Another dog attack



6,574 posts

24 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Greendubber said:
The police are really good at solving murders and serious crimes but crap for the majority of 'every day' crimes that people report on a daily basis.

That's naturally going to leave people with a st opinion because it's all about what matters to them, for example a stolen car or theft of a pedal cycle that just gets filed without a cop even casting their eyes over it.
What matters to police being traffic offences. It’s funny that even the police themselves admit their st, despite swearing a load of bks on their oath.

Anyway, as ever, dog behaviour is largely driven by the owners rolleyes


13,338 posts

206 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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carlo996 said:
Greendubber said:
The police are really good at solving murders and serious crimes but crap for the majority of 'every day' crimes that people report on a daily basis.

That's naturally going to leave people with a st opinion because it's all about what matters to them, for example a stolen car or theft of a pedal cycle that just gets filed without a cop even casting their eyes over it.
What matters to police being traffic offences. It’s funny that even the police themselves admit their st, despite swearing a load of bks on their oath.

Anyway, as ever, dog behaviour is largely driven by the owners rolleyes
What matters to police is being traffic offences?

Would you mind having another go at that please?


4,314 posts

259 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Greendubber said:
carlo996 said:
Greendubber said:
The police are really good at solving murders and serious crimes but crap for the majority of 'every day' crimes that people report on a daily basis.

That's naturally going to leave people with a st opinion because it's all about what matters to them, for example a stolen car or theft of a pedal cycle that just gets filed without a cop even casting their eyes over it.
What matters to police being traffic offences. It’s funny that even the police themselves admit their st, despite swearing a load of bks on their oath.

Anyway, as ever, dog behaviour is largely driven by the owners rolleyes
What matters to police is being traffic offences?

Would you mind having another go at that please?
Try taking out the "is" which you've added smile


7,265 posts

60 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Camoradi said:
Greendubber said:
carlo996 said:
Greendubber said:
The police are really good at solving murders and serious crimes but crap for the majority of 'every day' crimes that people report on a daily basis.

That's naturally going to leave people with a st opinion because it's all about what matters to them, for example a stolen car or theft of a pedal cycle that just gets filed without a cop even casting their eyes over it.
What matters to police being traffic offences. It’s funny that even the police themselves admit their st, despite swearing a load of bks on their oath.

Anyway, as ever, dog behaviour is largely driven by the owners rolleyes
What matters to police is being traffic offences?

Would you mind having another go at that please?
Try taking out the "is" which you've added smile
I thought I saw a stray "is" too ? Anyhow, the Police, damned if they do, damned if they don't.


13,338 posts

206 months

Wednesday 3rd July
quotequote all
Camoradi said:
Greendubber said:
carlo996 said:
Greendubber said:
The police are really good at solving murders and serious crimes but crap for the majority of 'every day' crimes that people report on a daily basis.

That's naturally going to leave people with a st opinion because it's all about what matters to them, for example a stolen car or theft of a pedal cycle that just gets filed without a cop even casting their eyes over it.
What matters to police being traffic offences. It’s funny that even the police themselves admit their st, despite swearing a load of bks on their oath.

Anyway, as ever, dog behaviour is largely driven by the owners rolleyes
What matters to police is being traffic offences?

Would you mind having another go at that please?
Try taking out the "is" which you've added smile
I'm not sure that improves things very much to be honest! smile


6,574 posts

24 months

Wednesday 3rd July
quotequote all
Greendubber said:
I'm not sure that improves things very much to be honest! smile
Hence, I guess you’re part of the problem smile All the Police care about are traffic offences tbh. It’s why you have such low support from the general public. It’s not numbers of Police, it’s how utterly inept you are as an organisation. But a wider topic for another day.


13,338 posts

206 months

Wednesday 3rd July
quotequote all
carlo996 said:
Greendubber said:
I'm not sure that improves things very much to be honest! smile
Hence, I guess you’re part of the problem smile All the Police care about are traffic offences tbh. It’s why you have such low support from the general public. It’s not numbers of Police, it’s how utterly inept you are as an organisation. But a wider topic for another day.
Traffic matters take up a minute amount of police time, I've been in the police for knocking on 20 years now and I've never had targets for traffic matters, I've never been on traffic. I deal with high level criminality, counter terrorism, drug dealers, armed criminality as well as all manner of other things. Look at how few officers make up traffic departments and you'll see it's the minority compared to investigation teams and other specialist roles. For example, domestic violence units will have significantly more officers and resources attached to them than roads policing. Acquisitive crime teams have more staff allocated to them than roads policing teams, as do response shifts that don't get time to deal with traffic matters.

To put it bluntly, you have no idea what you're talking about.


22,037 posts

199 months

quotequote all
carlo996 said:
Greendubber said:
I'm not sure that improves things very much to be honest! smile
Hence, I guess you’re part of the problem smile All the Police care about are traffic offences tbh. It’s why you have such low support from the general public. It’s not numbers of Police, it’s how utterly inept you are as an organisation. But a wider topic for another day.
You've recently been done for speeding, haven't you? thumbup


6,574 posts

24 months

quotequote all
Greendubber said:
Traffic matters take up a minute amount of police time, I've been in the police for knocking on 20 years now and I've never had targets for traffic matters, I've never been on traffic. I deal with high level criminality, counter terrorism, drug dealers, armed criminality as well as all manner of other things. Look at how few officers make up traffic departments and you'll see it's the minority compared to investigation teams and other specialist roles. For example, domestic violence units will have significantly more officers and resources attached to them than roads policing. Acquisitive crime teams have more staff allocated to them than roads policing teams, as do response shifts that don't get time to deal with traffic matters.

To put it bluntly, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Given that the general public have no time for the Police and think they are hopeless......i'd say I am in the majority smile


6,574 posts

24 months

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eldar said:
You've recently been done for speeding, haven't you? thumbup
Not yet, but there is always a chance! So far Waze has saved me from another speeding course..... biggrin


13,338 posts

206 months

quotequote all
carlo996 said:
Greendubber said:
Traffic matters take up a minute amount of police time, I've been in the police for knocking on 20 years now and I've never had targets for traffic matters, I've never been on traffic. I deal with high level criminality, counter terrorism, drug dealers, armed criminality as well as all manner of other things. Look at how few officers make up traffic departments and you'll see it's the minority compared to investigation teams and other specialist roles. For example, domestic violence units will have significantly more officers and resources attached to them than roads policing. Acquisitive crime teams have more staff allocated to them than roads policing teams, as do response shifts that don't get time to deal with traffic matters.

To put it bluntly, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Given that the general public have no time for the Police and think they are hopeless......i'd say I am in the majority smile
And I'll continue to say you have no idea smile

Unless you can explain how the prisons filled themselves to capacity of course?


5,300 posts

33 months

quotequote all
carlo996 said:
Greendubber said:
Traffic matters take up a minute amount of police time, I've been in the police for knocking on 20 years now and I've never had targets for traffic matters, I've never been on traffic. I deal with high level criminality, counter terrorism, drug dealers, armed criminality as well as all manner of other things. Look at how few officers make up traffic departments and you'll see it's the minority compared to investigation teams and other specialist roles. For example, domestic violence units will have significantly more officers and resources attached to them than roads policing. Acquisitive crime teams have more staff allocated to them than roads policing teams, as do response shifts that don't get time to deal with traffic matters.

To put it bluntly, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Given that the general public have no time for the Police and think they are hopeless......i'd say I am in the majority smile
The majority isn't always right. It's often just repeating received, unevidenced "wisdom".


6,574 posts

24 months

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CivicDuties said:
The majority isn't always right. It's often just repeating received, unevidenced "wisdom".
Or the result of being on the end of crime that the Police couldn't care less about.....


5,300 posts

33 months

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carlo996 said:
CivicDuties said:
The majority isn't always right. It's often just repeating received, unevidenced "wisdom".
Or the result of being on the end of crime that the Police couldn't care less about.....
As I have been on the end of an unsolved burglary, in which I lost my most treasured, sentimental possession. I don't let that colour my feelings about the Police "only being interested in motoring offences", or however it was you put it.

Gone fishing

7,286 posts

127 months

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I’ve been on the end of crime the police did care about.

I think the reality for a lot of people is they want the police to pursue crimes, just not the ones they commit like speeding, probably a bit of cash in hand building work avoiding VAT and the builder paying tax, maybe a little antisocial behaviour, uncontrolled dogs..


22,037 posts

199 months

quotequote all
carlo996 said:
Given that the general public have no time for the Police and think they are hopeless......i'd say I am in the majority smile
Read this, then decide for yourself how accurate that statement is.


3,968 posts

152 months

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Greendubber said:
andyA700 said:
Greendubber said:

Another dog shot - an Akita this time.
About five years ago, there was a guy with an Akita in our village. I used to chat to him, but used to keep a bit of distance between me and the dog. One day it lunged up at me, but thankfully I was out of range and he had a secure grip on the lead. It really shook me up. I havn't seen him or the dog since.
I've never had a good experience with one. They seemed to be the dog of choice for scumbags a while back, usually kept in a completely slabbed/concrete back garden full of enormous piles of their own st and never walked.
There used to be a really good alignment garage near me, the couple that owned the garage had three rescued Akita's and used to bring them to work with them...all three were extremely affectionate dogs that loved meeting people and the attention they got. Powerful beasts though, so would not have wanted to get on their wrong side.