Julian Assange loses extradition appeal at Supreme Court

Julian Assange loses extradition appeal at Supreme Court



24,438 posts

231 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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'Diplomatic Bag' I think.


22,907 posts

244 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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s1962a said:
Say they do grant him asylum - how do they get him out of the country and back to Equador without him being arrested on his way to the airport?
By issuing a diplomatic passport apparently.


Original Poster:

34,133 posts

249 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Marf said:
Well with the greatest respect, perhaps before commenting on something you're not interested in you should perhaps not rely on third hand whispers from an internet forum smile
I don't think your response shows any respect at all. I merely commented on what had been written a couple of posts above, and prefaced it with an 'if', IOW, 'if it is true'. As I doubt there were any independent witnesses at the events in question, then I don't know how we are going to know for certain what took place, so everything that has been said about it can be given the same credence as "third hand whispers".


22,907 posts

244 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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singlecoil said:
I don't think your response shows any respect at all.
Fair enough, I think I showed respect. If I'd called you a "f-cking idiot for not reading up on the case before commenting" then I think that would have been a response lacking respect. In the grand scheme of the discourse that passes for "discussion" on PH what I said to you was incredibly tame.

singlecoil said:
As I doubt there were any independent witnesses at the events in question, then I don't know how we are going to know for certain what took place, so everything that has been said about it can be given the same credence as "third hand whispers".
Great, well if thats how it is I guess the case will get thrown out for lack of evidence as it'll basically boil down to he says she says, no ?smile

Edited by Marf on Thursday 21st June 11:26


Original Poster:

34,133 posts

249 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Marf said:
singlecoil said:
I don't think your response shows any respect at all.
Fair enough, I think I showed respect. If I'd called you a "f-cking idiot for not reading up on the case before commenting" then I think that would have been a response lacking respect. In the grand scheme of PH what I said to you was incredibly tame.
Indeed, and if I had called you a high-horse-riding tt in response, that also wouldn't have shown a lot of respect. Shall we leave it at that?


22,907 posts

244 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Settle petal. Get out of bed on the wrong side this morning did we??

The view's great up here by the way


Original Poster:

34,133 posts

249 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Marf said:
Settle petal. Get out of bed on the wrong side this morning did we??
So, you're not content to leave it at that then. It's obvious that you are greatly interested in this subject, and feel that you 'own' it. But you don't.

It's also obvious that you are a conspiracy theorist. You are the one that most needs to stick to the 'facts' of the matter, such as they are, rather than constructing elaborate behind-the-scenes scenarios of political malfeasance.


22,907 posts

244 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Wow, what an angry man

I don't feel I own the subject, nor am I a conspiracy theorist. It is however your prerogative to believe what you want about me, so feel free to keep on keeping on.

I just prefer to know something about a subject before attempting to discuss it, and knowing something about it certainly isn't using PH to find out the facts.


1,124 posts

184 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Colonial said:
It is not rape as recognised under any laws except for Sweden.
Also, there are no charges yet. The risk (well, certainty) is that from Sweden he'll be kidnapped & flown to the USA - "rendition", where the end result will be the death penalty, however gotten.


4,362 posts

209 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Marf said:
samwilliams said:
Marf said:
samwilliams said:
Colonial said:
It is not rape as recognised under any laws except for Sweden.
You mean that, in the UK, you can fk someone while they're asleep and everything's fine?

Are you sure?

(you shouldn't be, because then you'd be wrong)
WTF does that have to do with the price of eggs?
Given that it is what Assange is alleged to have done, quite a lot.

European Arrest Warrant said:
4. On 17th August 2010, in the home of the injured party [name given] in Enkoping, Assange
deliberately consummated sexual intercourse with her by improperly exploiting that she, due to
sleep, was in a helpless state.
Interesting how they've evolved the "crime", it was originally based on the condom breaking during sex, which was then reported as rape some weeks after the fact.

Again, this thing stinks to high heaven. I don't blame him in the slightest for his actions, stand by my assertion its a ploy to get him to the US and hope the Ecuadorians give him asylum.
Yes, it's mysterious (not) that he should have such a charge, which conveniently may oil the way to his being extradited. Also odd (not?), that the media did not show anything of what he said at the Leveson enquiry.


11,968 posts

220 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Marf said:
Great, well if thats how it is I guess the case will get thrown out for lack of evidence as it'll basically boil down to he says she says, no ?smile
Is that not the case, with the majority of rape cases where there are no witnesses?

In which case, are you seriously advocating that the slimy dhead is treated differently than anybody else accused of the same crime? . . . . Or do you know what forensic evidence there is to back up the decision to prosecute?


22,907 posts

244 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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I was being facetious, and I believe that the charges are false. So take from that what you will.


836 posts

259 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Marf said:
I was being facetious, and I believe that the charges are false. So take from that what you will.
He has not yet been charged.

(And you were having a go at other people for not reading up on the case!)


836 posts

259 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Guybrush said:
Also odd (not?), that the media did not show anything of what he said at the Leveson enquiry.
As far as I'm aware, he didn't appear at the Leveson Enquiry, so it would have been more concerning had the media fabricated something to suggest he did! He submitted a statement, which was reported in the media and is available for anyone to read on the Leveson website.

If you're going to have conspiracy theories, at least make them harder to refute.


22,907 posts

244 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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samwilliams said:
Marf said:
I was being facetious, and I believe that the charges are false. So take from that what you will.
He has not yet been charged.

(And you were having a go at other people for not reading up on the case!)
A slip of the tonque(hand). But I take your point.

So to reiterate I believe the accusations are false.


Original Poster:

34,133 posts

249 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Marf said:
I don't feel I own the subject, nor am I a conspiracy theorist. It is however your prerogative to believe what you want about me, so feel free to keep on keeping on.
Whoops, touched a nerve smile


1,124 posts

184 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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So the question is - is extradition usually considered without formal charges?


836 posts

259 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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Carfolio said:
So the question is - is extradition usually considered without formal charges?
Yes. He would be extradited on the basis of the European Arrest Warrant.

(Assange's legal team tried to argue that the EAW was invalid for one of a number of reasons, however a judge ruled against them.)


22,907 posts

244 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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singlecoil said:
Marf said:
I don't feel I own the subject, nor am I a conspiracy theorist. It is however your prerogative to believe what you want about me, so feel free to keep on keeping on.
Whoops, touched a nerve smile
Not at all smile


11,574 posts

207 months

Thursday 21st June 2012
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In many ways, I think it would be a good thing for the USA to get their hands on him (not from his point of view perhaps), as it would be intriguing to see what 'the land of the free' would charge him with.

It would be hard for them to maintain their 'world police' stance, if they were essentially trying a non-national for a capital offence, just because he revealed some 'truths'. Because surely that would be the action of a despotic regime?