Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister



3,882 posts

109 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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PositronicRay said:
Rivenink said:
Electro1980 said:
SteveStrange said:
Sounds like you're jealous, not picky, IMO. If your wife was foreign, as his wife is, then I'd be surprised if you didn't do what she did. She's done absolutely nothing illegal - as you have said - and therefore in my view, nothing wrong. Don't let the politics of envy poison your view.
The moment you invoke jealousy to counter an argument you have lost. You have no idea what someone else would do, and many people do not use schemes like this.

Non domicile status is meant for people who are only living in the UK on a temporary basis and retain links to another country, where they intend to return after a few years. Given his job either it’s clear she had no such intention, or he had no interest in remaining in the UK, so should rightly be questioned on his appropriateness for high office. Either she was engaged in aggressive tax evasion or he should not have been in office. It’s nothing to do with being jealous and everything to do with expecting people in public life to have a higher standard than “it’s not illegal”
I would expect her non-dom status to now change. As the spouse of the Prime Minister, there is a bit of an unofficial role she is now signed up to. She must domicile in the UK now, not for tax reasons, simply because of the practicalities that come with her husbands role and the amount of days she will need to stay in the UK.
Wife not necessarily needed.
But where there is a spouse, they are generally expected to show up to certain events. It's for the Sunaks, and I'd personally have no issue with them living a somewhat highly seperated life... but I am a lot more liberal minded than I think most in the UK are. Sunak already turns off a number of Tory voters simply because of his ethnicity. Having a non-traditional marriage might turn the rest off - or give them a convenient excuse.


1,565 posts

153 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Muzzer79 said:
Sheets Tabuer said:
Is he the best person for the job? He went out for the cameras Saturday in a shirt and jumper, then to show him kicking back later he was just in a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, bit cringe and do we really want to see someone leading the country so out of touch?

I don't really want a bloke that thinks taking his jumper off is getting down to the common man, this guy is about as far removed from you or I as anyone can be.

Lets get Mordaunt in.
Really? He's not the guy because he was wearing a shirt and jumper?

This is a leadership campaign for Prime Minister, not The Great British Sewing Bee.

They're all out of touch with the common man. Starmer, Sunak, Mordaunt, the lot. That's why they all have a picture taken at some point, holding a pint of beer in a pub - makes them look 'in touch'

But this is about who would do the best job of stabilizing the ship. Like him or not, that has to be Sunak at present.
Quite. I wear shirts with a jumper. Part of the reason we seem to be in such a mess is we judge the competence of our leaders by such stupid measures as their personality and fashion sense.

Personally I'd like a gloriously boring but highly competent technocrat whose focus is what will steer us through the next period of difficulty.
I have no issue with someone who dresses 'posh', went and did politics at university, has experience in the city and has done and married well. He might not know any poor people, but we're selecting someone to run the country so I want someone who has that experience.
I'm not sure how well we'd be served by someone who hasn't had that relevant experience. If he's a decent leader and operates with his cabinet and ministers and civil servants as intended, all strata's of society should be catered for. There are plenty of individuals in the civil service who have come from humble backgrounds and it is their job to develop and propose policies.

I don't know how we managed to get to this mad place where the PM and Chancellor were able to unilaterally announce policies seemingly having not even consulted with the cabinet or treasury experts, and presumably not the civil service either. That was just wrong and almost an abuse of power of the worst kind. The fact it was probably 'informed' from soundings from the more extreme right and the many policy think tanks advocating free wheeling capitalism, low taxes and light government and then crashed and burned so quickly because those very same free wheeling capitalist markets rejected it says to me those spouting that ideology don't know what they are talking about or at least don't understand it as well as they thought.

I hope Rishi is boringly competent, measured and doesn't play the factions and favouritism games that others so obviously play. I want him to tell us straight if its going to be a hard ride for a while - I'm fed up of politicians painting a picture of sunny uplands and quick fixes that almost never deliver anything other than a few glowing headlines and the hollow echos of sycophantic hangers-on.

It should be perfectly obvious to anyone things are going to be difficult for several years. There is no silver bullet. People will feel pain. I want the least worst path through it as we will inevitably come out the other side at some point.


57 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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I think he's the best of a bad bunch. Unless anyone would like to suggest a better candidate, I think we should be thankful it's him instead of anyone else (if it happens).

I don't care what he looks like, I don't care what his ethnicity is, I don't care how he dresses, I don't care if he knows how to use chip and pin, I don't care about his wife's tax affairs. I just want someone who may offer the slighter glimmer of competency and intelligence.

We had a poster on another thread saying Rishi could never be Prime Minister because he was of small physical statue rolleyes It beggars belief.

The fact that the 'out of touch old farts' who make up the bulk of Conservative Members don't like him, means that he is probably far more suitable than anyone else they have.

Edited by anonymous-user on Monday 24th October 12:48


16,627 posts

108 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Sheets Tabuer said:
Is he the best person for the job? He went out for the cameras Saturday in a shirt and jumper, then to show him kicking back later he was just in a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, bit cringe and do we really want to see someone leading the country so out of touch?

I don't really want a bloke that thinks taking his jumper off is getting down to the common man, this guy is about as far removed from you or I as anyone can be.

Lets get Mordaunt in.
Not sure if you're being serious, I hope not.

Are we really to judge someone because of what he wears?


25,179 posts

246 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Vasco said:
Sheets Tabuer said:
Is he the best person for the job? He went out for the cameras Saturday in a shirt and jumper, then to show him kicking back later he was just in a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, bit cringe and do we really want to see someone leading the country so out of touch?

I don't really want a bloke that thinks taking his jumper off is getting down to the common man, this guy is about as far removed from you or I as anyone can be.

Lets get Mordaunt in.
Not sure if you're being serious, I hope not.

Are we really to judge someone because of what he wears?
This is PH.

Judging People Matters.


2,851 posts

213 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Blue62 said:
TDK-C60 said:

I'm cautiously optimistic that he could be our best PM since Cameron. Not a high bar but a step in the right direction.

PS in due course I may decide I'm completely wrong about this.
We should have a GE, but I think if he gets the gig we will at least have a PM with some sense of right and wrong, he’d also hopefully choose a team based more on ability than blind loyalty, which might help. They’re scrambling around now though, desperate to steady the ship and come together, I think Sunak could do the former but not the latter.

They are an embarrassment now, you’d think Truss was about as low as it could go, but the second coming of Trolley lays bare how stupid, self obsessed and irresponsible the current Tory party has become. They all need to go, starting with Rees Mogg, the man whose mother wasn’t fully dilated.
The bold bit is just brillant.


Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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It's official, Rishi is PM as Penny withdraws.... (Times News Radio)


43,864 posts

153 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Rivenink said:
I would expect her non-dom status to now change.
It changed at the time of the uproar. Despite his insistence that it was legal and fine, Rishi announced that she would be dropping her non dom status.


7,352 posts

39 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Well done Rishi.

Now, lets get some st sorted.


18,783 posts

261 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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GranpaB said:
Well done Rishi.

Now, lets get some st sorted.

As his policies whlst chancellor created a large portion of the st, it woud be nice if he just cleaned up after himself.

But of course, it's all Liz's fault and he's a hero. rolleyes


5,899 posts

166 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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I see James Cleverly is still rolling out the ‘delivering for the British people’.

There’s only so many times you can say that.


1,463 posts

182 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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GranpaB said:
Well done Rishi.

Now, lets get some st sorted.
General election?


Original Poster:

7,927 posts

76 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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ChevronB19 said:
I see James Cleverly is still rolling out the ‘delivering for the British people’.

There’s only so many times you can say that.
Not likely to remain as Foreign Secretary after tomorrow......!


5,899 posts

166 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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rjfp1962 said:
Not likely to remain as Foreign Secretary after tomorrow......!
Even he said that, what a farce (again)


5,134 posts

202 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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This donkey caused most of our problems and now he thinks he can sort them.

More like sort out more money for his wife and her dad.

Just elected the new PM Sir Kier.

Edited by SmoothCriminal on Monday 24th October 14:21


6,640 posts

221 months

Monday 24th October 2022
quotequote all
SWoll said:
GranpaB said:
Well done Rishi.

Now, lets get some st sorted.

As his policies whlst chancellor created a large portion of the st, it woud be nice if he just cleaned up after himself.

But of course, it's all Liz's fault and he's a hero. rolleyes
And absolutely nothing to do with a global pandemic and Russian aggression. No it's all self-inflicted damage due to corruption and incompetence, and the UK are the only country trying to pull themselves out of the st. rolleyes


3,882 posts

109 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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ChevronB19 said:
rjfp1962 said:
Not likely to remain as Foreign Secretary after tomorrow......!
Even he said that, what a farce (again)
Yep, more deck chair rearranging.


3,882 posts

109 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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LimaDelta said:
SWoll said:
GranpaB said:
Well done Rishi.

Now, lets get some st sorted.

As his policies whlst chancellor created a large portion of the st, it woud be nice if he just cleaned up after himself.

But of course, it's all Liz's fault and he's a hero. rolleyes
And absolutely nothing to do with a global pandemic and Russian aggression. No it's all self-inflicted damage due to corruption and incompetence, and the UK are the only country trying to pull themselves out of the st. rolleyes
Other countries were in a better position before Putin went full Hitler.


43,864 posts

153 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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LimaDelta said:
And absolutely nothing to do with a global pandemic and Russian aggression. No it's all self-inflicted damage due to corruption and incompetence,
Nah, it's about 25% of the former, and 75% of the latter.


6,640 posts

221 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Rivenink said:
LimaDelta said:
SWoll said:
GranpaB said:
Well done Rishi.

Now, lets get some st sorted.

As his policies whlst chancellor created a large portion of the st, it woud be nice if he just cleaned up after himself.

But of course, it's all Liz's fault and he's a hero. rolleyes
And absolutely nothing to do with a global pandemic and Russian aggression. No it's all self-inflicted damage due to corruption and incompetence, and the UK are the only country trying to pull themselves out of the st. rolleyes
Other countries were in a better position before Putin went full Hitler.
And others worse. So easy to criticise after the fact, but imagine if "The Evil Tories forced everyone to either work or starve during covid?" Damned if you do, damned if you don't.