“National Conservatism”



4,287 posts

236 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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The NatCon's aka NatCs are not even trying to hide the fact they are full on fascists


Original Poster:

57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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s2art said:
2xChevrons said:
Cultural Marxism = classic hard-right euphemism, beloved of Viktor Orban. A meaningless term that has its origins as a Nazi antisemitic conspiracy theory.
You sure about that? See

I'm not sure that a hard right American think tank spotting what it calls "Cultural Marxism" in the writings of an early 20th Century communist says much about the origins of the term?


11,515 posts

63 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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We can all see where this is leading...


42,961 posts

238 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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cirian75 said:
The NatCon's aka NatCs are not even trying to hide the fact they are full on fascists

Not sure what you are disagreeing with in Murray's response.

If it were not for Britain then Germany would have overrun the continent in both world wars. So it is British patriotism that stopped German militarism (and later) Nazism.


57 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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I believe the Blues Brothers approach to dealing with Nazis was effective…


12,067 posts

122 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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The trouble is, there's nationalism, and then there's Nationalism.


10,682 posts

163 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Germans ‘mucked up’ twice.

Christ almighty that’s bad.


18,942 posts

256 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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otolith said:
s2art said:
2xChevrons said:
Cultural Marxism = classic hard-right euphemism, beloved of Viktor Orban. A meaningless term that has its origins as a Nazi antisemitic conspiracy theory.
You sure about that? See

I'm not sure that a hard right American think tank spotting what it calls "Cultural Marxism" in the writings of an early 20th Century communist says much about the origins of the term?
Prefer something British? (with more depth)



11,574 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Yeah, I sort of feel 'mucked up' is a bit of an understatement.

'Dear Jews, sorry we mucked up! Lots of love, ze Germans'


12,278 posts

111 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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JagLover said:
cirian75 said:
The NatCon's aka NatCs are not even trying to hide the fact they are full on fascists

Not sure what you are disagreeing with in Murray's response.

If it were not for Britain then Germany would have overrun the continent in both world wars. So it is British patriotism that stopped German militarism (and later) Nazism.

Patriotism and nationalism are stupid, the idea that the bit of land you were born on is special is tribalism at it's most basic.


42,961 posts

238 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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InitialDave said:
The trouble is, there's nationalism, and then there's Nationalism.
True enough

In respect to the first it can be a positive force, encouraging people to perform public service or pay their taxes for the common good.


3,332 posts

83 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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JagLover said:
Not sure what you are disagreeing with in Murray's response.

If it were not for Britain then Germany would have overrun the continent in both world wars. So it is British patriotism that stopped German militarism (and later) Nazism.
Leaving aside the idea that British patriotism is what stopped the Third Reich:

Patriotism ? Nationalism

This is classic hard-right cover. There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking/loving your country, wanting it to do well and be better (assuming you subscribe to the concept of identity with 'your' country at all - many people don't, of course). That is an emotion that can be put to almost any end with any sort of political name or no name at all. Nationalism is a different animal because it is, by definition, exclusionary. By defining a nation, a state, an identity and shared characteristics you are also inevitably defining things that your nation is not. And that can all too easily tip from neutral exclusion to negative exclusion, and then it's only a short hop to superiority.

You can be a patriot but not a nationalist. But you can't be a nationalist without being a patriot.


10,119 posts

220 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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ZedLeg said:
Patriotism and nationalism are stupid, the idea that the bit of land you were born on is special is tribalism at it's most basic.
Even otherwise quite bright people struggle with cultural relativism.

I think Nationalism is a by-product of that.


18,942 posts

256 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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ZedLeg said:
Patriotism and nationalism are stupid, the idea that the bit of land you were born on is special is tribalism at it's most basic.
Seriously? Its special because its home. Where most of your friends and relatives are. Where you are most comfortable with the culture around you. (Football, cricket, rugby, curry, fish and chips, pubs etc etc etc)


42,961 posts

238 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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2xChevrons said:
Leaving aside the idea that British patriotism is what stopped the Third Reich:
The logical thing to do in the summer of 1940 would have been to come to terms with Germany, as Halifax proposed. Such terms would not have included the occupation of Britain, so we were never actually fighting for our own freedom. Likely terms would have been the restoration of German colonies lost after 1918 and possible restrictions on the royal navy.

With a free hand in the east, and greater access to raw materials, including oil, Germany would almost certainly have taken Moscow in 1941. It was fairly close as it was.


Original Poster:

57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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s2art said:
Prefer something British? (with more depth)

Sort of missing the point - that's another description of the history of some ideas which are labelled "Cultural Marxism".

I think this is more what 2Chevrons was getting at;



3,332 posts

83 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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s2art said:
Seriously? Its special because its home. Where most of your friends and relatives are. Where you are most comfortable with the culture around you. (Football, cricket, rugby, curry, fish and chips, pubs etc etc etc)
What if your country is none of these things to you? What if you're not comfortable with the culture? What if you find football tedious and never go to the pub?

This is the difference between nationalism and patriotism, imo - nationalism supposes and enforces a set of values and a (supposedly) common identity. Britain equals football, cricket, rugby, curry, fish and chips, pubs. The implication (which I'm not specifically levelling at you, btw, more at the concept) is that if you don't like football, cricket, rugby, curry, fish and chips and pubs, you're 'not British'.

And this feeds into other levels of 'discourse' (heavy quote marks) where anyone not accepting of some aspect of the status quo is a dangerous outsider who hates his people and/or his country, because if he didn't he wouldn't want to change it. I am quite happy describing myself as a patriot, but I am certainly not a nationalist. There's loads of stuff I don't like about British culture and identity and how it is expressed (and plenty of stuff I do like, to be clear), and loads of stuff I'd change about what this country does and how it does it. But because I feel an illogical attachment and liking to this collection of rocks in the top-right corner of the Atlantic and the people on it, and because I go all weepy at the final chords of 'Jerusalem', I want to do these changes to make it better (by my view).

That's a key difference between progressive and conservative nationalism as well, that is especially relevant here. The later is nearly always about reaching back to some semi-mythic past and recreating it in the present, or the expression of some sort of ancient and inherent 'national values' that they see as being under thread from recent change. It's reactionary, romantic and emotional and not actually based on any material analysis.

JagLover said:
The logical thing to do in the summer of 1940 would have been to come to terms with Germany, as Halifax proposed. Such terms would not have included the occupation of Britain, so we were never actually fighting for our own freedom. Likely terms would have been the restoration of German colonies lost after 1918 and possible restrictions on the royal navy.

With a free hand in the east, and greater access to raw materials, including oil, Germany would almost certainly have taken Moscow in 1941. It was fairly close as it was.
Still not quite seeing what this has to do with patriotism being the mainspring of British effort in WW2? You say yourself that we were never actually under direct threat. As a nation we were fighting for long-term strategic political and economic interest and undoubtedly due to some big-picture defence of certain values and a certain way of life. But I very much doubt many boots of the ground, sea and air really fought primarily through a love of country. Individuals very rarely do.

Edited by 2xChevrons on Tuesday 16th May 13:17


40,420 posts

199 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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cgt2 said:
What works in rural America hoodwinking and fleecing gullible dips*its with a confused notion of Christianity whilst endorsing terrible moral choices will not translate over here in any conceivable way in my view.
Gullible dips*its aren't unique to the US.


12,501 posts

265 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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JuanCarlosFandango said:
Sounds reasonable enough to me. Low birth rates are a problem, and if they Guardian aren't calling you a far right lunatic then you're doing something very wrong.
tut tut you won't win many brownie points here with that attitude young man. Only other countries are allowed to address this problem as there's nothing worth saving here, any opinion against the contrary and you are a fascist.

I sentence you to 12 months of white self loathing training by reading the Independent, MSNBC and Frankie Boyle content.


10,119 posts

220 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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s2art said:
(Football, cricket, rugby, curry, fish and chips, pubs etc etc etc)
Sounds fking st!

Honestly, if ‘liking stuff a place has’ is what it’s all about then I’m probably a Maldivian Nationalist.

(White sands, surf, hammocks, Palm trees, diving, sailing, beaches etc etc) hehe

This sort of tripe just makes me think Britain is fked beyond repair. Break up the Union, let England be as myopically English as it wants and have done with it.