RIP - Capt Sir Tom Moore 02/02/21

RIP - Capt Sir Tom Moore 02/02/21



3,909 posts

109 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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I wasn't completely taken in by the whole Saint Tom media circle jerk.

He got a free holiday to the Bahamas, and if I were 100, I'd be on a plane as a quick as my zimmerframe would allow too.

Save the cynicism for the media.


2,671 posts

176 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Pretty sad all round really.

Some of the comments regarding this have you shaking your head, that its his own fault because he is famous for fundraising.
Be it Barbados or Bournemouth, "well its your own fault Tom, I am self isolating this week so shame on you for not doing your bit"

Then the other side of the lockdown guilt is that a woman who only went out at Xmas once had it so he had it coming anyway.

Personally I dont think anyone should be feeling smug about this, it was a sad indictment that a 100 year old guy in a walker was raising money for the NHS in the first place.

I hope he pulls through, as there are lots of people like him who needed time and space.


52,847 posts

213 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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sisu said:
Pretty sad all round really.

Some of the comments regarding this have you shaking your head, that its his own fault because he is famous for fundraising.
Be it Barbados or Bournemouth, "well its your own fault Tom, I am self isolating this week so shame on you for not doing your bit"

Then the other side of the lockdown guilt is that a woman who only went out at Xmas once had it so he had it coming anyway.

Personally I dont think anyone should be feeling smug about this, it was a sad indictment that a 100 year old guy in a walker was raising money for the NHS in the first place.

I hope he pulls through, as there are lots of people like him who needed time and space.
Pretty much this ^^

I must admit I winced a bit when I spotted the Barbados trip as either it wasn't in the news when he went or I'd missed it.

Personally I'm not sure it's the best judgement but if I'm 100 and I've done more for those NHS charities in a year than most people and Governments will in their lifetimes perhaps my attitude would be one of "I've earned this" too.

No shame in being bowled out @ 100 however it happens.

Best of luck to him.

Sargeant Orange

2,743 posts

150 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Even heroes make mistakes.

Certainly comes across a bit hypocritical when he's been told to shield and only go out if absolutely essential. At his age I'm sure we'd all have done the same, but let's not pretend it's any less selfish than a salon owner breaking the rules or whatever this weeks media target is.

Get well soon but forgive me if I don't buy into the sycophancy.


17,445 posts

202 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Also worth remembering that when he did travel, many of us were also in a position to be able to take holidays overseas & kids could go to school etc.

This isn't like he travelled when he wasn't meant to.

I get why people don't see it as a wise choice but if I'd made it to 100 and BA offered me a First Class freebie you wouldn't be stopping me either, regardless of it was a wise choice or not.


57 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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gooner1 said:
Jasandjules said:
Probably. Which may explain the problem it seems from what I have recently heard.
Do tell.

"it seems"

"from what I have recently heard"

Wooly statements 101.


12,867 posts

178 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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He’s probably had the best year of his life than any in the last 30 odd, possibly in his entire life.

He was made a Sir! How likely is that ever to happen in someone’s life?


10,966 posts

200 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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I for one can only wish him well and be a little sad that the mob has descended on this thread to undermine his achievements, call him a fool and generally attack the fella.

Get well soon Sir Tom.


3,248 posts

48 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Smiljan said:
I for one can only wish him well and be a little sad that the mob has descended on this thread to undermine his achievements, call him a fool and generally attack the fella.

Get well soon Sir Tom.
I haven't seen anyone undermine his achievements.

Just question the poor decision making.


27,428 posts

282 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Best wishes for a good recovery to him.

poo at Paul's

14,226 posts

178 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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It's all a bit odd. Raised all this money for NHS charity (not NHS as such) through doing something relatively normal, walking round his own garden. Media get hold of it, family facilitate the media frenzy, and it is a summer "good time story" and raises a stupid amount of money.
Media very much pushed it as an NHS fundraising drive. He's all over the news, he gets his promotion, all in the news, Knighthood, all in the he is in the news again with Covid.......but the bit that was missed in his story by most of the media appears to be his trip to Barbados.....with his entire family? All whilst the many of the rest of us, were in tiered restrictions. i see Metro covered it, but i dont recall it being on TV etc.

Surely the media knew, maybe i missed it but first i heard of them going to Barbados was yesterday? Is there not a younger child there that should have been in school, also? Loads of parents in the UK were facing the awkward decision to send their kids to school as cases were increasing hugely in some areas (London especially) alegedly fuels by the new variant going mad in schools around this time. I dunno, maybe the younger girl is at uni and was off already, but if at school, is it not a case on one rule for one? If this had been a politician or sportsman, would the media have kept so quiet about this Barbados trip?
BA gave them all tickets, maybe they promoted it, i see he had custom headrest made for him?

Whether it was wise idea to make the trip or not is debateable, bucket list etc etc, we but millions of people all have such things, but we are being told to put that on hold? Amyway, that is one polarising debate for sure.
But i agree with some others that the media coverage and spin on this is cynical and rather sycophantic.

I can just sense someone in the media must be itching to pop their head above the parapet, to ask the awkward questions about the trip to Barbados and has that contributed to the guy's current predicament, whilst editors are stting themselves about the backlash from the social media pack that fuelled the crazy 32million quid being raised for a guy walking around his garden.

Editted to add, i am not sure of his specific area, but Bedfordshire was in tier 2 on 2nd Dec and went to tier 3 on 17th, then 4 a couple of days later, so his travel certainly appears to have been allowed under the tiers restricitions.

Edited by poo at Paul's on Monday 1st February 09:47


8,520 posts

142 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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El stovey said:
This is the problem with celebrity, if you make use of the media and public to raise your profile and cause etc then they all think they own you and all have an opinion when you’re upto something else (like this holiday) afterwards.
But this isn’t afterwards, and that’s part of the problem. It is as a direct benefit of that public profile. BA offered the flights to him because of his fame. His fame was based on his age, vulnerability and urging people to stay at home. Unsurprisingly people feel it a little hypocritical.


1,822 posts

205 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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I think BA and his family have shown poor judgment here, airports and transatlantic flights are not safe places for someone of his age to be in this pandemic.


10,223 posts

182 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Electro1980 said:
gooner1 said:
You will likely have plenty of time to do just that. That’s not the case with this old boy who imo has earned the right to get a bit of sun to warm his old bones.
You might have, but the children who are having their life chances and healthy damaged every day they can’t go to school.

Ultimately he got this holiday, and all the other things, through the fame he and his courted. With that opportunity comes a responsibility to act appropriately. Going on holiday paid for by your notoriety when the rest of the country are paying such a heavy price to protect you is poor judgment.

I do wonder how many people leaping to his defence were so defensive of the bloggers going to Dubai a few months ago.
You have a source for who paid for this holiday, or his financial situation before his vey welcome fundraising I take it.
Any chance of sharing that, and where the responsibility for anything at all comes with the act of raising multi millions of ££££££ comes from,? We’re not discussing Jimmy feckin Saville here you know.

Not sure how Tom not going to Barbados would alter the unfortunate Schooling situation, care to expand on that?
As for my having plenty of time to warm my old bones, you couldn’t be more mistaken.


7,818 posts

249 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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gooner1 said:
You have a source for who paid for this holiday, or his financial situation before his vey welcome fundraising I take it.
I'm not the person you replied to, but it's highly likely they didn't pay for the holiday given they thank BA and Barbados on Twitter:


12,080 posts

122 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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If I make to to 100 (I almost certainly won't) and someone offers me a flight to Barbados at the expense of being seen as not doing exactly what I'm meant to be doing in the middle of a pandemic, I'll be on a beach pickling myself with Del Boy cocktails as fast as my zimmer frame can carry me.

poo at Paul's

14,226 posts

178 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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InitialDave said:
If I make to to 100 (I almost certainly won't) and someone offers me a flight to Barbados at the expense of being seen as not doing exactly what I'm meant to be doing in the middle of a pandemic, I'll be on a beach pickling myself with Del Boy cocktails as fast as my zimmer frame can carry me.
Too much emphasis on this being a free trip.

This is a very well to do family who could easily afford to go to Barbados without financial help.
Certainly that should not be the excuse to go, ie it was free.


17,445 posts

202 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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poo at Paul's said:
InitialDave said:
If I make to to 100 (I almost certainly won't) and someone offers me a flight to Barbados at the expense of being seen as not doing exactly what I'm meant to be doing in the middle of a pandemic, I'll be on a beach pickling myself with Del Boy cocktails as fast as my zimmer frame can carry me.
Too much emphasis on this being a free trip.

This is a very well to do family who could easily afford to go to Barbados without financial help.
Certainly that should not be the excuse to go, ie it was free.
Why do they need an excuse to go?

I don't think they were under travel restrictions when they went?

Granted it may turn out to be a poorly thought through decision, but they may well have sat down and said... look lets go on holiday, and take the risks that come with it.

Kinda like they must have done for everyone of the 700+ media interviews & appearances they did over the last year?


36,885 posts

227 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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My 88 year old dad had a fall a couple of weeks ago and in in hospital, he hasn't had the vaccine as they cant do it post operation.

Frankly if someone offered him the opportunity to fly somewhere warm and have a couple of weeks of luxury, I would tell him to go, it could be his last chance Covid or not.

When you get to 100 as per Capt Tom, you may think along those lines

Biggy Stardust

7,068 posts

47 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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poo at Paul's said:
It's all a bit odd. Raised all this money for NHS charity (not NHS as such) through doing something relatively normal, walking round his own garden. Media get hold of it, family facilitate the media frenzy, and it is a summer "good time story" and raises a stupid amount of money.
Media very much pushed it as an NHS fundraising drive. He's all over the news, he gets his promotion, all in the news, Knighthood, all in the he is in the news again with Covid.......but the bit that was missed in his story by most of the media appears to be his trip to Barbados.....with his entire family? All whilst the many of the rest of us, were in tiered restrictions. i see Metro covered it, but i dont recall it being on TV etc.

Surely the media knew, maybe i missed it but first i heard of them going to Barbados was yesterday? Is there not a younger child there that should have been in school, also? Loads of parents in the UK were facing the awkward decision to send their kids to school as cases were increasing hugely in some areas (London especially) alegedly fuels by the new variant going mad in schools around this time. I dunno, maybe the younger girl is at uni and was off already, but if at school, is it not a case on one rule for one? If this had been a politician or sportsman, would the media have kept so quiet about this Barbados trip?
BA gave them all tickets, maybe they promoted it, i see he had custom headrest made for him?

Whether it was wise idea to make the trip or not is debateable, bucket list etc etc, we but millions of people all have such things, but we are being told to put that on hold? Amyway, that is one polarising debate for sure.
But i agree with some others that the media coverage and spin on this is cynical and rather sycophantic.

I can just sense someone in the media must be itching to pop their head above the parapet, to ask the awkward questions about the trip to Barbados and has that contributed to the guy's current predicament, whilst editors are stting themselves about the backlash from the social media pack that fuelled the crazy 32million quid being raised for a guy walking around his garden.

Editted to add, i am not sure of his specific area, but Bedfordshire was in tier 2 on 2nd Dec and went to tier 3 on 17th, then 4 a couple of days later, so his travel certainly appears to have been allowed under the tiers restricitions.
I have nothing against the guy- he comes across as a decent bloke.

However, I don't agree with his elevation to sainthood. He intended to wander around his garden to help raise a few quid for charity & the media turned it into a frenzy. Not to denigrate his efforts or intentions but the millions raised weren't really his doing.

He took a holiday when he should really have stayed home as per the rest of us ( I'd have done the same) and so the outpouring of sympathy seems excessive to me. At its simplest he's had more than his three score years & ten but "man dies of old age" doesn't sell newspapers.