47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



19,429 posts

262 months

Wednesday 24th January
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But Biden hasn't been doing much really, I think most of the running of things is left to those in the back room, which hasn't been too bad to be honest, and someone just tells him what to sign, yay democracy.

Harris is a Teletubbyzurückwinker.

Trump...who feckin' knows, conventionally speaking he'd be a strong runner here based on polling, but I don't feel his base is as numerous as it was. He'll rinse Biden in a face to face but at the same time maybe over-egg the pudding. Or be convicted. No idea.

Beyond them anyone else is pure unadulterated blandness. It was incredible in 2016, incredible in 2020 and will be incredible in 2024 that such a paucity of choice exists out of 330M people, that'll be a cliché by the end of the year...


19,350 posts

276 months

Wednesday 24th January
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g4ry13 said:
Gecko1978 said:
BigMon said:
Are there people posting here who would genuinely like to see Trump as president again?

If so, would you mind explaining why apart from something utterly inane like sticking it to the woke, the left, etc.
SO I am not a Trump supporter but I can see why he might get elected. Think of it like the UK GE where Boris Johnson Beat Jeremy Corbyn. Boris was not the best guy it was more a case of many more people disliked corbyn's ideas.

Joe Biden might face the same challange people don't like him (F Joe biden chants etc), people dont like his son and people think Trump is like them (he is not).

So do I want him to win (I dont care really) no, but will he win, I can see it happening
The other issue is that during recent election campaigns racial tensions have been stoked to try and encourage minority groups to show up and vote.

George Floyd was a catalyst for BLM in 2020 and Dems saw an opportunity by appointing Kamala to show how inclusive they are. Whereas Republicans / Trump are the racists and "look at what a mess this country is in!"

The option to use an example of police brutality / structural racism isn't there this campaign because the voters will turn around and say "you had a whole term and it's under your watch!"

So in summary: it will be interesting to see whether voter turnout in the ethnic minorities is as high last time, or if they are now more apathetic.

Either way, I would not be surprised if Biden / Democrats make claims that Trump is racist. It would be a bit of an own goal though as Biden has some interesting quotes from his past as well.
I remember every day we would hear how Trump was "literally Hitler". In everything he said/did. I cant ever remember a word weaponised as much

back in 2016 Hilary called Republican voters "deplorable" and they voted in their thousands for Trump. This time, trump is making a lot of noise how the swamp is against him, all the court cases, then Biden saying Republicans are a "threat to democracy"

Its going to get very ugly. I expect riots this summer, autumn and winter


10,968 posts

184 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Presidential elections aren't won on your base. A re-run of 2020 was always a probable scenario.

It will be interesting to see what the turn out is this time around.


12,484 posts

265 months

Wednesday 24th January
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The odds started to shorten on Trump soon as the Georgia arraignment went down in September and they popped after these primaries. Implied probability of a win through the betting odds is up to 56% and Biden on 3x%.


4,564 posts

162 months

Thursday 25th January
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I hope this thread gains traction as I find the Trump thread pretty tedious with the endless posting of links to external news stories by a single poster. I’m neither a fan of Trump nor Biden but as a semi-regular visitor to the US I am facilitated by their politics.


3,523 posts

84 months

Thursday 25th January
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Totally agree, it's also the way they gang up on anyone who dares to go against their narrative, arguing and throwing insults about yet nobody there ever gets banned.
I've been banned from both now permanently without explanation or email, did nothing worse than any of the regulars yet they all get a pass somehow.
Last ban was for trump thread where I posted a pic about immigration numbers and a story about the Dems deleting 100 files from January 6 before reps got majority. Obviously ban worthy jester

The mods either can't be arsed with loads of reports or at least one is in the cult.

Hopefully this one can avoid that bullst


24,375 posts

116 months

Thursday 25th January
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Biden said:
Totally agree, it's also the way they gang up on anyone who dares to go against their narrative, arguing and throwing insults about yet nobody there ever gets banned.
I've been banned from both now permanently without explanation or email, did nothing worse than any of the regulars yet they all get a pass somehow.
Last ban was for trump thread where I posted a pic about immigration numbers and a story about the Dems deleting 100 files from January 6 before reps got majority. Obviously ban worthy jester

The mods either can't be arsed with loads of reports or at least one is in the cult.

Hopefully this one can avoid that bullst
You've literally chosen your username in order to troll.


4,937 posts

221 months

Thursday 25th January
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Biden said:
Totally agree, it's also the way they gang up on anyone who dares to go against their narrative, arguing and throwing insults about yet nobody there ever gets banned.
I've been banned from both now permanently without explanation or email, did nothing worse than any of the regulars yet they all get a pass somehow.
Last ban was for trump thread where I posted a pic about immigration numbers and a story about the Dems deleting 100 files from January 6 before reps got majority. Obviously ban worthy jester

The mods either can't be arsed with loads of reports or at least one is in the cult.

Hopefully this one can avoid that bullst
People don't get banned unless they deserve it. Your incessant bellyaching about it, won't alter the fact.

That thread appears one sided, because there are literally no redeeming aspects to trumps character. Occasionally trump fans pop in to repeat some nonsense they've read online, but they soon leave when they're confronted with counter evidence from reliable sources.

That thread is one of the best ones in NP&E precisely because it expects wild claims to be supported by some kind of evidence.

President Merkin

3,799 posts

22 months

Thursday 25th January
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And you posted a chart from @Fentasyl on that thread, an openly racist Twitter account, posting reams of race baiting misinformation, prompting unheeded requests for provenance. Now you're moaning you were treated unfairly. Just another sucker playing the victim.


4,378 posts

132 months

Thursday 25th January
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paulguitar said:
You've literally chosen your username in order to troll.
It's unbelievable isn't it.

There are none so blind as those who cannot see.


62,208 posts

220 months

Thursday 25th January
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paulguitar said:
Biden said:
Totally agree, it's also the way they gang up on anyone who dares to go against their narrative, arguing and throwing insults about yet nobody there ever gets banned.
I've been banned from both now permanently without explanation or email, did nothing worse than any of the regulars yet they all get a pass somehow.
Last ban was for trump thread where I posted a pic about immigration numbers and a story about the Dems deleting 100 files from January 6 before reps got majority. Obviously ban worthy jester

The mods either can't be arsed with loads of reports or at least one is in the cult.

Hopefully this one can avoid that bullst
You've literally chosen your username in order to troll.
Lazermilk changed his username to troll and started trolling, then complains he was banned from the thread biggrin


62,208 posts

220 months

Thursday 25th January
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williamp said:
I remember every day we would hear how Trump was "literally Hitler". In everything he said/did. I cant ever remember a word weaponised as much

back in 2016 Hilary called Republican voters "deplorable" and they voted in their thousands for Trump. This time, trump is making a lot of noise how the swamp is against him, all the court cases, then Biden saying Republicans are a "threat to democracy"

Its going to get very ugly. I expect riots this summer, autumn and winter
That wasn't because she called the trump base deplorable, but trump ket pushing 'because her emails' then Comey announced the investigation reopening just before the election, which tripped the floating voters. Us elections are won by the floating voters, not each parties base.

Comey chose to hide the many investigations into trump at the time, because it was expected for Clinton to win.

trumps making it very clear what he wantsnow, full immunity to do what he likes, clear himself of any criminal charges, and implement project 2025, sack anyone he feels opposes him (or follows the law) and install lackeys that will do his bidding. This is just from last night

I'm not sure many have brought up Hitler apart from trumpettes complaining trumps being compared to Hitler, but since you bring it up, it appears trump wants to be a dictator. His constant praising of those that are like Xi, Orban, Kim Jong Un


62,208 posts

220 months

Thursday 25th January
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andy_s said:

But Biden hasn't been doing much really, I think most of the running of things is left to those in the back room, which hasn't been too bad to be honest, and someone just tells him what to sign, yay democracy.
Slightly biased view, but then a presidency isn't about one man which is what trump wanted it to be, as such trump didn't achieve much.
As it is, the Biden presidency has delivered real gains to the US.

Again slightly biased as its a WH record of achievements in this term, but happy as a discussion point if you could disprove any

I don't think any are saying these are the two best candidates.

trumps suffering from metal decline, his schedule is making him ill and they are trying to cover up his appearance with heavier makeup and lowering the lights. He's been stumbling whilst walking as well as stumbling over his words. He knows what he wants to get out but it all comes out jumbled and so doesn't make sense.

Small safe rallies to the faithful, heavily vetted, but still empty seats.

GOP might have a chance if they drop trump and go with Haley, which she could then run against Bidens age. However would republicans want a woman with Indian heritage? especially after trump and his allies continue attacking Haley over it.
Same reason Harris probably wouldn't be successful if she ran.

Bidens not been pushing the achievements of his term, lettng trump incriminate himself, but thats not working as the faithful hang onto every lie/stumble and take them as gospel. He's also gambled on Gaza being over quickly, which hasn't happened, so despite negotiating a ceasefire, the US support hasn't gone down well.

However Biden was chosen as the safe pair of hands the US needed after trump and his achievemnts have shown that to be correct. He needs to shout about it.

If it comes down to Biden/trump again it's almost certainly Biden again, just because I don't think trump can keep up the busy schedule of campaigning, court cases and the massive amounts of incriminating evidence that will come out. Plus his big donors have dried up, he's hemorrhaging campaign cash to pay his legal bills and he's probably about to be hit with a couple of massive fines for continued defamation and business fraud. You need a lot of money to run a campaign in the US. trump and the RNC, or even state GOP parties just don't have it.


16,599 posts

239 months

Thursday 25th January
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As a reminder kids, while Biden's 81, Trump's 77.

As an aside, at 77 we didn't let grandpa control the TV in my house and had already arranged for him to stop driving a car.


2,870 posts

212 months

Thursday 25th January
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Biden said:
whine, whine, whine
You should change your username (again) to Trump, he also whines like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Ian Geary

4,578 posts

195 months

Thursday 25th January
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There's been some focus on here (and the 45 thread) about Trump's lack of funds.

But won't his recent successes in Iowa and NH help shore that up now?

That's probably why he's still mad at Nikki running - resources are being split and effectively "wasted" in GOP on gop battles when it would be better saved for November (if you were a gop campaigner)

I think Nikki is on borrowed time, as the media won't do her any favours, whereas trump coming from behind in 2016 was lapped up by the press.


24,375 posts

116 months

Thursday 25th January
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Ian Geary said:
I think Nikki is on borrowed time, as the media won't do her any favours, whereas trump coming from behind in 2016 was lapped up by the press.
I think you're right. It's sort of turned into a giant gameshow, with many in the US seemingly unaware they could be sleepwalking into a dictatorship.

Al Gorithum

3,843 posts

211 months

Thursday 25th January
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Biden said:
Totally agree, it's also the way they gang up on anyone who dares to go against their narrative, arguing and throwing insults about yet nobody there ever gets banned.
I've been banned from both now permanently without explanation or email, did nothing worse than any of the regulars yet they all get a pass somehow.
Last ban was for trump thread where I posted a pic about immigration numbers and a story about the Dems deleting 100 files from January 6 before reps got majority. Obviously ban worthy jester

The mods either can't be arsed with loads of reports or at least one is in the cult.

Hopefully this one can avoid that bullst
Seems you were banned for contravening the rules. Strange eh? No loss as your contributions were pathetically easy to disprove. Anyway, imagine being so obsessed with someone you dislike that you change your username to that person. Seriously, you should get help.


26,417 posts

176 months

Thursday 25th January
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CraigyMc said:
As a reminder kids, while Biden's 81, Trump's 77.

As an aside, at 77 we didn't let grandpa control the TV in my house and had already arranged for him to stop driving a car.
Take away the fact he's a very unnatural shade and let's not get started on his hair but Trump actually appears much younger to me than his 77 years suggest. If you said he was 65 I wouldn't automatically question it.

Where as if you said Biden was 95 I'd have a similar reaction.

Luckily for him age doesn't seem to play anything more than a minor role in US politics.

I can't imagine us electing an PM in their 80's, ever.


16,599 posts

239 months

Thursday 25th January
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over_the_hill said:
What price now on "The Donald"
He's taking Bill Clinton calling the Oval "the crown jewel of the federal penal system" way too literally, and trying to turn that statement from a jocular reference about isolation into an actual hard reality.