50p a unit minimum price for booze

50p a unit minimum price for booze



17,517 posts

213 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Funk Odyssey said:
Targarama said:
I'm in support of a big increase in duty on all alcoholic drinks. If it means I pay 50p-£1 more for a bottle of wine then that is OK. You only have to go down your local High Street at 11pm on a Saturday night to see what the younger generation is turning into - a liability for the NHS, an embarrassment for the country. The government needs revenue from somewhere and this is a good candidate IMO. OK, so not everyone is a pi55-head, but I am not seeing good suggestions on other ways to beat this problem.
not all to do with price

the huge expansion in the numbers of bars and clubs in towns over the last 10 years or so is scary.

Why do we need / why do councils allow whole streets in towns and cities to be clubs / bars??
As if they didn't there would only be charity shops on the high street. As everyone else has moved out of town.

The price increase wont change anything, it will just increase the price.

Road Pest

3,123 posts

201 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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nelly1 said:
Emma Bishop, a marketing executive from Twickenham, added: "How's about this? As an adult, I think a reasonable daily limit is me drinking as much as I fking want."



5,189 posts

225 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Ok, so we all drive too much, smoke too much and drink too much, so they keep on putting the prices up in order to deter us from doing these things. I don't for one minute believe that it has anything to do with saving the planet or us.

So, if everyone that drives/smokes/drinks gave up cos they can't afford to do any of them any more, then where the hell are the gubberment going to get their money from?


13,645 posts

196 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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speedchick said:
then where the hell are the gubberment going to get their money from?

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

230 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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I've come to the conclusion that we have a generation of politicians who think that people should not do anything that constitutes enjoying themselves...

They can fk off


5,830 posts

195 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
I've come to the conclusion that we have a generation of politicians who think that people should not do anything that constitutes enjoying themselves...

They can fk off
The thing is, there is a difference between going out and having a few with your mates and enjoying yourself, and going out and getting stfaced and starting fights/causing trouble, which cost the government a lot of money!

It won't stop the latter, though!

As has been said, it's the people that are the problem!


7,619 posts

227 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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bic said:
I'll not be shocked to see a duty imposed on what you brew/distill at home.
know some guys who make mead commercially, the natural wines all need to be tested as their alcohol varies, not going to be worth their time to test every gallon of wine that everyone makes

sure, they can tax the wine kits, but they are crap, prefer making stuff from honey and fruits


2,050 posts

199 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Targarama said:
I'm in support of a big increase in duty on all alcoholic drinks. If it means I pay 50p-£1 more for a bottle of wine then that is OK. You only have to go down your local High Street at 11pm on a Saturday night to see what the younger generation is turning into - a liability for the NHS, an embarrassment for the country. The government needs revenue from somewhere and this is a good candidate IMO. OK, so not everyone is a pi55-head, but I am not seeing good suggestions on other ways to beat this problem.
I too hate the fact that most town centres have drunken yobs throwing up on each other every friday night, but it's quite obvious that price has very little to do with it. Just look at a country like France, the drink is much, much cheaper there (seems to be cheaper than soft drinks in a lot of restaurants, bars etc) yet they don't have half the problems we do. It's all to do with the culture which can't be solved by slapping a bit of tax on it. I'm not a binge drinker so why should I suffer with these price increases?


12,955 posts

235 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Seems like the government aren't keen on the idea

I reckon it was my post earlier that changed their mind.

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

230 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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DrTre said:
Seems like the government aren't keen on the idea

I reckon it was my post earlier that changed their mind.
Good god - could Gordon have done something I agree with? I see the Lib Dems are the same as ever though...


12,955 posts

235 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
Good god - could Gordon have done something I agree with? I see the Lib Dems are the same as ever though...
Aye, but such a shame they can't apply the following logic to all areas of life:

"But Gordon Brown was said this morning to be very cool on the proposal, and his work and pensions secretary later went even further, claiming that the Government would not punish the responsible majority of drinkers.

“We want to focus on the irresponsible minority rather than I think punishing everyone equally,” James Purnell told BBC1’s The Politics Show. "

The Lib "we don't believe there exists such a concept as personal responsibility, society is to blame for everything" Dems are hilarious, bless their little cotton socks.


1,893 posts

213 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
DrTre said:
Seems like the government aren't keen on the idea

I reckon it was my post earlier that changed their mind.
Good god - could Gordon have done something I agree with? I see the Lib Dems are the same as ever though...
He was bound to get something right eventually...even by accident.

Baby Huey

4,881 posts

202 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
Prof Beard said:
DrTre said:
Seems like the government aren't keen on the idea

I reckon it was my post earlier that changed their mind.
Good god - could Gordon have done something I agree with? I see the Lib Dems are the same as ever though...
He was bound to get something right eventually...even by accident.
That's good news, I was about to emigrate.

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

237 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
DrTre said:
Seems like the government aren't keen on the idea

I reckon it was my post earlier that changed their mind.
Good god - could Gordon have done something I agree with? I see the Lib Dems are the same as ever though...
...one year before a general election...


13,841 posts

272 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Plotloss said:
I actually think its a fair idea, if applied only to booze sold in supermarkets.

They quite obviously should be prohibited from loss leading, loss leading booze just seems like a bad idea all round.
That's the dangerous stuff. Morrisons own vodka that cost £3 a bottle. Why is that $hite legal? If they were doing this from a moral standpoint, this is where they would start.

In fact I would be happy if they totally removed alcohol from the supermarkets and moved it all into independent off licenses, and pubs.

Baby Huey

4,881 posts

202 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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dave_s13 said:
Plotloss said:
I actually think its a fair idea, if applied only to booze sold in supermarkets.

They quite obviously should be prohibited from loss leading, loss leading booze just seems like a bad idea all round.
That's the dangerous stuff. Morrisons own vodka that cost £3 a bottle. Why is that $hite legal? If they were doing this from a moral standpoint, this is where they would start.

In fact I would be happy if they totally removed alcohol from the supermarkets and moved it all into independent off licenses, and pubs.
You CAN'T buy a bottle of vodka for £3. Anywhere.


13,841 posts

272 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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I was just making the point....can't remember what it cost, I forgot the entire 48hrs after I drank it.

Andy Zarse

10,868 posts

250 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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For the first time in I don't know how long, Gordon browm gets it right...



2,215 posts

192 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Andy Zarse said:
For the first time in I don't know how long, Gordon browm gets it right...

Thank god for the Scots!


284 posts

191 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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bic said:
50p per unit. Am I right in saying 3-4 units per pint so thats a minimum £1.50 the government want in tax...
You can work out the number of units in any drink by:

% strength x Volume / 1000