Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



1,963 posts

171 months

Friday 28th June
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otolith said:
Jinx said:
Data - how many candidates as a percentage?

Looks like at least one of these biggots [sic] was an actor who was saying outrageous racist comments to elicit some responses for a channel 4 sting.
So how many others are agent provocateurs?
You seem to have made a bit of leap from "this person was a bit part actor" to "this person was acting". Evidence?
So the conspiracy theory is that C4 have paid this individual to act as a racist Reform canvasser? Have they also paid him enough that he doesn't need to worry about his future income?


40,466 posts

199 months

Friday 28th June
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bhstewie said:
captain_cynic said:
bhstewie said:
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
It also requires turning a blind eye to how anti-Semitic Reform are..
It's a theme on this thread.

The most vocal posters about antisemitism and abuse from "lefties" or "Muslims" are literally incapable of calling out the same thing when Reform are involved.

You'd almost think they didn't actually give a fk about antisemitism and just see it as a political stick to beat people with.
Wait, are you suggesting that the likes of Tommy Robinson don’t really give a toss about anti-Semitism?


11,214 posts

208 months

Friday 28th June
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rscott said:
JagLover said:
don'tbesilly said:
It looks like Andrew John Parker may struggle to get anymore bit part acting jobs IF it turns out that he was the individual who featured heavily in the C4 expose last night.

Comments are worth a read

Isabel Oakeshott was on Talksport earlier, Reform officials are looking into the claims that are currently being made on Twitter.

Edited by don'tbesilly on Friday 28th June 09:25
That's him I think?. Guardian says the activist on Channel 4 programme is an Andrew Parker

So an actor who specialises in playing villains and in doing "rough" voices scratchchin

Could of course all be legitimate and wants to canvas for Reform as well as being an actor.
They describe him as "a cast member from BBC's Holby City" - he was in 1 episode back in 2017 and was credited as "visitor", so not exactly a major role.

The other canvasser, George Jones, recorded making comments about police cars, pride flags and nonces was well known to the party and has been working with them for quite some time.
Now that is dirty!


12,622 posts

98 months

Friday 28th June
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Countdown said:
Wait, are you suggesting that the likes of Tommy Robinson don’t really give a toss about anti-Semitism?
I'm as shocked as you.


11,495 posts

263 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
otolith said:
Jinx said:
Data - how many candidates as a percentage?

Looks like at least one of these biggots [sic] was an actor who was saying outrageous racist comments to elicit some responses for a channel 4 sting.
So how many others are agent provocateurs?
You seem to have made a bit of leap from "this person was a bit part actor" to "this person was acting". Evidence?
He is an actor - conveniently caught in a Channel 4 sting who happened to be saying outrageously racist comments a week before polling day. The things he said were so outrageous as to be a caricature of a "racist Reform member" (no wonder he has only had a bit part in The Duke (2020)).


10,718 posts

163 months

Friday 28th June
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Jinx said:
He is an actor - conveniently caught in a Channel 4 sting who happened to be saying outrageously racist comments a week before polling day. The things he said were so outrageous as to be a caricature of a "racist Reform member" (no wonder he has only had a bit part in The Duke (2020)).
So you're saying he's a plant?

Bit conspiracy theory don't you think?

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Friday 28th June
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valiant said:
So you're saying he's a plant?

Bit conspiracy theory don't you think?
It's unhinged.


52,720 posts

213 months

Friday 28th June
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Countdown said:
Wait, are you suggesting that the likes of Tommy Robinson don’t really give a toss about anti-Semitism?
It's the horse shoe thing IMO.

Go to the extremes of both ends of the political spectrum and antisemitism will feature.

Now when you're making a noise about it when it's at one end and downplaying it or saying absolutely nothing at all about it when it's at the other end I think it's fair to ask why that is.

I'd say it to anyone suggesting Labour didn't (and doesn't still) have issues with antisemitism (and have) and the same goes here.


104,961 posts

263 months

Friday 28th June
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fido said:
captain_cynic said:
Have you not seen the Tories?
First British Asian prime minister. Labour .. ??
Good point. Where's Labour's three female Prime Ministers?

bhstewie said:
turbobloke said:
How do you think anti-Semites will vote, will they be torn between two Parties for example? Likewise for those with anti-Islam sentiment?

Will such considerations dominate voting or do other issues enter the fray?
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
Ho Ho. People like me, playing the man not the ball, what a shock.

People like me aren't carried away by extremist activism, so the notion that all Reform supporters are racist (etc) is clearly nonsensical, as StevieBee was saying in the post I replied to. However, the post I replied to claimed that a majority or all racists (etc) will vote Reform. That's another false generalisation.

Unless it's known that every racist (etc) supporter of Reform places their discriminatory views above all else, the rest has to be (biased) assumptions.

As knee-jerkers tend to emote rather than use reason, they won't realise that there are racists (etc) who want other things out of a government, they may want a Labour gov't to tax ex-Labour Prime Ministers more ('the rich') to fund more benefits, also some will know that Reform won't form the next government, and won't vote for them, or they may vote tactically, putting aside their policy views. Therefore it's not possible to say all or a majority of racists (etc) will vote Reform. The precise breakdown isn't known,

it's not possible to say all supporters of Reform are racists (etc) and
it's not possible to say all or a majority of racists (etc) will vote Reform

That last bit is contrary to the second part of StevieBee's post which was just another lazy and false generalisation.

As rational discussion is beyond you, by all means have the last word - presumably abusive in keeping with the past - or maybe leave it to the gallery / cavalry, and settle back in your erroneously simplistic views of voting intent.


52,720 posts

213 months

Friday 28th June
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See what I mean?

Loads of words.

Still can't call it out directly.


11,495 posts

263 months

Friday 28th June
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President Merkin said:
valiant said:
So you're saying he's a plant?

Bit conspiracy theory don't you think?
It's unhinged.
rofl - CT playbook? Almost like A.I bots have taken over.....
All about optics at this stage - a volunteer (and therefore not someone who would need to go through much of a background check) behaves in the fashion of the epitome of a gammon racist - just happens to be caught by channel 4. Doesn't raise an eyebrow or 2. I suspect if the Tories were doing better the rosette would have been a different blue.


10,718 posts

163 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
Jinx said:
rofl - CT playbook? Almost like A.I bots have taken over.....
All about optics at this stage - a volunteer (and therefore not someone who would need to go through much of a background check) behaves in the fashion of the epitome of a gammon racist - just happens to be caught by channel 4. Doesn't raise an eyebrow or 2. I suspect if the Tories were doing better the rosette would have been a different blue.
And what about the other one from the same Channel 4 piece?

George Jones openly displays his homophobia and distaste for all things 'Pride'.

Is he a crisis actor as well or is he an events organiser for Reform?


2,075 posts

166 months

Friday 28th June
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otolith said:
The Tories deliberately made immigration a mainstream issue, despite it being fk all to do with the challenges most people face in their lives, because they thought they were the only party which could win votes by being hostile to immigrants. It's not the first time, they dogwhistled it with the "are you thinking what we're thinking?" campaign, but this time they had nothing else to talk about. They thought they could stoop lower than anyone else without alienating their core. They didn't understand that amping up that kind of debate would open space for those who would go further than they would, splitting their support. They sowed the wind, they are about to reap the whirlwind.

Edited by otolith on Friday 28th June 11:24


5,723 posts

109 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
jshell said:
rscott said:
JagLover said:
don'tbesilly said:
It looks like Andrew John Parker may struggle to get anymore bit part acting jobs IF it turns out that he was the individual who featured heavily in the C4 expose last night.

Comments are worth a read

Isabel Oakeshott was on Talksport earlier, Reform officials are looking into the claims that are currently being made on Twitter.

Edited by don'tbesilly on Friday 28th June 09:25
That's him I think?. Guardian says the activist on Channel 4 programme is an Andrew Parker

So an actor who specialises in playing villains and in doing "rough" voices scratchchin

Could of course all be legitimate and wants to canvas for Reform as well as being an actor.
They describe him as "a cast member from BBC's Holby City" - he was in 1 episode back in 2017 and was credited as "visitor", so not exactly a major role.

The other canvasser, George Jones, recorded making comments about police cars, pride flags and nonces was well known to the party and has been working with them for quite some time.
Now that is dirty!
Not sure Ricky will be happy to be name checked by this racist loon!


14,046 posts

166 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
Jinx said:
rofl - CT playbook? Almost like A.I bots have taken over.....
All about optics at this stage - a volunteer (and therefore not someone who would need to go through much of a background check) behaves in the fashion of the epitome of a gammon racist - just happens to be caught by channel 4. Doesn't raise an eyebrow or 2. I suspect if the Tories were doing better the rosette would have been a different blue.


5,919 posts

166 months

Friday 28th June
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valiant said:
So you're saying he's a plant?
No, that would be if he was representing the Green Party :smile:


2,075 posts

166 months

Friday 28th June
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wildoliver said:
So just to get this right anti-Semitism is wrong and reform will never do it.

But anti islam/blacks/browns/immigrants/ any of those foreign types. That's all good yeah?
Statements like this are as ignorant as the racists you think you're calling out.

Far more amusing though.


57,085 posts

207 months

Friday 28th June
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Dagnir said:
I know, right, I'm laughing my arse off at what the Tories have done to themselves.


5,919 posts

166 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
Jinx said:
Data - how many candidates as a percentage?

Looks like at least one of these biggots [sic] was an actor who was saying outrageous racist comments to elicit some responses for a channel 4 sting.
So how many others are agent provocateurs?
You seriously think someone who was at best a bit part extra would take a few quid from C4 to say controversial things and thereby ruin his reputation and any chance of a reasonable income in the future? I thought this whole ‘crisis actor’ thing was confined to the US (and look how that turned out for Alex Jones).


7,505 posts

39 months

Friday 28th June
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So just to clarify, has any member of Reform called for anyone to be shot yet?