Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



4,669 posts

284 months

Sunday 30th June
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With reference to the C4 film of the Police car adorned with rainbows/Pride flags - is this just in Clacton? If so, is it just a one off for some festival or are they permanently marked up like that?


105,138 posts

263 months

Sunday 30th June
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JagLover said:
I am alright Jack said:
And maybe some who haven't quite made their minds up who may have voted labour are now getting fed up with all the dirty tricks decide to vote reform.
Only comments online but I have read a few saying the Channel 4 actor story made them decide to vote Reform from previously being undecided.
As mentioned previously, lessons from 2016 and 2019 haven't been learned. Same old hype and bile, same old effect.


6,013 posts

85 months

Sunday 30th June
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biggbn said:
turbobloke said:
Vanden Saab said:
robscot said:
Hilarious tonight at a Reform gig

Farage doing his nut, and terrible attempt to take it down
Very good, and yet more votes once the media plaster it everywhere. You guys are doing his job for him.
Sure thing, no lessons learned from the USA in 2016 or UK 2019. Same old fail from the illiberal left.

The latest Electoral Calculus / MRP polling data take is Reform 3 percentage -points (share 21%) above the Conservatives ( share 18%) corresponding to 29 seats. If Adolf's tache is flashed and predicted seats go over 30, the twist angle in some PH gussets could go critical.
Surely if the 'illiberal left' are behind this it's a masterstroke. Those likely to vote for Reform were rarely gonna vote Labour. More traction and publicity for Reform means less votes for the Tories?
And that Biggie is where you have things wrong. It was the trick Farage pulled with UKIP and the Brexit mob. He very much DOES park his tanks on Labours front yard, but it’s the old white working man’s club Labour yard. The place that modern London centric metropolitan Labour likes to pretend no longer exists or they don’t care about. Farage is very very good at it at stealing votes from the Tories and Labour.
The only reason SKS is able to ignore him atm and Labour strategists flagrantly not worry about him is a very brutal political calculation. A very good calculation tbh, it’s a properly nailed down and controller strategy. They know they will lose votes to Reform, but they can afford to because - and frankly lose a lot of them - both the Tory party and the SNP have hit the implode button. They are working to a plan that the SNP are giving them a minimum of 15-20 seats back and that the Tories are giving them 50-100 seats back by their troubles. It gives SKS huge grace to ignore Farage and “lose” those voters to him because the brutal electoral maths say the TP will be worse hit by them.
But then SKS has Mandy on hand for the job and Mandy knows wtf he is doing when it comes to political operations as opposed to the muppets who appear to be failing to do so elsewhere.


5,727 posts

109 months

Sunday 30th June
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
A spokesman for Reform says there's no room for racists in the party. I assume they just put their name on a waiting list then?
Very good


52,848 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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biggbn said:
119 said:
biggbn said:
Is there a connection between a party leader who makes loaded but somewhat ambiguous and therefore deniable statements like the PM doesn't understand 'our' culture and some of those who flock to, and defend, his party?
Are you just filling in for Stewie whilst he is doing the washing up?
Oh my goodness, you really are a joy ain't ya? Did Farage say that? Now, that's a yes or no question. I'll answer it for you. Yes. Could that kind of statement appeal to people for whom the PM's family heritage could be a problem? Again, I'll answer thst one for you. Yes, of course it could be.

I'm not really sure what your problem with me is brother man, bit that's a couple of times you've had a go at me now. We have different opinions and that's cool. Rather than trying to convince each other we are right, why not let's try to understand each other? We can do that by discussing things, and I'm happy to do that with anyone. If your not, that's cool. Your assumption that I am a Labour supporter does, I'll admit, kind of irk me. I have been vocal in my criticism of Starmer so it's somewhat lazy labelling if you don't mind me saying so. I believe in humanity, empathy and open mindedness and if you ain't on that train, that's cool. But let's talk about why. Help me understand you. Peace and love as ever, gbn x
This is the level unfortunately.

Your question is of course an entirely fair one.

People just don't like being asked it which is why nobody has answered it.

Presumably because it holds a mirror up about exactly what it is they see in Farage and his candidates that they admire so much.

bad company

19,052 posts

269 months

Sunday 30th June
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
A spokesman for Reform says there's no room for racists in the party. I assume they just put their name on a waiting list then?
The latest opinion polls Sar showing 14% support for Reform. That’s a LOT of racists.


10,713 posts

143 months

Sunday 30th June
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robscot said:
Hilarious tonight at a Reform gig

Farage doing his nut, and terrible attempt to take it down
That right there is bloody funny. I think i did LBD a disservice by saying they might be the type to get that actor character gobbing off in a staged situation, they are better than that and smart enough to know it would be crossing a line. At least some quality hilarity like this has injected some brightness into an election that has far too many barrel scrapings running.


16,804 posts

108 months

Sunday 30th June
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bad company said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
A spokesman for Reform says there's no room for racists in the party. I assume they just put their name on a waiting list then?
The latest opinion polls Sar showing 14% support for Reform. That’s a LOT of racists.
.....but many voting for Reform have no involvement with racism. They are protesting, mainly against the Conservatives.

President Merkin

3,981 posts

22 months

Sunday 30th June
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bad company said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
A spokesman for Reform says there's no room for racists in the party. I assume they just put their name on a waiting list then?
The latest opinion polls Sar showing 14% support for Reform. That’s a LOT of racists.
It is. Don't you think that's a shame?

You're suggesting it's all a bit overblown but within that number, you have a significant number of actual racists. I'm told regularly Reform are eyeing up 2029. Farage has an inbuilt problem taking his company masquerading as a party beyond that number without divesting it of the racist stuff. You in particular have proven to be one of the impervious to criticism Reform supporters and that's for you but I can assure you that the 10-15% range is where it's staying if it carries on in this vein. And therein lies the paradox.

It either waters down its core message, which it will never do while Farage is at the wheel or it boots him for someone less overtly distasteful and loses its charimsatic but puddle shallow driving force & goes the way of UKIP, whose current leader, I doubt anyone could name wthout looking it up.


10,713 posts

143 months

Sunday 30th June
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DeejRC said:
And that Biggie is where you have things wrong. It was the trick Farage pulled with UKIP and the Brexit mob. He very much DOES park his tanks on Labours front yard, but it’s the old white working man’s club Labour yard. The place that modern London centric metropolitan Labour likes to pretend no longer exists or they don’t care about. Farage is very very good at it at stealing votes from the Tories and Labour.
The only reason SKS is able to ignore him atm and Labour strategists flagrantly not worry about him is a very brutal political calculation. A very good calculation tbh, it’s a properly nailed down and controller strategy. They know they will lose votes to Reform, but they can afford to because - and frankly lose a lot of them - both the Tory party and the SNP have hit the implode button. They are working to a plan that the SNP are giving them a minimum of 15-20 seats back and that the Tories are giving them 50-100 seats back by their troubles. It gives SKS huge grace to ignore Farage and “lose” those voters to him because the brutal electoral maths say the TP will be worse hit by them.
But then SKS has Mandy on hand for the job and Mandy knows wtf he is doing when it comes to political operations as opposed to the muppets who appear to be failing to do so elsewhere.
Spot on. The only person i know that will admit they are racist is a life long Labour voter and i know a fair few others that vote both Labour and SNP that will happily come out with stuff beyond the pale when they think they are in similar company. None of them would have anything to do with anything linked to Farage, he is just another stuck up southerner with delusions of grandeur to them.

Apart from the first one the others have only come to light in the last couple of years and on two occasions people have been taken aback by my reaction to things they have said to me, obviously expecting a very different response to the one they got. Pissed me right off hearing things i haven't heard for 20 plus years from people i would never have imagined would say them.
Maybe we aren't as far along the road of acceptance of all as i thought.


52,848 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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Vasco said:
.....but many voting for Reform have no involvement with racism. They are protesting, mainly against the Conservatives.
By voting for and enabling candidates of the type and with the views we've seen highlighted on this thread.


10,713 posts

143 months

Sunday 30th June
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President Merkin said:
It is. Don't you think that's a shame?

You're suggesting it's all a bit overblown but within that number, you have a significant number of actual racists. I'm told regularly Reform are eyeing up 2029. Farage has an inbuilt problem taking his company masquerading as a party beyond that number without divesting it of the racist stuff. You in particular have proven to be one of the impervious to criticism Reform supporters and that's for you but I can assure you that the 10-15% range is where it's staying if it carries on in this vein. And therein lies the paradox.

It either waters down its core message, which it will never do while Farage is at the wheel or it boots him for someone less overtly distasteful and loses its charimsatic but puddle shallow driving force & goes the way of UKIP, whose current leader, I doubt anyone could name wthout looking it up.
Trouble is all the people that voted to leave the EU have had years of being labelled racists and i think many just zone out now every time they hear or see the word racist without bothering to look and see if it might be true on a case by case basis. Bit like the boy that cried wolf , when it really did matter no one was listening anymore. There are a fair few from grass roots supporters all the way to the top of various political parties that would benefit from some introspection, they won't of course, why would they being so morally superior.


7,226 posts

224 months

Sunday 30th June
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bhstewie said:
Vasco said:
.....but many voting for Reform have no involvement with racism. They are protesting, mainly against the Conservatives.
By voting for and enabling candidates of the type and with the views we've seen highlighted on this thread.
So a vote for Labour is a vote for antisemitism ?


7,880 posts

205 months

Sunday 30th June
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So the people protest voting by voting for reform, are they going to be protest voting for reform again in 2029? If they go back to their political homes I'm not sure Reform is the political force others are making it out to be.


52,848 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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PRTVR said:
So a vote for Labour is a vote for antisemitism ?
If you use the logic used by many of the people on this thread who are proudly voting for Reform yes it is.

Under Corbyn that was largely true given the EHRC investigation into the party.

I've already made the point that people go all Witchfinder General when it's "the left" or Muslims being antisemitic but can't utter a word of condemnation when it's Farage or a Reform candidate.

I don't think Labour are perfect now but I think Starmer has made clear he's determined to root that filth out and he seems to be doing so.

The difference in my opinion is turning a blind eye to it and saying "nothing to with me" until your arm is forced v attempting to tackle it head on.

It comes down to who you think is attracting racists and why and who is taking it more seriously when it's pointed out.


24,450 posts

223 months

Sunday 30th June
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DeejRC said:
biggbn said:
turbobloke said:
Vanden Saab said:
robscot said:
Hilarious tonight at a Reform gig

Farage doing his nut, and terrible attempt to take it down
Very good, and yet more votes once the media plaster it everywhere. You guys are doing his job for him.
Sure thing, no lessons learned from the USA in 2016 or UK 2019. Same old fail from the illiberal left.

The latest Electoral Calculus / MRP polling data take is Reform 3 percentage -points (share 21%) above the Conservatives ( share 18%) corresponding to 29 seats. If Adolf's tache is flashed and predicted seats go over 30, the twist angle in some PH gussets could go critical.
Surely if the 'illiberal left' are behind this it's a masterstroke. Those likely to vote for Reform were rarely gonna vote Labour. More traction and publicity for Reform means less votes for the Tories?
And that Biggie is where you have things wrong. It was the trick Farage pulled with UKIP and the Brexit mob. He very much DOES park his tanks on Labours front yard, but it’s the old white working man’s club Labour yard. The place that modern London centric metropolitan Labour likes to pretend no longer exists or they don’t care about. Farage is very very good at it at stealing votes from the Tories and Labour.
The only reason SKS is able to ignore him atm and Labour strategists flagrantly not worry about him is a very brutal political calculation. A very good calculation tbh, it’s a properly nailed down and controller strategy. They know they will lose votes to Reform, but they can afford to because - and frankly lose a lot of them - both the Tory party and the SNP have hit the implode button. They are working to a plan that the SNP are giving them a minimum of 15-20 seats back and that the Tories are giving them 50-100 seats back by their troubles. It gives SKS huge grace to ignore Farage and “lose” those voters to him because the brutal electoral maths say the TP will be worse hit by them.
But then SKS has Mandy on hand for the job and Mandy knows wtf he is doing when it comes to political operations as opposed to the muppets who appear to be failing to do so elsewhere.
Why I said 'rarely gonna vote labour' Deej. I agree there is an overlap as you describe but in comparison to the disenfranchised Tories its much smaller


52,848 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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m3jappa said:
The worlds gone fking bananas tbh.
Funnily enough the word you used to describe travellers tends to get censored on here I think you just spelt it wrong so I won't quote the whole post.

I'm going to guess that the chap calling Sunak the P word probably didn't base what he said off much more than skin colour.

You can question Islamic values just as you can question Christian or any other values but if you do it using the language we've seen used people might think there's a little more to it than simply questioning values.

The world hasn't gone bananas just because people can't say exactly what they think without consequences.


24,450 posts

223 months

Sunday 30th June
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bad company said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
A spokesman for Reform says there's no room for racists in the party. I assume they just put their name on a waiting list then?
The latest opinion polls Sar showing 14% support for Reform. That’s a LOT of racists.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL Reform supporters are racists?


1,637 posts

171 months

Sunday 30th June
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That’s a good point there, vote reform and be labelled a racist, although there are plenty or racists who vote for the other parties.

Is the Australian points based system in regards to immigration racist?

I do wonder how reform shake that image. If they said we want all the immigration we can get if it’s doctors, nurses, engineers and experts in renewables but not unskilled economic migrants because we’ve got plenty of unskilled people that can work here is it possible to be done without being labelled racist?

Every single party talks of ‘stop the boats’ in the sense of stop the migrants and stop the gangs profiteering never ‘let’s stop human beings dying in the channel’

bad company

19,052 posts

269 months

Sunday 30th June
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I’m still undecided and may elect to spoil my ballot paper:-

I’m a natural and long term Conservative voter and ex party member. I generally approve of their policies but they failed to deliver on previous promises. Also some terrible leadership over the years. I’m also very dissatisfied with the local conservative candidate James Cleverly.

Labour. The policies appear ok at first glance but very worried about taxes they haven’t mentioned and could increase. Also worried about likely increased union power and loony left influence once they’re in power. Kier Starmer seems bland and uninspiring.

Lib/Dem. They’ve said they’d raise taxes which is at least honest. Ed Davey comes across as a clown to me. What on earth is he doing being photographed falling into the water. Does he really think that’ll win him votes? Also they clearly want to re join the EU. That’s a big no from me.

Reform. Some good policies imo but are they properly costed? I like Nigel Farage though, he and the party have been very badly treated by the BBC. The very biased Question Time audience being a clear example. I’m a bit put off by the numbers of racist supporters.

Green. Unelectable imo though they have my gratitude and respect for influencing the major parties to adopt some green policies.