Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution

Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution



Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
In summary I think some of the points you make are entirely valid when directed to the minority of trouble makers, but are complete bks when directed at large groups like 'Muslims'.
I agree with your points.

But how would you define the people it should be directed toward?

It seems that there is no answer.

Kids in their early 20's turn to terrorism when nobody suspected it.

It can be argued that anybody of the muslim faith has the potential to turn, or am I wrong? It seems an easy way to summaries it to me. Not all extremists are here yet and we do not know what is breeding them.
You have to be kidding me. Please tell me you are joking?

You are saying that because you can't identify an individual you should be allowed to victimise an entire religion? What about the German guy who went into the school this week and started shooting people? Surely every German has the potential to do this and therefore we should round them all up. Go back through history and you will be able to find examples of terrible acts that can be attached to all cultures/religions/races.

Just because a Muslim has been a terrorist does not give you a reason to treat all Muslims as if they are terrorists.

Out of curiosity do you mind if I ask where you are from (English, Scottish etc.) and what religion you are?
Oh im sorry. It must just be a collection of individuals with no link or common belief declaring war on the ''West''.

I am Atheist, originally from London and living in Suburbia.

How about yourself?


1,252 posts

193 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Mark V8 said:
TomE said:
Mark V8 said:
Prof Beard said:
Keep digging - both of you...
You're a funny little man aren't you....
Clarification if you please.
I think he is hinting at the fact that you are both xenophobic bigots....
Name calling ? Shame really that we're at that stage. But still its all I expected from a couple of spineless lefties who dare not speak against this kind of behaviour.
Do you think these people would reward your support ? He'd probably behead you if he thought he could get away with it. Utterly hateful and the ONLY TRUE RACIST here. Would you tell him so ?
Your opinion is a minority one and therefore is unimportant to me.
Quite frankly, your blinkered view of the world astounds me. I'm not in any way "supporting" people with radical views as you suggest, and it is also interesting that you follow up your initial comment with something like "its all I expected from a couple of spineless lefties", which I can assure you I am not.

If my view is so unimportant to you, why do you feel the need to blow a valve replying?


3,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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I'm a Scottish Atheist.

Do you think there may have been some English Athiests who have commited terrible acts in the past? Does that give me the right to treat you as if you were one of them?

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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TomE said:
Mark V8 said:
TomE said:
Mark V8 said:
Prof Beard said:
Keep digging - both of you...
You're a funny little man aren't you....
Clarification if you please.
I think he is hinting at the fact that you are both xenophobic bigots....
Name calling ? Shame really that we're at that stage. But still its all I expected from a couple of spineless lefties who dare not speak against this kind of behaviour.
Do you think these people would reward your support ? He'd probably behead you if he thought he could get away with it. Utterly hateful and the ONLY TRUE RACIST here. Would you tell him so ?
Your opinion is a minority one and therefore is unimportant to me.
Quite frankly, your blinkered view of the world astounds me. I'm not in any way "supporting" people with radical views as you suggest, and it is also interesting that you follow up your initial comment with something like "its all I expected from a couple of spineless lefties", which I can assure you I am not.

If my view is so unimportant to you, why do you feel the need to blow a valve replying?
Blow a valve ? Hardly.
Anyway, stop debating the debate and tell us what you think of this nutter then ?


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
I'm a Scottish Atheist.

Do you think there may have been some English Athiests who have commited terrible acts in the past? Does that give me the right to treat you as if you were one of them?
We are talking about the present. Not the past.

I think MI5 said there is something like 2000 terrorist cells in the UK. 2-0-0-0!!!!!!

Most doing fk all all day, living on benefits, planning how to do us over - much like Mr Chaudhury.

This is NOW and very real.

Perhaps this will be looked back as history one day but it is the future for now.


3,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
I'm a Scottish Atheist.

Do you think there may have been some English Athiests who have commited terrible acts in the past? Does that give me the right to treat you as if you were one of them?
We are talking about the present. Not the past.

I think MI5 said there is something like 2000 terrorist cells in the UK. 2-0-0-0!!!!!!

Most doing fk all all day, living on benefits, planning how to do us over - much like Mr Chaudhury.

This is NOW and very real.

Perhaps this will be looked back as history one day but it is the future for now.
Sorry dude, I give up. We are clearly never going to get anywhere with this. You think it is ok to victimise an entire religion based on the actions of a small minority, whereas I think that represents the most spectacular trampling of the freedoms that have been fought for time and time again in the past. If you are happy taking such a bigotted view of the world then I am happy for you. Personally I shall continue with what I view as a more fair approach to world affairs.


20,156 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
In my view, this thread is just more evidence that there are a bunch of BNP supporters trying to exploit PH. The number of threads focusing on "Muslims" (which is what the BNP have switched to since anti-semitism became just too unacceptable) rather than the real issues (like why Afghanis are are dependent on the smack trade) is becoming very noticable.
The BNP types are not going to have a go at the Aryan Afghanis are they. wink

I have a big problem with any religion that claims it is the One Truth and don't think we should be pandering to or encouraging any of them.

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
quotequote all
Dare2Fail said:
plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
I'm a Scottish Atheist.

Do you think there may have been some English Athiests who have commited terrible acts in the past? Does that give me the right to treat you as if you were one of them?
We are talking about the present. Not the past.

I think MI5 said there is something like 2000 terrorist cells in the UK. 2-0-0-0!!!!!!

Most doing fk all all day, living on benefits, planning how to do us over - much like Mr Chaudhury.

This is NOW and very real.

Perhaps this will be looked back as history one day but it is the future for now.
Sorry dude, I give up. We are clearly never going to get anywhere with this. You think it is ok to victimise an entire religion based on the actions of a small minority, whereas I think that represents the most spectacular trampling of the freedoms that have been fought for time and time again in the past. If you are happy taking such a bigotted view of the world then I am happy for you. Personally I shall continue with what I view as a more fair approach to world affairs.
Sorry to reduce this to name calling but you sir, are an


Still, ignorance is bliss.

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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fluffnik said:
Prof Beard said:
In my view, this thread is just more evidence that there are a bunch of BNP supporters trying to exploit PH. The number of threads focusing on "Muslims" (which is what the BNP have switched to since anti-semitism became just too unacceptable) rather than the real issues (like why Afghanis are are dependent on the smack trade) is becoming very noticable.
The BNP types are not going to have a go at the Aryan Afghanis are they. wink

I have a big problem with any religion that claims it is the One Truth and don't think we should be pandering to or encouraging any of them.
Well there, I'm in agreement with you in that ALL religions (or at least most) claim to be the One Truth wink (In the context of this thread it is of course irrelevant - as this about about people trying to stir up hatred using religion as an excuse)


3,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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If I am wrong and you are right then hopefully our leaders will take your advice. If that happens then I am sure we will all be looking forward to the black and white film that Steven Spielberg makes about the genocide in about 20 years time.


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
If I am wrong and you are right then hopefully our leaders will take your advice. If that happens then I am sure we will all be looking forward to the black and white film that Steven Spielberg makes about the genocide in about 20 years time.
Im not saying it is right.

I do resent the fact that people should make you feel guilt for these feelings tough. I feel they are justified. I knew a guy who was killed in Sept 11 attacks. Even if I did not then I will still feel this way.

It is not people like me who are starting the hatred. I did not grow up with racism or have any desire to feel this way. I feel like it has been forced upon me by these scum. It is getting really bad now and I hope that the recession can highlight these issues and cause action.

We vote. If the people make their voices heard then the conservatives and labour will try to attract voters with their policy. Voting for a joke like the BNP will never really take off.


3,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
If I am wrong and you are right then hopefully our leaders will take your advice. If that happens then I am sure we will all be looking forward to the black and white film that Steven Spielberg makes about the genocide in about 20 years time.
Im not saying it is right.

I do resent the fact that people should make you feel guilt for these feelings tough. I feel they are justified. I knew a guy who was killed in Sept 11 attacks. Even if I did not then I will still feel this way.
Just to make sure I am clear on this, it is perfectly fine to treat the 2 million Muslims in the UK as terrorists because you knew someone who was tragically killed by terrorists on Sept 11th?


20,156 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
quotequote all
Prof Beard said:
fluffnik said:
The BNP types are not going to have a go at the Aryan Afghanis are they. wink

I have a big problem with any religion that claims it is the One Truth and don't think we should be pandering to or encouraging any of them.
Well there, I'm in agreement with you in that ALL religions (or at least most) claim to be the One Truth wink (In the context of this thread it is of course irrelevant - as this about about people trying to stir up hatred using religion as an excuse)
I'm quite willing to believe that these pamphleteers might have some malfeasance in mind, but I remain uncomfortable with the prosecution of any thought crime.

...religion included!


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
If I am wrong and you are right then hopefully our leaders will take your advice. If that happens then I am sure we will all be looking forward to the black and white film that Steven Spielberg makes about the genocide in about 20 years time.
Im not saying it is right.

I do resent the fact that people should make you feel guilt for these feelings tough. I feel they are justified. I knew a guy who was killed in Sept 11 attacks. Even if I did not then I will still feel this way.
Just to make sure I am clear on this, it is perfectly fine to treat the 2 million Muslims in the UK as terrorists because you knew someone who was tragically killed by terrorists on Sept 11th?
No. To make the quote full:

plasticpusher said:
It is not people like me who are starting the hatred. I did not grow up with racism or have any desire to feel this way. I feel like it has been forced upon me by these scum. It is getting really bad now and I hope that the recession can highlight these issues and cause action.

We vote. If the people make their voices heard then the conservatives and labour will try to attract voters with their policy. Voting for a joke like the BNP will never really take off.
It is right to approach the however many million muslims in the UK as potential extremists. Not just because I knew somebody who was murdered by them.

Because it is the truth.

There will be a majority who will never contemplate it and are disgusted by their actions. How would you separate them?


3,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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You can't seperate them. It's not that simple. But you must also realise that by taking the action you propose you are actually creating the thing you fear the most. If you oppress people they will eventually rise up, especially when there is no penalty for rising up. If you treat people like they are terrorists then what do they have to lose by trying to fight against the oppression using acts of terrorism.

What if it was turned around? What if you were one of the innocent Muslims? How would you react to being treated like one of the minority of terrorists who also happen to be Muslim?

The funny thing that you don't seem to notice (or don't seem to care about) is that you are doing EXACTLY what the terrorists want. You are helping swell their numbers by directing your hatred for their actions at 'Muslims'.


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
You can't seperate them. It's not that simple. But you must also realise that by taking the action you propose you are actually creating the thing you fear the most. If you oppress people they will eventually rise up, especially when there is no penalty for rising up. If you treat people like they are terrorists then what do they have to lose by trying to fight against the oppression using acts of terrorism.

What if it was turned around? What if you were one of the innocent Muslims? How would you react to being treated like one of the minority of terrorists who also happen to be Muslim?

The funny thing that you don't seem to notice (or don't seem to care about) is that you are doing EXACTLY what the terrorists want. You are helping swell their numbers by directing your hatred for their actions at 'Muslims'.
It is a deep issue.

And you are doing what the terrorists want.

But it gets to a point where you have to stop looking away.

I think that the only answer is a sophisticated, anti muslim, UK terrorism organization. It will happen soon. Then this will cause them to attack us. Then the government will get involved. Then it is time to colonize a eradicate.

Just my vision. Nothing will every really happen. We will continue to get fked up the ass and have slimy gutless leaders.


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
What if you were one of the innocent Muslims?
Then I would feel regret for the actions of people who shared the same faith. And understand why western people will not accept it.

I would leave Islam or leave the West,


15,370 posts

191 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
I think that the only answer is a sophisticated, anti muslim, UK terrorism organization. It will happen soon. Then this will cause them to attack us. Then the government will get involved. Then it is time to colonize a eradicate.

Just my vision.
WTF! you are what is wrong with the world today.


3,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
What if you were one of the innocent Muslims?
Then I would feel regret for the actions of people who shared the same faith. And understand why western people will not accept it.

I would leave Islam or leave the West,
Why should you leave either? That's like saying that Catholics should denounce Catholisism because if Tim McVey (assuming he was a Catholic).

The people commiting the acts of terrorism are not true Muslims. They twist the faith into something unrecognisable to justify their acts. If I was a Muslim there is NO way I would let the terrorists take my faith from me.


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
The people commiting the acts of terrorism are not true Muslims. They twist the faith into something unrecognisable to justify their acts. If I was a Muslim there is NO way I would let the terrorists take my faith from me.
History and Human Nature has taught us that life is not always fair.