Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?


President Merkin

3,981 posts

22 months

Friday 28th June
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Tom8 said:
Sorry, but earlier in this thread this week you were blatantly racist, offering abuse against three protected characteristics and you are complaining about others being racist. One can only assume that with your levels of blatant hypocrisy you are a standard bearer for those on the left. Are you standing for Labour in the election?
Only in your scrambled head Tommy.


13,052 posts

220 months

Friday 28th June
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captain_cynic said:
bhstewie said:
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
It also requires turning a blind eye to how anti-Semitic Reform are..
Tacit racism is Reform's core proposition. Hilarious how prospective Reform voters will jump through hoops to try and pretend otherwise and insist that they're really all about saving the NHS or 'improving' the Tory party or something


52,831 posts

213 months

Friday 28th June
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captain_cynic said:
bhstewie said:
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
It also requires turning a blind eye to how anti-Semitic Reform are..
It's a theme on this thread.

The most vocal posters about antisemitism and abuse from "lefties" or "Muslims" are literally incapable of calling out the same thing when Reform are involved.

You'd almost think they didn't actually give a fk about antisemitism and just see it as a political stick to beat people with.


16,949 posts

258 months

Friday 28th June
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bhstewie said:
turbobloke said:
How do you think anti-Semites will vote, will they be torn between two Parties for example? Likewise for those with anti-Islam sentiment?

Will such considerations dominate voting or do other issues enter the fray?
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
If Reform ever elect an anti-semite [or one that harbours them] then feel free to go to town on them.

President Merkin

3,981 posts

22 months

Friday 28th June
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fido said:
If Reform ever elect an anti-semite [or one that harbours them] then feel free to go to town on them.
If Farage wins Clacton, there's one. However, if you mean Reform electing people to positions then I regret to inform you it's structured as a limited company with directors but no democratic processes whatsoever.


52,831 posts

213 months

Friday 28th June
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fido said:
If Reform ever elect an anti-semite [or one that harbours them] then feel free to go to town on them.
Is it OK so long as they don't get elected?


14,204 posts

190 months

Friday 28th June
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bhstewie said:
captain_cynic said:
bhstewie said:
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
It also requires turning a blind eye to how anti-Semitic Reform are..
It's a theme on this thread.

The most vocal posters about antisemitism and abuse from "lefties" or "Muslims" are literally incapable of calling out the same thing when Reform are involved.

You'd almost think they didn't actually give a fk about antisemitism and just see it as a political stick to beat people with.
This is only a theme because you keep doing it.

You are the poster that has most obviously called out bad behaviour from reform whilst excusing it from others.

Edited by Elysium on Friday 28th June 11:02


52,831 posts

213 months

Friday 28th June
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Elysium said:
This is only a theme because you keep doing it.

You are the poster that has most obviously called out bad behaviour from reform whilst excusing if from others.
Look forward to seeing some examples of that.

Plenty of posts on the threads about Palestine protests from people who are really really concerned about antisemitism.

Farage or his lot are in the news for it?

Not a fking sausage.


14,204 posts

190 months

Friday 28th June
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StevieBee said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
You think all Reform supporters are racist and homophobic?

Because I seriously doubt that is true.
It's not true at all.

However, all (or the majority) of racists and homophobes will be Reform supporters.
This is obviously untrue. I have come across racists on the left and the right of politics. It is not particular to the reform party.

The linkage is that reforms long term concern about immigration obviously resonates with jingoists. But the Labour and Conservatives have now also adopted this tone, because immigration at this point is a mainstream political issue.


1,329 posts

206 months

Friday 28th June
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redrabbit said:
The poster above who said not all Reform voters are racists, but all racists will vote for Reform, is absolutely on the money. That should give pause to others who are planning to vote for Reform to seriously consider what they are enabling. I'm prepared, at a stretch, to believe that Farage himself is not a racist, and merely an opportunist. But he also knows what he is enabling. I truly hope that the right thinking (in both senses of those words) in the electorate release that. Destruction of the Conservative Party at the hands of Farage, and a lurch to right wing populism, would surrender the last shreds of decency that this country has stood for, and fought for, for the last 100 years. Please don't do it.
I see this quite a bit, and having thought about it, I have to say that it's basically bks.

So extremists vote for a party. So what?
No party in their right mind is going to change their policies to attract extremists, because said extremists are a small minority, and pandering to them will drive away many more moderate voters. The Conservative party doesn't try to court ancaps or feudalists; Labour doesn't curry favour with Stalinists. If they vote for a mainstream party, those groups will probably vote that way, but their influence on the parties and their policies is basically nil.

Reform is not enabling extremists, it is being enabled by them, and to such a tiny extent that it need not even acknowledge their contribution.


5,727 posts

109 months

Friday 28th June
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smn159 said:
captain_cynic said:
bhstewie said:
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
It also requires turning a blind eye to how anti-Semitic Reform are..
Tacit racism is Reform's core proposition. Hilarious how prospective Reform voters will jump through hoops to try and pretend otherwise and insist that they're really all about saving the NHS or 'improving' the Tory party or something
Spot on


11,507 posts

263 months

Friday 28th June
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captain_cynic said:
Yep, desperate ehatavoutism from Reform supporters.

Of all the parties in the UK Labour has done the most to purge itself of the extremist elements which weren't very numerous to begin with.

Reform doesn't simply have one or two bad eggs, they're seemingly comprised of bad eggs in entirety. The number of biggots in Reform has long since passed being a small minority of misguided people to the point where there are so many that the remainder are openly turning a blind eye to it, in effect giving tacit support.

Either Farage is such an idiot he didn't know the kind of candidates he's supporting or he knew and agrees with them. There's simply too many now to be a clerical error.
Data - how many candidates as a percentage?

Looks like at least one of these biggots [sic] was an actor who was saying outrageous racist comments to elicit some responses for a channel 4 sting.
So how many others are agent provocateurs?


57,269 posts

207 months

Friday 28th June
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The Tories deliberately made immigration a mainstream issue, despite it being fk all to do with the challenges most people face in their lives, because they thought they were the only party which could win votes by being hostile to immigrants. It's not the first time, they dogwhistled it with the "are you thinking what we're thinking?" campaign, but this time they had nothing else to talk about. They thought they could stoop lower than anyone else without alienating their core. They didn't understand that amping up that kind of debate would open space for those who would go further than they would, splitting their support. They sowed the wind, they are about to reap the whirlwind.

Edited by otolith on Friday 28th June 11:24

bad company

19,049 posts

269 months

Friday 28th June
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smn159 said:
Tacit racism is Reform's core proposition. Hilarious how prospective Reform voters will jump through hoops to try and pretend otherwise and insist that they're really all about saving the NHS or 'improving' the Tory party or something
Absolute unsubstantiated garbage. Yes some racists will be attracted to Reform but that hardly makes the whole party or the policies racist.


40,796 posts

286 months

Friday 28th June
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otolith said:
The Tories deliberately made immigration a mainstream issue, despite it being fk all to do with the challenges most people face in their lives, because they thought they were the only party which could win votes by being hostile to immigrants. It's not the first time, they dogwhistled it with the "are you thinking what we're thinking?" campaign, but this time they had nothing else to talk about. They thought they could stoop lower than anyone else without alienating their core. They didn't understand that amping up that kind of debate would open space for those who would go further than they would, splitting their support. They sowed the wind, they are about to reap the whirldwind.
I think what the Tories did - make loads of noise about the issue, whilst patently achieving fk all - has made the issue amplify in the minds of those who were already either plain racist or merely just fearful of a loss of control.

Certainly, for any of us who have queued at border control to have our passports checked, it makes a mockery of us and that process that, effectively, the borders are porous to the tune of tens of thousands of souls. If you gave the option of not controlling immigration and scrapping passport queus, I think it would be popular with a lot of people. It is certainly pragmatic.


57,269 posts

207 months

Friday 28th June
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Jinx said:
Data - how many candidates as a percentage?

Looks like at least one of these biggots [sic] was an actor who was saying outrageous racist comments to elicit some responses for a channel 4 sting.
So how many others are agent provocateurs?
You seem to have made a bit of leap from "this person was a bit part actor" to "this person was acting". Evidence?

President Merkin

3,981 posts

22 months

Friday 28th June
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otolith said:
The Tories deliberately made immigration a mainstream issue, despite it being fk all to do with the challenges most people face in their lives, because they thought they were the only party which could win votes by being hostile to immigrants. It's not the first time, they dogwhistled it with the "are you thinking what we're thinking?" campaign, but this time they had nothing else to talk about. They thought they could stoop lower than anyone else without alienating their core. They didn't understand that amping up that kind of debate would open space for those who would go further than they would, splitting their support. They sowed the wind, they are about to reap the whirldwind.
Qui somme le vent, recolte la tempete.

Good analysis that imo. The sheer waste of a frit Tory party lurching ever rightward in a futile attempt to park their tanks on Farage's lawn while the country fell apart around them. They deserve their reckoning for that alone but more so for failing agan & again to learn the lesson that the right can never be appeased. No matter what you throw at them, they demand more. And now they find themselves on the brink of annhiliation. Good, they earnt their fate.


4,966 posts

221 months

Friday 28th June
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bad company said:
smn159 said:
Tacit racism is Reform's core proposition. Hilarious how prospective Reform voters will jump through hoops to try and pretend otherwise and insist that they're really all about saving the NHS or 'improving' the Tory party or something
Absolute unsubstantiated garbage. Yes some racists will be attracted to Reform but that hardly makes the whole party or the policies racist.
Considering that reform has garbage policies in their manifesto contract, and a vote for any other party or Indie would give the tories a kicking that ex-tories are keen to do, what is it about the openly racist and bigotted party that attracts you? /sarcasm


9,994 posts

38 months

Friday 28th June
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President Merkin said:
Tom8 said:
Sorry, but earlier in this thread this week you were blatantly racist, offering abuse against three protected characteristics and you are complaining about others being racist. One can only assume that with your levels of blatant hypocrisy you are a standard bearer for those on the left. Are you standing for Labour in the election?
Only in your scrambled head Tommy.
Well that’s cleared that up at least, I also thought you were standing for Labour.


8,878 posts

219 months

Friday 28th June
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fido said:
bhstewie said:
turbobloke said:
How do you think anti-Semites will vote, will they be torn between two Parties for example? Likewise for those with anti-Islam sentiment?

Will such considerations dominate voting or do other issues enter the fray?
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
If Reform ever elect an anti-semite [or one that harbours them] then feel free to go to town on them.
So just to get this right anti-Semitism is wrong and reform will never do it.

But anti islam/blacks/browns/immigrants/ any of those foreign types. That's all good yeah?