Liz Truss Prime Minister



12,473 posts

265 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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The British Conservative movement delivers another female PM.


15,993 posts

207 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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eharding said:
That's the source of the problem. Her average constituent can still use their fingers to count how many years she's been representing them.
You're just jealous.

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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cc3 said:
john2443 said:
And you are so bored with life that you read that stuff! More top quality journalism from MSM seems there only interest is to do the country harm just to fill a few column inches of a comic. MSM get behind the country so that we all benefit from success no they would rather see us get relegation every year
Like some sort of Russian thing?


15,083 posts

264 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Al Gorithum said:
Fortunately for you lot I'm not PM.

My achievements you ask? Not much really outside of multiple businesses owner, generator of income for many families, payer of significant amounts of tax.

In case you missed it, Truss made a mess of pretty much every Govt post held.

We're doomed...
No doubt you'd be unhappy if employees in your businesses referred to you as 'that imbecile' when you make decisions they dislike.

I don't really see the evidence that she is either stupid or imbecilic. She has a at least worked in large companies and has a good education. Seems like the kind of person we should have running the country. We just tried the 'presentation and ideas guy' maybe Ms Truss isn't the most gifter orator, but lets see if she can deliver on substance.

Tossing insults isn't politics.


6,629 posts

131 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Carl_Manchester said:
The British Conservative movement delivers another female PM.
..and if as predicted 3 ethnic minorities in the top 3 cabinet positions, I hope Kemi is one of them.


7,061 posts

111 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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I reckon she'll be much better than Johnson and out of the two candidates it was meh or meh tbh, but a step up from BJ either way.

Of course, the bar is incredibly low.

Biker 1

7,772 posts

122 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Lotobear said:
..and if as predicted 3 ethnic minorities in the top 3 cabinet positions, I hope Kemi is one of them.
It really is like weird version of the Apprentice - all the previously 'fired' candidates get together in the finale to help out the winner.....

Harrison Bergeron

5,444 posts

225 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Should have been Kemi


6,840 posts

62 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Vasco said:
We're doomed, doomed I say......

...and the thought of David Lammy as Foreign Secretary and Thornberry as Attorney General would not make you feel that way?


6,629 posts

131 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Gargamel said:
Al Gorithum said:
Fortunately for you lot I'm not PM.

My achievements you ask? Not much really outside of multiple businesses owner, generator of income for many families, payer of significant amounts of tax.

In case you missed it, Truss made a mess of pretty much every Govt post held.

We're doomed...
No doubt you'd be unhappy if employees in your businesses referred to you as 'that imbecile' when you make decisions they dislike.

I don't really see the evidence that she is either stupid or imbecilic. She has a at least worked in large companies and has a good education. Seems like the kind of person we should have running the country. We just tried the 'presentation and ideas guy' maybe Ms Truss isn't the most gifter orator, but lets see if she can deliver on substance.

Tossing insults isn't politics.
This, she does comes across as a bit lacking in personality but she does need to be given a chance - the vitriol being thrown at her by some without even knowing what she's about is not really a good look.

We've just had a 'character' in the position and in current circumstances perhaps what we need now is a good administrator with a team behind her who can deliver. If that person happens to be uncharismatic it doesn't matter if they deliver some worthwhile policy.

I'm not optimistic but she at least deserves a chance.

Then when, as I expect, Labour get in let's see how much better they can do then everyone can have a good bh about it on level terms.

Al Gorithum

3,841 posts

211 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Gargamel said:
Al Gorithum said:
Fortunately for you lot I'm not PM.

My achievements you ask? Not much really outside of multiple businesses owner, generator of income for many families, payer of significant amounts of tax.

In case you missed it, Truss made a mess of pretty much every Govt post held.

We're doomed...
No doubt you'd be unhappy if employees in your businesses referred to you as 'that imbecile' when you make decisions they dislike.

I don't really see the evidence that she is either stupid or imbecilic. She has a at least worked in large companies and has a good education. Seems like the kind of person we should have running the country. We just tried the 'presentation and ideas guy' maybe Ms Truss isn't the most gifter orator, but lets see if she can deliver on substance.

Tossing insults isn't politics.
Maybe they do think I'm an imbecile, but I do put food on their tables. Every day.

I've seen enough of her already to know what we're going to get. I was correct on day 1 about Trump and Boris, so have a reasonable track record.

Apart from her obvious deficits, the biggest problem I predict is that the Cabinet will be full of incompetent Chancers. Even worse that under Boris.

Without any talent or integrity, we're doomed...


3,603 posts

179 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Carl_Manchester said:
The British Conservative movement delivers another female PM.
We don't care if the movement delivers a Martian, we want someone competent


2,851 posts

119 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Amazing how much negativity people have in their lives. Glad you don’t work in my business. It’s not good for your health to think so negatively about life.


2,345 posts

190 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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neilr said:
Liz Truss as PM. It's like tunnelling out of Joseph Fritzls basement only to find you've come out in Fred Wests living room.


57 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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SpeedBash said:
neilr said:
Liz Truss as PM. It's like tunnelling out of Joseph Fritzls basement only to find you've come out in Fred Wests living room.


15,993 posts

207 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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What can ACTUALLY be done about the cost of living? I'd love for my bills to not go up, or extra money to pay them, but how is it ultimately paid for?
And outside of energy - what's the prognosis for the inflation?
I honestly don't know the answer, but would love to hear from someone in the know.


57 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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crofty1984 said:
What can ACTUALLY be done about the cost of living? I'd love for my bills to not go up, or extra money to pay them, but how is it ultimately paid for?
And outside of energy - what's the prognosis for the inflation?
I honestly don't know the answer, but would love to hear from someone in the know.
Windfall tax on energy companies?


13,861 posts

287 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Al Gorithum said:
Maybe they do think I'm an imbecile, but I do put food on their tables. Every day.
Good for you. It's been a real sod trying to get folk willing to work as waiters since Brexit, so I'm pleased to see someone taking pride in doing the job.

Biker 1

7,772 posts

122 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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crofty1984 said:
What can ACTUALLY be done about the cost of living? I'd love for my bills to not go up, or extra money to pay them, but how is it ultimately paid for?
And outside of energy - what's the prognosis for the inflation?
I honestly don't know the answer, but would love to hear from someone in the know.
I don't really know what the answer is either. 42??
Things are looking really crappy for the foreseeable, including potential parity of £ = $. Maybe its time to seriously think about emigration. The trouble is, I'm not rich enough to buy me a Green Card & other potential options involve learning a new language....


26,359 posts

176 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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valiant said:
the-photographer said:
cc3 said:
Whatever your party politics my view is she needs a chance. Whoever is leader has a pretty impossible task.
Can we start with a competent Cabinet then?
Will she try and unite the party and bring in Sunak supporters into cabinet positions or will be it be just a continuation of Boris and fill with acolytes?

If she can’t unite the party then what chance has she in a GE?
She doesn't stand a chance anyway.