Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



1,963 posts

171 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Another Reform candidate stands down because the "vast majority" of her fellow candidates are "racist, misogynistic and bigoted".


7,505 posts

39 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Wills2 said:
Killboy said:
Elysium said:
But some people on the left wing cannot seem to cope with minorities that are both successful and socially conservative.

You laugh but

Rupa Huq has apologised for her “ill-judged” remarks after being suspended as a Labour MP for describing Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng as “superficially” black.

So it is a thing, Emma Dent Coad, then the Corbynite Labour MP for Kensington called a black Tory candidate a "token ghetto boy" who wouldn't be welcome in her constituency if he was elected in a neighbouring area...

Jesus Christ that is disgusting so let’s hope they have been binned off.

But Reform………


13,020 posts

220 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Vasco said:
Thank goodness that we've had only 6,600+ posts on this thread. I had a fear that people might simply ignore the Reform party.........biggrin
Well a fair few have been yours making the same point hehe

In any case - what do you expect to be discussed in a thread on Reform?


16,948 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Killboy said:
So it’s a left wing thing?
The “you should vote Labour because you are xyz” is a identity politics thing which is prevalent on the left of politics at the moment.

From Quora:-
“Identity politics are particularly appealing to those whose political goals include socialism and compulsory wealth redistribution; Identity politics is Stage 1, and redistribution via socialism is Stage 2. How so? Well, if you can establish, for instance, that the luck of being born with “white privilege” (or hell, being Asian and “white adjacent”) and not, say, effort and risk-taking and adopting norms such as being more prone toward marriage before raising children fully explains all wealth accumulation, it becomes much easier to justify forcibly seizing it. Ill-gotten gains are easy — even morally right — to seize; those which are hard-earned through risk-taking, education and hard-work become morally harder to justify, and might even signal to those at lower income levels “hey, what if that might be me?””

Edited by fido on Tuesday 2nd July 11:19


17,149 posts

243 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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fido said:
Killboy said:
So it’s a left wing thing?
The “you should vote Labour because you are xyz” is a identity politics thing which is prevalent on the left of politics at the moment.

From Quora:-
“Identity politics are particularly appealing to those whose political goals include socialism and compulsory wealth redistribution; Identity politics is Stage 1, and redistribution via socialism is Stage 2. How so? Well, if you can establish, for instance, that the luck of being born with “white privilege” (or hell, being Asian and “white adjacent”) and not, say, effort and risk-taking and adopting norms such as being more prone toward marriage before raising children fully explains all wealth accumulation, it becomes much easier to justify forcibly seizing it. Ill-gotten gains are easy — even morally right — to seize; those which are hard-earned through risk-taking, education and hard-work become morally harder to justify, and might even signal to those at lower income levels “hey, what if that might be me?””

Edited by fido on Tuesday 2nd July 11:19
Forcibly seizing? What are you talking about?


40,466 posts

199 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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fido said:
The “you should vote Labour because you are xyz” is a identity politics thing which is prevalent on the left of politics at the moment.

From Quora:-
“Identity politics are particularly appealing to those whose political goals include socialism and compulsory wealth redistribution; Identity politics is Stage 1, and redistribution via socialism is Stage 2. How so? Well, if you can establish, for instance, that the luck of being born with “white privilege” (or hell, being Asian and “white adjacent”) and not, say, effort and risk-taking and adopting norms such as being more prone toward marriage before raising children fully explains all wealth accumulation, it becomes much easier to justify forcibly seizing it. Ill-gotten gains are easy — even morally right — to seize; those which are hard-earned through risk-taking, education and hard-work become morally harder to justify, and might even signal to those at lower income levels “hey, what if that might be me?””

Edited by fido on Tuesday 2nd July 11:19
It's a good thing that Quora has some kind of filter which stops Loons from posting wibble, otherwise people would stop using it as a reference.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Moreover, quoting Quora as an authoritative source on anything is like asking a dog for directions. You might get a response but it will be a useless waste of time.


40,732 posts

286 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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President Merkin said:
Moreover, quoting Quora as an authoritative source on anything is like asking a dog for directions. You might get a response but it will be a useless waste of time.
Depends what you ask them. My dog knows which way "outside" or "in the van" is.

Mr Penguin

2,068 posts

42 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Another Reform candidate has defected to the Conservatives. I've never heard of defections during a campaign before - does anyone know the last time it happened?


5,723 posts

109 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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markh1973 said:
Another Reform candidate stands down because the "vast majority" of her fellow candidates are "racist, misogynistic and bigoted".
Good for her. They need calling out.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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S600BSB said:
Good for her. They need calling out.
Although the honking irony of dumping Reform for a Tory party that is currently digging into a grim anti semitic attack line on Starmer is not lost on me. I hope she'll be happy.


7,808 posts

205 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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fido said:
The “you should vote Labour because you are xyz” is a identity politics thing which is prevalent on the left of politics at the moment.

From Quora:-
“Identity politics are particularly appealing to those whose political goals include socialism and compulsory wealth redistribution; Identity politics is Stage 1, and redistribution via socialism is Stage 2. How so? Well, if you can establish, for instance, that the luck of being born with “white privilege” (or hell, being Asian and “white adjacent”) and not, say, effort and risk-taking and adopting norms such as being more prone toward marriage before raising children fully explains all wealth accumulation, it becomes much easier to justify forcibly seizing it. Ill-gotten gains are easy — even morally right — to seize; those which are hard-earned through risk-taking, education and hard-work become morally harder to justify, and might even signal to those at lower income levels “hey, what if that might be me?””

Edited by fido on Tuesday 2nd July 11:19


8,135 posts

149 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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S600BSB said:
markh1973 said:
Another Reform candidate stands down because the "vast majority" of her fellow candidates are "racist, misogynistic and bigoted".
Good for her. They need calling out.
If ever there was a no st sherlock moment...

Surprised it took her so long to realise this to be honest.

Reform is a joke of a party.


9,938 posts

38 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Digga said:
President Merkin said:
Moreover, quoting Quora as an authoritative source on anything is like asking a dog for directions. You might get a response but it will be a useless waste of time.
Depends what you ask them. My dog knows which way "outside" or "in the van" is.
I think a fully trained guide dog for the unsighted rather knocks El Presidente remark into the long grass, some collection he has in there.


11,512 posts

242 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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I don't know who to believe these days (nobody?) but even in our odd little area there's rumours of the Conservative candidate offering the Reform guy a job if he stands down... despite all the polling suggesting a Labour win is on the cards.

Tice said:
Mr Tice told The Independent: “Turns out it is effective bribery: she offered him money with a plum job and being a key part of her team. Bet she did not tell you that? She bribed him to say these things because she is terrified of losing. She now regrets not defecting to us! She had her chance and blew it!”
The same Reform guy who said he didn't want to be an MP as he already earns 3x as much in his current job but "had to see it through now".

Tice hit out on twitter / X about it:


2,940 posts

152 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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If Nigel is elected is he still allowed to do that cringe pub panto on gbnews?


10,010 posts

160 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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dai1983 said:
If Nigel is elected is he still allowed to do that cringe pub panto on gbnews?
I think MPs having second jobs is fine.


43,003 posts

238 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Mr Penguin said:
Another Reform candidate has defected to the Conservatives. I've never heard of defections during a campaign before - does anyone know the last time it happened?
Desperation by the Conservatives. Those politically aware will be aware of what is going on here and it will further tarnish their party, if indeed it could be further tarnished after all that we have seen.

Given that their main problem in opposition will be trust, and how to regain it, it is hardly a good move, all imo of course.

Harry Flashman

19,570 posts

245 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Ridgemont said:
And just to clarify you accused someone you have no idea about of being a turkey voting for Christmas. With ‘token’ comment for good measure.

Good show.

Seems like you are a racist.
I'm the child of (brown) migrants who came here escaping from a civil war. I am British, and owe a deep debt of gratitude to this country and most of its people for giving me a life that would have been denied to me. Despite that, my childhood was spent dodging National Front psychos who used to wait for me after school, and saw my parents treated with unbelievable bigotry at their workplaces and in life generally.

So yeah, I have views on people supporting a party whose members have been filmed stating that we should shoot migrants on the beaches, and who play far right anthems on their campaign materials, and who hate my kind, despite pretending not to.

But yes, I'm a racist. Good shout, genius.


16,948 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Mr Penguin said:
Another Reform candidate has defected to the Conservatives. I've never heard of defections during a campaign before - does anyone know the last time it happened?
I don't think the Conservatives have ever been this desperate. Bribes, paying actors to say stuff .. allegedly. Even after Thatcher lost the population generally liked the Conservatives, they just lost the centre ground. This time round they are losing their core support - there is no centre ground left to speak of.

Edited by fido on Tuesday 2nd July 13:02