Your voting intentions

Poll: Your voting intentions

Total Members Polled: 1294

Conservative : 22%
Labour: 28%
Reform: 14%
Lib-dem: 9%
Indy: 2%
Green: 3%
Not Voting for any of 'em. (Stay At Home).: 12%
Spoil Paper: 8%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%


5,683 posts

109 months

Tuesday 11th June
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George Osborne suggesting on his pod with Ed Balls that the tories are running out of money for the campaign as donations dry up. Whip round?

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Would add at risk of sounding a bit Poindexterish, plenty of places round the world where a vote is denied. it is a privilege, often a hard won one. So vote.


2,840 posts

20 months

Tuesday 11th June
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President Merkin said:
Would add at risk of sounding a bit Poindexterish, plenty of places round the world where a vote is denied. it is a privilege, often a hard won one. So vote.
It can sound a bit holier than thou and I agree pontificating is never a good look. But walking out the door and voting is something people should enjoy their ability to do so. There are large parts of the world where they can't.

I'm in a safe seat with a sitting MP that I don't support. I know the man and my father in law has invited him to dinner lol. That was a fun day, for me not him. But he'll get elected, I'll vote against him and I'll feel happy that my vote counted towards those who don't want him. I'd prefer PR but I'll work with the system I'm given.


17,458 posts

282 months

Tuesday 11th June
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I don’t need a sanctimonious lesson in the value, and almost sanctity, of the vote thanks all the same. I’ve voted at every opportunity in my life for that very reason.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Well both I & the guy preceding me went out of our respective ways to point out we could be coming across a bt high handed but without meaning to do so. Maybe don't be so quick to take offence eh grandad.


14,075 posts

99 months

Tuesday 11th June
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uk66fastback said:
No vote is a wasted vote in reality.
Many votes are wasted in reality too.

I suspect turnout won't be great, I don't think the fault for that lies with the voters.


7,597 posts

272 months

Tuesday 11th June
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swisstoni said:
Postal ballot papers turned up today. Seeing them sitting there on the kitchen table, it really brings home the dilemma.

Vote Conservative and reward a disgraceful abdication of responsibility to actually run a country rather than fight amongst themselves.

Vote Labour, who seem to be in pole position purely because they aren’t the Tories and it’s ‘their turn’. Nothing else.

Vote Reform who are basically a couple of blokes who are likely to enable Labour to get an even larger majority to do pretty much anything for the next 5 years.

LibDems - presumed dead but now doing ok purely due to the Tories.

Green - outwardly cuddly, but actually open border loons.

It’s the first election I’ve seen any upside in not voting at all.
But I think an awful lot of people will just not vote this time around.
Same, except I have a double dilemma, I'm in Rishi's constituency and I know the Lib Dem candidate personally (been friends with his parents for years) - nice guy but their manifesto yesterday means I definitely can't vote for him.

Still, I can vote for Count Binface I suppose.....


17,458 posts

282 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
President Merkin said:
Well both I & the guy preceding me went out of our respective ways to point out we could be coming across a bt high handed but without meaning to do so. Maybe don't be so quick to take offence eh grandad.
My son is a teen so you might have to wait a while to call me Grandad.


27,205 posts

186 months

Tuesday 11th June
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EmBe said:
swisstoni said:
Postal ballot papers turned up today. Seeing them sitting there on the kitchen table, it really brings home the dilemma.

Vote Conservative and reward a disgraceful abdication of responsibility to actually run a country rather than fight amongst themselves.

Vote Labour, who seem to be in pole position purely because they aren’t the Tories and it’s ‘their turn’. Nothing else.

Vote Reform who are basically a couple of blokes who are likely to enable Labour to get an even larger majority to do pretty much anything for the next 5 years.

LibDems - presumed dead but now doing ok purely due to the Tories.

Green - outwardly cuddly, but actually open border loons.

It’s the first election I’ve seen any upside in not voting at all.
But I think an awful lot of people will just not vote this time around.
Same, except I have a double dilemma, I'm in Rishi's constituency and I know the Lib Dem candidate personally (been friends with his parents for years) - nice guy but their manifesto yesterday means I definitely can't vote for him.

Still, I can vote for Count Binface I suppose.....
We too have an opportunity for a lib dem MP, of the choices locally they're the only one I'd trust to represent me in the HOC.

So likely to attract my vote despite of Ed Davey, if there were a chance of Ed Davey as PM I'd see things differently.


17,458 posts

282 months

Tuesday 11th June
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A Count Pothole might move the needle in many seats.

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Tuesday 11th June
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swisstoni said:
My son is a teen so you might have to wait a while to call me Grandad.
That's tempting fate....


7,807 posts

225 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Our choice is a local Lib Dem councillor or a Tory who has been parachuted in at the very last moment, not sure he has ever even been to this constituency before, let alone had any local connections. I guess this election took the local Tories by surprise.


10,006 posts

160 months

Tuesday 11th June
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President Merkin said:
Well both I & the guy preceding me went out of our respective ways to point out we could be coming across a bt high handed but without meaning to do so. Maybe don't be so quick to take offence eh grandad.
Do you think there is an argument for MPs to earn your vote. Since 97 I have voted general and local elections? Even as a student in Scotland 1st MSP elections and in the past EU elections. But I don't feel any party offers me (white 45 male city worker) hope for improvement. Lots of claims of fixing this or that but since 2000 I have seen no evidence of any of that and the state had money in early 2000s it had austerity post 2008 and in 2020 printed money etc. So funds have been spent but all I see is things getting worse. Why validate that by voting. I don't approve and so I will just focus on keeping above water whoever comes in to mess with the ships controls knowing their is little hope of growth or more efficient use of public money.


2,840 posts

20 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Gecko1978 said:
Do you think there is an argument for MPs to earn your vote. Since 97 I have voted general and local elections? Even as a student in Scotland 1st MSP elections and in the past EU elections. But I don't feel any party offers me (white 45 male city worker) hope for improvement. Lots of claims of fixing this or that but since 2000 I have seen no evidence of any of that and the state had money in early 2000s it had austerity post 2008 and in 2020 printed money etc. So funds have been spent but all I see is things getting worse. Why validate that by voting. I don't approve and so I will just focus on keeping above water whoever comes in to mess with the ships controls knowing their is little hope of growth or more efficient use of public money.
I think there's very much an argument for voting for the man/woman rather than the party if a local MP is worth their salt. Many aren't.

But if you don't vote you don't count. That's reality and I find some encouraging others not to vote a bit dubious. I suspect some of them intend to vote and hope others don't. But maybe I'm too cynical.


17,458 posts

282 months

Tuesday 11th June
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MC Bodge said:
swisstoni said:
My son is a teen so you might have to wait a while to call me Grandad.
That's tempting fate....
Fair point but I suspect he’s got his dad’s touch with the opposite sex.


2,209 posts

71 months

Tuesday 11th June
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President Merkin said:
Would add at risk of sounding a bit Poindexterish, plenty of places round the world where a vote is denied. it is a privilege, often a hard won one. So vote.
I accept that our troops fought for our right to vote. I also think they fought for our right not to vote if we feels that nobody deserves it, or that they are all so corrupt and self centred that it will make no difference to our lives..


20,335 posts

123 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Voting on here a bit closer now: C 22%, L 29%

Not quite the landslide some were predicting?

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Tuesday 11th June
quotequote all
popeyewhite said:
Voting on here a bit closer now: C 22%, L 29%

Not quite the landslide some were predicting?
PH is not the UK.


Original Poster:

7,460 posts

39 months

Tuesday 11th June
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MC Bodge said:
popeyewhite said:
Voting on here a bit closer now: C 22%, L 29%

Not quite the landslide some were predicting?
PH is not the UK.

Although it ain’t far off the external polls.

Tories are toast.

bad company

18,987 posts

269 months

Tuesday 11th June
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