Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



24,276 posts

223 months

119 said:
biggbn said:
President Merkin said:
Sounds like you've got plenty already.

So now the reformites are dancing on the head of a pin demanding proof that Nige's travelling circus formally invites racists. Well of course it doesn't. And yet they keep on coming. And their friends in here keep on dissembling, always discursive, never straight. I've heard of shy Tories...
If you build it, they will come....
And here you both are.

Can you explain that post to me please? I enjoy discussing politics, and learning about other people's opinions and ideologies. Are you suggesting only Refrom supporters should comment on this thread, or that only positive comments should be allowed? I think you might have outsmarted yourself here, as I really don't understand your point. You've certainly outsmarted me if there is a cutting, insightful one I've missed? Some might suggest that isn't difficult to be fair smile

I have no party affiliations by the way. Posted this many times. Have a wonderful evening brother man, peace and love, gbn x

Mr Penguin

1,883 posts

42 months

crankedup5 said:
Because Greens and Lib Dem’s have proven themselves to be unattractive with their established mandate offerings.
The appeal of Reform U.K. will be in its alternative offerings. That will be judged 2029.
Young first time voters hold well be turned off from Tory based on this last 14 years, and Labour in likely event 2029 sees the U.K still in decline.
I'll try this a different way - once they get into government what sort of policies do you expect/hope them to pursue?


16,627 posts

108 months

crankedup5 said:
Because Greens and Lib Dem’s have proven themselves to be unattractive with their established mandate offerings.
The appeal of Reform U.K. will be in its alternative offerings. That will be judged 2029.
Young first time voters hold well be turned off from Tory based on this last 14 years, and Labour in likely event 2029 sees the U.K still in decline.
It's certainly interesting to consider the 2029 GE outcome if, as some might expect, Labour turns out to be lacklustre and does relatively little for most people - and upsets many by increasing taxes.


11,470 posts

242 months

My Facebook feed is an absolute shambles at the moment, they're showing me more irrelevant stuff I don't follow than the stuff I do... like this from Reform in Bromley.

Edit, I presume they've all been told to post...

Edited by thetapeworm on Friday 28th June 18:41


14,042 posts

166 months

bhstewie said:
don'tbesilly said:
Yes I saw Sunak interviewed on the ITV lunchtime news, he was quite upset and angry (justifiably so) by what these scumbags said, especially the comments which were directed personally at him.

It looks like the bit part actor Andrew John Parker is going to get his collar felt along with the other scumbags that were in the video, perhaps the bit part actor can video his arrest and add it to his ‘Mandy’ profile and label it as a ‘Real Life Event’.

I suppose AJP’s defence would go along the lines of ”I was only acting guv’nor, honest” in his best cockney geezer accent.
Not sure why you keep stressing "bit part actor" unless you think he was acting.

Do you?

If he was let the Police deal with it.
Andrew John Parker is a bit part actor his profile on ‘Mandy’ couldn’t be clearer, or haven’t you looked?

Based on the evidence presented it appears he is acting, yes.

I did mention that the people in the video were likely to be dealt with by the Police, and welcomed that fact in my condemnation of the scumbags.


7,766 posts

205 months

markh1973 said:
In my view none of them should be betting on either the election date or whether they are going to win or lose.

However the police are only investigating the election date issues so there is clearly a difference between the two in their eyes.
I think there is a difference. One is using specific insider information.


52,521 posts

213 months

Mr Penguin

1,883 posts

42 months

Killboy said:
I think there is a difference. One is using specific insider information.
They both are


13,999 posts

99 months

It seems the actor Andrew Parker has previously appeared in Channel 4 shows and his media profile lists secret filming as a skill.

For me, I think that probably tips it into being something the police should dig into.


1,386 posts

18 months

768 said:
It seems the actor Andrew Parker has previously appeared in Channel 4 shows and his media profile lists secret filming as a skill.

For me, I think that probably tips it into being something the police should dig into.
Wonder if he will turn turtle if they do?


7,766 posts

205 months

Mr Penguin said:
They both are
Do you think Sunak betting on Starmer winning the election is insider information?

Mr Penguin

1,883 posts

42 months

Killboy said:
Do you think Sunak betting on Starmer winning the election is insider information?
Yes, because he obviously has access to polls and analyses that you and I don't have (although in this specific case it may not be material).


17,420 posts

282 months

Looks like C4 were so enamoured of the chance to land one on Farage, they failed on the boring old journalism due diligence thing and gifted Farage a victim card.

Well done all concerned. rolleyes


14,142 posts

190 months

bhstewie said:
As a point of order, the clip I heard featured someone getting narked by the use of a pride flag on a police car.

There is a subset of the population that dislikes the way the police engage with the political ideology behind pride and in particular trans issues. It seemed to me that was the issue.

I don't approve of the language or sentiment, drunk or otherwise, but its rather simplistic to refer to what was said as "homophobic remarks".


7,191 posts

224 months

swisstoni said:
Looks like C4 were so enamoured of the chance to land one on Farage, they failed on the boring old journalism due diligence thing and gifted Farage a victim card.

Well done all concerned. rolleyes
Is it not more important than just a victim card ?
If true and he is an actor and may have been paid, given when the programme was released so close to the election, are we not looking at interference in the electoral system?


3,402 posts

223 months

Elysium said:
As a point of order, the clip I heard featured someone getting narked by the use of a pride flag on a police car.

There is a subset of the population that dislikes the way the police engage with the political ideology behind pride and in particular trans issues. It seemed to me that was the issue.

I don't approve of the language or sentiment, drunk or otherwise, but its rather simplistic to refer to what was said as "homophobic remarks".
Yes “getting narked”

One man linked to the party appears to make homophobic comments, describing a Pride flag on a police car as a "degenerate flag".
"What are the old bill doing promoting that crap?" he asks the group.
He repeatedly suggests members of the LGBT+ community are paedophiles and criticises police attending Pride.


17,420 posts

282 months

PRTVR said:
Is it not more important than just a victim card ?
If true and he is an actor and may have been paid, given when the programme was released so close to the election, are we not looking at interference in the electoral system?
I’d like to think C4 were duped rather than they were behind the whole thing. That way, madness lies. hehe


14,142 posts

190 months

bhstewie said:
Elysium said:
By the time we discussed this only two conservatives were under investigation (my source for this is also the telegraph).

Do you honestly think your posts about Reform and the Conservatives are in any way neutral?
You may be right I think it might have been just the six Conservative candidates at the time.

Either way though I wouldn't say that "If it's true it's clearly corrupt possibly illegal and they can throw the book at him for all I care" is excusing anything but perhaps you missed that post.
I accept that you said that, but you also felt the need to say it was an isolated incident, which is rather different to the way you presented the Tories embroiled in similar scandals as part of an endemic Tory culture of corruption.

The way you approached it was biased and made it clear that you are supporting a particular side. That's fine, but needs to be called out when you are accusing others of the same thing.

By the way, I actually agree with you that corruption is endemic amongst the Tories. That is one of the reasons why I am quite enjoying watching Reform tear them apart.


52,521 posts

213 months

Elysium said:
As a point of order, the clip I heard featured someone getting narked by the use of a pride flag on a police car.

There is a subset of the population that dislikes the way the police engage with the political ideology behind pride and in particular trans issues. It seemed to me that was the issue.

I don't approve of the language or sentiment, drunk or otherwise, but its rather simplistic to refer to what was said as "homophobic remarks".
George Jones a longtime party activist who organises events for Farage said:
You see that fking degenerate flag on the front bonnet? What are the old bill doing promoting that crap? They should be out catching nonces not promoting the fkers.
Definitely nothing homophobic about suggesting the LBGT community are "nonces".

Dear me.


14,142 posts

190 months

NerveAgent said:
Elysium said:
As a point of order, the clip I heard featured someone getting narked by the use of a pride flag on a police car.

There is a subset of the population that dislikes the way the police engage with the political ideology behind pride and in particular trans issues. It seemed to me that was the issue.

I don't approve of the language or sentiment, drunk or otherwise, but its rather simplistic to refer to what was said as "homophobic remarks".
Yes “getting narked”

One man linked to the party appears to make homophobic comments, describing a Pride flag on a police car as a "degenerate flag".
"What are the old bill doing promoting that crap?" he asks the group.
He repeatedly suggests members of the LGBT+ community are paedophiles and criticises police attending Pride.
Which aligns almost exactly with what I have said.

Like it or not, some people are upset by the way some LGBTQ+ activists engage with children. This seems to reach fever point over events like this:

Pretty sure that's what Farage's chap was mithering about.