Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?


Master Of Puppets

3,333 posts

65 months

Saturday 29th June
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Imagine the benefits of Reform winning the election though, another topic for frothing every day on PH for the next 5 years at least, well
provided the cholesterol build up from sitting on your erse all day every day doesn't get you first.hehe


7,808 posts

205 months

Saturday 29th June
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don'tbesilly said:
Same guy

Who planted him there?

Vanden Saab

14,447 posts

77 months

Saturday 29th June
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Killboy said:
don'tbesilly said:
Same guy

Who planted him there?
Just an ordinary member of the public in your world I guess.


7,808 posts

205 months

Saturday 29th June
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Vanden Saab said:
Just an ordinary member of the public in your world I guess.
What’s the conspiracy?


16,948 posts

258 months

Saturday 29th June
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Master Of Puppets said:
Imagine the benefits of Reform winning the election though, another topic for frothing every day on PH for the next 5 years at least, well
provided the cholesterol build up from sitting on your erse all day every day doesn't get you first.hehe
Whereas the benefits of Labour winning the election will be a new generation of folks who will learn that they might as well let Kerry Katona manage the country's finances. No one is expecting Reform to win any more than a few MPs - it's just a way to prod the Conservatives to be more Conservative.


4,409 posts

132 months

Saturday 29th June
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fido said:
Whereas the benefits of Labour winning the election will be a new generation of folks who will learn that they might as well let Kerry Katona manage the country's finances. No one is expecting Reform to win any more than a few MPs - it's just a way to prod the Conservatives to be more Conservative.
Yes because Sunak et al have done such a sterling job of that haven't they.

Jesus wept.


16,709 posts

108 months

Saturday 29th June
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BigMon said:
fido said:
Whereas the benefits of Labour winning the election will be a new generation of folks who will learn that they might as well let Kerry Katona manage the country's finances. No one is expecting Reform to win any more than a few MPs - it's just a way to prod the Conservatives to be more Conservative.
Yes because Sunak et al have done such a sterling job of that haven't they.

Jesus wept.
Starmer's crowd could prove to be little different to Sunak. I'm struggling to believe that our main taxes won't now steadily increase under Labour.


14,964 posts

194 months

Saturday 29th June
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Vanden Saab said:
Killboy said:
don'tbesilly said:
Same guy

Who planted him there?
Just an ordinary member of the public in your world I guess.
You do understand the BBC don't go round dragging random people off the streets to make up the QT audience?
They choose from people who have applied to be in the audience, so are likely to be people with a interest in politics.


14,175 posts

190 months

Saturday 29th June
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Castrol for a knave said:
Rufus Stone said:
Castrol for a knave said:
".....Catching nonces, not promoting the fkers".

I am trying to roll that around but it always comes back to the same. I think most people would read it as homophobic.

I think Farage should just put his hands up to this, say it was a couple of rogue canvassers and move on.

The whole C4 set me up makes him sound like the whiny politicians he wants to usurp.
Catching nonces, not promoting Pride.
Really trying to be even handed, but I still interpret what he said as intentionally equating gay to nonce.

We will have to differ on this one chap.
I think that is a really odd leap to make. It’s not what he said and it requires you to come to that conclusion independently.

If you take his words literally, the simpler explanation is that he thinks some of the people associated with the pride flag are nonces and that the police should be catching them.

This is a common enough trope on social media that fact check sites have felt the need to address suggestions that the pride flag includes colours that represent paedophiles:

Again, before anyone starts suggesting I am defending this guy, I disagree entirely with his comments which are crass and offensive.

However, I think the suggestion that this was specifically homophobic is overly simplistic and that the interpretation that he was insulting all LGBTQ people is flat out wrong.

If these views are to be tackled they first need to be understood.


7,505 posts

39 months

Saturday 29th June
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LimmerickLad said:
President Merkin said:
Anyway, setting aside all the weirdos arguing night is day, here Farridge is arguing we go to war with France, deploying the Marines. Fully expect the chuckle heads to be all over me like a cheap coat, however, if he is not suggesting unilateral military action, then what is he suggesting?

Kills me to say this but Cameron was right. He is at the head of a bunch of swivel eyed loonies, fruitcakes & racists. You have to be nuts to give this guy the time of day much less yiour vote.
Do you talk like this in the real world?
So Farage is asked questions and gives direct responses.

Maybe he can’t understand the answers?


10,718 posts

163 months

Saturday 29th June
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119 said:
LimmerickLad said:
President Merkin said:
Anyway, setting aside all the weirdos arguing night is day, here Farridge is arguing we go to war with France, deploying the Marines. Fully expect the chuckle heads to be all over me like a cheap coat, however, if he is not suggesting unilateral military action, then what is he suggesting?

Kills me to say this but Cameron was right. He is at the head of a bunch of swivel eyed loonies, fruitcakes & racists. You have to be nuts to give this guy the time of day much less yiour vote.
Do you talk like this in the real world?
So Farage is asked questions and gives direct responses.

Maybe he can’t understand the answers?
Do you think that using the Royal Marines to land failed migrants back onto French beaches is a credible plan?


14,046 posts

166 months

Saturday 29th June
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rscott said:
Vanden Saab said:
Killboy said:
don'tbesilly said:
Same guy

Who planted him there?
Just an ordinary member of the public in your world I guess.
You do understand the BBC don't go round dragging random people off the streets to make up the QT audience?
They choose from people who have applied to be in the audience, so are likely to be people with a interest in politics.
Does anyone @ the Beeb do any vetting at all?

The briefest of looks at his Twitter feed would highlight the above as being highly improbable.

Edited by don'tbesilly on Saturday 29th June 15:20

Well clearly they don’t do any vetting

Edited by don'tbesilly on Saturday 29th June 15:36


4,409 posts

132 months

Saturday 29th June
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Vasco said:
Starmer's crowd could prove to be little different to Sunak. I'm struggling to believe that our main taxes won't now steadily increase under Labour.
I'm not expecting anything from them at all. As I keep repeating, the vast majority of current politicians of all colour are, IMHO, useless charlatans.

I just weary of the tribal 'Labour Project Fear' cobblers.

If anyone has a crystal ball and can guarantee life will be worse under Labour then can they please tell me the numbers for the next big Euromillions draw so at least I'll be insulated from it.


14,046 posts

166 months

Saturday 29th June
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7,505 posts

39 months

Saturday 29th June
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valiant said:
119 said:
LimmerickLad said:
President Merkin said:
Anyway, setting aside all the weirdos arguing night is day, here Farridge is arguing we go to war with France, deploying the Marines. Fully expect the chuckle heads to be all over me like a cheap coat, however, if he is not suggesting unilateral military action, then what is he suggesting?

Kills me to say this but Cameron was right. He is at the head of a bunch of swivel eyed loonies, fruitcakes & racists. You have to be nuts to give this guy the time of day much less yiour vote.
Do you talk like this in the real world?
So Farage is asked questions and gives direct responses.

Maybe he can’t understand the answers?
Do you think that using the Royal Marines to land failed migrants back onto French beaches is a credible plan?
Couldn’t tell you, I’m not a politician or have any idea of the RM work load.

So, if it isn’t, who would you suggest is used?


16,709 posts

108 months

Saturday 29th June
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BigMon said:
Vasco said:
Starmer's crowd could prove to be little different to Sunak. I'm struggling to believe that our main taxes won't now steadily increase under Labour.
I'm not expecting anything from them at all. As I keep repeating, the vast majority of current politicians of all colour are, IMHO, useless charlatans.

I just weary of the tribal 'Labour Project Fear' cobblers.

If anyone has a crystal ball and can guarantee life will be worse under Labour then can they please tell me the numbers for the next big Euromillions draw so at least I'll be insulated from it.
As you know, nobody can guarantee anything. I think the issue nowadays is that many people would expect taxes to hold steady, or fall, under Conservatives - whereas there's virtually an automatic assumption that they'll increase under Labour.
Only time will tell.

Mrr T

12,491 posts

268 months

Saturday 29th June
quotequote all
119 said:
valiant said:
119 said:
LimmerickLad said:
President Merkin said:
Anyway, setting aside all the weirdos arguing night is day, here Farridge is arguing we go to war with France, deploying the Marines. Fully expect the chuckle heads to be all over me like a cheap coat, however, if he is not suggesting unilateral military action, then what is he suggesting?

Kills me to say this but Cameron was right. He is at the head of a bunch of swivel eyed loonies, fruitcakes & racists. You have to be nuts to give this guy the time of day much less yiour vote.
Do you talk like this in the real world?
So Farage is asked questions and gives direct responses.

Maybe he can’t understand the answers?
Do you think that using the Royal Marines to land failed migrants back onto French beaches is a credible plan?
Couldn’t tell you, I’m not a politician or have any idea of the RM work load.

So, if it isn’t, who would you suggest is used?
You really have that little knowledge of affairs? You do not understand the military entering the jurisdiction of another country without permission could be regarded as an act of war. At the very least assisting those no have no right to enter France is a criminal offence. If Nige did the the order the military to do that they would quite correctly refuse to comply.

Ideally Nige could hire a boat and sail a few back with his mates. Him being arrested for people trafficking and other offence would be most enjoyable.


24,409 posts

223 months

Saturday 29th June
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Slightly different tack here, but when Corbyn's Labour announced what said to be an uncosted fantasy manifesto that appealed only to 'lefties' he/they were, rightly, widely reviled. Reform have jist done the same thing and nobody seems to be mentioning it. Certainly not on here. The right type of lies perhaps?


7,505 posts

39 months

Saturday 29th June
quotequote all
Mrr T said:
119 said:
valiant said:
119 said:
LimmerickLad said:
President Merkin said:
Anyway, setting aside all the weirdos arguing night is day, here Farridge is arguing we go to war with France, deploying the Marines. Fully expect the chuckle heads to be all over me like a cheap coat, however, if he is not suggesting unilateral military action, then what is he suggesting?

Kills me to say this but Cameron was right. He is at the head of a bunch of swivel eyed loonies, fruitcakes & racists. You have to be nuts to give this guy the time of day much less yiour vote.
Do you talk like this in the real world?
So Farage is asked questions and gives direct responses.

Maybe he can’t understand the answers?
Do you think that using the Royal Marines to land failed migrants back onto French beaches is a credible plan?
Couldn’t tell you, I’m not a politician or have any idea of the RM work load.

So, if it isn’t, who would you suggest is used?
You really have that little knowledge of affairs? You do not understand the military entering the jurisdiction of another country without permission could be regarded as an act of war. At the very least assisting those no have no right to enter France is a criminal offence. If Nige did the the order the military to do that they would quite correctly refuse to comply.

Ideally Nige could hire a boat and sail a few back with his mates. Him being arrested for people trafficking and other offence would be most enjoyable.
Ok, so what would you suggest?


2,641 posts

174 months

Saturday 29th June
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Mrr T said:
You really have that little knowledge of affairs? You do not understand the military entering the jurisdiction of another country without permission could be regarded as an act of war. At the very least assisting those no have no right to enter France is a criminal offence. If Nige did the the order the military to do that they would quite correctly refuse to comply.
....but the French agree that these people shouldn't be launching from France. They've taken million of pounds from us to help them pay for (laughable as it turns out) people to man the beaches and stop the people leaving.

I can't see why they would object to our forces effectively helping them out and returning said individuals.

And they were quick to give our forces permission to enter their jurisdiction in 1944....