Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



16,709 posts

108 months

Monday 1st July
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911hope said:
Vasco said:

Many people actually voted for Brexit simply to get away from having to comply with laws made in foreign countries.
And if asked ..."which laws". They didn't know, did they?
Not sure that matters. The concern was that others outside the UK might have powers with which we didn't agree.


14,046 posts

166 months

Monday 1st July
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valiant said:
don'tbesilly said:
It seems someone did realise the error of their ways and deleted the offending tweet.

I’m surprised no one was outraged nearly a month ago when the tweet was originally put up.

I wonder why it’s a story on the 1st July? Is there anything happening this week? scratchchin
It’s all a conspiracy! jester

No doubt Nige will claim foul play on Friday and claim the establishment is against him.
Cracking tune all the same, I wonder if Nige does a Dad dance to it?


24,409 posts

223 months

Monday 1st July
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bhstewie said:
Another unfortunate misunderstanding.

Farage says posting far-right song was ‘mistake’
Maybe the people he paid to vet his playlist didn't do a good enough job?


5,723 posts

109 months

Monday 1st July
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bhstewie said:
Financial Times too.
That’s class - thanks!


14,175 posts

190 months

Monday 1st July
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bhstewie said:
Another unfortunate misunderstanding.

Farage says posting far-right song was ‘mistake’
I just read about this story and knew immediately that you would have rushed to post it here as proof of Farage’s far right leanings.

It’s absolute desperate rubbish. I doubt anyone at reform had any idea what the song even was. Its ‘far right’ anthem status dates back all of 6 months. So unless you are pretty clued up on far right memes you are going to struggle to make the link.

Do better.

Mr Penguin

2,068 posts

42 months

Monday 1st July
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bhstewie said:
Financial Times too.
Interesting that they are more enthusiastic towards Labour than the Sunday Times but also say this:

The Financial Times has no fixed party political allegiance. We believe in liberal democracy, free trade and private enterprise, and an open, outwardlooking Britain. Often this has aligned us more with Britain’s Conservatives. But this generation of Tories has squandered its reputation as the party of business, and its claim to be the natural party of government. The party needs a spell in opposition to resolve its internal differences. We would not, though, wish to see the Conservatives so shattered that they are unable to fulfil the role of viable opposition that is vital to British politics.


7,808 posts

205 months

Monday 1st July
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Elysium said:
I just read about this story and knew immediately that you would have rushed to post it here as proof of Farage’s far right leanings.

It’s absolute desperate rubbish. I doubt anyone at reform had any idea what the song even was. Its ‘far right’ anthem status dates back all of 6 months. So unless you are pretty clued up on far right memes you are going to struggle to make the link.

Do better.
Yeah, they selected the song because it was radio 1's chart topper, nothing more.


2,641 posts

174 months

Monday 1st July
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If Reform are racist then is this bloke the equivalent of a turkey voting for Christmas?

Harry Flashman

19,570 posts

245 months

Monday 1st July
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Yes. You had these idiots voting for UKIP, and I believe the BNP even had a token brown person or two.


2,641 posts

174 months

Monday 1st July
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Mortarboard said:
OddCat said:
Just out of interest, and hypothetically speaking obviously, what bad things do the Reform haters on here think would happen if Reform were to win a majority ?
An economy like Greece, before it got the bailout.....

No. The correct answer is nothing. Nothing ever happens. Aside from the ridiculous market 'over reaction' to Liz Truss's ideas, nothing has happened for years.

Reforms plans aren't THAT radical.

Vanden Saab

14,446 posts

77 months

Monday 1st July
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OddCat said:
If Reform are racist then is this bloke the equivalent of a turkey voting for Christmas?

It is not only white people who can be racist. Apparently.



5,723 posts

109 months

Monday 1st July
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Mr Penguin said:
bhstewie said:
Financial Times too.
Interesting that they are more enthusiastic towards Labour than the Sunday Times but also say this:

The Financial Times has no fixed party political allegiance. We believe in liberal democracy, free trade and private enterprise, and an open, outwardlooking Britain. Often this has aligned us more with Britain’s Conservatives. But this generation of Tories has squandered its reputation as the party of business, and its claim to be the natural party of government. The party needs a spell in opposition to resolve its internal differences. We would not, though, wish to see the Conservatives so shattered that they are unable to fulfil the role of viable opposition that is vital to British politics.
Fully support that, although I would also quite like to see the LDs as the official opposition - could be the making of them!

Anyway, well done FT!


7,808 posts

205 months

Monday 1st July
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Wow these gotchas are getting desperate rofl


8,568 posts

263 months

Monday 1st July
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Personally think the Tories need a solid kick in the goolies for the last few years and if they get knocked into third/fourth then so be it.

Lib Dems in coalition with Labour and Reform in opposition would be curiously fun. Not likely of course...


43,003 posts

238 months

Monday 1st July
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Mr Penguin said:
bhstewie said:
Financial Times too.
Interesting that they are more enthusiastic towards Labour than the Sunday Times but also say this:

The Financial Times has no fixed party political allegiance. We believe in liberal democracy, free trade and private enterprise, and an open, outwardlooking Britain. Often this has aligned us more with Britain’s Conservatives. But this generation of Tories has squandered its reputation as the party of business, and its claim to be the natural party of government. The party needs a spell in opposition to resolve its internal differences. We would not, though, wish to see the Conservatives so shattered that they are unable to fulfil the role of viable opposition that is vital to British politics.
Translation we want to keep the Tories in reserve for when it is the turn of the globalists with the blue ties.


16,709 posts

108 months

Monday 1st July
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OddCat said:
If Reform are racist then is this bloke the equivalent of a turkey voting for Christmas?

Not really. Many in the Sikh community may well support some of the Reform policies. Contrary to much of the twaddle in this thread, Reform hasn't claimed to a party devoted to just a dislike of ethnicity or colour.


6,717 posts

134 months

Monday 1st July
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Harry Flashman said:
Yes. You had these idiots voting for UKIP, and I believe the BNP even had a token brown person or two.
Flash judgement. Brave.

I haven’t the scoobiest who he is.
I’m betting you don’t either.

Who’s the Rsole?


6,717 posts

134 months

Monday 1st July
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And just to clarify you accused someone you have no idea about of being a turkey voting for Christmas. With ‘token’ comment for good measure.

Good show.

Seems like you are a racist.


16,948 posts

258 months

Monday 1st July
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Another 'token' Asian person. Barrister as well.


11,512 posts

242 months

Monday 1st July
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Apparently even Reform don't like Reform...

Exclusive: Reform candidate tells Tory MP Andrea Jenkyns that his party’s leadership are ‘a***holes’ as she falls out spectacularly with the right wing party