Another dog attack



1,022 posts

183 months

Sunday 13th November 2022
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QJumper said:
bmwmike said:
Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
I'd vote for that too. Designated off lead areas etc.
Me too.
And Me.


6,825 posts

179 months

Sunday 13th November 2022
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breamster said:
QJumper said:
bmwmike said:
Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
I'd vote for that too. Designated off lead areas etc.
Me too.
And Me.
Wouldn't happen and really doesn't need to happen!!


22,786 posts

143 months

Sunday 13th November 2022
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joshcowin said:
breamster said:
QJumper said:
bmwmike said:
Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
I'd vote for that too. Designated off lead areas etc.
Me too.
And Me.
Wouldn't happen and really doesn't need to happen!!
Should my 2 have been on the lead this morning:

Didn't encounter anyone and if I had done neither of them would have been interested.

If keeping dogs on leads was such a thing, it would be totally unenforceable in my usual situation anyway


72 posts

65 months

Sunday 13th November 2022
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I would agree with having designated off lead areas. My dog, a Jack Russel is terrible with other dogs and so is kept on a lead at all times. However, that doesn't stop other dog owners allowing their dogs to approach mine when off lead. It's really frustrating as they would be the first to complain should something happen.

Mine became even more fearful of other dogs after being attacked by a German Shepherd whilst on holiday. The worst of it being that the owner shouted back to their wife to put it on a lead and put the muzzle on after the attack. Whilst leaving the beach we heard it attacking another dog. You always get the same old response from the owners, he/she has never done that before. Yes ok, I'm sure it hasn't....

Boosted LS1

21,190 posts

263 months

Sunday 13th November 2022
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Clearly bitey dogs of all sorts should be muzzled if in a public place where circumstances can't be controlled.


7,077 posts

111 months

Sunday 13th November 2022
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Definitely think a balance is needed. Had a unleashed dog hassling me earlier on the bike. Owner shouting at it to get control, mostly ignored. Big thing too. Eventually got a hold of it but a yank on a lead would have had it to heal sooner.


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Sunday 13th November 2022
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Seems fair to me , Bruce hates cyclists as well wink


6,825 posts

179 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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Mike230 said:
I would agree with having designated off lead areas. My dog, a Jack Russel is terrible with other dogs and so is kept on a lead at all times. However, that doesn't stop other dog owners allowing their dogs to approach mine when off lead. It's really frustrating as they would be the first to complain should something happen.

Mine became even more fearful of other dogs after being attacked by a German Shepherd whilst on holiday. The worst of it being that the owner shouted back to their wife to put it on a lead and put the muzzle on after the attack. Whilst leaving the beach we heard it attacking another dog. You always get the same old response from the owners, he/she has never done that before. Yes ok, I'm sure it hasn't....
It is frustrating when the dog is off lead and clearly has pretty rubbish re-call! Mine wouldn't be off lead if he didn't come back stop and wait on command. As I said earlier I don't really use a lead, but I would have my dog heel or put him on a lead if I saw another dog approaching on a lead, to me that's just common sense.

But the amount of morons who cant control their dogs is rare.


2,691 posts

204 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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My Scottie is terrible off lead tried him a few times and no way! He just buggers off and doesnt even bother looking back biggrin

So he is on an extendable lead at all times and it works for us fine, no hardship. What does piss me off is people allowing their dogs to run across a field to run upto my dog and them shouting "its ok he/she is friendly" such an arrogant, selfish attitude.

Was at a remeberance sunday event yesterday and a woman turned up with a gorgeous blue staffy which was off lead, she was asked be a few people to put the dog on a lead, but she said to all who could hear that her dog was so well behaved and perfectly fine off lead in a large crowd. That was until the brass band marched up banging the drums and blowing their horns, the dog scampered off running down the road with the owner chasing after her.... luckily all was well and the owner got to the dog before there was an accident. Point is dogs can be freaked out no matter how obedient they are.


131 posts

107 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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bmwmike said:
Definitely think a balance is needed. Had a unleashed dog hassling me earlier on the bike. Owner shouting at it to get control, mostly ignored. Big thing too. Eventually got a hold of it but a yank on a lead would have had it to heal sooner.
I had the same off lead dog hassle me on 3 separate occasions on my bike, every time it made a beeline for me from a around a hundred yards away.
The first 2 times I stopped and waited ages while it nipped at my tyres, with me telling it to bugger off and the owner meekly attempting to call it back.

The last time I didn't stop and it followed me for over a mile into some woods, hopefully they learned their lesson that time! Haven't seen them since then.

I love dogs but some of the owners are infuriating.

Edited by Birr97 on Monday 14th November 17:19


21,803 posts

228 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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Nobody truly knows what any dog is thinking or might do. Many owners think their wonderful dog is fine off the lead - a bit like parents of toddlers screaming the pub down whilst they smile adoringly assuming that everyone loves them.


7,077 posts

111 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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NDA said:
Nobody truly knows what any dog is thinking or might do. Many owners think their wonderful dog is fine off the lead - a bit like parents of toddlers screaming the pub down whilst they smile adoringly assuming that everyone loves them.
Yep, exactly. Though in fairness I haven't heard of any toddlers mauling dogs, other toddlers, or anything for that matter.


5,596 posts

26 months

Monday 14th November 2022
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QJumper said:
bmwmike said:
Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
I'd vote for that too. Designated off lead areas etc.
Me too.
Designated areas could work. Certainly areas where all dogs on leads should be in place, there are a few now but not many and most ignored.


37 posts

152 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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I've used this once. Out of panic. I didn't realise its a legit technique. Thank you. Stored for future usage. Absolutely invaluable.

RoadToad84 said:
A tip for dealing with an attacking dog - grab it by its back legs and pick it up. It'll drop whatever is in its mouth, keeps you out of range of its pointy end and you can swing/chuck it over a wall or something.

Obviously not always an option, but can be handy in several circumstances.


37 posts

152 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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I think you have to avoid a dog (of any size) if it, or the owner seems like Muppet. And if the dog is off leash be prepared for the worst case scenario. Prime yourself for the lift rear leg technique (just learned in this threadsmile).

You shouldn't have to do any of this but it is what it is.

Venisonpie said:
Yes, the couple with it were walking down the local High St. The owner of the alsation was waiting outside a shop with it, as I approached another dog on a lead with it's owner passed and the alsation strained to get it but the owner pulled it back. As I passed the dog so did the couple with a smaller dog and this time the alsation managed to grab it. The owner was being dragged down the street on his back by it such was the ferocity of the attack. Two members fo the public were kicking the alsation as hard as they could but it just wouldn't release.

Never seen anything like it. Thankfully I've got the address of the owner so it can be dealt with.


5,860 posts

53 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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Just another week here.
And we have found the best way to defend yourself from dog attacks round here is still a simple choice; 9mm .45 or 12 bore.


37 posts

152 months

Monday 21st November 2022
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“It was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life when I looked up and saw that it was a person who was biting me."

"The other owner apparently later told her he thought he was biting one of his dogs."

Yeah right. LOL.


14,474 posts

200 months

Friday 25th November 2022
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NMNeil said:
Everyday occurrence here in the US.
To be fair, in the US, so are shootings.


14,474 posts

200 months

Friday 25th November 2022
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LordHaveMurci said:
What an utterly ridiculous comment.


3,359 posts

85 months

Tuesday 20th December 2022
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