Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



7,505 posts

39 months

Sunday 30th June
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biggbn said:
bad company said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
A spokesman for Reform says there's no room for racists in the party. I assume they just put their name on a waiting list then?
The latest opinion polls Sar showing 14% support for Reform. That’s a LOT of racists.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL Reform supporters are racists?
Plenty on here seem to be.


7,808 posts

205 months

Sunday 30th June
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NuckyThompson said:
Every single party talks of ‘stop the boats’ in the sense of stop the migrants and stop the gangs profiteering never ‘let’s stop human beings dying in the channel’
Some parties' candidates say they'd slaughter immigrants arriving on small boats and have their families taken out.


6,482 posts

221 months

Sunday 30th June
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bhstewie said:
m3jappa said:
The worlds gone fking bananas tbh.
Funnily enough the word you used to describe travellers tends to get censored on here I think you just spelt it wrong so I won't quote the whole post.

I'm going to guess that the chap calling Sunak the P word probably didn't base what he said off much more than skin colour.

You can question Islamic values just as you can question Christian or any other values but if you do it using the language we've seen used people might think there's a little more to it than simply questioning values.

The world hasn't gone bananas just because people can't say exactly what they think without consequences.
The thing is you can't question islamic values, thats called being islamaphobic. i don't know why? maybe because by and large muslims aren't white so its got the racist label.

I find it strange to label that racist when for example no one seems to question or have any issue with the sikhs or hindus who are by and large not white.

Calling someone a derogatory term based on their skin colour is racist and there is no need for it because that is genuinely disliking someone because of their colour or where they are from which is simply odd imo.


2,100 posts

195 months

Sunday 30th June
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The desire for a reduction in immigration isn't inherently racist. There are many reasons (imagined or otherwise) why someone may want less people entering a country.

But taking issue with immigration based on the skin colour of those arriving is racist.

Racism isn't new, and we know that there are a lot of people in this country who despise ethnic minorities.

Nothing complex about it.


7,505 posts

39 months

Sunday 30th June
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NuckyThompson said:
Is the Australian points based system in regards to immigration racist?

I do wonder how reform shake that image. If they said we want all the immigration we can get if it’s doctors, nurses, engineers and experts in renewables but not unskilled economic migrants because we’ve got plenty of unskilled people that can work here is it possible to be done without being labelled racist?
Yeah i seem to remember and maybe Canada only let people in if they held the type of skill they were short of?


10,717 posts

163 months

Sunday 30th June
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bad company said:
I’m still undecided and may elect to spoil my ballot paper:-

Reform. Some good policies imo but are they properly costed? I like Nigel Farage though, he and the party have been very badly treated by the BBC. The very biased Question Time audience being a clear example. I’m a bit put off by the numbers of racist supporters.

No they haven’t. It’s just the media are finally holding them to the same scrutiny as the other parties.

Reform and Farage have had a very easy ride since they formed. They were seen as a novelty, a disruption amd given far more airtime than their polling numbers merited at the time.

Now that polling numbers have climbed and Farage decided to stand, a more critical look has been taken. So we see their fantasy manifesto torn to shreds over its costing and implementation, we see remarks Farage made in the past questioned and him asked to explain them. We see the media hold his own party to account for the failings of some of its supporters and candidates and as we saw on QT the other night, pushed on policy (like the Marines comment) where he was asked to explain in detail how he would achieve his goals.

This is nothing more than what’s asked of the other parties and if Reform wants to be seen as a major force in British politics then it must be able to stand up and explain itself and not get into a hissy fit and scream “unfair” when a question or audience appear hostile.

If Reform wants to be seen more than just a fringe party then it seriously needs to get its st together. It lacks professionalism, organisation and detail. Now that the spotlight is on them to a greater degree, it has to able to handle proper scrutiny.


14,175 posts

190 months

Sunday 30th June
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Killboy said:
Elysium said:
This company sold the undercover footage to Channel 4

You can see on their website that they did something similar in 2019 targeting the Brexit Party:

And in 2015 against UKIP

Edit: it is being suggested that Andrew Parker may have been brought into this by the organisation Hope Not Hate:

Interesting that this group was founded by an investigative journalist from the same area as Lee Sorrel and that they have a long history of opposing UKIP and Farage.
That’s interesting. Were the racists in 2019 and 2015 also acting? Why would they get suspended for acting?
Good joke, but actually quite a good question as well.

The 2015 example exposed a racist candidate, it looks as if 2019 and 2024 are leaner pickings where they had to look to people on the fringe to find extreme views.

Obviously racism still exists in today’s society, but it has gone underground. People with these views know that they are not supposed to voice them. The easiest way to get them to reveal themselves is to convince them they are talking to someone who shares their views and that it is safe to ‘open up’.

It seems reasonably likely that the journalists responsible might use actors with undercover experience like Andrew Parker to create this impression of a safe space, I do wonder if somehow the acting found its way into the story to make it more interesting.


24,409 posts

223 months

Sunday 30th June
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119 said:
biggbn said:
bad company said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
A spokesman for Reform says there's no room for racists in the party. I assume they just put their name on a waiting list then?
The latest opinion polls Sar showing 14% support for Reform. That’s a LOT of racists.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL Reform supporters are racists?
Plenty on here seem to be.
People have suggested myself included, that Farage's schtick is calculated to cast a wide net and will definitely attract some voters with dubious views on race and religion. That doesn't say that ALL Reform voters are racist. I don't even think that someone with strong views on immigration is necessarily racist, but the inverse is is that all racists will have strong views on immigration, which is still not saying that all Reform voters are racist. Anyone who suggests everyone who votes Reform is racist, or everyone who votes Labour is an antisemite, or everyone who votes green is a gender neutral net zero JSO activist is simply being lazy and prolonging damaging narratives that suit an agenda of division...bit like Farage... smile For clarity, tongue in cheek that last bit.....


7,808 posts

205 months

Sunday 30th June
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Elysium said:
Good joke, but actually quite a good question as well.

The 2015 example exposed a racist candidate, it looks as if 2019 and 2024 are leaner pickings where they had to look to people on the fringe to find extreme views.

Obviously racism still exists in today’s society, but it has gone underground. People with these views know that they are not supposed to voice them. The easiest way to get them to reveal themselves is to convince them they are talking to someone who shares their views and that it is safe to ‘open up’.

It seems reasonably likely that the journalists responsible might use actors with undercover experience like Andrew Parker to create this impression of a safe space, I do wonder if somehow the acting found its way into the story to make it more interesting.
So they've just been exposed? Good on channel 4 then.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Sunday 30th June
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valiant said:
No they haven’t. It’s just the media are finally holding them to the same scrutiny as the other parties.

Reform and Farage have had a very easy ride since they formed. They were seen as a novelty, a disruption amd given far more airtime than their polling numbers merited at the time.

Now that polling numbers have climbed and Farage decided to stand, a more critical look has been taken. So we see their fantasy manifesto torn to shreds over its costing and implementation, we see remarks Farage made in the past questioned and him asked to explain them. We see the media hold his own party to account for the failings of some of its supporters and candidates and as we saw on QT the other night, pushed on policy (like the Marines comment) where he was asked to explain in detail how he would achieve his goals.

This is nothing more than what’s asked of the other parties and if Reform wants to be seen as a major force in British politics then it must be able to stand up and explain itself and not get into a hissy fit and scream “unfair” when a question or audience appear hostile.

If Reform wants to be seen more than just a fringe party then it seriously needs to get its st together. It lacks professionalism, organisation and detail. Now that the spotlight is on them to a greater degree, it has to able to handle proper scrutiny.
This is obviously true. However, when Farage's fantasy worldview - let's use the marines to return people to France etc. comes under the scrutiny it merits, the instant reaction within the company party & not least in here is to cry foul, scatter ludicrous accusations of crisis actors, post up public antifa watch (lol) screenshots from certifiable tossers like David Atherton, which hardly bolsters any claim to credibility.


24,409 posts

223 months

Sunday 30th June
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m3jappa said:
bhstewie said:
m3jappa said:
The worlds gone fking bananas tbh.
Funnily enough the word you used to describe travellers tends to get censored on here I think you just spelt it wrong so I won't quote the whole post.

I'm going to guess that the chap calling Sunak the P word probably didn't base what he said off much more than skin colour.

You can question Islamic values just as you can question Christian or any other values but if you do it using the language we've seen used people might think there's a little more to it than simply questioning values.

The world hasn't gone bananas just because people can't say exactly what they think without consequences.
The thing is you can't question islamic values, thats called being islamaphobic. i don't know why? maybe because by and large muslims aren't white so its got the racist label.

I find it strange to label that racist when for example no one seems to question or have any issue with the sikhs or hindus who are by and large not white.

Calling someone a derogatory term based on their skin colour is racist and there is no need for it because that is genuinely disliking someone because of their colour or where they are from which is simply odd imo.
Well, that's not right is it (see my eatler post)..You can question Islamic values, Christian ones Jewish ones without being labelled anti Jewish, anti Islam or anti Christian but it suits the narrative of division being sewn the world over to paint people as 'the other', an enemy to be treated with suspicion and fear. The kind of person desperate to call someone antisemitic, islamaphobic, fascist etc is merely further promulgating the idea of a divided society that validates their own sense of division and discomfort. Small minded people who want people to remain entrenched rather than try to understand each other


2,641 posts

174 months

Sunday 30th June
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MDMetal said:
Equally trying to claim Farage is somehow Putin's chum because he wisely pointed out that giving a madman with a giant arm a reason to go to war might not be the best plan is somewhat akin to suggesting that telling your friend not to piss in the school bullys chips somehow makes him the bullys bestest chum
Brilliant ! clap

Anyone who can't see this is being deliberately stupid.


4,603 posts

214 months

Sunday 30th June
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Killboy said:
Elysium said:
Good joke, but actually quite a good question as well.

The 2015 example exposed a racist candidate, it looks as if 2019 and 2024 are leaner pickings where they had to look to people on the fringe to find extreme views.

Obviously racism still exists in today’s society, but it has gone underground. People with these views know that they are not supposed to voice them. The easiest way to get them to reveal themselves is to convince them they are talking to someone who shares their views and that it is safe to ‘open up’.

It seems reasonably likely that the journalists responsible might use actors with undercover experience like Andrew Parker to create this impression of a safe space, I do wonder if somehow the acting found its way into the story to make it more interesting.
So they've just been exposed? Good on channel 4 then.
The suggestion is that the chap who made the racist remarks was an actor employed by the production company. He has been found to have worked for C4 before and advertises as an undercover actor.


52,720 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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People are carrying on as if the actor chap is the only issue here.

Take him out of things.

There's plenty of other filth both in that video and widely reported.


5,041 posts

113 months

Sunday 30th June
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119 said:
biggbn said:
bad company said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
A spokesman for Reform says there's no room for racists in the party. I assume they just put their name on a waiting list then?
The latest opinion polls Sar showing 14% support for Reform. That’s a LOT of racists.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL Reform supporters are racists?
Plenty on here seem to be.
So you think they should kick out some of the non-racists so the racists on the waiting list can get in?


1,963 posts

171 months

Sunday 30th June
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bhstewie said:
People are carrying on as if the actor chap is the only issue here.

Take him out of things.

There's plenty of other filth both in that video and widely reported.
Plus we have Farage saying that the electorate should still vite for 3 candidates who are no longer Reform candidates in order to show support for Reform.

So encouraging people to vote for people with obnoxious views in order to show support for a party that doesn't have obnoxious views.....


10,717 posts

163 months

Sunday 30th June
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bhstewie said:
People are carrying on as if the actor chap is the only issue here.

Take him out of things.

There's plenty of other filth both in that video and widely reported.
Because it’s a crutch to hang onto that means that everything else can’t be questioned.

Besides, aren’t C4 standing by their story? All I’ve seen is Reform and some amateur armchair sleuths putting 2+2 together and making their up answers from that.

It will all come out in the end no doubt and if C4 have been duped or conspired in some funny business then they’ll have to answer for that themselves but as there’s been no definitive answer yet yelling ‘conspiracy’ at this stage is very Trumpian.


9,098 posts

155 months

Sunday 30th June
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biggbn said:
Why I said 'rarely gonna vote labour' Deej. I agree there is an overlap as you describe but in comparison to the disenfranchised Tories its much smaller
Voting behaviour is a complex issue, the Tory party started their ‘blue collar Conservative’ movement over ten years ago, presumably as recognition of an old phenomenon once labelled the ‘working class Tories’. I guess Labour has the ‘Champagne Socialists’, ultimately it’s people who support a party that doesn’t actually support them

I think the blue collar Conservatives are always those more likely to vote Reform than Labour, so while Labour will lose votes to Reform, the Tories will lose more. Some of the racist stuff flying around is OTT, all parties have an issue as does society at large, but Reform is a haven for them, which is why the analysis shows something like 68%. Suck it up.


53,299 posts

258 months

Sunday 30th June
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OddCat said:
MDMetal said:
Equally trying to claim Farage is somehow Putin's chum because he wisely pointed out that giving a madman with a giant arm a reason to go to war might not be the best plan is somewhat akin to suggesting that telling your friend not to piss in the school bullys chips somehow makes him the bullys bestest chum
Brilliant ! clap

Anyone who can't see this is being deliberately stupid.
Rather that than being a Putin apologist and appeaser.

I'd have thought he'd be keen on sovereign nations going their own way...

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Sunday 30th June
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OddCat said:
MDMetal said:
Equally trying to claim Farage is somehow Putin's chum because he wisely pointed out that giving a madman with a giant arm a reason to go to war might not be the best plan is somewhat akin to suggesting that telling your friend not to piss in the school bullys chips somehow makes him the bullys bestest chum
Brilliant ! clap

Anyone who can't see this is being deliberately stupid.
Well you two scamps haven't been paying attention now have you? Nearly 20 appearnces on RT before it was banned, the FBI naming him as a person of interest in its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US election. His association with Assange & admission he gave Assange a USB stick containing undisclosed contents while he was holedup in the Ecuadorian embassy. His long association & bankrolling by Aaron Banks & his separate links to Russia. You're free to call peope stupid if you like but it's a bit of a wet fart when you appear oblvious to the reasons why the views you're criticising exist.