Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



7,460 posts

39 months

Saturday 29th June
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Been out for a few hours this morning and after checking in, thread does not disappoint.

A few in here could probably do with trying it.


17,134 posts

243 months

Saturday 29th June
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PRTVR said:
skwdenyer said:
PRTVR said:
The world is changing to the right, there is going to be many who are unhappy with it, but they will be totally unaware that the movement is a reaction to many of their left wing ideas.
There are a lot of theories, but many of them don't support your contention, but instead suggest that appeasement of hard-right views (cf UK Tories, Spain's People's Party, and others) results in greater success for right-wing parties - the centre-right parties legitimise the hard-right extremists.

But I think it is a bit early to say "the world is changing to the right."
The Tories hard right ? How far to the left do you have to be to think the Tories are far right ? hehe
Even normally left leaning Sweden has switched to the right, USA, Argentina, Switzerland , Italy, Holland, France, the list goes on.
Read it again. I didn’t say the Tories were hard right. That’s the point.


52,632 posts

213 months

Saturday 29th June
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Rufus Stone said:
Think for a moment that 'fkers' is referring to Pride who the police are supporting with the flag on the bonnet of their car.
The video is here Rufus.

Watch it from around 7 minutes in for 30 seconds to see the comment I've been quoting and it's clear that isn't who he was referring to.

Castrol for a knave

4,918 posts

94 months

Saturday 29th June
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Rufus Stone said:
Castrol for a knave said:
Nice try, but I don't think that would get past Mr Beer.
Think for a moment that 'fkers' is referring to Pride who the police are supporting with the flag on the bonnet of their car.
".....Catching nonces, not promoting the fkers".

I am trying to roll that around but it always comes back to the same. I think most people would read it as homophobic.

I think Farage should just put his hands up to this, say it was a couple of rogue canvassers and move on.

The whole C4 set me up makes him sound like the whiny politicians he wants to usurp.


14,046 posts

166 months

Saturday 29th June
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Castrol for a knave said:
Rufus Stone said:
Castrol for a knave said:
Nice try, but I don't think that would get past Mr Beer.
Think for a moment that 'fkers' is referring to Pride who the police are supporting with the flag on the bonnet of their car.
".....Catching nonces, not promoting the fkers".

I am trying to roll that around but it always comes back to the same. I think most people would read it as homophobic.

I think Farage should just put his hands up to this, say it was a couple of rogue canvassers and move on.

The whole C4 set me up makes him sound like the whiny politicians he wants to usurp.
Strangely enough that’s pretty much what Farage has already done, and he’s said it on quite a few occasions, the last time on last nights QT

Rufus Stone

6,698 posts

59 months

Saturday 29th June
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Castrol for a knave said:
".....Catching nonces, not promoting the fkers".

I am trying to roll that around but it always comes back to the same. I think most people would read it as homophobic.

I think Farage should just put his hands up to this, say it was a couple of rogue canvassers and move on.

The whole C4 set me up makes him sound like the whiny politicians he wants to usurp.
Catching nonces, not promoting Pride.


104,915 posts

263 months

Saturday 29th June
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Snips from a new poll: Labour 38% Conservatives 18% with 50 seats, Reform 21% and 29 seats.

Baroque attacks

4,633 posts

189 months

Saturday 29th June
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Elysium said:
markh1973 said:
bhstewie said:
Rufus Stone said:
Stewie's interpretation of language is more often than not literal. You know that.
"You see that fking degenerate flag on the front bonnet? What are the old bill doing promoting that crap? They should be out catching nonces not promoting the fkers.".

What do you think he meant?
It's obvious what he meant despite some on here, for reasons I can't fathom, trying to reinterpret it.
Like Stewie.
The Simone Biles of mental gymnastics

Vanden Saab

14,420 posts

77 months

Saturday 29th June
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Mrr T said:
LimmerickLad said:
rscott said:
don'tbesilly said:
I thought the audience was very hostile, I wonder how many others were carefully selected

Doesn't look like he's a BBC employee - he's a freelancer who has worked for most of the major broadcasters.
Not surprising that includes the BBC
"For the past year I have been 1st AD on BBC Doctors."

The tweet even gives his web site. He's clearly worked for a number of different companies. Dr Who is a co production with the BBC, QT is not produced by the BBC.
As did the actor. Funny how there are now two people involved with the media that are pretending to be unbiased. You would think working for the BBC or C4 would disqualify them from playing that role. Will they be suing their vetting company?


2,940 posts

152 months

Saturday 29th June
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Rufus Stone said:
Think for a moment that 'fkers' is referring to Pride who the police are supporting with the flag on the bonnet of their car.
Considered it for a split second and it's doesn't make sense as a sentence.

It's blatantly obvious that he was refering to pride as nonces

Castrol for a knave

4,918 posts

94 months

Saturday 29th June
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Rufus Stone said:
Castrol for a knave said:
".....Catching nonces, not promoting the fkers".

I am trying to roll that around but it always comes back to the same. I think most people would read it as homophobic.

I think Farage should just put his hands up to this, say it was a couple of rogue canvassers and move on.

The whole C4 set me up makes him sound like the whiny politicians he wants to usurp.
Catching nonces, not promoting Pride.
Really trying to be even handed, but I still interpret what he said as intentionally equating gay to nonce.

We will have to differ on this one chap.


13,003 posts

220 months

Saturday 29th June
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dai1983 said:
Rufus Stone said:
Think for a moment that 'fkers' is referring to Pride who the police are supporting with the flag on the bonnet of their car.
Considered it for a split second and it's doesn't make sense as a sentence.

It's blatantly obvious that he was refering to pride as nonces
Of course he is and it's obviously homophobic to anyone with an ounce of critical thinking ability.

You really have to ask yourself why some on here are jumping through hoops trying to defend that sort of attitude - the answer to this is usually that they agree with them.


Rufus Stone

6,698 posts

59 months

Saturday 29th June
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smn159 said:
Of course he is and it's obviously homophobic to anyone with an ounce of critical thinking ability.

You really have to ask yourself why some on here are jumping through hoops trying to defend that sort of attitude - the answer to this is usually that they agree with them.

Ahhh, the old 'if you don't agree with me you must agree with them' argument. scratchchin


17,462 posts

282 months

Saturday 29th June
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Vanden Saab said:
Mrr T said:
LimmerickLad said:
rscott said:
don'tbesilly said:
I thought the audience was very hostile, I wonder how many others were carefully selected

Doesn't look like he's a BBC employee - he's a freelancer who has worked for most of the major broadcasters.
Not surprising that includes the BBC
"For the past year I have been 1st AD on BBC Doctors."

The tweet even gives his web site. He's clearly worked for a number of different companies. Dr Who is a co production with the BBC, QT is not produced by the BBC.
As did the actor. Funny how there are now two people involved with the media that are pretending to be unbiased. You would think working for the BBC or C4 would disqualify them from playing that role. Will they be suing their vetting company?
Quite concidentally I’m sure, the selection and vetting of each Question Time audience is done by Cast It Reach.

Who’s main business is casting for TV productions.


27,138 posts

164 months

Saturday 29th June
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Castrol for a knave said:
Rufus Stone said:
Castrol for a knave said:
".....Catching nonces, not promoting the fkers".

I am trying to roll that around but it always comes back to the same. I think most people would read it as homophobic.

I think Farage should just put his hands up to this, say it was a couple of rogue canvassers and move on.

The whole C4 set me up makes him sound like the whiny politicians he wants to usurp.
Catching nonces, not promoting Pride.
Really trying to be even handed, but I still interpret what he said as intentionally equating gay to nonce.

We will have to differ on this one chap.
That's exactly how I would interpret it. How can it read and other way unless you're trying to excuse it. The key word is "the" instead of "these" or "those"

Also why nonces specifically. Their job is to catch criminals, not just nonces.


14,927 posts

194 months

Saturday 29th June
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don'tbesilly said:
Castrol for a knave said:
Rufus Stone said:
Castrol for a knave said:
Nice try, but I don't think that would get past Mr Beer.
Think for a moment that 'fkers' is referring to Pride who the police are supporting with the flag on the bonnet of their car.
".....Catching nonces, not promoting the fkers".

I am trying to roll that around but it always comes back to the same. I think most people would read it as homophobic.

I think Farage should just put his hands up to this, say it was a couple of rogue canvassers and move on.

The whole C4 set me up makes him sound like the whiny politicians he wants to usurp.
Strangely enough that’s pretty much what Farage has already done, and he’s said it on quite a few occasions, the last time on last nights QT
I don't believe he's commented on the Reform candidate for Southend yet?

In a post in June 2020 he commented on the arrival of a small boat in Dover, saying: 'I hope I'm near one of these scumbags one day. I won't run away, I'll slaughter them then have their family taken out.'


7,801 posts

205 months

Saturday 29th June
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Love this thread. Everyone agrees Reform attracts racists, but just not that racist because he's an actor and must be a plant.


24,408 posts

223 months

Saturday 29th June
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Elysium said:
skwdenyer said:
Elysium said:
Killboy said:
Elysium said:
Which aligns almost exactly with what I have said.

Like it or not, some people are upset by the way some LGBTQ+ activists engage with children. This seems to reach fever point over events like this:

Pretty sure that's what Farage's chap was mithering about.
Ah, that all makes it okay then wobble
I specifically said it wasn’t OK in a post just prior to the one you quoted.
Drag Queen isn't a gender. There are plenty who aren't LGBTQ+.
I didn’t remotely suggest that it was a gender.

But there have been many stories in recent years about drag queens promoting LGBTQ+ issues to children. Some parents obviously find that uncomfortable:
Many stories you say?


9,907 posts

257 months

Saturday 29th June
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swisstoni said:
Vanden Saab said:
Mrr T said:
LimmerickLad said:
rscott said:
don'tbesilly said:
I thought the audience was very hostile, I wonder how many others were carefully selected

Doesn't look like he's a BBC employee - he's a freelancer who has worked for most of the major broadcasters.
Not surprising that includes the BBC
"For the past year I have been 1st AD on BBC Doctors."

The tweet even gives his web site. He's clearly worked for a number of different companies. Dr Who is a co production with the BBC, QT is not produced by the BBC.
As did the actor. Funny how there are now two people involved with the media that are pretending to be unbiased. You would think working for the BBC or C4 would disqualify them from playing that role. Will they be suing their vetting company?
Quite concidentally I’m sure, the selection and vetting of each Question Time audience is done by Cast It Reach.

Who’s main business is casting for TV productions.
They ‘selected and vetted’ Salman Mirza an immigration specialist from Brushstrokes Birmingham too…. for at least the second time - he was in the audience in 2009.
Someone somewhere is not happy hehe

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Saturday 29th June
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Anyway, setting aside all the weirdos arguing night is day, here Farridge is arguing we go to war with France, deploying the Marines. Fully expect the chuckle heads to be all over me like a cheap coat, however, if he is not suggesting unilateral military action, then what is he suggesting?

Kills me to say this but Cameron was right. He is at the head of a bunch of swivel eyed loonies, fruitcakes & racists. You have to be nuts to give this guy the time of day much less yiour vote.