Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution

Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution


Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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This needs a thread all to itself.

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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In my view, this thread is just more evidence that there are a bunch of BNP supporters trying to exploit PH. The number of threads focusing on "Muslims" (which is what the BNP have switched to since anti-semitism became just too unacceptable) rather than the real issues (like why Afghanis are are dependent on the smack trade) is becoming very noticable.

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Yada, yada....
I agree with certain viewpoints of the BNP and I'm a supporter ?
Are you saying you agree with NONE of thier views ?


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
In my view, this thread is just more evidence that there are a bunch of BNP supporters trying to exploit PH. The number of threads focusing on "Muslims" (which is what the BNP have switched to since anti-semitism became just too unacceptable) rather than the real issues (like why Afghanis are are dependent on the smack trade) is becoming very noticable.
Caugh... ok where do I start.

Well I do not support the BNP. I find it rude for you to accuse me of that. The thought of them running our nation is frankly laughable.

By BNP are you referring to people who don't like certain muslims in our country?

I got news for you... it's not just the 14,000 BNP supporters, or however many there are.

Like I have said before... you will know at least a couple of people who have views. Now do the math.

Recent developments have caused people to talk about this. We talked about the financial crisis when it was in the news, not we are talking about muslim fundamentalists.

If you don't like or approve of a thread then you can move on to another. Nobody is forcing you to read this.

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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How interesting that the first two VERY QUICK replies to my post are from...


1,252 posts

193 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
How interesting that the first two VERY QUICK replies to my post are from...
It does seem like they are some kind of KKK tag team.....


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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TomE said:
Prof Beard said:
How interesting that the first two VERY QUICK replies to my post are from...
It does seem like they are some kind of KKK tag team.....
I take it your are ok with Mr Chaudary being here then?

KKK, BNP all crazy accusations.

This is the feeling of most people but political correctness and a sense of enforced moral highground causes most people to shrug their shoulders and look away.

Edited by plasticpusher on Saturday 14th March 00:41

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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They have not a b0llock between them to answer that....

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Keep digging - both of you...

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
Keep digging - both of you...
You're a funny little man aren't you....
Clarification if you please.


3,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
Prof Beard said:
In my view, this thread is just more evidence that there are a bunch of BNP supporters trying to exploit PH. The number of threads focusing on "Muslims" (which is what the BNP have switched to since anti-semitism became just too unacceptable) rather than the real issues (like why Afghanis are are dependent on the smack trade) is becoming very noticable.
Caugh... ok where do I start.

Well I do not support the BNP. I find it rude for you to accuse me of that. The thought of them running our nation is frankly laughable.

By BNP are you referring to people who don't like certain muslims in our country?

I got news for you... it's not just the 14,000 BNP supporters, or however many there are.

Like I have said before... you will know at least a couple of people who have views. Now do the math.

Recent developments have caused people to talk about this. We talked about the financial crisis when it was in the news, not we are talking about muslim fundamentalists.

If you don't like or approve of a thread then you can move on to another. Nobody is forcing you to read this.
The problem is that you tend to refer to Muslims as a collective. These threads talk about 'Muslims' as if they are one single entity that is either all good or all bad. I fully support your views that SOME Muslims should be kicked out of the country. Equally I think some Christians should. And some black people. And some people with gingerhair. The point is that the Muslim part, and the 'immigrant' part is completely irrelevant. It's the other facets of these individuals that makes them unworthy of living here.

You made a point earlier about managing the '3%' that are already here. Can you not see how spectacularly insulting that is to the majority of the 3% who come here with entirely good intent. It's like saying we should send all the Irish home because there are a tiny minority who are affiliated to groups like the Real IRA.

In summary I think some of the points you make are entirely valid when directed to the minority of trouble makers, but are complete bks when directed at large groups like 'Muslims'.


1,252 posts

193 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Mark V8 said:
Prof Beard said:
Keep digging - both of you...
You're a funny little man aren't you....
Clarification if you please.
I think he is hinting at the fact that you are both xenophobic bigots....


20,156 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Islam is NOT a race.

It's a delusional superstitious nonsense just like Christianity. banghead


20,156 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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davido140 said:
Even if ALL heroin producers are Muslim, it doesnt mean that all Muslims are Heroin producers...


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
In summary I think some of the points you make are entirely valid when directed to the minority of trouble makers, but are complete bks when directed at large groups like 'Muslims'.
I agree with your points.

But how would you define the people it should be directed toward?

It seems that there is no answer.

Kids in their early 20's turn to terrorism when nobody suspected it.

It can be argued that anybody of the muslim faith has the potential to turn, or am I wrong? It seems an easy way to summaries it to me. Not all extremists are here yet and we do not know what is breeding them.


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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TomE said:
I think he is hinting at the fact that you are both xenophobic bigots....
I work with muslims. I drink with ''muslims''.

Im not some shut off idiot preaching what I read in the press.

It is a real issue and it is naive to deny it.

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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TomE said:
Mark V8 said:
Prof Beard said:
Keep digging - both of you...
You're a funny little man aren't you....
Clarification if you please.
I think he is hinting at the fact that you are both xenophobic bigots....
Name calling ? Shame really that we're at that stage. But still its all I expected from a couple of spineless lefties who dare not speak against this kind of behaviour.
Do you think these people would reward your support ? He'd probably behead you if he thought he could get away with it. Utterly hateful and the ONLY TRUE RACIST here. Would you tell him so ?
Your opinion is a minority one and therefore is unimportant to me.


20,156 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Mark V8 said:
Who do you think is behind the heroin trade then ?
Ultimately? American prohibitionists.

The "War on Drugs" is a far bigger problem than any of the drugs.

Remove prohibition and you remove most of the profit too.

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

230 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Mark V8 said:
Prof Beard said:
Keep digging - both of you...
You're a funny little man aren't you....
Clarification if you please.
I have never been anything less than completely up front about my own political views as all on PH know (despite the fact the the vast majority of PH are at odds with them) - it would be nice if those who constantly put up posts clearly slanted at stirring up anti-muslim feelings (rather than focusing on more specific issues) could be as honest.

Yes - I can be funny - no - I'm not little - but at least I'm honest and I don't have to resort to insults...


3,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
In summary I think some of the points you make are entirely valid when directed to the minority of trouble makers, but are complete bks when directed at large groups like 'Muslims'.
I agree with your points.

But how would you define the people it should be directed toward?

It seems that there is no answer.

Kids in their early 20's turn to terrorism when nobody suspected it.

It can be argued that anybody of the muslim faith has the potential to turn, or am I wrong? It seems an easy way to summaries it to me. Not all extremists are here yet and we do not know what is breeding them.
You have to be kidding me. Please tell me you are joking?

You are saying that because you can't identify an individual you should be allowed to victimise an entire religion? What about the German guy who went into the school this week and started shooting people? Surely every German has the potential to do this and therefore we should round them all up. Go back through history and you will be able to find examples of terrible acts that can be attached to all cultures/religions/races.

Just because a Muslim has been a terrorist does not give you a reason to treat all Muslims as if they are terrorists.

Out of curiosity do you mind if I ask where you are from (English, Scottish etc.) and what religion you are?