Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?


President Merkin

3,981 posts

22 months

Friday 28th June
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
Merkin, far right?

As in Fascist?

Reform are not Fascists. Undoubtedly there are some in the party with Fascist sympathies, the same as Labour have members with Communist sympathies. But in the main, I think Reform are a right wing party. They are not the same as the BNP/NF/NSDAP.
A fish rots from the head down. There are a couple of things you should understand. If you want to grasp why Reform is so attractive to racists, far more than any attempt you may make at both siding it with Labour & Conservative, then you should look at who referred to Muslims as a fifth column, BLM as Taliban, Romanians as unwanted neighbours, Chinese as ch***y & a Jewish lobby.

The mistake Reform fanz make routinely is thinking Reform is an uncontroversial & acceptable outlet for these views because the guy at the top trots them out routinely.

The daily exposure of racists comes about because it's led by a guy with a long hstory of racism, hanging out with racists & leading parties full of racists. A real warm welcome for racists.

The part you all miss is the majority of people aren't racists & thus Reform is destined to be forever confined to 15% of the vote and moreover, a 60 year old, chain smoking non stop drinker isn't going to carry the fever dream past 2029 & the whole grim enterprise will fizzle out just like its predecessors.

Jordie Barretts sock

5,241 posts

22 months

Friday 28th June
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Couldn't you also aim that at, for instance the Labour Party?

Anti semitic, pro terrorist, Momentum...


7,653 posts

39 months

Friday 28th June
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President Merkin said:
A fish rots from the head down. There are a couple of things you should understand. If you want to grasp why Reform is so attractive to racists, far more than any attempt you may make at both siding it with Labour & Conservative, then you should look at who referred to Muslims as a fifth column, BLM as Taliban, Romanians as unwanted neighbours, Chinese as ch***y & a Jewish lobby.

The mistake Reform fanz make routinely is thinking Reform is an uncontroversial & acceptable outlet for these views because the guy at the top trots them out routinely.

The daily exposure of racists comes about because it's led by a guy with a long hstory of racism, hanging out with racists & leading parties full of racists. A real warm welcome for racists.

The part you all miss is the majority of people aren't racists & thus Reform is destined to be forever confined to 15% of the vote and moreover, a 60 year old, chain smoking non stop drinker isn't going to carry the fever dream past 2029 & the whole grim enterprise will fizzle out just like its predecessors.
So are you voting Reform or not?


10,761 posts

163 months

Friday 28th June
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
Couldn't you also aim that at, for instance the Labour Party?

Anti semitic, pro terrorist, Momentum...
All parties have their loony fringe elements no doubt but with Reform it seems that it's a loony fringe party that's attracted some normies because the Tories are so crap.


12,686 posts

98 months

Friday 28th June
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valiant said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
Couldn't you also aim that at, for instance the Labour Party?

Anti semitic, pro terrorist, Momentum...
All parties have their loony fringe elements no doubt but with Reform it seems that it's a loony fringe party that's attracted some normies because the Tories are so crap.
Yep, desperate ehatavoutism from Reform supporters.

Of all the parties in the UK Labour has done the most to purge itself of the extremist elements which weren't very numerous to begin with.

Reform doesn't simply have one or two bad eggs, they're seemingly comprised of bad eggs in entirety. The number of biggots in Reform has long since passed being a small minority of misguided people to the point where there are so many that the remainder are openly turning a blind eye to it, in effect giving tacit support.

Either Farage is such an idiot he didn't know the kind of candidates he's supporting or he knew and agrees with them. There's simply too many now to be a clerical error.


5,727 posts

109 months

Friday 28th June
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captain_cynic said:
Yep, desperate ehatavoutism from Reform supporters.

Of all the parties in the UK Labour has done the most to purge itself of the extremist elements which weren't very numerous to begin with.

Reform doesn't simply have one or two bad eggs, they're seemingly comprised of bad eggs in entirety. The number of biggots in Reform has long since passed being a small minority of misguided people to the point where there are so many that the remainder are openly turning a blind eye to it, in effect giving tacit support.

Either Farage is such an idiot he didn't know the kind of candidates he's supporting or he knew and agrees with them. There's simply too many now to be a clerical error.
Sensible post


16,949 posts

258 months

Friday 28th June
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captain_cynic said:
Of all the parties in the UK Labour has done the most to purge itself of the extremist elements which weren't very numerous to begin with.
Yes, but only because it has the most extremists to purge of all the mainstream parties. If folks here are saying Reform are rotten from the head well Labour is rotten from the core. The Conservatives took over the 'inclusivity' mantle a long time ago.

Edited by fido on Friday 28th June 10:28


3,380 posts

120 months

Friday 28th June
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captain_cynic said:
Either Farage is such an idiot he didn't know the kind of candidates he's supporting or he knew and agrees with them. There's simply too many now to be a clerical error.
I think he knows full well what's going on. He has seen what happened with Brexit and knows his customer base. His aim will be to woo or sway that 51%.

Dangerous times.


13,136 posts

258 months

Friday 28th June
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
You think all Reform supporters are racist and homophobic?

Because I seriously doubt that is true.
It's not true at all.

However, all (or the majority) of racists and homophobes will be Reform supporters.

bad company

19,052 posts

269 months

Friday 28th June
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StevieBee said:
It's not true at all.

However, all (or the majority) of racists and homophobes will be Reform supporters.
Sadly true. frown


12,686 posts

98 months

Friday 28th June
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fido said:
captain_cynic said:
Of all the parties in the UK Labour has done the most to purge itself of the extremist elements which weren't very numerous to begin with.
Yes, but only because it has the most extremists of all the mainstream parties. If folks here are saying Reform are rotten from the head well Labour is rotten from the core.

Have you not seen the Tories?

Labour has the fewest extremists... Which is why they were easy to get rid of.

The electorate looks to be getting rid of most of the Tory extremists for them though, by getting rid of the Tories. Pretty sad it's come to such extreme measures.


105,138 posts

263 months

Friday 28th June
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StevieBee said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
You think all Reform supporters are racist and homophobic?

Because I seriously doubt that is true.
It's not true at all.

However, all (or the majority) of racists and homophobes will be Reform supporters.
How do you think anti-Semites will vote, will they be torn between two Parties for example? Likewise for those with anti-Islam sentiment?

Will such considerations dominate voting or do other issues enter the fray?


16,949 posts

258 months

Friday 28th June
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captain_cynic said:
Have you not seen the Tories?
First British Asian prime minister. Labour .. ??

President Merkin

3,981 posts

22 months

Friday 28th June
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Farage clearly holds these views, this is hardly news, however in doing so, his party attracts the dregs of society, who inevitably get exposed, daily and so the paradox of Reform is the intention to create a signficant political force that by definition, the majority of people find repulsive.

I am so tired of hearing it's about giving the Tories a kick in the arse. You can do that by voting Labour or Green or Lib Dem or that nutter in Durham with a bee in his bonnet about Einstein, You vote Reform because you like the message, too many in here obviously think that but try to water it down which is more telling than they realise.


12,686 posts

98 months

Friday 28th June
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fido said:
captain_cynic said:
Have you not seen the Tories?
First British Asian prime minister. Labour .. ??
Who has to be forced on the membership. Not the "Gotcha" you wanted.

Also doesn't excuse the dozens of other hate filled people he allegedly leads.


2,407 posts

157 months

Friday 28th June
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President Merkin said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
Merkin, far right?

As in Fascist?

Reform are not Fascists. Undoubtedly there are some in the party with Fascist sympathies, the same as Labour have members with Communist sympathies. But in the main, I think Reform are a right wing party. They are not the same as the BNP/NF/NSDAP.
A fish rots from the head down. There are a couple of things you should understand. If you want to grasp why Reform is so attractive to racists, far more than any attempt you may make at both siding it with Labour & Conservative, then you should look at who referred to Muslims as a fifth column, BLM as Taliban, Romanians as unwanted neighbours, Chinese as ch***y & a Jewish lobby.

The mistake Reform fanz make routinely is thinking Reform is an uncontroversial & acceptable outlet for these views because the guy at the top trots them out routinely.

The daily exposure of racists comes about because it's led by a guy with a long hstory of racism, hanging out with racists & leading parties full of racists. A real warm welcome for racists.

The part you all miss is the majority of people aren't racists & thus Reform is destined to be forever confined to 15% of the vote and moreover, a 60 year old, chain smoking non stop drinker isn't going to carry the fever dream past 2029 & the whole grim enterprise will fizzle out just like its predecessors.
Sorry, but earlier in this thread this week you were blatantly racist, offering abuse against three protected characteristics and you are complaining about others being racist. One can only assume that with your levels of blatant hypocrisy you are a standard bearer for those on the left. Are you standing for Labour in the election?

bad company

19,052 posts

269 months

Friday 28th June
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fido said:
captain_cynic said:
Have you not seen the Tories?
First British Asian prime minister. Labour .. ??
Not to mention 3 female leaders &. PM’s. Labour . .??


52,848 posts

213 months

Friday 28th June
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turbobloke said:
How do you think anti-Semites will vote, will they be torn between two Parties for example? Likewise for those with anti-Islam sentiment?

Will such considerations dominate voting or do other issues enter the fray?
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?


14,996 posts

194 months

Friday 28th June
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JagLover said:
don'tbesilly said:
It looks like Andrew John Parker may struggle to get anymore bit part acting jobs IF it turns out that he was the individual who featured heavily in the C4 expose last night.

Comments are worth a read

Isabel Oakeshott was on Talksport earlier, Reform officials are looking into the claims that are currently being made on Twitter.

Edited by don'tbesilly on Friday 28th June 09:25
That's him I think?. Guardian says the activist on Channel 4 programme is an Andrew Parker

So an actor who specialises in playing villains and in doing "rough" voices scratchchin

Could of course all be legitimate and wants to canvas for Reform as well as being an actor.
They describe him as "a cast member from BBC's Holby City" - he was in 1 episode back in 2017 and was credited as "visitor", so not exactly a major role.

The other canvasser, George Jones, recorded making comments about police cars, pride flags and nonces was well known to the party and has been working with them for quite some time.


12,686 posts

98 months

Friday 28th June
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bhstewie said:
Is this the bit where people like you think antisemitism is a cancer when it's Labour (which it is) but go strangely quiet when it's Farage or one of his "quality" candidates in the news for it?
It also requires turning a blind eye to how anti-Semitic Reform are..