bad enough, made no effort to replace them) is a huge part in why my politics are what they are now. Scales falling from eyes and all that.

oyster said:
Punish workers and young, optimistic people and reward the old and angry.
The 2010-2024 Conservative mission statement.


Just to provide a bit of content for those who can't/won't go through the links. This is from the second article:

The Guardian said:
“If you’re frightened,” he claimed, “we’ll protect you!” (nearly 2 million people are currently on waiting lists for mental health services). “And if you risk your life to fight for your country, we will honour you!” (The unimaginably chaotic airlift from Kabul was overseen by a Tory foreign secretary who refused to cancel his summer holiday and a prime minister who allegedly prioritised headlines about repatriating dogs.)


“I see a country where more children grow up with security and love because family life comes first!” he exclaimed. (The Joseph Rowntree foundation reported last year that 3.8m people in the UK, including 1 million children, now live “in destitution”, a figure that has increased two and a half times since 2017.) “I see a country where communities govern themselves — organising local services, independent of Whitehall, a great handing back of power to people!” (Between 2010 and 2020, overall funding for local authorities was cut by 40%. Thirteen councils have filed section 114 bankruptcy notices since 2018; half of all councils warn of bankruptcy within five years.)
Edited by 2xChevrons on Thursday 4th July 08:37


10,760 posts

163 months

Thursday 4th July
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oyster said:

Punish workers and young, optimistic people and reward the old and angry.
This may as well have been their election manifesto.