Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



1,471 posts

18 months

PurplePenguin said:
LimmerickLad said:
Vanden Saab said:
And another one by 98 votes. Up to 5 now.
Gone from the Fab 4 to the Famouse 5 then?
Famous Five have a wonderful time or Famous Five get into a fix?
Famous 5 go to Westminster.


17,502 posts

282 months

LimmerickLad said:
PurplePenguin said:
LimmerickLad said:
Vanden Saab said:
And another one by 98 votes. Up to 5 now.
Gone from the Fab 4 to the Famouse 5 then?
Famous Five have a wonderful time or Famous Five get into a fix?
Famous 5 go to Westminster.
Blah blah blah, secret hideout. Blah blah blah, atom bomb.


4,661 posts

31 months

Tom8 said:
Well reform outperformed UKIP.

Love him or loathe him, Farage along with Sturgeon have been the most effective and successful political operators this century. It will be interesting to see how Farage goes in our parliament and how Starmer works against him. Will he be more effective than the conservative leader, that is the big question for the Tory Mps?

That ex Labour and then Tory now Reform, ironically is re elected. Dear lord...
Farage will hardly get a look in thankfully.
The LDs have 10x more seats.
His party has about the same as the Greens.
His rants should be a rarity.


13,019 posts

220 months

swisstoni said:
smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
You seem to be forgetting antisemites. I’ve a fair idea who they voted for.
Reform presumably, given Farage's previous pronouncements?
So any critic of Soros is antisemitic?

Dog whistle far right conspiracy / anti jewish tropes and dog whistles according to Jewish groups and cross party MPs.

Still, if you're OK with it that's fine I suppose.

Grrr Labour
If you’re ok with dredging up a 40watt Guardian article from 4 years ago then yes.
Hard to understand how you're angry about previous Labour anti semitism but are happy to defend previous Farage anti semitism

Unless you don't actually give a st about the anti-semitism itself unless you can weaponise it.



16,707 posts

108 months

Mr Penguin said:
Spectator say that 145 Conservatives would have kept their seats if all Reform voters had voted Conservative. Obviously not all would but I think the vast majority would and it's a good starting point until we get proper polling and analyses. 145+121=266, 8 more than Labour in 2010 from very similar numbers in the previous election.

For the Reform voters who prefer Conservative to Labour: food for thought?
The key food for thought being that if only the Conservative Party had done what most of their traditional voters might have expected then they could still be in power today.


13,019 posts

220 months

Vasco said:
The key food for thought being that if only the Conservative Party had done what most of their traditional voters might have expected then they could still be in power today.
Managed the economy competently while maintaining the countries good infrastructure and services would have been nice, I agree.


17,502 posts

282 months

smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
smn159 said:
swisstoni said:
You seem to be forgetting antisemites. I’ve a fair idea who they voted for.
Reform presumably, given Farage's previous pronouncements?
So any critic of Soros is antisemitic?

Dog whistle far right conspiracy / anti jewish tropes and dog whistles according to Jewish groups and cross party MPs.

Still, if you're OK with it that's fine I suppose.

Grrr Labour
If you’re ok with dredging up a 40watt Guardian article from 4 years ago then yes.
Hard to understand how you're angry about previous Labour anti semitism but are happy to defend previous Farage anti semitism

Unless you don't actually give a st about the anti-semitism itself unless you can weaponise it.

I’m afraid criticising Soros or a US investment bank doesn’t really cut it does it?

I’m glad you’re sure that Labour has put it’s substantial antisemitic problems behind it. We’ll have to see how that works out.

sunbeam alpine

6,997 posts

191 months

Vasco said:
Blue62 said:
I think Reform have made big in roads into the leave Tory seats, the big issue is whether they can build from here. The Nazi party had only a few seats in the 1928 Reichstag, things had changed by 1930 and again by 1933, watch this space.
I think much may have changed in 90+ years.....
You might be surprised how little has changed.

A few weeks back we attended an Italian car weekend at Spa. Part of the trip included a visit to a WWII museum at Bastogne. It begins with the rise of National Socialism and goes through to after the war.

There was a whole section dedicated to the National Socialist propaganda through the 1930's. Even with only my schoolboy German it was staggering - and depressing - how simple it would be to take out NSDAP and replace it with Reform...


16,707 posts

108 months

smn159 said:
Vasco said:
The key food for thought being that if only the Conservative Party had done what most of their traditional voters might have expected then they could still be in power today.
Managed the economy competently while maintaining the countries good infrastructure and services would have been nice, I agree.
- and no cons
- and no lies
- and no betting on dates
- and no leaving D-day early
- and no appointing Truss
- and no Rwanda silliness
......etc etc


2,897 posts

29 months

LF5335 said:
Top 5 2019

Conservative - 43.6% vote 365 seats
Labour - 32.1% vote 203 seats
Liberal Democrats - 11.5% 11 seats
SNP 3.9% 48 seats
Green - 2.7% 1 seats

67% turnout.

No idea what the changes really tell us or how they compare to previous years.
This tells us that reform voters won the election for Labour. Exactly what they didn't want.

Very predictable as was their inability to understand the impact of their decisions.


7,499 posts

39 months

Five seats now.


5,723 posts

109 months

PurplePenguin said:
LimmerickLad said:
Vanden Saab said:
And another one by 98 votes. Up to 5 now.
Gone from the Fab 4 to the Famouse 5 then?
Famous Five have a wonderful time or Famous Five get into a fix?
Well done


7,821 posts

112 months

Rory Stewart saying the obvious

That Farage gets so much mileage by pointing out problems but never has to actually deliver anything (well with Brexit he promised it would be a great success and easy to get a win win position with the EU when in fact he and his chums in the Conservative Party had no clue how to achieve it - but of course, like everything else it is not his fault!).

Opportunistic chancer and snake oil salesman.


12,622 posts

98 months

Skeptisk said:
Rory Stewart saying the obvious

That Farage gets so much mileage by pointing out problems but never has to actually deliver anything (well with Brexit he promised it would be a great success and easy to get a win win position with the EU when in fact he and his chums in the Conservative Party had no clue how to achieve it - but of course, like everything else it is not his fault!).

Opportunistic chancer and snake oil salesman.
Starmer should make him Brexit secretary.

I mean he broke it, he should fix it. He has all the answers after all.


14,175 posts

190 months

Castrol for a knave said:
Wills2 said:
It's clear that Reform set fire to the Tories election chances and have handed Labour a massive victory, I don't know how I'd feel if I was a reform voter but it's clear many of them just like breaking things, nothing more than political arsonists.
Smash up a bus shelter at 11pm on a Saturday night, then find yourself waiting in the rain for the No73 on Monday.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.


6,350 posts

58 months

LimmerickLad said:
Famous 5 go to Westminster.
At least they can share a car.....



6,227 posts

51 months

James6112 said:
Tom8 said:
Well reform outperformed UKIP.

Love him or loathe him, Farage along with Sturgeon have been the most effective and successful political operators this century. It will be interesting to see how Farage goes in our parliament and how Starmer works against him. Will he be more effective than the conservative leader, that is the big question for the Tory Mps?

That ex Labour and then Tory now Reform, ironically is re elected. Dear lord...
Farage will hardly get a look in thankfully.
The LDs have 10x more seats.
His party has about the same as the Greens.
His rants should be a rarity.
I don't think so.He is loud he is a media darling. Journo's will always find time for him.
The amount of attention he will get will be out of proportion to the amount of seats he has (though more on a par with his percentage vote)
He will be popping up on Peston this kussenger that etc etc


14,175 posts

190 months

911hope said:
LF5335 said:
Top 5 2019

Conservative - 43.6% vote 365 seats
Labour - 32.1% vote 203 seats
Liberal Democrats - 11.5% 11 seats
SNP 3.9% 48 seats
Green - 2.7% 1 seats

67% turnout.

No idea what the changes really tell us or how they compare to previous years.
This tells us that reform voters won the election for Labour. Exactly what they didn't want.

Very predictable as was their inability to understand the impact of their decisions.
It tells us that Labour are no more popular with the electorate than they were when they lost in 2019. Fortunately for Labour the Conservatives are much less popular than they were in 2019.

As a result, Labour have achieved double the seats on about the same share of the vote.

The voters that abandoned the Conservatives would have done so with or without Reform. Farage provided a voice for this group, who decided it was more important to be heard than to prevent a Labour Govt.

Vanden Saab

14,446 posts

77 months

911hope said:
LF5335 said:
Top 5 2019

Conservative - 43.6% vote 365 seats
Labour - 32.1% vote 203 seats
Liberal Democrats - 11.5% 11 seats
SNP 3.9% 48 seats
Green - 2.7% 1 seats

67% turnout.

No idea what the changes really tell us or how they compare to previous years.
This tells us that reform voters won the election for Labour. Exactly what they didn't want.

Very predictable as was their inability to understand the impact of their decisions.
How exactly, I did not vote for Labour but enough other people did. If nobody had voted for Labour they would have lost. Stop trying to blame us for the utter clusterfk Labour are going to be.


4,968 posts

223 months

smn159 said:
Bit salty in here today, though you'd all be out at the Reform victory parade?
They've all switched to the electoral reform grift, waiting for Nige the Liar to tell them what lines to parrot.