Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



5,680 posts

109 months

Sunday 30th June
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biggbn said:
smn159 said:
I am alright Jack said:
biggbn said:
I am surprised at that. It is obvious that some people are racist, bigoted, whatever, and no party has exclusive appeal to them. Every party will have some undesirable, for whatever reasons, characters casting a vote for them. Some court these votes more than others I feel, end of the day, every vote cast is equal.
Yep. As Farage has only been back in the chair, so to speak, a short time it's far to early for him to have done much to clean things up, but I like to think that in time he will.
Farage doesn't want to 'clean things up'. He wants to normalise racist attitudes
I think his language is calculated and is being used to attract that type of voter who will be, I'd hope, be in a minority across the board, but they all count. It also has a degree of ambiguity about it designed to give him plausible deniability when subsequently challenged. Johnson used similar tactics.
Others disagree on this, and that's cool. I've been wrong many times before!!
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.


7,456 posts

39 months

Sunday 30th June
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S600BSB said:
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
So, you still don't have any data or evidence to confirm your bias about all those that would vote reform are racist.

Why am i not surprised.


24,404 posts

223 months

Sunday 30th June
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119 said:
S600BSB said:
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
So, you still don't have any data or evidence to confirm your bias about all those that would vote reform are racist.

Why am i not surprised.
Could you please point me to where anyone has suggested ALL who vote for Reform are racist? Or even highlight in 600s post where they did?


5,680 posts

109 months

Sunday 30th June
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119 said:
S600BSB said:
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
So, you still don't have any data or evidence to confirm your bias about all those that would vote reform are racist.

Why am i not surprised.
Anyone would think you are a Reform voter old thing! Why am I not surprised. Got your homophone? Haha


14,046 posts

166 months

Sunday 30th June
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S600BSB said:
biggbn said:
smn159 said:
I am alright Jack said:
biggbn said:
I am surprised at that. It is obvious that some people are racist, bigoted, whatever, and no party has exclusive appeal to them. Every party will have some undesirable, for whatever reasons, characters casting a vote for them. Some court these votes more than others I feel, end of the day, every vote cast is equal.
Yep. As Farage has only been back in the chair, so to speak, a short time it's far to early for him to have done much to clean things up, but I like to think that in time he will.
Farage doesn't want to 'clean things up'. He wants to normalise racist attitudes
I think his language is calculated and is being used to attract that type of voter who will be, I'd hope, be in a minority across the board, but they all count. It also has a degree of ambiguity about it designed to give him plausible deniability when subsequently challenged. Johnson used similar tactics.
Others disagree on this, and that's cool. I've been wrong many times before!!
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
You might want to take your own advice from Friday

S600BSB said:
Come on man - it’s Glasto!
Do you think the reputed to be 5,000 people at the NEC earlier today are racist & homophobic?

What about the 130k people who watched it online, are they racists and homophobes as well.

That’s an awful lot of racist homophobic people, and they are all voting for reform according to you.


2,869 posts

29 months

Sunday 30th June
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Vasco said:
.....but many voting for Reform have no involvement with racism. They are protesting, mainly against the Conservatives.
Because....they don't regard the Tories as being far enough to the right. Doesn't exactly disprove racism.


24,404 posts

223 months

Sunday 30th June
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don'tbesilly said:
S600BSB said:
biggbn said:
smn159 said:
I am alright Jack said:
biggbn said:
I am surprised at that. It is obvious that some people are racist, bigoted, whatever, and no party has exclusive appeal to them. Every party will have some undesirable, for whatever reasons, characters casting a vote for them. Some court these votes more than others I feel, end of the day, every vote cast is equal.
Yep. As Farage has only been back in the chair, so to speak, a short time it's far to early for him to have done much to clean things up, but I like to think that in time he will.
Farage doesn't want to 'clean things up'. He wants to normalise racist attitudes
I think his language is calculated and is being used to attract that type of voter who will be, I'd hope, be in a minority across the board, but they all count. It also has a degree of ambiguity about it designed to give him plausible deniability when subsequently challenged. Johnson used similar tactics.
Others disagree on this, and that's cool. I've been wrong many times before!!
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
You might want to take your own advice from Friday

S600BSB said:
Come on man - it’s Glasto!
Do you think the reputed to be 5,000 people at the NEC earlier today are racist & homophobic?

What about the 130k people who watched it online, are they racists and homophobes as well.

That’s an awful lot of racist homophobic people, and they are all voting for reform according to you.
For the sake of clarity, and for the last time...nobody, I think, certainly from what I have read, is suggesting everyone who votes for, follows, attends meeting of or for the Reform party is racist. Some of us believe that some of Farage's language is suitable ambiguous and can be seen to be calculated to appeal to those who are, who, even though they are, I believe, in a minority in ANY party, still have a vote to cast. Nobody is saying all reform supporters are Racist...unless they are somewhat deluded.


15,730 posts

132 months

Sunday 30th June
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don'tbesilly said:
Do you think the reputed to be 5,000 people at the NEC earlier today are racist & homophobic?

What about the 130k people who watched it online, are they racists and homophobes as well.

That’s an awful lot of racist homophobic people, and they are all voting for reform according to you.
Did he charge for this one?


24,404 posts

223 months

Sunday 30th June
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I'm out for the day chaps, off to watch the match! Engerlund!!!! Have a great evening


7,456 posts

39 months

Sunday 30th June
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S600BSB said:
119 said:
S600BSB said:
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
So, you still don't have any data or evidence to confirm your bias about all those that would vote reform are racist.

Why am i not surprised.
Anyone would think you are a Reform voter old thing! Why am I not surprised. Got your homophone? Haha
I am not a voter of anyone as it stands sweetheart.

You must be really looking forward to voting a near pensioner in though.

Must really grind your bks.



14,046 posts

166 months

Sunday 30th June
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chrispmartha said:
don'tbesilly said:
Do you think the reputed to be 5,000 people at the NEC earlier today are racist & homophobic?

What about the 130k people who watched it online, are they racists and homophobes as well.

That’s an awful lot of racist homophobic people, and they are all voting for reform according to you.
Did he charge for this one?
No idea, I never went, nor looked into what the admission policy was.

I’m sure you could find out, try google.


14,046 posts

166 months

Sunday 30th June
quotequote all
biggbn said:
don'tbesilly said:
S600BSB said:
biggbn said:
smn159 said:
I am alright Jack said:
biggbn said:
I am surprised at that. It is obvious that some people are racist, bigoted, whatever, and no party has exclusive appeal to them. Every party will have some undesirable, for whatever reasons, characters casting a vote for them. Some court these votes more than others I feel, end of the day, every vote cast is equal.
Yep. As Farage has only been back in the chair, so to speak, a short time it's far to early for him to have done much to clean things up, but I like to think that in time he will.
Farage doesn't want to 'clean things up'. He wants to normalise racist attitudes
I think his language is calculated and is being used to attract that type of voter who will be, I'd hope, be in a minority across the board, but they all count. It also has a degree of ambiguity about it designed to give him plausible deniability when subsequently challenged. Johnson used similar tactics.
Others disagree on this, and that's cool. I've been wrong many times before!!
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
You might want to take your own advice from Friday

S600BSB said:
Come on man - it’s Glasto!
Do you think the reputed to be 5,000 people at the NEC earlier today are racist & homophobic?

What about the 130k people who watched it online, are they racists and homophobes as well.

That’s an awful lot of racist homophobic people, and they are all voting for reform according to you.
For the sake of clarity, and for the last time...nobody, I think, certainly from what I have read, is suggesting everyone who votes for, follows, attends meeting of or for the Reform party is racist. Some of us believe that some of Farage's language is suitable ambiguous and can be seen to be calculated to appeal to those who are, who, even though they are, I believe, in a minority in ANY party, still have a vote to cast. Nobody is saying all reform supporters are Racist...unless they are somewhat deluded.
Seems S600BSB is the exception, not only does he think they are racist, they are also homophobes

S600BSB said:
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.


4,332 posts

37 months

Sunday 30th June
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I get the distinct impression Farage is a demolition contractor pretending to be a builder.


7,456 posts

39 months

Sunday 30th June
quotequote all
biggbn said:
119 said:
S600BSB said:
I think that’s right. I’ve never believed that’s it’s just the old and thick who vote for Reform as some say. Lots of older folk are highly intelligent and wouldn’t go anywhere near Reform - even as a protest vote. I think we have to accept that some people in society really do hold racist and homophobic views and, like it or not, they see Reform as their current mainstream party of choice.
So, you still don't have any data or evidence to confirm your bias about all those that would vote reform are racist.

Why am i not surprised.
Could you please point me to where anyone has suggested ALL who vote for Reform are racist? Or even highlight in 600s post where they did?
Maybe not posted as 'all', but the inference is there to see, (along with old, homophobes etc etc), but it is also interesting that he is besotted with the leader of the Labour party who is not far off pension age.

Gotta keep in with the cool kids see.

Nomme de Plum

4,865 posts

19 months

Sunday 30th June
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Panamax said:
I get the distinct impression Farage is a demolition contractor pretending to be a builder.
That sir, is a very astute characterisation.


14,075 posts

99 months

Sunday 30th June
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Nomme de Plum said:
Panamax said:
I get the distinct impression Farage is a demolition contractor pretending to be a builder.
That sir, is a very astute characterisation.
Absolutely. But the two main parties are project managers who won't acknowledge some key buildings are condemned, so to some he is at least a step forward.


9,907 posts

257 months

Sunday 30th June
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biggbn said:
119 said:
As I can’t be bothered to look, does anyone know if any historic manifesto pledges actually taken place once the party is in?
You illustrate my point succinctly and clearly. Why do we put up with these cheats and liars?
<looks at plan>
<sucks teeth>
“Now we’ve got it back to bare brick mate it’s going to be another 15 grand - look at the state of it”


7,801 posts

205 months

Sunday 30th June
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don'tbesilly said:
Do you think the reputed to be 5,000 people at the NEC earlier today are racist & homophobic?

What about the 130k people who watched it online, are they racists and homophobes as well.

That’s an awful lot of racist homophobic people, and they are all voting for reform according to you.
Do you think it's not possible that 0.2% of people in the UK are racist?


14,927 posts

194 months

Sunday 30th June
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don'tbesilly said:
chrispmartha said:
don'tbesilly said:
Do you think the reputed to be 5,000 people at the NEC earlier today are racist & homophobic?

What about the 130k people who watched it online, are they racists and homophobes as well.

That’s an awful lot of racist homophobic people, and they are all voting for reform according to you.
Did he charge for this one?
No idea, I never went, nor looked into what the admission policy was.

I’m sure you could find out, try google.
£5 a time, again.


14,927 posts

194 months

Sunday 30th June
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Reform candidate quits the party -

"Whilst I have campaigned alongside many decent, honest and hard-working people during the course of the general election campaign in Erewash, the reports of widespread racism and sexism in Reform have made clear that there is a significant moral issue within certain elements of the party, and the failure of the party's leadership to not only take this matter seriously, but also to fundamentally address it, has made clear to me that this is no longer a party I want to be associated with."