Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?


President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Friday 28th June
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If I were hovering around a party packed to the rafters with racists, i'd definitely bolster my personal credibility by suggesting a storied, long running news show had deliberately planted a crisis actor to discredit a party that had already had three racists exposed this week by other outlets. Hell, I'd even try to forget Reagan was once an actor. This is definitely what I would do.


2,802 posts

151 months

Friday 28th June
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I suspect if you followed canvassers for any party you'd find more extreme views, I'm sure the SNP have plenty of English slurs, Labour antiemetic, Tory's anti Islamic. It's not a secret which parties attract which extreme views.

Doesn't mean the core of the party supports those view points, just that those who hold the viewpoints have decided their world views are best represented by party X and it's fairly obvious why people who dislike foreigners are attracted to the party talking most about immigration being a negative. We saw this during Brexit, leavers are racist... because racists don't like the EU and therefore are pro Brexit. It would have been a bigger story to find racists who support freedom of movement right?


2,073 posts

166 months

Friday 28th June
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otolith said:
I know, right, I'm laughing my arse off at what the Tories have done to themselves.
If they hadn't screwed the country up so badly, it would be it is though, it's maddeningly frustrating with hysterical laughter mixed in due to the absurdity of their delusions.


10,716 posts

163 months

Friday 28th June
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119 said:
So just to clarify, has any member of Reform called for anyone to be shot yet?
Yep, the candidate for Southend East, Leslie Lilley.


14,046 posts

166 months

Friday 28th June
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119 said:
So just to clarify, has any member of Reform called for anyone to be shot yet?
I don’t think the bit part actor Andrew John Parker is a member of Reform, he is a member of Equity (Actors Union), but he does suggest shooting people, he’s also shot himself in terms of finding any future work as a bit part actor with his racist views, unless of course he can convince anyone that he was acting


57,085 posts

207 months

Friday 28th June
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MDMetal said:
I'm sure the SNP have plenty of English slurs, Labour antiemetic, Tory's anti Islamic.


7,497 posts

39 months

Friday 28th June
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don'tbesilly said:
119 said:
So just to clarify, has any member of Reform called for anyone to be shot yet?
I don’t think the bit part actor Andrew John Parker is a member of Reform, he is a member of Equity (Actors Union), but he does suggest shooting people, he’s also shot himself in terms of finding any future work as a bit part actor with his racist views, unless of course he can convince anyone that he was acting
They just don’t do themselves any favours do they.

Still, must be one each in the parties by now?


13,100 posts

258 months

Friday 28th June
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markh1973 said:
otolith said:
Jinx said:
Data - how many candidates as a percentage?

Looks like at least one of these biggots [sic] was an actor who was saying outrageous racist comments to elicit some responses for a channel 4 sting.
So how many others are agent provocateurs?
You seem to have made a bit of leap from "this person was a bit part actor" to "this person was acting". Evidence?
So the conspiracy theory is that C4 have paid this individual to act as a racist Reform canvasser? Have they also paid him enough that he doesn't need to worry about his future income?
It would be exceptionally dim-witted of any institution to hire an actor as a plant and allow that actor to retain their Spotlight profile in plain view.

Not that relevant but current Tendring (Clacton) MP is or was an actor too: Giles Watling out of Bread:

He's the one on the right!


8,868 posts

219 months

Friday 28th June
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Dagnir said:
wildoliver said:
So just to get this right anti-Semitism is wrong and reform will never do it.

But anti islam/blacks/browns/immigrants/ any of those foreign types. That's all good yeah?
Statements like this are as ignorant as the racists you think you're calling out.

Far more amusing though.
If you think it's ignorant to dislike any group who openly discriminates or wants to discriminate against any minority (or majority) ill take that. I don't care whether you can admit it or not, reform is a racist organisation. Regardless of what good old Nigel believes himself he will align himself with any group that can give him what he wants which is power. And the food old racist groups (which in fairness cover both sides of the political spectrum, they aren't political, they are just scum) love him, it's the first chance they've had to get a party in to the general political market, because every other recent iteration hasn't managed to pull the normal people along with it. But this time whipped up in to a frothing fury you've got middle Englanders talking about voting reform because the problems these immigrants isn't it?

So before you call me ignorant, I'd suggest you get to know me better, I'm far from a perfect person, I can be borderline rude sometimes on here with my replies as I can't tolerate fools, but immigrants are not the cause of the UKs ills, and I have no issues calling out people for their disgusting views based in nothing but small minded, Ill educated racist clap trap.

For the avoidance of doubt I won't be voting reform. Or any other party that seeks to blame one group for everything that is wrong in the world.


1,494 posts

219 months

Friday 28th June
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otolith said:
Torygraph says the Labour plan to decarbonise the grid by 2030 will cost 15.5bn/yr. Divided by 28 million households is £554/yr.
Isn't that the figure they quoted from private finance as well i.e not the taxpayer - so taken out of context and weaponised


43,003 posts

238 months

Friday 28th June
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wildoliver said:
So before you call me ignorant, I'd suggest you get to know me better, I'm far from a perfect person, I can be borderline rude sometimes on here with my replies as I can't tolerate fools, but immigrants are not the cause of the UKs ills, and I have no issues calling out people for their disgusting views based in nothing but small minded, Ill educated racist clap trap.

For the avoidance of doubt I won't be voting reform. Or any other party that seeks to blame one group for everything that is wrong in the world.
Believing in a sensible immigration system that controls those entering, and tries to ensure they have the skills we need, does not equal "immigrants are the cause of the UKs ills".

Neither is recognising that millions more people need an appropriate level of housing and other infrastructure.

Some seem incapable of any discussion of practicalities and just like ranting about those less enlightened than themselves.


11,512 posts

242 months

Friday 28th June
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It's a small pool admittedly but on the local politics group I read (~500 people) there's been a defined split of those who were previously vocal Conservative supporters. The ones that were openly quite racist, misogynistic or homophobic (or just generally intolerant) have moved to Reform whereas the old boomer types have stuck with the Conservatives.

Anyway salt of the earth man of the people Nige is onto the actor now so I'm sure Channel 4 will come clean soon.

I also note you can pay £5 to go and watch a Reform rally if you like:

Tickets are "popular" and "going fast"


13,019 posts

220 months

Friday 28th June
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thetapeworm said:
The ones that were openly quite racist, misogynistic or homophobic (or just generally intolerant) have moved to Reform
You must be mistaken. Surely they just want a sensible conversation on housing policy and the processing of migrants as the Reform representatives on here keep telling us?


104,961 posts

263 months

Friday 28th June
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"Reform UK party rose to a fresh record in Bloomberg’s UK poll of polls, as their support level closed in on that of the governing Conservatives, while the main opposition Labour Party remained on course for victory in next week’s general election."

Vanden Saab

14,446 posts

77 months

Friday 28th June
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StevieBee said:
markh1973 said:
otolith said:
Jinx said:
Data - how many candidates as a percentage?

Looks like at least one of these biggots [sic] was an actor who was saying outrageous racist comments to elicit some responses for a channel 4 sting.
So how many others are agent provocateurs?
You seem to have made a bit of leap from "this person was a bit part actor" to "this person was acting". Evidence?
So the conspiracy theory is that C4 have paid this individual to act as a racist Reform canvasser? Have they also paid him enough that he doesn't need to worry about his future income?
It would be exceptionally dim-witted of any institution to hire an actor as a plant and allow that actor to retain their Spotlight profile in plain view.

Not that relevant but current Tendring (Clacton) MP is or was an actor too: Giles Watling out of Bread:

He's the one on the right!
Did they ever work together? *tinfoil hat.


14,964 posts

194 months

Friday 28th June
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valiant said:
119 said:
So just to clarify, has any member of Reform called for anyone to be shot yet?
Yep, the candidate for Southend East, Leslie Lilley.

"In a post in June 2020 he commented on the arrival of a small boat in Dover, saying: 'I hope I'm near one of these scumbags one day. I won't run away, I'll slaughter them then have their family taken out.'"


13,019 posts

220 months

Friday 28th June
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rscott said:

"In a post in June 2020 he commented on the arrival of a small boat in Dover, saying: 'I hope I'm near one of these scumbags one day. I won't run away, I'll slaughter them then have their family taken out.'"
"alternative opinions"

Definitely not a party of racists


1,963 posts

171 months

Friday 28th June
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StevieBee said:
markh1973 said:
otolith said:
Jinx said:
Data - how many candidates as a percentage?

Looks like at least one of these biggots [sic] was an actor who was saying outrageous racist comments to elicit some responses for a channel 4 sting.
So how many others are agent provocateurs?
You seem to have made a bit of leap from "this person was a bit part actor" to "this person was acting". Evidence?
So the conspiracy theory is that C4 have paid this individual to act as a racist Reform canvasser? Have they also paid him enough that he doesn't need to worry about his future income?
It would be exceptionally dim-witted of any institution to hire an actor as a plant and allow that actor to retain their Spotlight profile in plain view.

Not that relevant but current Tendring (Clacton) MP is or was an actor too: Giles Watling out of Bread:

He's the one on the right!
I mean which of the below scenarios is more likely:

- C4 hire an actor to play a part of a racist Reform volunteer and don't ensure his Spotlight profile is taken down. Luckily for C4 alongside this actor are some other Reform volunteers (including Farage's campaign manager) who make some other derogatory statements (but it's OK Nigel says that some of them were to blame on the guy being drunk); or

- someone who used to be a bit part actor also holds some deeply unpleasant views and decides that campaigning for Reform is a good use of his time.

I know which my money is on.


40,464 posts

199 months

Friday 28th June
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valiant said:
Jinx said:
rofl - CT playbook? Almost like A.I bots have taken over.....
All about optics at this stage - a volunteer (and therefore not someone who would need to go through much of a background check) behaves in the fashion of the epitome of a gammon racist - just happens to be caught by channel 4. Doesn't raise an eyebrow or 2. I suspect if the Tories were doing better the rosette would have been a different blue.
And what about the other one from the same Channel 4 piece?

George Jones openly displays his homophobia and distaste for all things 'Pride'.

Is he a crisis actor as well or is he an events organiser for Reform?
Yeah but no but yeah but plenty of other Political Parties have made homophobic comments.

Also AIUI George Jones once appeared as an extra in "The Bill" so are we absolutely sure he wasn't paid to make those remarks to make reform look bad?

bad company

19,005 posts

269 months

Friday 28th June
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I’m hearing that the repugnant guy recorded by C4 had just turned up and was not a party member or candidate.

Hope that’s right.