Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



24,329 posts

223 months

don'tbesilly said:
biggbn said:
don'tbesilly said:
S600BSB said:
biggbn said:
smn159 said:
I am alright Jack said:
biggbn said:
I am surprised at that. It is obvious that some people are racist, bigoted, whatever, and no party has exclusive appeal to them. Every party will have some undesirable, for whatever reasons, characters casting a vote for them. Some court these votes more than others I feel, end of the day, every vote cast is equal.
Yep. As Farage has only been back in the chair, so to speak, a short time it's far to early for him to have done much to clean things up, but I like to think that in time he will.
Farage doesn't want to 'clean things up'. He wants to normalise racist attitudes
I think his language is calculated and is being used to attract that type of voter who will be, I'd hope, be in a minority across the board, but they all count. It also has a degree of ambiguity about it designed to give him plausible deniability when subsequently challenged. Johnson used similar tactics.
Others disagree on this, and that's cool. I've been wrong many times before!!
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
You might want to take your own advice from Friday

S600BSB said:
Come on man - it’s Glasto!
Do you think the reputed to be 5,000 people at the NEC earlier today are racist & homophobic?

What about the 130k people who watched it online, are they racists and homophobes as well.

That’s an awful lot of racist homophobic people, and they are all voting for reform according to you.
For the sake of clarity, and for the last time...nobody, I think, certainly from what I have read, is suggesting everyone who votes for, follows, attends meeting of or for the Reform party is racist. Some of us believe that some of Farage's language is suitable ambiguous and can be seen to be calculated to appeal to those who are, who, even though they are, I believe, in a minority in ANY party, still have a vote to cast. Nobody is saying all reform supporters are Racist...unless they are somewhat deluded.
Seems S600BSB is the exception, not only does he think they are racist, they are also homophobes

S600BSB said:
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice., 600 didn't say that EVERY Reform voter was a racist, just that some elements of society who are will likely vote for them? Thanks for clarifying that man. fk sake, you guys make it difficult, on and off the pitch!!


5,595 posts

109 months

biggbn said:, 600 didn't say that EVERY Reform voter was a racist, just that some elements of society who are will likely vote for them? Thanks for clarifying that man. fk sake, you guys make it difficult, on and off the pitch!!
Yeah, but we won 2-1!


17,100 posts

243 months

don'tbesilly said:
Tice blaming others for his lack of preparedness, screening and leadership? Son-of-UKIP suffers dirty tricks? They don’t like it up’em wink


14,911 posts

194 months

don'tbesilly said:
anonymoususer said:
rscott said:
Reform candidate quits the party -

"Whilst I have campaigned alongside many decent, honest and hard-working people during the course of the general election campaign in Erewash, the reports of widespread racism and sexism in Reform have made clear that there is a significant moral issue within certain elements of the party, and the failure of the party's leadership to not only take this matter seriously, but also to fundamentally address it, has made clear to me that this is no longer a party I want to be associated with."
Is this chap another actor ?
He probably took a bung. hehe
Another example of their failure to vet their candidates properly then?


1,393 posts

18 months

eharding said:
redrabbit said:
LimmerickLad said:
You need to clear the site before you can rebuild with something newer and better suited to the 21st early 20th century.
Something designed by Albert Speer, built to last the whole of Farage's Thousand Year Grift?
Very deep fella....Godwin at it's finest.

Mr Penguin

1,909 posts

42 months

rscott said:
Another example of their failure to vet their candidates properly then?
Checking that your candidates actually support your party really is step zero of candidate selection.


2,797 posts

151 months

911hope said:
119 said:
Well the other parties haven’t exactly been very inspiring have they?
Considering the 2 major ones. The in power tries have made a major hash of everything and continue to disgrace themselves. Labour have the sense to say pretty much nothing, while the Tories make their case.

Much of the right-leaning former Tory supporters have veered further right and intend to vote for reform in protest. They can't grasp that this is really a vote for labour. Can't argue that this is anything other than stupidity.

Everybody with a functioning brain should vote for the least-bad feasible outcome (in their opinion).

Any other stance is plain stupidity.
Unfortunately, stupidity is not in short supply.
Labour have already won, they'd won about 5 sec after Rishi announce the election. The Torys were not going to win whatever happened, the fact they'll be smashed and will have to go away and think about things Vs assuming they almost stayed in is the most positive outcome here... I mean unless your a Labour supporter


20,838 posts

275 months

Is this Farage the same one who previously said he was proud UKIP had attracted 30% of former voters for the BNP? Perhaps there are two Farages and I'm confusing them? The one I'm taking about wears blazers and slacks, likes to be photographed with a pint, never puts forward a serious policy proposal, criticises everyone and everything, eventually including his own party, and generally sells bullst to the gullible who naturally resent being told they're gullible.


20,838 posts

275 months

LimmerickLad said:
eharding said:
redrabbit said:
LimmerickLad said:
You need to clear the site before you can rebuild with something newer and better suited to the 21st early 20th century.
Something designed by Albert Speer, built to last the whole of Farage's Thousand Year Grift?
Very deep fella....Godwin at it's finest.
Careful ... risky strategy to accuse others of lacking depth when you've just suggested electing a few vacuous chancers in some sense clears the way towards the future.


5,809 posts

235 months

If there was proportional representation in the UK electoral system, I reckon Reform might get 10% or more of seats.

I wouldn't vote for them, dislike their ideology but think a proportion of folks who previously voted Labour or Tory (particularly the latter) might put their tick in that box.

They aren't racist loons, just people fed up with the broken promises from the Conservatives and Labour over the last 3-4 decades and want to see something different.

It's a protest vote in the UK at present, but people will only take so much; France has made a statement in the first round of elections today.

B'stard Child

28,691 posts

249 months

Vanden Saab said:
911hope said:
Only to people stupid enough to overlook all the obvious nonsense he spouts.

The fact that he makes it all sound simple doesn't make it true....appeals to 2 types of people.. far right and idiots.
Ah ha back to this again because it worked so well in 2016 and you call us idiots.
I’m not voting reform but you are spot on VS


7,394 posts

39 months

B'stard Child said:
Vanden Saab said:
911hope said:
Only to people stupid enough to overlook all the obvious nonsense he spouts.

The fact that he makes it all sound simple doesn't make it true....appeals to 2 types of people.. far right and idiots.
Ah ha back to this again because it worked so well in 2016 and you call us idiots.
I’m not voting reform but you are spot on VS
I think the OP means that unless you vote far right, you are an idiot.

President Merkin

3,788 posts

22 months

119 said:
B'stard Child said:
Vanden Saab said:
911hope said:
Only to people stupid enough to overlook all the obvious nonsense he spouts.

The fact that he makes it all sound simple doesn't make it true....appeals to 2 types of people.. far right and idiots.
Ah ha back to this again because it worked so well in 2016 and you call us idiots.
I’m not voting reform but you are spot on VS
I think the OP means that unless you vote far right, you are an idiot.
Congratulations on undermining the two posters above you & proving the op right. It's taken months but you've finally managed a useful contribution to the debate.

Ultra Sound Guy

28,709 posts

197 months

Jazzy Jag said:
Racism isn't confined to people with white skin or reserved for people with darker skin.
A fact which seems to be ignored by many!


16,645 posts

108 months

Do the majority of people living in, say, Africa have a racism issue if quite a few white skins start to live in their area ??


10,119 posts

220 months

I think you can judge a man by the company they keep. Given that, I’m baffled as to how anyone decent can look at Farage and think “yup, Reform is the party for me”.

Up until recently, I could just about let the ‘protest vote for disaffected Tories’ line slide, but now…not so much. I will most certainly be judging anyone who turns out for them. Quite sure nobody will care one iota what I think but there we are.


2,853 posts

29 months

OzzyR1 said:
If there was proportional representation in the UK electoral system, I reckon Reform might get 10% or more of seats.

I wouldn't vote for them, dislike their ideology but think a proportion of folks who previously voted Labour or Tory (particularly the latter) might put their tick in that box.

They aren't racist loons, just people fed up with the broken promises from the Conservatives and Labour over the last 3-4 decades and want to see something different.

It's a protest vote in the UK at present, but people will only take so much; France has made a statement in the first round of elections today.
So why do they vote for the most obnoxious option with the most absurd policies?

There are other options.. libdems, greens


14,015 posts

99 months

Vasco said:
Do the majority of people living in, say, Africa have a racism issue if quite a few white skins start to live in their area ??
That's colonialism.


5,595 posts

109 months

Disastrous said:
I think you can judge a man by the company they keep. Given that, I’m baffled as to how anyone decent can look at Farage and think “yup, Reform is the party for me”.

Up until recently, I could just about let the ‘protest vote for disaffected Tories’ line slide, but now…not so much. I will most certainly be judging anyone who turns out for them. Quite sure nobody will care one iota what I think but there we are.
I know what you mean.


104,873 posts

263 months

S600BSB said:
Disastrous said:
I think you can judge a man by the company they keep. Given that, I’m baffled as to how anyone decent can look at Farage and think “yup, Reform is the party for me”.

Up until recently, I could just about let the ‘protest vote for disaffected Tories’ line slide, but now…not so much. I will most certainly be judging anyone who turns out for them. Quite sure nobody will care one iota what I think but there we are.
I know what you mean.
How many people keep company with Farage, how many friends and local family does he have? Otherwise people vote one way or another for all sorts of reasons,
-agree with enough policies
-not the tories
-strategic vote
-support for good local MP
-stunts / activist hype Hitler! Putin! Grifter!

Only one of those offers something ripe to play to the gallery with, who could tell though. Entertaining, but fundamentally they're all the same, self-serving and generally useless politicians.