Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister



4,330 posts

216 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Grrr Rishi.

Just getting it in there.


9,208 posts

117 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Not sure what to say really, I struggle to believe he is the right person for the job.


7,397 posts

39 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Apart from the ststorm that was created before this mess, i am not blaming anyone in particular, but labour and sturgeon etc still crying about there not being a general election.

All i am asking for is now we have a PM, lets just try and get some sort of order, and hope they will get on with running the country.


9,988 posts

160 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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GranpaB said:
Apart from the ststorm that was created before this mess, i am not blaming anyone in particular, but labour and sturgeon etc still crying about there not being a general election.

All i am asking for is now we have a PM, lets just try and get some sort of order, and hope they will get on with running the country.
I was rill Jonson a die hard tory he became PM and just went way beyond what's acceptable in terms of lack of moral compass and his MPs were mostly happy to go along till it was too late.

Liz then Rishi are just an extension of this a PM who was voted for by 100 people when 6 weeks ago his own party had him effectively 3rd choice.

No f that a GE and if he is elected so be it till then he has zero public mandate


57 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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wpa1975 said:
Not sure what to say really, I struggle to believe he is the right person for the job.
Literally the only option the Conservative party had left, they have literally scraped through the bottom of the barrel. I assume Penny Mordaunt withdrew in return for a promise of a top job in the Rishi cabinet.

So the bankers have their man in power now, nothing can stop the bankers doing what they want now. Considering how they reacted when Kwasi Kwarteng dared to offer the peasants an extra shiny copper coin in the pound, I think we know how this is going to go.

More taxes for the poor and more tax breaks for Rishi friends and Tory party donors.

The whole thing stinks.


8,563 posts

263 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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fido said:
Evoluzione said:
He knows how to make money, isn't that someone who you want working for you?
No as a petrolhead I'd want someone who knows how to use and pay at a fuel pump.
Quite. The man's as dull as st. Maybe that's what the country needs right now...


10,392 posts

190 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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biggles330d said:
Part of the reason we seem to be in such a mess is we judge the competence of our leaders by such stupid measures as their personality and fashion sense.
X-Factor generation - we want a phone in number to vote on a saturday night for our leader, who we'll choose based on their soft-focus sob-story, fashion sense, 'down-to-earthness' and status as plucky underdog.

Anyhow, he's in. He may not be the best person for PM in the country, but he's the best person with realistic access to the job now.

I think he's going to have to administer some medicine that a lot of people won't like, but I also think he's willing to do that. He probably knows that the Tories are out in 2024 regardless of what he or another PM does, so will have little to lose.

And I still think if you close your eyes, his voice sounds exactly like Will from The Inbetweeners


4,170 posts

161 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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LimaDelta said:
Rivenink said:
LimaDelta said:
SWoll said:
GranpaB said:
Well done Rishi.

Now, lets get some st sorted.

As his policies whlst chancellor created a large portion of the st, it woud be nice if he just cleaned up after himself.

But of course, it's all Liz's fault and he's a hero. rolleyes
And absolutely nothing to do with a global pandemic and Russian aggression. No it's all self-inflicted damage due to corruption and incompetence, and the UK are the only country trying to pull themselves out of the st. rolleyes
Other countries were in a better position before Putin went full Hitler.
And others worse. So easy to criticise after the fact, but imagine if "The Evil Tories forced everyone to either work or starve during covid?" Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Furlough was ok in my book and quite justified, the hastily fraud ridden loans to business clearly wasn't well targetted. He wasn't responsible for PPE procurement but billions were wasted whilst he was chancellor and whilst he was in government so he shares the responsibility for that as well.


12,483 posts

265 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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wpa1975 said:
Not sure what to say really, I struggle to believe he is the right person for the job.
He isn't but we need someone at the helm for when the government topples might as well be him as much as Penny.


11,338 posts

142 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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GranpaB said:
Well done Rishi.

Now, lets get some st. Sorted.


16,646 posts

108 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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SmoothCriminal said:
This donkey caused most of our problems and now he thinks he can sort them.

More like sort out more money for his wife and her dad.

Just elected the new PM Sir Kier.

Edited by SmoothCriminal on Monday 24th October 14:21
Are you always this lacking in .......everything

Edited by Vasco on Monday 24th October 15:28


57 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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wpa1975 said:
Not sure what to say really, I struggle to believe he is the right person for the job.
As I said earlier, the best of a bad bunch. Who else would they have picked? We are down to the dregs of the Conservative party now.

When Boris took office, he cleared out everyone who had any kind of opposing view to his, and got rid of some decent people in the process. Then Liz Truss did the same, had a clear out of anyone who didn't agree with her. Other decent Conservatives have quit/resigned during the absolute pantomime of the last few years.

There are very few left who aren't bonkers, incompetent, self-serving, verging on corrupt, or some kind of right-wing nutcase.


11,063 posts

209 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Joey Deacon said:
wpa1975 said:
Not sure what to say really, I struggle to believe he is the right person for the job.
Literally the only option the Conservative party had left, they have literally scraped through the bottom of the barrel. I assume Penny Mordaunt withdrew in return for a promise of a top job in the Rishi cabinet.

So the bankers have their man in power now, nothing can stop the bankers doing what they want now. Considering how they reacted when Kwasi Kwarteng dared to offer the peasants an extra shiny copper coin in the pound, I think we know how this is going to go.

More taxes for the poor and more tax breaks for Rishi friends and Tory party donors.

The whole thing stinks.
It wasn't the bankers, it was the bankers clients or individual investors that reacted.


4,180 posts

86 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Unlike the last 2 idiots and narrow miss idiot penny he has a big capacity for hard work. The tories have tended to do nothing and periodically spew some racism to thrill the dummies.
I would guess he will get rid of most of these people that boris brought in to deflect from his own failings.
Would be nice to see someone like william hague as foreign secretary.
I think boris killed off all the other old guard.
So much st was written in the mail/telegraph/express etc. They must be dizzy from all the things they tried and failed with.
Boris on his way back to the beach I guess full of jetlag lol.


24,330 posts

223 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Go Rishi. I am delighted the right person for the job finally got it, and I really believe he is not the least worst candidate, he was head and shoulders the best, its just the myopic Tory members couldn't see that. I think he is a decent man with decent values and a bit of backbone and I hope he does very well.


8,946 posts

119 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Fundoreen said:
Would be nice to see someone like william hague as foreign secretary.
Might be better to have someone who's actually an MP?


13,082 posts

258 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Listening to LBC this afternoon and it seems the narrative is shifting towards the positive... that there's a sense of at least a modicum or prudent stability descending.

Whilst looks are (or should be) superfluous to political competency, I'd say that Sunak is the first Prime Minister we've had in a long while that looks like a Prime Minister.


8,946 posts

119 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Next question is who'd going to be in his cabinet?

Hunt - chancellor
Mordaunt - Home Sec (???)
Wallace - Defence
Gove - Deputy PM


4,180 posts

86 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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silentbrown said:
Fundoreen said:
Would be nice to see someone like william hague as foreign secretary.
Might be better to have someone who's actually an MP?
I haven't been keeping track as its just being the boris circus troup for seems like years.
Shame he's not around.


11,063 posts

209 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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silentbrown said:
Fundoreen said:
Would be nice to see someone like william hague as foreign secretary.
Might be better to have someone who's actually an MP?
they said someone "LIKE" - they meant someone with similar qualities to that person and the assumption is that there is an MP who is already like that.