Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.

Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.


Wacky Racer

38,494 posts

250 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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Classic thread........hehe


Original Poster:

10,601 posts

234 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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gobuddygo said:
Fair play they raised loads of money, but more respect to this climb
thumbup That's more like it.

King Sid

38 posts

232 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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Shirley it doesn't matter who they are or what they've done. It's a million and a half quid that may well have stayed in people's pockets if they'd not done it, isn't it? Not forgetting a lot of that million and a half quid came from texting - chances are a fair few of those texters aren't really the kind of people turned on by the kind of famous names the OP probably approves of, so in that sense it's horses for courses. Less exposure to the masses would mean less money, so of course they're going to hammer it.

Don't like them? Don't watch them. Don't like listening to them? Don't then. Do like donating to charity? Donate, and good on you. Have you by the way?


10,419 posts

225 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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Look at that David Attenborough, swanning off around the world, and all he's doing is standing around TALKING about ANIMALS! And he's got a crew with him to help him, you know, eat and stuff, and I bet he even stays in HOTELS sometimes! I am DISGUSTED by this! And then there's that Michael Palin, who has the absolute nerve to TEACH us about OTHER CULTURES. What an utter git.

And don't get me started on the BBC paying loads of OUR money to send crews and commentators out to report on the Formula One and other sporting events. HOW DARE THEY!

This thread has inspired me. These people must be stopped. Celebrities must not be allowed to appear on television or radio. The minute somebody becomes famous, they should be banned from our screens. And laws must be passed immediately to prevent anyone presenting an extremely successful radio show. This must not happen again. If I do not like somebody, NOBODY is allowed to enjoy them.

AAAGGGHH I'm SO angry and it is everyone elses fault. I'm going to go now and have a word with the lawn. It's GROWING in a way that I DISAGREE WITH!

Or I might just not give it more than a moment's thought and read a book instead.

Edited by durbster on Thursday 12th March 23:29


1,015 posts

242 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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So it might not have been the greatest feat of human endeavour. So lots of you could do it easily. But the bottom line is nobody could give a stuff whether you can or you can't. Nobody is interested in watching you do it. And nobody would be motivated to donate anything if you did. These people raised loads of money and entertained an audience because they have a profile and were doing something difficult...for them.


Original Poster:

10,601 posts

234 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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durbster said:
Look at that David Attenborough, swanning off around the world, and all he's doing is standing around TALKING about ANIMALS! And he's got a crew with him to help him, you know, eat and stuff, and I bet he even stays in HOTELS sometimes! I am DISGUSTED by this! And then there's that Michael Palin, who has the absolute nerve to TEACH us about OTHER CULTURES. What an utter git.

And don't get me started on the BBC paying loads of OUR money to send crews and commentators out to report on the Formula One and other sporting events. HOW DARE THEY!

This thread has inspired me. These people must be stopped. Celebrities must not be allowed to appear on television or radio. The minute somebody becomes famous, they should be banned from our screens. And laws must be passed immediately to prevent anyone presenting an extremely successful radio show. This must not happen again. If I do not like somebody, NOBODY is allowed to enjoy them.

AAAGGGHH I'm SO angry and it is everyone elses fault. I'm going to go now and have a word with the lawn. It's GROWING in a way that I DISAGREE WITH!

Or I might just not give it more than a moment's thought and read a book instead.

Edited by durbster on Thursday 12th March 23:29



752 posts

201 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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andy400 said:
This comic relief malarkey. It's on in the office - my assistant wanted it on and I am far too generous.

I know it's for a good cause, but I've really not seen anything quite so pathetic in my life. Every day I am subjected to the ridiculous vapid nonsense of 'celebrities', is another day when my hatred for them increases exponentially.

Oh yes, and Chris Moyles is a talentless obese disgusting oik.

Just thought I'd share.
Got the message now?


Original Poster:

10,601 posts

234 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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jimbo65 said:
andy400 said:
This comic relief malarkey. It's on in the office - my assistant wanted it on and I am far too generous.

I know it's for a good cause, but I've really not seen anything quite so pathetic in my life. Every day I am subjected to the ridiculous vapid nonsense of 'celebrities', is another day when my hatred for them increases exponentially.

Oh yes, and Chris Moyles is a talentless obese disgusting oik.

Just thought I'd share.
Got the message now?
What message?

(Clearly not...)


21,816 posts

228 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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I was musing this morning about Red Nose day and how most of us over 40 must feel some fatigue from a seemingly endless request for our post tax cash - what's left of it - year after year. If it's not Red Nose, it's kid in need or world aid or something.

The programs are constantly being edited with videos of children in distress and it's a emotional blackmail.

But then I watched the program tonight and not only mildly enjoyed it - but felt those climbers/walkers did extremely well.

I didn't know who Chris Moyles is (I know he's on the radio, but I've never heard him or seen him before) and he looked a laugh, someone who'd be fun to have beer with. And the girls could have given up, but they didn't - they were spurred on by their experiences in Uganda. The chap with the bad back (Barlow?), he struggled but persevered.

Good for them. It's easy to knock what they've achieved - much harder to have actually done it.


1,893 posts

213 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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NDA said:
Good for them. It's easy to knock what they've achieved - much harder to have actually done it.
I'm pretty sure I could do the same thing but it would take a serious effort removed from the relatively comfortable 9-5 everyday crap I deal with daily.

Much easier to text in a couple of quid to salute their effort and donate by proxy.

Moyles and his posse (because it was largely his radio show that made the stupidly large total possible) did good.

Fair play to them. What else needs to be said, unless you're just a whining sh*t?


Original Poster:

10,601 posts

234 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
What else needs to be said, unless you're just a whining sh*t?
There it is again! That phrase that keeps popping up in various forms - translates as "If you don't agree with my opinion, you're obviously just wrong/stupid/drunk/slow/all of the above."

I'm going to join in! Giving your money away just because some nonentities walked up a hill and were filmed doing it is very silly. What else needs to be said, unless you're a gullible, easily led imbecile?




752 posts

201 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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andy400 said:
Disco_Dale said:
What else needs to be said, unless you're just a whining sh*t?
There it is again! That phrase that keeps popping up in various forms - translates as "If you don't agree with my opinion, you're obviously just wrong/stupid/drunk/slow/all of the above."

I'm going to join in! Giving your money away just because some nonentities walked up a hill and were filmed doing it is very silly. What else needs to be said, unless you're a gullible, easily led imbecile?


So how much money did you raise for charity when yo climbed to the moon!more than these guys I guess


Original Poster:

10,601 posts

234 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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jimbo65 said:
andy400 said:
Disco_Dale said:
What else needs to be said, unless you're just a whining sh*t?
There it is again! That phrase that keeps popping up in various forms - translates as "If you don't agree with my opinion, you're obviously just wrong/stupid/drunk/slow/all of the above."

I'm going to join in! Giving your money away just because some nonentities walked up a hill and were filmed doing it is very silly. What else needs to be said, unless you're a gullible, easily led imbecile?


So how much money did you raise for charity when yo climbed to the moon!more than these guys I guess

I have no comeback, because your post makes no sense......


6,385 posts

211 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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missdiane said:

That was a worth while thing to say.


12,134 posts

249 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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andy400 said:
pablo said:
as for "been there, done that" comments, well done, what you really wanted to type in your first message was that you have climbed kilimanjiro or some other big mountain but because you arent famous, no one gave a st. so you came here and whinged subtley telling everyone that you are just as good as them if not better because you didnt do it with a support crew of 80 and really you should just fk off.
Cor blimey guv'nor! That's a bit strong. I clearly stated earlier that what I have/have not done or may do in the future has no bearing on this. But, hey, thanks for telling me to 'fk off' for daring to hold an opinion contrary to your own. Your debating skills are clearly far superior to my own and I hang my head.......

I spent about a week in La Paz (Bolivia) once. I had a headache every day. I didn't climb though, I caught the bus.


11,214 posts

208 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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MacGee said:
stormrider2 said:
i certainly couldnt do it. and if chris moyles is just some fat bloke, surely it means climbing up a mountain would be very difficult for him?

well done to them tbh.
possibly shows how undifficult it is.......just altitude sickness. .......which seems like potluck who it strikes...
'Just' altitude sickness? Friend of mine, really fit guy, tried climbing Kilimanjaro years ago and had to be carried down due to horrendous alti sickness. Never even made the summit.

They've done well!


17,051 posts

198 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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I've heard some ste in this thread.

Today they are hoping to hit the £1.5m mark - money that will go to a VERY worthy cause.

I spent a while out in Tanzania in 2005, did Kili and it's not just a walk in the park and a fair few people have to be carried down off that mountain in a pretty bad way!

They didn't have to do it, and I'm pretty sure if they could have got people to donate without them having to do it, they would have?

I don't think it matters what you think of Chris Moyles to be quite honest, what he did was not easy (although made as easy as possible) and I think he has a right to be proud of himself - although I do wish he wouldnt spend the opening 45 mins of his show doing nothing but speak about it.

£850k for 3.5 hours of crap each day, I spend that much time chatting crap on here, well bloody done, wish I could...


2,513 posts

233 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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jshell said:
MacGee said:
stormrider2 said:
i certainly couldnt do it. and if chris moyles is just some fat bloke, surely it means climbing up a mountain would be very difficult for him?

well done to them tbh.
possibly shows how undifficult it is.......just altitude sickness. .......which seems like potluck who it strikes...
'Just' altitude sickness? Friend of mine, really fit guy, tried climbing Kilimanjaro years ago and had to be carried down due to horrendous alti sickness. Never even made the summit.

They've done well!
this crew took loads of time to adjust. I also have a mate who was in marines/ big yomp in falklands....similar thing with alti...not enough prep..he claims its potluck..he didnt have cash/time like this lot.....if you or I worked on radio 1 and spouted on all bloody day about charity you 2 could raise loads of cash..
fatboy will suffer more with the chocolate taxes !!!!!!!!!!


11,214 posts

208 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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MacGee said:
jshell said:
MacGee said:
stormrider2 said:
i certainly couldnt do it. and if chris moyles is just some fat bloke, surely it means climbing up a mountain would be very difficult for him?

well done to them tbh.
possibly shows how undifficult it is.......just altitude sickness. .......which seems like potluck who it strikes...
'Just' altitude sickness? Friend of mine, really fit guy, tried climbing Kilimanjaro years ago and had to be carried down due to horrendous alti sickness. Never even made the summit.

They've done well!
this crew took loads of time to adjust. I also have a mate who was in marines/ big yomp in falklands....similar thing with alti...not enough prep..he claims its potluck..he didnt have cash/time like this lot.....if you or I worked on radio 1 and spouted on all bloody day about charity you 2 could raise loads of cash..
fatboy will suffer more with the chocolate taxes !!!!!!!!!!
I don't like him either, but at least he put his fat ass where his mouth is...plenty of room for it too..!


28,377 posts

287 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Whilst raising money for charitable causes may be a good thing. (My wife and I both do charitable work, her for cancer , me for road safety.)

The very idea of watching any of this stuff gives me shudders.

I will be watching something else.

Time was people who became celebrities did so for a reason - they had a talent or skill others don't and used it to entertain. Oddly enough having this talent or skill didn't qualify them to be an expert at anything else.

These days it appears you can be a "celeb" for no reason at all. And are then an expert on everything from climate change to fine art.

Thank goodness some still remain who aren't talentless gimboids.