CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)

CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)


Biker 1

7,775 posts

122 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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My local Sainsbury's still has all the perspex screen nonsense. You have to lean around it to communicate with the checkout person, totally negating whatever they were attempting to achieve. Then there's a small aperture for the debit/credit card reader which is a bit fiddly, but the Nectar card reader almost never works as the cutout in the perspex is too small to line up the barcode with the laser, so you have to physically hand cards over to the checkout person....
Totally bonkers & must have cost a small fortune to install in the first place!
I'm waiting for them to dismantle everything & maybe I can get my hands on some free perspex for some DIY projects I had in mind, including new shed windows.


10,919 posts

232 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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I think it's a regional thing again, as they all disappeared from round here this time last year. I think the last holdout was IKEA, who coincidentally also went the most OTT with them.

So you'd spend the usual 90 minutes or so in purgatory trying to find your way out of the damn place, only to get to the tills which has been transformed into Dexter's Kill Room.


2,360 posts

242 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Here in the South East, in indoor places like shops, pubs or concerts, or outdoor events like town fetes or shows, I haven't seen a single mask in ages, probably the last time was in the spring. All the plastic screen nonsense in the shops went ages ago as well, the one exception being the Chinese takeaway.

People must have done their own research and decided that Government and media fear mongering along the lines of "masks will save you from Covid" / 'masks will stop you spreading Covid" (delete as appropriate) was all complete bks.


5,669 posts

212 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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GSE said:
People must have done their own research and decided that Government and media fear mongering along the lines of "masks will save you from Covid" / 'masks will stop you spreading Covid" (delete as appropriate) was all complete bks.
if you say so......


2,467 posts

215 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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On topic (shocker), not starting an argument (shocker) and not a conspiracy [theory] (shocker):

Please submit your experience, as from the radio ad, they are asking for everyone's experience.


7,882 posts

74 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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RemarkLima said:
On topic (shocker), not starting an argument (shocker) and not a conspiracy [theory] (shocker):

Please submit your experience, as from the radio ad, they are asking for everyone's experience.
I discovered that the various governments and quangos of the world are tentacles of a satanic new world order bent on manipulating humanity for its own ends.

Tongue sort of brushing lightly against cheek...


4,662 posts

31 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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tim0409 said:
Grumps. said:
jameswills said:

Heat-health is amber everyone! 4 years ago if you tried to explain this sort of article, you’d be told you’re a lunatic. How far we’ve fallen.
I’m stupid, so can you explain please.
It's a further example of the infantilisation we have had to endure since 2020. The idiotic response to the pandemic has firmly established the principle that we need to be told what to do at every turn for our own good.
In fairness, as proved by this thread, a small number of people in the UK had to be treated like infants.
Some countries, such as Sweden, did not have to treat their folk like children.
They didn’t whine & whinge but took sensible steps themselves, without being man-babies.

It’s all a distant memory now.
Onwards & upwards.


11,214 posts

208 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Not sure if it's of interest, but I had a chat over dinner with someone who was part of the team that wrote the Scottish Govt Pandemic Response documents. He, and his wife, are full on jabbed-up, Covidians. Whilst talking about the whole Covid response rubbish, he mentioned that he could't understand why, when the pandemic hit that the all of the response work was abandoned by the Scottish Govt and a totally different route taken. My question of: 'doesn't that actually make you think?', illicited no more than a blank look.


24,460 posts

116 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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GSE said:
Here in the South East, in indoor places like shops, pubs or concerts, or outdoor events like town fetes or shows, I haven't seen a single mask in ages, probably the last time was in the spring. All the plastic screen nonsense in the shops went ages ago as well, the one exception being the Chinese takeaway.

People must have done their own research and decided that Government and media fear mongering along the lines of "masks will save you from Covid" / 'masks will stop you spreading Covid" (delete as appropriate) was all complete bks.
Do you think it could be that most people think that now the threat from COVID is much reduced from the time of the introduction of those measures (whether ultimately they were successful or not) and that's why they no longer are being taken?


2,329 posts

173 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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paulguitar said:
GSE said:
Here in the South East, in indoor places like shops, pubs or concerts, or outdoor events like town fetes or shows, I haven't seen a single mask in ages, probably the last time was in the spring. All the plastic screen nonsense in the shops went ages ago as well, the one exception being the Chinese takeaway.

People must have done their own research and decided that Government and media fear mongering along the lines of "masks will save you from Covid" / 'masks will stop you spreading Covid" (delete as appropriate) was all complete bks.
Do you think it could be that most people think that now the threat from COVID is much reduced from the time of the introduction of those measures (whether ultimately they were successful or not) and that's why they no longer are being taken?
It’s almost as if some people are capable of adjusting their actions, as events change.


2,467 posts

215 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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James6112 said:
In fairness, as proved by this thread, a small number of people in the UK had to be treated like infants.
Some countries, such as Sweden, did not have to treat their folk like children.
They didn’t whine & whinge but took sensible steps themselves, without being man-babies.

It’s all a distant memory now.
Onwards & upwards.
I think that's slightly disingenuous. Given the very high compliance levels in the UK, before restrictions were enforced, I'd think that most people would follow the rules. In the same way that everyone drives on the left and gives way at roundabouts.

I'm sure even in Sweden, "a small number of people" also didn't follow the rules. But it's a small number of people, so surely on a statistical level, really doesn't matter?


2,360 posts

242 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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paulguitar said:
Do you think it could be that most people think that now the threat from COVID is much reduced from the time of the introduction of those measures (whether ultimately they were successful or not) and that's why they no longer are being taken?
Yes, of course. Just wondering why there still seem to be pockets of mask wearers around the country, not that it's any of my business what they wear, of course.

It's my opinion that the 'mask up by law' diktats were a knee-jerk reaction from a weak, wobbling Government to do something, under pressure from the media, social media, and other health bodies, who saw an opportunity to change the way that we live. Lucky we still aren't wearing them now!

The one single thing that I can thank the Government for, amidst all the mess that they caused, is a great understanding of the way that they and the media work, I never used to take much notice before, but now I shall never believe a word that they say again! Given a choice of being told what to do by Michie or Hancock (or whoever the latest drop-in is), or ignoring them, I'll be taking my chances and ignoring them. Another bonus is since late 2020 I've switched off all BBC news output along with most of the rest of them, just get the occasional news now from work colleagues, or here ..... biggrin It leaves much more time to do the things you enjoy doing in life.

Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

Have a great Summer beer


3,583 posts

46 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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paulguitar said:
Do you think it could be that most people think that now the threat from COVID is much reduced from the time of the introduction of those measures (whether ultimately they were successful or not) and that's why they no longer are being taken?
The threat from Covid never changed, it was next to zero for anyone not close to death, so even trying to excuse these measures in the first place I feel is just the thought of a crazy person, let alone trying to understand the gradual withdrawal of them some 4 years after it went away.

And yes I appreciate your circumstances during this time, and we’ve spoken before, doesn’t change the real facts about it though. It’s about time people got a grip on reality and what really happened else we are heading for darker places and quickly.


4,583 posts

162 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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James6112 said:
tim0409 said:
Grumps. said:
jameswills said:

Heat-health is amber everyone! 4 years ago if you tried to explain this sort of article, you’d be told you’re a lunatic. How far we’ve fallen.
I’m stupid, so can you explain please.
It's a further example of the infantilisation we have had to endure since 2020. The idiotic response to the pandemic has firmly established the principle that we need to be told what to do at every turn for our own good.
In fairness, as proved by this thread, a small number of people in the UK had to be treated like infants.
Some countries, such as Sweden, did not have to treat their folk like children.
They didn’t whine & whinge but took sensible steps themselves, without being man-babies.

It’s all a distant memory now.
Onwards & upwards.
As a poster previously pointed out, all the metrics showed that people in the UK were already taking “sensible” steps prior to the introduction of the first lockdown. I love your characterisation of those who complained about the utterly ludicrous and often contradictory measures implemented by the Government (most of which didn’t have any evidence of efficacy, and that includes masks) as “man-babies”.


3,583 posts

46 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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tim0409 said:
As a poster previously pointed out, all the metrics showed that people in the UK were already taking “sensible” steps prior to the introduction of the first lockdown. I love your characterisation of those who complained about the utterly ludicrous and often contradictory measures implemented by the Government (most of which didn’t have any evidence of efficacy, and that includes masks) as “man-babies”.

Everyone was Ok until lockdowns were forced, and furlough was the absolute deathnell to our economy and social well-being, which will be felt for another 10 years at least.


2,508 posts

198 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Our village shop still has the plastic screen madness.

I was in the (work) London office yesterday. Saw one person with a mask on on the underground - which feels 'normal-ish'?

R Mutt

5,893 posts

75 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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paulguitar said:
GSE said:
Here in the South East, in indoor places like shops, pubs or concerts, or outdoor events like town fetes or shows, I haven't seen a single mask in ages, probably the last time was in the spring. All the plastic screen nonsense in the shops went ages ago as well, the one exception being the Chinese takeaway.

People must have done their own research and decided that Government and media fear mongering along the lines of "masks will save you from Covid" / 'masks will stop you spreading Covid" (delete as appropriate) was all complete bks.
Do you think it could be that most people think that now the threat from COVID is much reduced from the time of the introduction of those measures (whether ultimately they were successful or not) and that's why they no longer are being taken?
Not really. It's more about the published threat level

When people were dropping dead in the street in Chinese footage, the majority were scared. When that evidently didn't occur here, some became less concerned, but British media carried daily images of people with tubes down their throat. When that thankfully didn't happen to 99% of people infected, people became further desensitised. For the duration the news carried daily death figures which still terrified many, yet few bothered to compare that figure to average all cause mortality.

So no, apparently 'the numbers' are up again but this has ceased to be news, so people aren't perpetuating the fear among themselves on social media and in society with visual reminders such as masks and barriers.


6,130 posts

248 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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tomw2000 said:
Our village shop still has the plastic screen madness.

I was in the (work) London office yesterday. Saw one person with a mask on on the underground - which feels 'normal-ish'?
Nightmare! Bloke above couldn't use his Nectar card first go the other day either...Papiers bitte and cross bows by next week I tell thee!


8,499 posts

111 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Meanwhile, it seems we've been factchecked:

None of it happened. (College professor - US? - I think)

So that's ok then spin


3,988 posts

134 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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ruggedscotty said:
GSE said:
People must have done their own research and decided that Government and media fear mongering along the lines of "masks will save you from Covid" / 'masks will stop you spreading Covid" (delete as appropriate) was all complete bks.
if you say so......
Rugged back to form... do you share your login with other people??