50p a unit minimum price for booze

50p a unit minimum price for booze



19,429 posts

262 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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More twaddle.


8,620 posts

193 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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A tax on those of us who enjoy a social drink because of those who can't drink sensibly or in moderation...
Usual pattern...tax everyone rather than getting to and dealing with the core of the problem.
I can't see this being passed though.


64 posts

186 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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if the government are really concerned then why not raise the age limit on drinking to 25,this seems to be the age group that causes most of the countries drinking problems,this may over a generation change our attitude in this country to drinking it might not as well.
but why the hell should my pocket suffer and in the process nothing will change the youngsters will still be pissed out there brains.

Balmoral Green

41,192 posts

251 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Four pages of ranting about the government? Er, this wasn't the government. The media has taken everyone for suckers again, as usual. They are still reporting this as a huge story, even this morning it is the lead on most networks. Yet when it broke last week it had already been dismissed by the government. Has this been widely reported? Nope, not much.

Total media non-story (and a Doc gets his fifteen minutes of).

Boy, do the media love winding people up, especially when they already know that the story has been negated, they can still run and get a few days mileage out of it!


2,956 posts

213 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Well, they've defeated the smokers.... now the war on the drinkers will begin.

Do you think it'll end at 50p/unit?

It'll end up with alcohol limited to 'State Approved' shops, very limited off sales and a £10 a pint.

All in your best interests of course.


5,631 posts

234 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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215cu said:
Well, they've defeated the smokers.... now the war on the drinkers will begin.

Do you think it'll end at 50p/unit?

It'll end up with alcohol limited to 'State Approved' shops, very limited off sales and a £10 a pint.

All in your best interests of course.
Don't forget the bit where another 'Expert' halves the amount of alcohol in a unit...


64 posts

186 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Balmoral Green said:

Four pages of ranting about the government? Er, this wasn't the government. The media has taken everyone for suckers again, as usual. They are still reporting this as a huge story, even this morning it is the lead on most networks. Yet when it broke last week it had already been dismissed by the government. Has this been widely reported? Nope, not much.

Total media non-story (and a Doc gets his fifteen minutes of).

Boy, do the media love winding people up, especially when they already know that the story has been negated, they can still run and get a few days mileage out of it!
didnt the smoking ban start in the same way though.

MK4 Slowride

10,028 posts

211 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Parrot of Doom said:
People don't abuse alcohol because it's cheap; they do so because there is a fundamental problem with their life.

You don't put a plaster on a severed artery - you repair it.
Mi Ballax, so I drink a lot because I've got a fundamental problem with my life, riiight.

I drink because I enjoy it. The day I no longer enjoy it is the day I stop.

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

237 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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MK4 Slowride said:
Parrot of Doom said:
People don't abuse alcohol because it's cheap; they do so because there is a fundamental problem with their life.

You don't put a plaster on a severed artery - you repair it.
Mi Ballax, so I drink a lot because I've got a fundamental problem with my life, riiight.

I drink because I enjoy it. The day I no longer enjoy it is the day I stop.
Are you replying to me, because I don't recall mentioning anything about the amount people drink.


2,956 posts

213 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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ragjoy said:
Balmoral Green said:

Four pages of ranting about the government? Er, this wasn't the government. The media has taken everyone for suckers again, as usual. They are still reporting this as a huge story, even this morning it is the lead on most networks. Yet when it broke last week it had already been dismissed by the government. Has this been widely reported? Nope, not much.

Total media non-story (and a Doc gets his fifteen minutes of).

Boy, do the media love winding people up, especially when they already know that the story has been negated, they can still run and get a few days mileage out of it!
didnt the smoking ban start in the same way though.

A smoking ban was initially rubbished by the then Health Secretary John Reid and dropped.

Changed in Health Secretary - Patricia Hewitt. Smoking ban....

Wake. Up.

This government spin 'an announcement', the press widely report it, the government deny it, the press report it more.

And so, the entire country is aware.... the vox pop appear 'it's actually a good idea'. Opinion pollster for the papers basically do the government's job by sounding out opinion usually using polarising language like 'teen binge drinkers', ad nauseam.

Public are in, of course, in favour of discouraging it. The real issue might be policing and prosecuting but a quick knee jerk is the only thing that floats this government's boat.

Government has a change of mind.

Boom. Done. No debate.

Suddenly, it's 75p a unit minimum price, no loss leaders, off sales limited to 9-6pm.


1,084 posts

226 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Parrot of Doom said:
MK4 Slowride said:
Parrot of Doom said:
People don't abuse alcohol because it's cheap; they do so because there is a fundamental problem with their life.

You don't put a plaster on a severed artery - you repair it.
Mi Ballax, so I drink a lot because I've got a fundamental problem with my life, riiight.

I drink because I enjoy it. The day I no longer enjoy it is the day I stop.
Are you replying to me, because I don't recall mentioning anything about the amount people drink.
I took your comment the same way as MK4.
I think your use of the word 'abuse' directly implies people drinking lots and lots.

Invisible man

39,731 posts

287 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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DrTre said:

"But Gordon Brown was said this morning to be very cool on the proposal, and his work and pensions secretary later went even further, claiming that the Government would not punish the responsible majority of drinkers.

“We want to focus on the irresponsible minority rather than I think punishing everyone equally,” James Purnell told BBC1’s The Politics Show. "
So can he not apply this rare display of intelligence to the NSL?


57,064 posts

207 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Symbolica said:
hehe Also: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/health/is-it-ti...

Article said:
DOCTORS should be taxed every time they open their fat, smug, overpaid mouths, it was claimed last night.

People across Britain said the money could be reinvested in the NHS and used to pay for nice foreign doctors who just treat you instead of making you feel like Adolf Eichmann every time you fancy a Star Bar.

Wouldn't actually affect the stuff I buy in the supermarket, since I usually end up paying £6-£10 quid for a bottle of 13%-14% red. Would screw some of the case deals through the wine club, though.

Homebrew might become a problem once they start taxing sugar...

Balmoral Green

41,192 posts

251 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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215cu said:
ragjoy said:
Balmoral Green said:

Four pages of ranting about the government? Er, this wasn't the government. The media has taken everyone for suckers again, as usual. They are still reporting this as a huge story, even this morning it is the lead on most networks. Yet when it broke last week it had already been dismissed by the government. Has this been widely reported? Nope, not much.

Total media non-story (and a Doc gets his fifteen minutes of).

Boy, do the media love winding people up, especially when they already know that the story has been negated, they can still run and get a few days mileage out of it!
didnt the smoking ban start in the same way though.

A smoking ban was initially rubbished by the then Health Secretary John Reid and dropped.

Changed in Health Secretary - Patricia Hewitt. Smoking ban....

Wake. Up.

This government spin 'an announcement', the press widely report it, the government deny it, the press report it more.

And so, the entire country is aware.... the vox pop appear 'it's actually a good idea'. Opinion pollster for the papers basically do the government's job by sounding out opinion usually using polarising language like 'teen binge drinkers', ad nauseam.

Public are in, of course, in favour of discouraging it. The real issue might be policing and prosecuting but a quick knee jerk is the only thing that floats this government's boat.

Government has a change of mind.

Boom. Done. No debate.

Suddenly, it's 75p a unit minimum price, no loss leaders, off sales limited to 9-6pm.
Smoking hasn't been banned. And this is not a proposal to ban drinking.

As for the comparison with the smoking ban, If you think about the places where the smoking ban is in force, they are not places where people drink anyway, the work place, shops, business etc. And whilst smoking is banned in pubs, clubs & restaurants, you can't ban drinking from those places. A pub with no smoking I can understand, but no beer?

How does a proposed and rejected minimum unit price equate to a ban on drinking? And how does a comparison with something that is not banned anyway validate the wearing of tin foil?

Invisible man

39,731 posts

287 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Chassis 33

6,194 posts

285 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Balmoral Green said:
And how does a comparison with something that is not banned anyway validate the wearing of tin foil?
Because this is the P&P, hence the donning of tin foil is the solution to everything, whereas if you were in GG then the answer would obvioulsy be "MX-5"



8,883 posts

251 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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This was always going to be the case.
From the moment they put "Voluntary" health warnings on bottles.
Exactly the same as the "Voluntary" health warnings on fag packets.
That became compulsory. Then bigger. Then led to the smoking ban.

And of course they can ban drinking in public places.
You used to be able to sit out in the street on a hot day with a beer. Not anymore, and how many of you think that's a good thing, probably a fair few.

With most pubs becoming pseudo restaurants in order to survive. By the time the public drinking ban comes into place it won't seem bad.
After all, pubs are family friendly places. Designed to take the children for a nice meal. You wouldn't want alcohol served in such a child friendly environment.

The public drinking ban is on it's way guys. Get used to it.


17,949 posts

214 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Interesting approach to level the playing field WRT heavy taxation in boozers. Tax the supermarkets more. Insipred idea. As for binge drinking - does bugger all to tackle the real questions and issues that lie at the root cause. But hey, money is all important and doing someting is better than doing nothing ...


9,614 posts

229 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Parrot of Doom said:
Prof Beard said:
DrTre said:
Seems like the government aren't keen on the idea

I reckon it was my post earlier that changed their mind.
Good god - could Gordon have done something I agree with? I see the Lib Dems are the same as ever though...
...one year before a general election...
Agreed, its got more to do with his core voters than anything else..

Feckless layabout, and communists. Keep the proletariat happy with cheap booze.

Did some quick sums in my noggin, if this ruling does come into force, it will cost a minimum of £15 for a 750ml bottle of spirits, which typically is around £8-12 now, depending what your poison is.

It will also make pretty much no difference to town centre prices in bars etc. Which, afaik, is where the main problems are?

ETA its like putting a tax on explosives to deter terrorism...

Edited by davido140 on Monday 16th March 12:45

MK4 Slowride

10,028 posts

211 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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The Laws that exist already need to be used instead of a tax generating exercise.

Weekend Warrior = 2 weeks in jail, no if's or but's.
Pissing in the street = 1 week in jail, no if's or but's.
Vandalism = 'x' time in jail depending on severity of crime + having to work to pay debt back.

...& so on you get the picture.

Also make it known that said individual has done one of the above and can explain to their boss themselves or the dole office as to how they can afford to get drunk when on benefits. If people would be put in prison for a week etc & they knew it's the only thing that will happen they might think twice about it.