Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?


Mr Penguin

2,184 posts

42 months

Thursday 27th June
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This is what it takes to be dropped by Reform

Reform drops candidate over BNP links
Reform has dropped a candidate after it was revealed he had been on a list of members belonging to the British National Party.

Raymond Saint’s name and address appeared on a list of BNP members that was published by WikiLeaks in 2009, The Guardian reported.

The newspaper said Saint, who is standing in Basingstoke, did not wish to discuss the matter when they approached him.

Reform said: “As Nigel Farage has repeatedly made plain, people who belong or used to belong to the BNP are not welcome in the Reform UK party.

“Every candidate was asked to declare their past or present political affiliations and was specifically asked whether they had ever been a member of the BNP. Mr Saint failed to do so and clearly lied to us.”

A simple Google search can return that list and is an obvious place to look if you want to avoid previous BNP members to the point that you specifically bring it up.


105,131 posts

263 months

Thursday 27th June
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Vanden Saab said:
President Merkin said:
uk66fastback said:
I’ll wager not in your lifetime, pal - if ever. The EU will implode long before we would ever rejoin.
Talking of things that sound familiar...

To be a Brexiter is to be a denier of gravity.
Thinking the EU is the answer to anything is the equivalent of being a flat earther. All the clues are there but you refuse to see them
PM's snidey popshot post is a model of error in every way :sinar:

Denying gravity models is a good thing as they generated pure dreck in terms of post-brexit economic guestimates. After the Treasury realised their brexit forecasts based on gravity models were failing badly, they were dropped in favour of a black-box general equilibrium approach.


105,131 posts

263 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mr Penguin said:
This is what it takes to be dropped by Reform

Reform drops candidate over BNP links
Reform has dropped a candidate after it was revealed he had been on a list of members belonging to the British National Party.

Thank goodness for that.

Would it not have led to him being dropped by Labour and the Tories?

President Merkin

3,981 posts

22 months

Thursday 27th June
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turbobloke said:
PM's snidey popshot post is a model of error in every way :sinar:

Denying gravity models is a good thing as they generated pure dreck in terms of post-brexit economic guestimates. After the Treasury realised their brexit forecasts based on gravity models were failing badly, they were dropped in favour of a black-box general equilibrium approach.


105,131 posts

263 months

Thursday 27th June
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President Merkin said:
You can't get dropped for clichéd soundbites, there'd be very few candidates remaining


6,578 posts

58 months

Thursday 27th June
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turbobloke said:
PM's snidey popshot post is a model of error in every way :sinar:

Denying gravity models is a good thing as they generated pure dreck in terms of post-brexit economic guestimates. After the Treasury realised their brexit forecasts based on gravity models were failing badly, they were dropped in favour of a black-box general equilibrium approach.
So what do you call ignoring actual, concrete data then?
Asking for a friend.....


President Merkin

3,981 posts

22 months

Thursday 27th June
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turbobloke said:
You can't get dropped for clichéd soundbites, there'd be very few candidates remaining
Yes, I saw you bring up Rayner in the Starmer thread, then when spanked, claim the discussion was about Rayner. You are certainly consistent.


12,733 posts

251 months

Thursday 27th June
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z4RRSchris said:
im not really sure what you would cut from the public sector that isnt already st.

other than old ex tory reform voters with no mortgages and nice pensions, saying, "well we would slash the welfare bill and make poor people get off their lazy arses etc,"
But not the biggest part of the welfare bill of course!!


105,131 posts

263 months

Thursday 27th June
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New Electoral Calculus and Find Out Now MRP poll data shows Reform could win 18 seats, fieldwork to 24 June, sample 19,000+


40,796 posts

286 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mortarboard said:
So what do you call ignoring actual, concrete data then?
Asking for a friend.....



6,578 posts

58 months

Thursday 27th June
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Digga said:
Mortarboard said:
So what do you call ignoring actual, concrete data then?
Asking for a friend.....

Now do trade intensity.
I'll wait



14,204 posts

190 months

Thursday 27th June
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Something is about to come out regarding covert recording of comments by Reform campaigners in Clacton.

Farage has already commented

Could be significant.

Edit - channel 4 documentary tonight!

Edited by Elysium on Thursday 27th June 17:54


40,796 posts

286 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mortarboard said:
Digga said:
Mortarboard said:
So what do you call ignoring actual, concrete data then?
Asking for a friend.....

Now do trade intensity.
I'll wait

I’m not the one saying every metric points in a single direction.

FWIW, in the last year, UK moved up into the #4 global exporter spot too. I would agree, it is not all beer and skittles though.


52,847 posts

213 months

Thursday 27th June
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Something Channel 4 are going to be reporting on later.

I'm sure there will be the usual excuses made by Farage and his apologists on here.

Jordie Barretts sock

5,241 posts

22 months

Thursday 27th June
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It's a little while ago, but PM I wasn't complaining about anything. I was making an observation and answering with my opinion, on why the Tory vote has (and will) collapse.


6,578 posts

58 months

Thursday 27th June
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Digga said:
I’m not the one saying every metric points in a single direction.

FWIW, in the last year, UK moved up into the #4 global exporter spot too. I would agree, it is not all beer and skittles though.
PMI is the industrial equivalent of the consumer confidence survey.

Trade intensity is actual numbers, and negates for things like covid, Ukraine, currency movements and inflation.



40,796 posts

286 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mortarboard said:
Digga said:
I’m not the one saying every metric points in a single direction.

FWIW, in the last year, UK moved up into the #4 global exporter spot too. I would agree, it is not all beer and skittles though.
PMI is the industrial equivalent of the consumer confidence survey.

Trade intensity is actual numbers, and negates for things like covid, Ukraine, currency movements and inflation.

Actual numbers are all backward looking, PMI forward. Which is more important is a stupid discussion.

Exporter status is an absolute.


14,204 posts

190 months

Thursday 27th June
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bhstewie said:
Something Channel 4 are going to be reporting on later.

I'm sure there will be the usual excuses made by Farage and his apologists on here.

Farage’s statement very strongly condemned comments made by people campaigning in Clacton, which sounded significant. However, Peter Cardwell has had it confirmed by channel 4 that this is racist language from a couple of volunteer leafleters. Secretly recorded by an undercover journalist.

If that is all it is then I suspect it may turn out to be a storm in a teacup.


6,578 posts

58 months

Thursday 27th June
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Digga said:
Actual numbers are all backward looking, PMI forward. Which is more important is a stupid discussion.

Exporter status is an absolute.
So it's a fictioncast then?


(Anyhoo, enough brexitollocks)


52,847 posts

213 months

Thursday 27th June
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Elysium said:
If that is all it is then I suspect it may turn out to be a storm in a teacup.
Yes I had a funny feeling it might be.