RIP - Capt Sir Tom Moore 02/02/21

RIP - Capt Sir Tom Moore 02/02/21



57 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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He's 100, not like he's able to think to himself, "Yeah, I'll go next year or the year after", is it?


1,822 posts

205 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Dan_1981 said:
Why do they need an excuse to go?

I don't think they were under travel restrictions when they went?

Granted it may turn out to be a poorly thought through decision, but they may well have sat down and said... look lets go on holiday, and take the risks that come with it.

Kinda like they must have done for everyone of the 700+ media interviews & appearances they did over the last year?
The risk was not just to them though, other people are now being put at risk due to the fallout from this.

I wish the nice old bloke well but I what if one of our politicians had taken their grandad to the Caribbean for Christmas?

I doubt they'd be getting this much support.


10,223 posts

182 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Gareth79 said:
gooner1 said:
You have a source for who paid for this holiday, or his financial situation before his vey welcome fundraising I take it.
I'm not the person you replied to, but it's highly likely they didn't pay for the holiday given they thank BA and Barbados on Twitter:
Well fair play to both BA and Barbados in that case. It’s not like people’s taxes are paying for his possibly penultimate trip to somewhere hot is it?


9,347 posts

46 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Biggy Stardust said:
I have nothing against the guy- he comes across as a decent bloke.

However, I don't agree with his elevation to sainthood. He intended to wander around his garden to help raise a few quid for charity & the media turned it into a frenzy. Not to denigrate his efforts or intentions but the millions raised weren't really his doing.

He took a holiday when he should really have stayed home as per the rest of us ( I'd have done the same) and so the outpouring of sympathy seems excessive to me. At its simplest he's had more than his three score years & ten but "man dies of old age" doesn't sell newspapers.
And it was his daughter (who is in PR) who sent out a Press Release about what he was doing to try and raise some more money and then the media picked up on it and the rest is history.

I agree about the “man dies of old age” narrative- pneumonia or as it is also known as “the old mans friend”

I do not begrudge his holiday although I do find it strange that the media don’t seem to mention it and if it was in his bucket list of things to do, wouldn’t you have thought that maybe he could have gone before? From what I can gather, it doesn’t look if his family is short of a Bob or too.


3,717 posts

281 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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gooner1 said:
Gareth79 said:
gooner1 said:
You have a source for who paid for this holiday, or his financial situation before his vey welcome fundraising I take it.
I'm not the person you replied to, but it's highly likely they didn't pay for the holiday given they thank BA and Barbados on Twitter:
Well fair play to both BA and Barbados in that case. It’s not like people’s taxes are paying for his possibly penultimate trip to somewhere hot is it?
Yep, free trip to Barbados in BA first class for your family (when they were allowed to travel), with the full knowledge that it's likely to be your last. Can't see why you'd do any different.


17,445 posts

202 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Maybe his family & the media came to an agreement?

'Look we've let you into our lives for a year, we've done every interview you asked for... how about you give us a week's peace & quiet'

Oh and the Daily Mail ran a full piece on him jetting away....


23,308 posts

233 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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InitialDave said:
If I make to to 100 (I almost certainly won't) and someone offers me a flight to Barbados at the expense of being seen as not doing exactly what I'm meant to be doing in the middle of a pandemic, I'll be on a beach pickling myself with Del Boy cocktails as fast as my zimmer frame can carry me.
Completely agree.

He's a 100 fekin years old, how much longer does anyone think he's going to live.

Good on him for getting on a plane and fekin off from this cold grey miserable island that we are currently all stuck on.


8,520 posts

142 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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It’s not about an old man going on holiday.

It’s about someone got famous partly telling us to stay at home for his safety using that fame to not stay home.

One person going abroad is not important in the grand scheme of things but, like Dominic Cummings, this has wider implications. People are losing livelihoods, children are missing education, life events and social interaction which they will never be able to get back. On the scale of what people are missing out on an elderly man not getting to go for a holiday in the Caribbean is not high on my list of concerns.

Leon R

3,253 posts

99 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Did Tom Moore actually say 'Please stay at home' or have people just inferred this from his activities in raising money for the NHS?

I don't actually know so this is a genuine question.


36,886 posts

227 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Electro1980 said:
It’s not about an old man going on holiday.

It’s about someone got famous partly telling us to stay at home for his safety using that fame to not stay home.
Did he say stay at home?

I thought he got famous for walking a long distance despite clear disabilities in order to raise money for the NHS who have helped so many people.


5,189 posts

225 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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blueg33 said:
Electro1980 said:
It’s not about an old man going on holiday.

It’s about someone got famous partly telling us to stay at home for his safety using that fame to not stay home.
Did he say stay at home?

I thought he got famous for walking a long distance despite clear disabilities in order to raise money for the NHS who have helped so many people.
He did laps of the back garden


3,717 posts

281 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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blueg33 said:
Electro1980 said:
It’s not about an old man going on holiday.

It’s about someone got famous partly telling us to stay at home for his safety using that fame to not stay home.
Did he say stay at home?

I thought he got famous for walking a long distance despite clear disabilities in order to raise money for the NHS who have helped so many people.
They also went in the first half of December, more than a month and a half ago. There was no lockdown then... travel was allowed in Tier 2. It was a time when the government was still promoting that we'd all be together at Christmas for a few days. All change and he can't be judged against what's now happening.


1,339 posts

111 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Its a personality trait!

Tom went on holiday in December when the rules were not as tight as they are now.
Same trait that made Boris cycle seven miles around London.

Could be genetics or upbringing over several generations.

I have the same trait. Went to the Canaries about the same time. (Booked it in late March just when Lockdown 1 was announced and Easyjet were doing flights for £30 a person.) I'm in my 50's fit and well. Tom is 100. If I was Tom I would have gone with the proviso that I am big enough to make my own decisions but just for clarity if I do go then DNR.


7,818 posts

249 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Boringvolvodriver said:
Biggy Stardust said:
I have nothing against the guy- he comes across as a decent bloke.

However, I don't agree with his elevation to sainthood. He intended to wander around his garden to help raise a few quid for charity & the media turned it into a frenzy. Not to denigrate his efforts or intentions but the millions raised weren't really his doing.

He took a holiday when he should really have stayed home as per the rest of us ( I'd have done the same) and so the outpouring of sympathy seems excessive to me. At its simplest he's had more than his three score years & ten but "man dies of old age" doesn't sell newspapers.
And it was his daughter (who is in PR) who sent out a Press Release about what he was doing to try and raise some more money and then the media picked up on it and the rest is history.

I agree about the “man dies of old age” narrative- pneumonia or as it is also known as “the old mans friend”

I do not begrudge his holiday although I do find it strange that the media don’t seem to mention it and if it was in his bucket list of things to do, wouldn’t you have thought that maybe he could have gone before? From what I can gather, it doesn’t look if his family is short of a Bob or too.
I have always been a little concerned at whether he was ok with it all. Yes he IS an adult, but he is a vulnerable adult due to his age and dependence on family (he lives with them). If they came in and said "Oh WOW we've all been offered first class flights to Barbados and all-expenses paid hotel, let's go for Christmas" do we really think he would be able to feel he could say no?


2,972 posts

119 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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I think someone has got their World Wars sort of mixed up.

Sir Tom would have been 5 when this picture was taken.


3,431 posts

193 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Drawweight said:

I think someone has got their World Wars sort of mixed up.

Sir Tom would have been 5 when this picture was taken.

Just about sums it up really. Don’t begrudge the old boy his holiday because he doesn’t know how many more days he has left. Funnily enough nor do any of us. This is why these enforced restrictions of a large % of the population to ‘protect’ a smaller percentage, many of whom don't even care.


3,431 posts

193 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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La Liga said:
He's 100, not like he's able to think to himself, "Yeah, I'll go next year or the year after", is it?
True, though he’s had more time than most to go, and managed not to until now.


4,040 posts

130 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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paulw123 said:
Just about sums it up really. Don’t begrudge the old boy his holiday because he doesn’t know how many more days he has left. Funnily enough nor do any of us. This is why these enforced restrictions of a large % of the population to ‘protect’ a smaller percentage, many of whom don't even care.
Yep this.

We know a bit about Sir Tom, but we don't know anything about the countless other people affected by this. The way some people have been treated has been inhuman. Thankfully he could raise a lot of money and become a national inspiration, rather than locked up in a care home, unable to see his family.


1,924 posts

141 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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I bet the doctors don't dare try to force his family to put him on a DNR like they would for others.


11,639 posts

63 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Drawweight said:

I think someone has got their World Wars sort of mixed up.

Sir Tom would have been 5 when this picture was taken.

I think someone has got their years sort of mixed up scratchchin

Captain Sir Thomas Moore was born April 30th, 1920. First World War ended November 11th, 1918. He wasn't even born then biglaugh