47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



16,599 posts

239 months

Thursday 25th January
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ChocolateFrog said:
CraigyMc said:
As a reminder kids, while Biden's 81, Trump's 77.

As an aside, at 77 we didn't let grandpa control the TV in my house and had already arranged for him to stop driving a car.
Take away the fact he's a very unnatural shade and let's not get started on his hair but Trump actually appears much younger to me than his 77 years suggest. If you said he was 65 I wouldn't automatically question it.

Where as if you said Biden was 95 I'd have a similar reaction.

Luckily for him age doesn't seem to play anything more than a minor role in US politics.

I can't imagine us electing an PM in their 80's, ever.
Gladstone was elected as PM at the age of 82 back in 1892 when average life expectancy was about 45 years.


6,288 posts

58 months

Thursday 25th January
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Ian Geary said:
There's been some focus on here (and the 45 thread) about Trump's lack of funds.

But won't his recent successes in Iowa and NH help shore that up now?
On the primaries, it's hard to say. He won, but in NH he did far worse than expected.

Big concern for the big money donors are the 14A issues. No point in backing a horse that can't run. I'd expect there's merit in cutting back until things shake out. Perhaps even waiting until the post-trump roster firms up a bit.



62,208 posts

220 months

Thursday 25th January
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Ian Geary said:
There's been some focus on here (and the 45 thread) about Trump's lack of funds.

But won't his recent successes in Iowa and NH help shore that up now?

That's probably why he's still mad at Nikki running - resources are being split and effectively "wasted" in GOP on gop battles when it would be better saved for November (if you were a gop campaigner)

I think Nikki is on borrowed time, as the media won't do her any favours, whereas trump coming from behind in 2016 was lapped up by the press.
Not sure any of the state GOP parties are putting in money at the moment. Not much of it around, it's all the challengers money, hence why trump threatened donors to Haley yesterday, because the rich donors are backing her. She raised $24m in the last quarter of 2023.

trump had $36m to spend on the primaries - handy this time i guess picking the smaller, cheaper venues, like school gyms that seat 700, which also means cities/towns aren't saddled with bills for polcie etc, that trump hasn't paid many from the last two campaigns.

He spent $37m from his campaign funds on legal bills last year and thats ramping up as the trials start - virtually non stop now until the election.

If Haley has the money, and it keeps coming in, she has to be thinking trump has a mountain of troubles coming his way and it'll be worth staying in the race for now as it's really early days.
trump desperately needs her out the way, needs the nomination early, hence the threats, pressure from others that were forthcoming yesterday.

The other factor of course is trumps health, which is becoming a factor and another reason for Haley to stay.

Ignoring his mental decline, which whilst concerning probably won't be a factor in trump withdrawing, there's other symptoms which may be concerning if he'll be fit enough to run. There's the probability that the covid that nearly killed him has affected him long term, possibly mini strokes leading to his mental issues and there's been unfounded suggestions of stimulent usage again. trumps been significantly late to many rallys as his schedule takes it's toll.
This is a man used to watching tv until midday, a poor diet and little exercise.


62,208 posts

220 months

Thursday 25th January
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paulguitar said:
Ian Geary said:
I think Nikki is on borrowed time, as the media won't do her any favours, whereas trump coming from behind in 2016 was lapped up by the press.
I think you're right. It's sort of turned into a giant gameshow, with many in the US seemingly unaware they could be sleepwalking into a dictatorship.
Haley needs to stop pussyfooting around trump and go on the attack. She won't get anywhere trying to sit on the fence as she is now. Surely she's encouraged by how many 'never trump' there are coming forward now.

The Bulwark has written an open letter to Haley, pointing out the GOP is broken, so she might as well go all in and tell the truth about trump, pick up the never trumps voters.

Voters with a history of voting against the Democrat, who still feel a natural affinity for the party of Lincoln and Reagan, need people like you to tell them, “It’s okay this time to vote the other way. More than that, it’s absolutely necessary.”



16,599 posts

239 months

Thursday 25th January
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Byker28i said:
paulguitar said:
Ian Geary said:
I think Nikki is on borrowed time, as the media won't do her any favours, whereas trump coming from behind in 2016 was lapped up by the press.
I think you're right. It's sort of turned into a giant gameshow, with many in the US seemingly unaware they could be sleepwalking into a dictatorship.
Haley needs to stop pussyfooting around trump and go on the attack. She won't get anywhere trying to sit on the fence as she is now. Surely she's encouraged by how many 'never trump' there are coming forward now.

The Bulwark has written an open letter to Haley, pointing out the GOP is broken, so she might as well go all in and tell the truth about trump, pick up the never trumps voters.

Voters with a history of voting against the Democrat, who still feel a natural affinity for the party of Lincoln and Reagan, need people like you to tell them, “It’s okay this time to vote the other way. More than that, it’s absolutely necessary.”

Isn't the whole point with Haley that if/when Trump becomes legally unelectable, she's the spare GOP candidate?


6,288 posts

58 months

Thursday 25th January
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CraigyMc said:
Isn't the whole point with Haley that if/when Trump becomes legally unelectable, she's the spare GOP candidate?
Or the 2024 candidate. One of them, anyway.

I can see "not another old man" as the byline for the 2028 election.


Nomme de Plum

4,844 posts

19 months

Thursday 25th January
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CraigyMc said:
As a reminder kids, while Biden's 81, Trump's 77.

As an aside, at 77 we didn't let grandpa control the TV in my house and had already arranged for him to stop driving a car.
Perhaps your Grandpa was old for his years. Not only did my Dad at 79 work on the roof of our new build hose but drove to the South of Spain 2 or 3 times a year until he was 81. He was reverse parking a car and caravan well into his late 70s and his brain was still razor sharp when he was hit with Osteoporosis mid 80s.

So it is entirely dependent on the person and their lifestyle.


1,940 posts

48 months

Thursday 25th January
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CraigyMc said:
Gladstone was elected as PM at the age of 82 back in 1892 when average life expectancy was about 45 years.
'Average life expectancy was about 45 years' is a great example of how statistics can mislead. It was so low because a large proportion of children died in infancy. But if you made it through to your thirties, you wouldn't then expect to drop dead ten years later. Living to your 70s and 80s was common, hence the biblical average lifespan of '3 score years and 10'.

82 was then (and still is) a good innings, but nothing particularly unusual.


62,208 posts

220 months

Thursday 25th January
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Mortarboard said:
CraigyMc said:
Isn't the whole point with Haley that if/when Trump becomes legally unelectable, she's the spare GOP candidate?
Or the 2024 candidate. One of them, anyway.

I can see "not another old man" as the byline for the 2028 election.

It'll be interesting, certainly. If trump doesn't get in then the GOP will be destroyed and need to rebuild from throwing all their eggs into the trump basket

Dems have quite a few younger ones waiting in the wings, but a presidential run needs lots of money. Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg
Not sure there's anyone in the GOP not tainted by trump currently.

As an aside? do we think the US is ready for a woman leader yet? Not only Haley this year but maybe Harris, AOC, Gretchen Whitmer.
How about a gay person?


3,523 posts

84 months

Thursday 25th January
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paulguitar said:
Biden said:
Totally agree, it's also the way they gang up on anyone who dares to go against their narrative, arguing and throwing insults about yet nobody there ever gets banned.
I've been banned from both now permanently without explanation or email, did nothing worse than any of the regulars yet they all get a pass somehow.
Last ban was for trump thread where I posted a pic about immigration numbers and a story about the Dems deleting 100 files from January 6 before reps got majority. Obviously ban worthy jester

The mods either can't be arsed with loads of reports or at least one is in the cult.

Hopefully this one can avoid that bullst
You've literally chosen your username in order to troll.
After I was banned from the biden thread, how is it trolling? Hurt you feelings does it?
Get a grip hehe


3,523 posts

84 months

Thursday 25th January
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tangerine_sedge said:
People don't get banned unless they deserve it. Your incessant bellyaching about it, won't alter the fact.

That thread appears one sided, because there are literally no redeeming aspects to trumps character. Occasionally trump fans pop in to repeat some nonsense they've read online, but they soon leave when they're confronted with counter evidence from reliable sources.

That thread is one of the best ones in NP&E precisely because it expects wild claims to be supported by some kind of evidence.
Funny how they wouldn't give a reason and I received no emails for it like you normally would.

I bet people don't leave, but are generally just banned from it.
Would be interesting to see the number of users banned from there.


24,375 posts

116 months

Thursday 25th January
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Biden said:
After I was banned from the biden thread, how is it trolling? Hurt you feelings does it?
Uh, no.



3,523 posts

84 months

Thursday 25th January
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President Merkin said:
And you posted a chart from @Fentasyl on that thread, an openly racist Twitter account, posting reams of race baiting misinformation, prompting unheeded requests for provenance. Now you're moaning you were treated unfairly. Just another sucker playing the victim.
I didn't get it from there but ok, that reason to ban someone now is it?


3,523 posts

84 months

Thursday 25th January
quotequote all
Al Gorithum said:
Biden said:
Totally agree, it's also the way they gang up on anyone who dares to go against their narrative, arguing and throwing insults about yet nobody there ever gets banned.
I've been banned from both now permanently without explanation or email, did nothing worse than any of the regulars yet they all get a pass somehow.
Last ban was for trump thread where I posted a pic about immigration numbers and a story about the Dems deleting 100 files from January 6 before reps got majority. Obviously ban worthy jester

The mods either can't be arsed with loads of reports or at least one is in the cult.

Hopefully this one can avoid that bullst
Seems you were banned for contravening the rules. Strange eh? No loss as your contributions were pathetically easy to disprove. Anyway, imagine being so obsessed with someone you dislike that you change your username to that person. Seriously, you should get help.
I see the Biden Boys have turned up in force today hehe

Ironic view, imagine being so obsessed with someone you don't like you post day after day on a car forum about him as if it will make any difference. Enjoy the circle jerk/echo chamber guys.

Will be amusing to watch when trump gets back in hehe


6,288 posts

58 months

Thursday 25th January
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Byker28i said:
Mortarboard said:
CraigyMc said:
Isn't the whole point with Haley that if/when Trump becomes legally unelectable, she's the spare GOP candidate?
Or the 2024 candidate. One of them, anyway.

I can see "not another old man" as the byline for the 2028 election.

It'll be interesting, certainly. If trump doesn't get in then the GOP will be destroyed and need to rebuild from throwing all their eggs into the trump basket

Dems have quite a few younger ones waiting in the wings, but a presidential run needs lots of money. Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg
Not sure there's anyone in the GOP not tainted by trump currently.

As an aside? do we think the US is ready for a woman leader yet? Not only Haley this year but maybe Harris, AOC, Gretchen Whitmer.
How about a gay person?
A woman and a person of colour? Steady on chap! The southern cross flag is still a talking point in many places....

I don't think AOC would get the votes. She's more suited to a Pelosi type role, i think.

Harris would need to step up her game. Might have an opportunity if biden wins this year, be president without a vote wink

Not familiar enough with Whitmer.

For the ladies, despite everything Hilary did get a huge vote, all things considered. So a female president isn't out of the question.

Gay president? Not sure the US is quite ready to vote one in just yet.

Any dems considering running in 2028 need to be out in support of biden this year, and if biden wins they need to be a prominent figure getting things done over the next three years. Trumpism won't be a thing in 2028, no matter what happens.



3,523 posts

84 months

Thursday 25th January
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Classic do as I say, not as I do...



24,375 posts

116 months

Thursday 25th January
quotequote all
Biden said:
I see the Biden Boys have turned up in force today hehe

Ironic view, imagine being so obsessed with someone you don't like you post day after day on a car forum about him as if it will make any difference. Enjoy the circle jerk/echo chamber guys.

Will be amusing to watch when trump gets back in hehe
Full troll bingo here.


3,523 posts

84 months

Thursday 25th January
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paulguitar said:
Biden said:
I see the Biden Boys have turned up in force today hehe

Ironic view, imagine being so obsessed with someone you don't like you post day after day on a car forum about him as if it will make any difference. Enjoy the circle jerk/echo chamber guys.

Will be amusing to watch when trump gets back in hehe
Full troll bingo here.
Haha didn't take long, if you say so... Guessing you and the others have already submitted multiple reports to try and get me banned here too rolleyes

What said above is considered trolling by you?

Quick round up the guys for more reporting... rolleyes


7,934 posts

220 months

Thursday 25th January
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Whoever wins will have significant problems to deal with.

Trump wins and he's got to restructure everything (apparently) and will face some opposition from the Dems
Biden wins and he's got to deal with civil war

A second Trump term would likely be quieter as it's probable that he'd only be given the information he really needs. And anything secret would be checked in and checked out.


17,419 posts

258 months

Thursday 25th January
quotequote all
Biden said:
tangerine_sedge said:
People don't get banned unless they deserve it. Your incessant bellyaching about it, won't alter the fact.

That thread appears one sided, because there are literally no redeeming aspects to trumps character. Occasionally trump fans pop in to repeat some nonsense they've read online, but they soon leave when they're confronted with counter evidence from reliable sources.

That thread is one of the best ones in NP&E precisely because it expects wild claims to be supported by some kind of evidence.
Funny how they wouldn't give a reason and I received no emails for it like you normally would.

I bet people don't leave, but are generally just banned from it.
Would be interesting to see the number of users banned from there.
Someone in #45 made this comment: "Someone needs to take the phone away from grandpa dementia don"

Imagine if you posted the same thing in #46 and replaced one name. I bet it would be deleted and poster banned.

The leash is a lot looser if you criticise / mock the 'right' person.